Add many flavor texts to villagers
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,3 +65,29 @@ Hostile mobs are disabled!=Feindliche Mobs sind deaktiviert!
Hi! I'm a carpenter. Making things out of wood is my job.=Hallo! Ich bin eine Schreiner. Mein Beruf ist es, Dinge aus Holz zu fertigen.
I don't want this.=Das will ich nicht.
This makes seeds grow faster. Place the fertilizer on soil, then plant the seed on top of it.=Damit wachsen Samen schneller. Platziere den Dünger auf dem Boden, dann pflanze die Samen obendrauf.
Sorry, I don't know how to use this. Maybe ask a farmer.=Leider weiß ich nicht, wie man das benutzt. Frag mal einen Bauern.
Remember to put water near to your seeds.=Denk dran, dass du Wasser in der Nähe deiner Samen geben musst.
It's used to capture large animals.=Damit fängt man große Tiere.
Why are you carrying this around? Do you want crack open our locked chests?=Warum trägst du das hier herum? Willst du etwa unsere abgeschlossenen Truhen aufbrechen?
It's used to capture small animals.=Damit fängt man kleine Tiere.
Every kid knows seeds need soil, water and sunlight.=Jedes Kind weiß, dass Samen einen Nährboden, Wasser und Sonnenlicht brauchen.
Did you know cotton seed not only grow on dirt, but also on sand? But it still needs water.=Wusstest du, dass Baumwollsamen nicht nur auf Erde, sondern auch auf Sand wachsen? Aber sie brauchen immer noch Wasser.
A truly epic story!=Eine sagenhafte Geschichte!
Ooh, a shiny pearl! Unfortunately, I don't know what it's good for.=Oh, eine glänzende Perle! Leider weiß ich nicht, wozu sie gut ist.
Place it on the ground in sunlight and it will grow to a tree.=Platziere ihn auf dem Boden im Sonnenlicht und er wird zu einem Baum heranwachsen.
Use this to get wool from sheep.=Benutze dies, um an die Wolle von Schafen zu kommen.
Papyrus likes to grow next to water.=Papyrus wächst gerne in der Nähe von Wasser.
When I was I kid, I always liked to climb on the papyrus.=Als ich ein Kind war, kletterte ich gerne den Papyrus rauf.
Cacti like to grow on sand. They are also a food source, if you're really desperate.=Kakteen wachen auf dem Sand. Sie sind auch eine Nahrungsquelle, wenn du wirklich verzweifelt bist.
Ah, a cactus. You'd be surprised how well they burn in a furnace.=Ah, ein Kaktus. Du wirst staunen, wie gut sie im Ofen brennen.
Now what can you possibly do with a cactus? I don't know!=Was kann man nur mit einem Kaktus anstellen? Keine Ahnung!
Jewels are great! If you have a jeweller's workbench, you can enhance your tools.=Juwelen sind großartig! Wenn du eine Juwelierswerkbank hast, kannst du deine Werkzeuge aufwerten!
Did you know we sometimes sell jewels?=Wusstest du, dass wir manchmal Juwelen verkaufen?
This looks like it could be a good wall decoration.=Das sieht aus, als könnte es sich gut als Wanddekoration machen.
A flower? I love flowers! Let's make the world bloom!=Eine Blume? Ich liebe Blumen! Lasst uns die Welt zum Erblühen bringen!
You can use this to ignite TNT.=Damit kannst du TNT entzünden.
TNT needs to be ignited by a flint and steel.=TNT muss mit Feuerstein und Stahl entzündet werden.
Sleeping makes the night go past in the blink of an eye.=Im Schlaf vergeht die Nacht wie im Fluge.
Isn't it stressful to carry this heavy bed around?=Ist es nicht anstrengend, dieses schwere Bett mit dir herumzuschleppen?
Get this thing out of my face!=Nimm dieses Ding aus meinem Gesicht!
