81 lines
2.2 KiB
81 lines
2.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.36.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use GnuPG;
use Path::Tiny;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $target_dir = shift @ARGV or die 'No target dir passed.';
my $gpg_temp_dir = Path::Tiny::tempdir;
my $gpg_bin = 'gpg';
my @args = ( '--command-fd', '0', '--homedir', $gpg_temp_dir );
my $gentoo_pk_id = '13EBBDBEDE7A12775DFDB1BABB572E0E2D182910';
my $stage_destination = path('stage.tar.xz');
my $stage_destination_asc = path($stage_destination . '.asc');
_downloadGentooStage($stage_destination, $stage_destination_asc);
_extractStageIntoTarget($target_dir, $stage_destination);
sub _extractStageIntoTarget($target, $stage) {
system 'mkdir', $target;
system 'sudo', 'tar', '-xpvf', $stage, '-C', $target, '--numeric-owner', q/--xattrs-include='*.*'/;
sub _doNothingIfTargetDirExists($target) {
if (-e $target) {
die "$target exists, doing nothing.";
sub _verifyStage($stage_asc) {
my $return_code = system $gpg_bin, @args, '--verify', $stage_asc;
if ($return_code != 0) {
die 'Signature is not valid, maybe someone is trying to eavesdrop your connection?';
sub _downloadGentooStage($stage, $stage_asc) {
if (-e $stage && -e $stage_asc) {
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $dom = $ua->get('https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/')->result->dom;
for my $h4 ($dom->find('h4')->each) {
next if $h4->text !~ /Stage/;
my @next_list_groups = $h4->following('div.list-group')->each;
my $url = $next_list_groups[0]->at('a')->attr('href');
$stage_asc->spew_raw($ua->get($url . '.asc')->result->body);
sub _fetchKey ($key) {
my $return_code = system $gpg_bin, @args, '--recv-keys', $key;
if ( $return_code != 0 ) {
die 'Unable to fetch gentoo gpg key.';
sub _trustKey ($key) {
open( my $fh, '|-', $gpg_bin, @args, '--edit-key', $key, 'trust' );
say $fh 5;
say $fh 'y';
close $fh;
my $return_code = $?;
if ( $return_code != 0 ) {
die 'Unable to trust gentoo gpg key.';