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Test E Eq Anadrol Cycle
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#1 test E,eq,tren Cycle October 29, 2011, 06:55 PM whats a good dosage to run a 12 week cycle of test and tren? i also have eq can i add that to this cycle? Tags: None the-unnatural Behemoth Join Date: Feb 2011 Posts: 1241 Tweet #2 October 29, 2011, 07:04 PM Dosages depend on your cycle history. First Cycle Plan: Test, EQ, Anadrol/Primo Pharma / TRT tyler_the_great June 23, 2021, 5:36pm 1 I've been playing around with the idea of 500mg Test E or C 500 mg - EQ 25mg - Anadrol (first half of cycle) 750 mg - Primo (second half) 12. 5 mg - Aromasin EOD 1 week off HCG 500 IU EOD for 3 weeks 6 week 20/20/20/10/10/10 Nolva PCT1. 1 1. Anadrol-Only Cycle 1. 2 Anadrol-Only Cycle (Advanced) 1. 3 2. Anadrol and Deca Durabolin Cycle 1. 4 Anadrol and Deca Cycle (Advanced) 1. 5 3. Anadrol and Testosterone Cycle 1. 6 4. Anadrol and Winstrol Cycle 1. 7 5. Anadrol and Dianabol Cycle 1. 8 6. Anadrol, Trenbolone and Testosterone Cycle 2 Female Anadrol Cycles 2. 1 Anadrol-Only Cycle (Women)Anadrol Test and Eq how to run August 6, 2008, 05:31 PM Hey guys I have a buddy i have been training with for like 6 months He has 100 tabs a-50, 4btles Eq 200mg, 4btls test e 200mg The reason i am interested is because i want to run the same thing in like 6 months and placing an order soon for same thing. Week 1-2 anadrol 25 mg. Week 2-5 anadrol upped to 50 mg. Again need assistance w where to place the eq and NPP. Some are saying to do eq first bc how long it takes, others say both at the same time for the full weeks, thanks. 250mg Test E/Week pinned every other day 125mg/Week EQ pinned once a week 25-50mg Anadrol pre workout. What I've noticed so far: better muscle contractions, better pumps. I got a headache once or twice (probably from anadrol), but my BP is 110/60 , so go figure. I think anadrol is making me thirsty as fuckkkkk and I'm constantly pissing. #1 NovaFlex Well-known Member Tren E - 600-800 /wk EQ - 600 /wk Test E - 300 /wk 16 weeks. looking to cut pretty hard. Has anyone ran these two together, and if so, what was your experience? Do you recommend the cycle? This would be my first go at EQ. I've heard differing opinions on dosages. Week 1-4 Test-500mg Eq-400mg Week 5-10 Test-500-600mg Eq-400mg Tren-400-500mg Week 11-12 Test-500-600mg Eq-400mg Tren-400-500mg Anadrol- 50mg Week 12-16 Test-500-600mg Eq-400mg Tren-400-500mg Anadrol- 50mg And of course I'd throw in cycle support and keep an eye out to see if I should throw in caber. Also any tips you may have would be awesome!Anadrol is a strong starter, virtually doesn't suppress own testosterone, and gives the first strength boost on cycle. Boldenone and Testosterone provide explosive power and add a few dozen pounds of meat to the bone. Anadrol with EQ under Testosterone sauce is particularly fond for a lot of weight and fast results. 2,229. Rep Power. 2147485885. Test 1 gram a week Deca 1600mgs a week Anadrol 150mg for first 4 weeks. With 4 weeks left in the cycle add T-bol 100mg a day. 5iu of human grade hgh 5 days per week used with 100mcg of T4. Toss in slin if you know how to party. Eat like a horse and get your sleep, you will become a beast. Hey guys! I have a rather straight forward question. I was considering stacking Anadrol with EQ (and obviously test) in my next cycle. Being that both. Home. Forums. New posts Search forums. . Yep just got done running that exact cycle Test e 500mg 1-20 Adrol 50mg 1-5 Eq 600mg 1-20 Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk . joonp Senior Member . #1 Liking the Eq so far so seriously contemplating next go around will be. Test 1 gm. EQ 750. Anadrol 75 for 4-6 weeks. Actually considering 4 weeks at start, 4 weeks at end with 8 week break in the middle. Total cycle length 16 weeks. Might substitute last stent of anadrol with var. Decide on that when I get there. Be a fall-winter bulkAnadrol + eq cycle advice I am contemplating this next cycle, I usually run with sustanon 250 but want advice on the following: EQ 600 mg per week for 15 weeks Anadrol 75 mg for first 3 weeks Nolvadex on hand I have tons of anavar and was wondering if i should run var with the EQ. i cruise on test and have for 2. 