@ -67,3 +67,30 @@ Hostile mobs are disabled!=
Hi! I'm a carpenter. Making things out of wood is my job.=
I don't want this.=
This makes seeds grow faster. Place the fertilizer on soil, then plant the seed on top of it.=
Sorry, I don't know how to use this. Maybe ask a farmer.=
Remember to put water near to your seeds.=
It's used to capture large animals.=
Why are you carrying this around? Do you want crack open our locked chests?=
It's used to capture small animals.=
Every kid knows seeds need soil, water and sunlight.=
Did you know cotton seed not only grow on dirt, but also on sand? But it still needs water.=
Every kid knows seeds need soil, water and sunlight.=
A truly epic story!=
Ooh, a shiny pearl! Unfortunately, I don't know what it's good for.=
Place it on the ground in sunlight and it will grow to a tree.=
Use this to get wool from sheep.=
Papyrus likes to grow next to water.=
When I was I kid, I always liked to climb on the papyrus.=
Cacti like to grow on sand. They are also a food source, if you're really desperate.=
Ah, a cactus. You'd be surprised how well they burn in a furnace.=
Now what can you possibly do with a cactus? I don't know!=
Jewels are great! If you have a jeweller's workbench, you can enhance your tools.=
Did you know we sometimes sell jewels?=
This looks like it could be a good wall decoration.=
A flower? I love flowers! Let's make the world bloom!=
You can use this to ignite TNT.=
TNT needs to be ignited by a flint and steel.=
Sleeping makes the night go past in the blink of an eye.=
Isn't it stressful to carry this heavy bed around?=
Get this thing out of my face!=
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ local msgs = {
tavernkeeper = S("Hi! I'm a tavernkeeper. I trade with assorted goods."),
blacksmith = S("Hi! I'm a blacksmith. I sell metal products."),
butcher = S("Hi! I'm a butcher. Want to buy something?"),
carpenter = S("Hi! I'm a carpenter. Making thinks out of wood is my job."),
carpenter = S("Hi! I'm a carpenter. Making things out of wood is my job."),
trade = {
S("If you want to trade, show me a trading book."),
@ -144,11 +144,16 @@ for _, npc_type_table in pairs(npc_types) do
local iname = item:get_name()
if minetest.get_item_group(iname, "sword") > 0 or minetest.get_item_group(iname, "spear") > 0 or iname == "default:thistle" then
say(S("Get this thing out of my face!"), name)
-- Feed to heal npc
local hp = self.object:get_hp()
local iname = item:get_name()
if minetest.get_item_group(iname, "food") > 0 then
if minetest.get_item_group(iname, "food") > 0 and iname ~= "default:cactus" then
-- Reject food that is not in this list
if iname ~= "mobs:meat" and iname ~= "mobs:pork"
and iname ~= "farming:bread" and iname ~= "default:apple"
@ -202,6 +207,74 @@ for _, npc_type_table in pairs(npc_types) do
if hp >= self.hp_max-7 then
if iname == "gold:ingot_gold" then
say_random("trade", name)
elseif iname == "default:fertilizer" then
if npc_type == "farmer" then
say(S("This makes seeds grow faster. Place the fertilizer on soil, then plant the seed on top of it."), name)
say(S("Sorry, I don't know how to use this. Maybe ask a farmer."), name)
elseif minetest.get_item_group(iname, "bucket") > 0 then
if npc_type == "farmer" then
say(S("Remember to put water near to your seeds."), name)
say_random("happy", name)
elseif iname == "mobs:lasso" then
say(S("It's used to capture large animals."), name)
elseif iname == "locks:pick" then
say(S("Why are you carrying this around? Do you want crack open our locked chests?"), name)
elseif iname == "mobs:net" then
say(S("It's used to capture small animals."), name)
elseif iname == "farming:wheat_1" then
say(S("Every kid knows seeds need soil, water and sunlight."), name)
elseif iname == "farming:cotton_1" then
if npc_type == "farmer" then
say(S("Did you know cotton seed not only grow on dirt, but also on sand? But it still needs water."), name)
say(S("Every kid knows seeds need soil, water and sunlight."), name)
elseif iname == "default:book" then
say(S("A truly epic story!"), name)
elseif iname == "default:pearl" then
say(S("Ooh, a shiny pearl! Unfortunately, I don't know what it's good for."), name)
elseif minetest.get_item_group(iname, "sapling") > 0 then
say(S("Place it on the ground in sunlight and it will grow to a tree."), name)
elseif minetest.get_item_group(iname, "shears") > 0 then
say(S("Use this to get wool from sheep."), name)
elseif iname == "default:papyrus" then
if npc_type == "farmer" then
say(S("Papyrus likes to grow next to water."), name)
say(S("When I was I kid, I always liked to climb on the papyrus."), name)
elseif iname == "default:cactus" then
if npc_type == "farmer" then
say(S("Cacti like to grow on sand. They are also a food source, if you're really desperate."), name)
elseif npc_type == "blacksmith" then
say(S("Ah, a cactus. You'd be surprised how well they burn in a furnace."), name)
say(S("Now what can you possibly do with a cactus? I don't know!"), name)
elseif iname == "jewels:jewel" then
if npc_type == "blacksmith" then
say(S("Jewels are great! If you have a jeweller's workbench, you can enhance your tools."), name)
say(S("Did you know we sometimes sell jewels?"), name)
elseif iname == "lumien:crystal_off" then
say(S("This looks like it could be a good wall decoration."), name)
elseif iname == "default:flower" then
say(S("A flower? I love flowers! Let's make the world bloom!"), name)
elseif iname == "default:flint_and_steel" then
say(S("You can use this to ignite TNT."), name)
elseif iname == "tnt:tnt" then
say(S("TNT needs to be ignited by a flint and steel."), name)
elseif iname == "bed:bed_foot" then
if npc_type == "carpenter" then
say(S("Isn't it stressful to carry this heavy bed around?"), name)
say(S("Sleeping makes the night go past in the blink of an eye."), name)
local r = math.random(1,3)
if r == 1 then
Reference in New Issue
Block a user