A script to test some shell functions
Updated 2022-07-08 21:34:13 +02:00
Updated 2022-06-03 00:26:10 +02:00
A demostration that sending mails with multipart/alternative choice between text and html is not that difficult.
Updated 2022-05-18 03:43:52 +02:00
Intrusion detection framework.
Monitors the creation of files which may be executables or scripts or its modification using the inotify capabilities of Linux and sends mails with configured events.
Updated 2022-05-15 23:33:37 +02:00
Updated 2022-05-14 19:11:46 +02:00
Updated 2022-05-14 05:44:53 +02:00
Updated 2022-05-06 00:09:08 +02:00
A Gentoo Overlay with the apps created by me.
Updated 2022-05-05 23:28:42 +02:00
Script to create users with a given quota to be used within the GNOME desktop environment in Gentoo.
Updated 2022-04-20 02:11:18 +02:00
Updated 2022-03-30 22:45:03 +02:00
Updated 2022-03-28 16:19:28 +02:00
Updated 2022-03-22 02:55:55 +01:00
A cli program written in Perl to watch the TDT.
Updated 2022-03-06 18:25:18 +01:00
This is a repixture with changes for the minetest server minetest.sergiotarxz.freemyip.com
Updated 2022-02-12 17:41:41 +01:00