## List of contributors

* [germedeb](https://gitea.sergiotarxz.freemyip.com/germedeb) - creator of the icon pack
* [Simon](https://gitea.sergiotarxz.freemyip.com/Simon) - making icons
* [sergiotarxz](https://gitea.sergiotarxz.freemyip.com/sergiotarxz) - coding

## Forked from

#### Literally the project

* [Ameixa](https://gitlab.com/xphnx/ameixa) Minimalist material design inspired icon pack for Android

#### Structure of the resultant build

* Adwaita icon theme
* Moka icon theme

## Inspiration

* Adwaita icon theme
* Mint-y icon theme
* symbolic icons from Adwaita icon theme
* Moka icon theme
* Android adaptive icons

## Special thanks to

The Community that helped commenting or something