# Interstellar An app for Kbin, Mbin, and Lemmy; connecting you to the fediverse. ## Downloads [![](assets/readme/google-play-badge.png)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=one.jwr.interstellar) [![](assets/readme/flathub-badge.png)](https://flathub.org/apps/one.jwr.interstellar) See the [latest release](https://github.com/jwr1/interstellar/releases/latest) for direct APK files, an AppImage, and more platforms. ## Discussion You can ask questions, report bugs, make suggestions, etc., to any of the following: - [GitHub](https://github.com/jwr1/interstellar/issues) - [Mbin](https://kbin.earth/m/interstellar) - [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#interstellar-space:matrix.org) ## Screenshots

## Contributing Interstellar uses [Flutter](https://flutter.dev) as its framework, so make sure you have the [Flutter SDK installed](https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install) before doing anything else. Then, run `flutter doctor -v` to see instructions for setting up different build platforms (e.g. android studio for APKs). Once that's done, use `dart run build_runner build` to build the generated code for models (this only needs to run once unless you modify one of the models). Finally, you can use `flutter run` to develop, and `flutter build {platform}` for release files. ### Generating app icon The app icon is under the `assets/icons` folder, where the `logo.png` file is just the transparent one overlayed on the current background color `#423862`. This is generated with the [flutter_launcher_icons](https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_launcher_icons) package, and all relevant configuration is in the `pubspec.yaml` file. Icons created by [Benjamin Mathis](https://github.com/BenjMathis1) To generate a new icon, simply run the following: `dart run flutter_launcher_icons`