# Peertube-dl A little Perl program which downloads videos from some webpages. Wants to be something similar to youtube-dl with support for some sites not acceptables under youtube-dl policies. Of course the name means Peertube will be supported someday. ## Supported webpages: animeflv.net animeflv.cc ## Installation There is two alternative ways: ### System install ``` sudo apt install perl make libwww-perl liburi-encode-perl libjson-perl liblwp-protocol-https-perl perl Makefile.PL make make install ``` ### Localized install with cpanminus. ``` sudo apt install cpanminus cpanm . --installdeps cpanm . ``` ## Usage `peertube-dl ` You can assume the supported urls are the ones which have a media player. ## Disclaimer SEEING THE ADS TO SUPPORT THE JOB OF THE DISTRIBUTORS AND CONTENT CREATORS ASSOCIATED WITH THESE PAGES IS CURRENTLY NOT SUPPORTED BUT CAN BE OPTIONAL IN A FUTURE. THIS SOFTWARE COMES WITH THE HOPE IT WILL BE USEFUL BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. A COPY OF THE LICENSE WHICH APPLIES FOR THIS SOFTWARE (AGPLV3) CAN BE FOUND IN THE LICENSE FILE. IF YOU RUN ANY PART OF THIS CODE AS A SERVICE OR DISTRIBUTE IT YOU MUST CONVEY THE SOURCE CODE IN A HUMAN READABLE FORM TO THE DISTRIBUTEE OR USER.