-- -- Single village generation -- village.villages = {} -- Savefile local village_file = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/villages.dat" local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("village") function village.get_id(name, pos) return name .. minetest.hash_node_position(pos) end function village.save_villages() local f = io.open(village_file, "w") for name, def in pairs(village.villages) do f:write(name .. " " .. def.name .. " " .. minetest.hash_node_position(def.pos) .. "\n") end io.close(f) end function village.load_villages() local f = io.open(village_file, "r") if f then repeat local l = f:read("*l") if l == nil then break end for name, fname, pos in string.gfind(l, "(.+) (%a+) (%d.+)") do village.villages[name] = { name = fname, pos = minetest.get_position_from_hash(pos), } end until f:read(0) == nil io.close(f) else village.save_villages() end village.load_waypoints() end function village.load_waypoints() for name, def in pairs(village.villages) do nav.remove_waypoint("village_" .. name) nav.add_waypoint( def.pos, "village_" .. name, def.name .. " village", true, "village" ) end end function village.get_nearest_village(pos) local nearest = 100000 -- big number local name = nil for name, def in pairs(village.villages) do local dist = vector.distance(pos, def.pos) if dist < nearest then nearest = dist name = name end end return {dist = nearest, name = name} end village.chunkdefs = {} village.chunkdefs["livestock_pen"] = { entities = { ["mobs:sheep"] = 3, ["mobs:boar"] = 1, }, } village.chunkdefs["lamppost"] = { -- not road because of road height limit of 1 nodes entity_chance = 2, entities = { ["mobs:npc_butcher"] = 1, }, } village.chunkdefs["well"] = { entities = { ["mobs:npc_farmer"] = 1, ["mobs:npc_tavernkeeper"] = 1, }, } village.chunkdefs["house"] = { entity_chance = 2, entities = { ["mobs:npc_farmer"] = 1, }, } village.chunkdefs["tavern"] = { entity_chance = 2, entities = { ["mobs:npc_tavernkeeper"] = 1, }, } village.chunkdefs["forge"] = { entity_chance = 2, entities = { ["mobs:npc_blacksmith"] = 1, }, } village.chunkdefs["orchard"] = { entity_chance = 2, entities = { ["mobs:npc_farmer"] = 1, }, } village.chunkdefs["farm"] = { entity_chance = 2, entities = { ["mobs:npc_farmer"] = 1, }, } village.chunkdefs["farm_papyrus"] = { entity_chance = 2, entities = { ["mobs:npc_farmer"] = 1, }, } village.chunktypes = { "house", "house", "house", "house", "tavern", "tavern", "forge", "forge", "farm", "farm", "farm_papyrus", "livestock_pen", "orchard", } function village.lift_ground(pos, scanheight) -- assume ground is lower than pos.y local topnode = nil local topdepth = 0 local fillernode = nil local fillerdepth = 0 local stonenode = nil for y = pos.y, pos.y - scanheight, -1 do local p = {x = pos.x, y = y, z = pos.z} local nn = minetest.get_node(p).name local an = minetest.get_node({x = p.x, y = p.y + 1, z = p.z}).name if nn ~= "air" then local nd = minetest.registered_nodes[nn] if not nd.buildable_to then -- avoid grass, fluids, etc. if topnode == nil and nn ~= an then topnode = nn elseif fillernode == nil and nn ~= an then fillernode = nn else stonenode = nn end end if fillernode and not stonenode then fillerdepth = fillerdepth + 1 elseif topnode and not fillernode then topdepth = topdepth + 1 end end end if topnode == nil then topnode = "default:dirt_with_grass" topdepth = 1 end if fillernode == nil then fillernode = "default:dirt" fillerdepth = 3 end if stonenode == nil then stonenode = fillernode end for y = pos.y - scanheight, pos.y do local p = {x = pos.x, y = y, z = pos.z} local th = pos.y - y if th <= fillerdepth - topdepth then minetest.set_node(p, {name = fillernode}) elseif th <= topdepth then minetest.set_node(p, {name = topnode}) else minetest.set_node(p, {name = stonenode}) end end end function village.spawn_chunk(pos, orient, replace, pr, chunktype, nofill) util.getvoxelmanip(pos, {x = pos.x+12, y = pos.y+12, z = pos.z+12}) if nofill ~= true then util.nodefunc( {x = pos.x-6, y = pos.y-7, z = pos.z-6}, {x = pos.x+17, y = pos.y-6, z = pos.z+17}, "air", function(pos) village.lift_ground(pos, 15) -- distance to lift ground; larger numbers will be slower end, true) minetest.place_schematic( pos, modpath .. "/schematics/village_empty.mts", "0", {}, true ) minetest.place_schematic( {x = pos.x-6, y = pos.y-5, z = pos.z-6}, modpath .. "/schematics/village_filler.mts", "0", {}, false ) end minetest.place_schematic( pos, modpath .. "/schematics/village_" .. chunktype .. ".mts", orient, replace, true ) util.reconstruct(pos, {x = pos.x+12, y = pos.y+12, z = pos.z+12}) util.fixlight(pos, {x = pos.x+12, y = pos.y+12, z = pos.z+12}) util.nodefunc( pos, {x = pos.x+12, y = pos.y+12, z = pos.z+12}, "default:chest", function(pos) goodies.fill(pos, chunktype, pr, "main", 3) end, true) util.nodefunc( pos, {x = pos.x+12, y = pos.y+12, z = pos.z+12}, "music:player", function(pos) if pr:next(1, 2) > 1 then minetest.remove_node(pos) end end, true) local chunkdef = village.chunkdefs[chunktype] if chunkdef ~= nil then if chunkdef.entities ~= nil then if chunkdef.entity_chance ~= nil and pr:next(1, chunkdef.entity_chance) == 1 then util.nodefunc( pos, {x = pos.x+12, y = pos.y+12, z = pos.z+12}, "village:entity_spawner", function(pos) minetest.remove_node(pos) end) return end local ent_spawns = {} util.nodefunc( pos, {x = pos.x+12, y = pos.y+12, z = pos.z+12}, "village:entity_spawner", function(pos) table.insert(ent_spawns, pos) minetest.remove_node(pos) end, true) if #ent_spawns > 0 then for ent, amt in pairs(chunkdef.entities) do for j = 1, pr:next(1, amt) do local spawn = util.choice_element(ent_spawns, pr) if spawn ~= nil then spawn.y = spawn.y + 1.6 minetest.add_entity(spawn, ent) end end end end end end if chunktype == "forge" then util.nodefunc( pos, {x = pos.x+12, y = pos.y+12, z = pos.z+12}, "default:furnace", function(pos) goodies.fill(pos, "FURNACE_SRC", pr, "src", 1) goodies.fill(pos, "FURNACE_DST", pr, "dst", 1) goodies.fill(pos, "FURNACE_FUEL", pr, "fuel", 1) end, true) end end function village.spawn_road(pos, houses, built, roads, depth, pr) for i=1,4 do local nextpos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z} local orient = "random" if i == 1 then orient = "0" nextpos.z = nextpos.z - 12 elseif i == 2 then orient = "90" nextpos.x = nextpos.x - 12 elseif i == 3 then orient = "180" nextpos.z = nextpos.z + 12 else orient = "270" nextpos.x = nextpos.x + 12 end local hnp = minetest.hash_node_position(nextpos) if built[hnp] == nil then built[hnp] = true if depth <= 0 or pr:next(1, 8) < 6 then houses[hnp] = {pos = nextpos, front = pos} local structure = util.choice_element(village.chunktypes, pr) village.spawn_chunk(nextpos, orient, {}, pr, structure) else roads[hnp] = {pos = nextpos} village.spawn_road(nextpos, houses, built, roads, depth - 1, pr) end end end end function village.spawn_village(pos, pr) local name = village.name.generate(pr) local depth = pr:next(village.min_size, village.max_size) village.villages[village.get_id(name, pos)] = { name = name, pos = pos, } village.save_villages() village.load_waypoints() local houses = {} local built = {} local roads = {} local spawnpos = pos village.spawn_chunk(pos, "0", {}, pr, "well") built[minetest.hash_node_position(pos)] = true local t1 = os.clock() village.spawn_road(pos, houses, built, roads, depth, pr) minetest.log("action", string.format("[village] Took %.2fms to generate village", (os.clock() - t1) * 1000)) local function connects(pos, nextpos) local hnp = minetest.hash_node_position(nextpos) if houses[hnp] ~= nil then if vector.equals(houses[hnp].front, pos) then return true end end if roads[hnp] ~= nil then return true end if vector.equals(pos, nextpos) or vector.equals(nextpos, spawnpos) then return true end end for _,road in pairs(roads) do local replaces = { ["default:planks"] = "default:dirt_with_grass", -- north ["default:cobble"] = "default:dirt_with_grass", -- east ["default:planks_oak"] = "default:dirt_with_grass", -- south ["default:planks_birch"] = "default:dirt_with_grass" -- west } local amt_connections = 0 for i = 1, 4 do local nextpos = {x = road.pos.x, y = road.pos.y, z = road.pos.z} if i == 1 then amt_connections = amt_connections + 1 nextpos.z = nextpos.z + 12 if connects(road.pos, nextpos) then replaces["default:planks"] = "default:heated_dirt_path" end elseif i == 2 then amt_connections = amt_connections + 1 nextpos.x = nextpos.x + 12 if connects(road.pos, nextpos) then replaces["default:cobble"] = "default:heated_dirt_path" end elseif i == 3 then amt_connections = amt_connections + 1 nextpos.z = nextpos.z - 12 if connects(road.pos, nextpos) then replaces["default:planks_oak"] = "default:heated_dirt_path" end else amt_connections = amt_connections + 1 nextpos.x = nextpos.x - 12 if connects(road.pos, nextpos) then replaces["default:planks_birch"] = "default:heated_dirt_path" end end end village.spawn_chunk(road.pos, "0", replaces, pr, "road") if amt_connections >= 2 then village.spawn_chunk( {x = road.pos.x, y = road.pos.y+1, z = road.pos.z}, "0", {}, pr, "lamppost", true ) end end end minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(village.load_villages)