5 years now I just increase doses when I add compounds and do what I consider a cycle . this will consist of test e 600 mgs week 12 weeks tren e 400 mgs week 12 weeks Eq 500 mgs week. 12 weeks Anadrol 50 mgs Ed 4-6 weeks and possibly fast acting slin for 4 weeksEquipoise, often known simply as EQ is a testosterone derived anabolic steroid with a reduced androgenic nature compared with standard testosterone. Equipoise (Boldenone) CycleI keep putting out there different ideas that some like and others reject. Here is another possibility, a little less harsh but solid. Week 1-4: Anadrol 50/50/50/50. Week 1-12: Test E 250 Mondays & Thursday Mornings. Week 1-12: EQ 200 Mondays & Thursday mornings. Week 3-17: hCG 250iu Mondays & Thursday Evening. Week 11-14: Dbol 50/50/50/50. 1810 Anadrol, Test Blend, EQ Cycle need advice ad To get the basics out of the way I'm 23 and have taken 4 Test E only cycles and a few tubs of orals. Never really moved into taken multiple compounds but now I've decided to start I could do with some guidance from the big dogs. Was thinking about trying Out it's be the first injectable I've done other than test. This is going to primarily be a bulking cycle to put on mass. Was thinking of doing Test 300 and Eq 250 and only throw in Anadrol if I start to experience low estrogen side effects. Any opinions or critiques, I'm open to all this will be my 3rd cycle. For Women. An Anadrol-only cycle is a short run for women and is recommended for six weeks. Herein, a woman starts with 12. 5 mg of Anadrol per day for the first two weeks and then consumes 25 mg per day for the next four weeks. These cautious doses are likely to result in significant strength and muscle gains. Test E weeks 1-12 @600mg Anadrol weeks 1-6 50mg/ED (potentially up dosage wk 3/4 to 100mgs/ED) EQ weeks 1-12 @500mg PCT HCG 2 Weeks Before End of Cycle: HCG @ 1500IUs 3 times a week 1 Week Before End of Cycle: HCG @ 1500IUs 3 times a week First Week Post-Cycle: HCG @ 1500IUs 2 times a week Weeks 14-18 Nolvo @ 20 20 10 10 10 10Test E week 1-16 (maybe 20) 1000/week pinned 2x a week. Anadrol week 1-4 (8 if bloods and sides are good, 8 is being way too optimotic, more then likely itll be 4) 100 ED 2x per day. EQ week 1-16 (20 depending on above) 600/week pinned 2x a week. Tren hex week 8-20 or week 4-16 depending on Anadrol. starting at 200/week will up to 400 depending . #1 What's up guys??? Have a couple of questions on my first official bulking cycle. Which is better anadrol or d-bol? Is there a big difference? And my test will be 500mg and EQ at 600mg per week for 16-20 weeks. Oral will only be for the first 4. . Calories will be 4000+ and workouts will be 6 days a week. #1 Hello there everyone. , This will be my 4th cycle. Winter has come and I have decided to try a new lean bulk cycle consisting of Tren ace, Test enth, Eq, and Anadrol. I know everyone says that you should run Test Enth with Tren Enth. But I can't get my hands on any Tren Enth. CYCLE: WK 1-4 Anadrol 50g/ED
Test/deca/anadrol cycle - MuscleChemistry Anyone run Tren + EQ together? | MESO-Rx Forum First Cycle Plan: Test, EQ, Anadrol/Primo - T NATION A Comprehensive Guide To Anadrol Cycles - Lee-Jackson Bulk cycle of Test, EQ, and Anadrol. . | Professional Muscle . Need advice on my next cycle/ TEST E, TREN E, EQ, ANADROL Test EQ Anadrol update : r/PEDs - Reddit Anadrol + eq cycle advice - Steroid . com Next cycle feedback: Test, Tren, Anadraol, EQ, Var Test EQ Anadrol stack, cycle - Athletway. com Anadrol, Test Blend, EQ Cycle need advice - eroids. com Test Enth, Tren Ace, Eq, and Anadrol Cycle - EliteFitness test E,eq,tren Cycle - Muscular Development Forums Test E, EQ and Anadrol 12 Week Cycle - Pharma / TRT - T NATION Anadrol Test and Eq how to run - Muscular Development Forums Test/EQ/Anadrol/Dbol cycle - AnabolicMinds. com Test, NPP, Anadrol, EQ cycle | Page 2 | MESO-Rx Forum Test, Eq, anadrol | MuscleGurus Test e , tren e , eq , Anadrol cycle question - The Iron Den Test, Eq and Anadrol? : r/PEDs - Reddit Anadrol with EQ | iSARMS Forums Top 5 Anadrol Cycles for Huge Gains - Inside Bodybuilding Equipoise Cycle (Boldenone Cycle Guide) | Steroid Cycles