-- -- Utility functions -- util = {} function util.sort_pos(pos1, pos2) -- function taken from worldedit -- ensure that pos2 has greater coords than pos1 pos1 = {x=pos1.x, y=pos1.y, z=pos1.z} pos2 = {x=pos2.x, y=pos2.y, z=pos2.z} if pos1.x > pos2.x then pos2.x, pos1.x = pos1.x, pos2.x end if pos1.y > pos2.y then pos2.y, pos1.y = pos1.y, pos2.y end if pos1.z > pos2.z then pos2.z, pos1.z = pos1.z, pos2.z end return pos1, pos2 end function util.fixlight(pos1, pos2) -- function taken from worldedit -- repair most lighting in a block local pos1, pos2 = util.sort_pos(pos1, pos2) --make area stay loaded local manip = minetest.get_voxel_manip() manip:read_from_map(pos1, pos2) local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos1, pos2, "air") local dig_node = minetest.dig_node for _, pos in ipairs(nodes) do dig_node(pos) end manip:write_to_map() return #nodes end function util.nodefunc(pos1, pos2, nodes, func, nomanip) -- function based off fixlight -- call a function for every node of a single type local pos1, pos2 = util.sort_pos(pos1, pos2) if not nomanip then local manip = minetest.get_voxel_manip() manip:read_from_map(pos1, pos2) end local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos1, pos2, nodes) for _, pos in ipairs(nodes) do func(pos) end end function util.getvoxelmanip(pos1, pos2) -- function based off fixlight -- return a voxel manipulator local pos1, pos2 = util.sort_pos(pos1, pos2) local manip = minetest.get_voxel_manip() manip:read_from_map(pos1, pos2) return manip end function util.remove_area(pos1, pos2, nomanip) -- function based off fixlight -- call a function for every node of a single type local pos1, pos2 = util.sort_pos(pos1, pos2) if not nomanip then local manip = minetest.get_voxel_manip() manip:read_from_map(pos1, pos2) end for i = pos1.x, pos2.x-1 do for j = pos1.y, pos2.y-1 do for k = pos1.z, pos2.z-1 do minetest.remove_node({x = i, y = j, z = k}) end end end manip:write_to_map() end function util.areafunc(pos1, pos2, func, nomanip) -- function based off fixlight -- call a function for every node of a single type local pos1, pos2 = util.sort_pos(pos1, pos2) if not nomanip then local manip = minetest.get_voxel_manip() manip:read_from_map(pos1, pos2) end for i = pos1.x, pos2.x-1 do for j = pos1.y, pos2.y-1 do for k = pos1.z, pos2.z-1 do func(pos) end end end end function util.reconstruct(pos1, pos2, nomanip) -- function based off fixlight -- force a re-construction of the nodes in an area, for fixing missing metadata in schematics local pos1, pos2 = util.sort_pos(pos1, pos2) if not nomanip then local manip = minetest.get_voxel_manip() manip:read_from_map(pos1, pos2) end -- fix chests local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos1, pos2, "default:chest") local node = minetest.registered_nodes["default:chest"] for _, pos in ipairs(nodes) do node.on_construct(pos) end -- fix music players nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos1, pos2, "music:player") node = minetest.registered_nodes["music:player"] for _, pos in ipairs(nodes) do node.on_construct(pos) end -- fix furnaces nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos1, pos2, "default:furnace") node = minetest.registered_nodes["default:furnace"] for _, pos in ipairs(nodes) do node.on_construct(pos) end end function util.choice(tab, pr) -- return a random index of the given table local choices = {} for n, _ in pairs(tab) do table.insert(choices, n) end if #choices <= 0 then return end if pr then return choices[pr:next(1, #choices)] else return choices[math.random(1, #choices)] end end function util.choice_element(tab, pr) -- return a random element of the given table -- 2nd return value is index of chosen element -- Returns nil if table is empty local choices = {} for _,n in pairs(tab) do table.insert(choices, n) end if #choices <= 0 then return end local rnd if pr then rnd = pr:next(1, #choices) else rnd = math.random(1, #choices) end return choices[rnd], rnd end -- util.split function taken from a StackOverflow answer. -- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12709205/split-a-string-and-store-in-an-array-in-lua function util.split(str, tok) -- Source: http://lua-users.org/wiki/MakingLuaLikePhp -- Credit: http://richard.warburton.it/ if not tok then return {} end local pos = 0 local arr = {} for st, sp in function() return string.find(str, tok, pos, true) end do table.insert(arr, string.sub(str, pos, st - 1)) pos = sp + 1 end table.insert(arr, string.sub(str, pos)) return arr end