-- -- Weather mod -- By Kaadmy, for Pixture -- weather = {} weather.weather = "clear" weather.types = {"storm", "snowstorm", "clear"} local function addvec(v1, v2) return {x = v1.x + v2.x, y = v1.y + v2.y, z = v1.z + v2.z} end local snow_enable = minetest.setting_getbool("weather_snow_enable") or false local weather_soundspec=nil local weather_pr=PseudoRandom(minetest.get_mapgen_params().seed + 2387) local function play_sound() if weather_soundspec ~= nil then minetest.sound_stop(weather_soundspec) end if weather.weather == "storm" then weather_soundspec=minetest.sound_play({name="weather_storm"}) minetest.after(18, play_sound) return elseif weather.weather == "snowstorm" then weather_soundspec=minetest.sound_play({name="weather_snowstorm"}) minetest.after(7, play_sound) return end minetest.after(3, play_sound) end function setweather_type(type) local valid = false for i = 1, #weather.types do if weather.types[i] == type then valid = true end end if valid then weather.weather = type play_sound() end end minetest.register_globalstep( function(dtime) if minetest.setting_getbool("weather_enable") then if weather_pr:next(0, 5000) < 1 then local weathertype = weather_pr:next(0, 19) -- on avg., every 1800 frames the weather.weather will change to one of: -- 13/20 chance of clear weather -- 6/20 chance or stormy weather -- 1/20 chance of snowstorm weather if weathertype < 13 then weather.weather = "clear" elseif weathertype < 19 then weather.weather = "storm" elseif weathertype < 20 and snow_enable then weather.weather = "snowstorm" end end end local light = (minetest.get_timeofday()*2) if light > 1 then light=1-(light-1) end light=(light*0.6)+0.1 local skycol=math.floor(light*190) for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do if weather.weather == "storm" or weather.weather == "snowstorm" then player:set_sky({r = skycol, g = skycol, b = skycol*1.2}, "plain", {}) player:override_day_night_ratio(light) else player:set_sky(nil, "regular", {}) player:override_day_night_ratio(nil) end local p=player:getpos() if weather.weather == "storm" then if minetest.get_node_light({x=p.x, y=p.y+15, z=p.z}, 0.5) == 15 then local minpos = addvec(player:getpos(), {x = -15, y = 15, z = -15}) local maxpos = addvec(player:getpos(), {x = 15, y = 10, z = 15}) minetest.add_particlespawner( { amount = 30, time = 0.5, minpos = minpos, maxpos = maxpos, minvel = {x = 0, y = -20, z = 0}, maxvel = {x = 0, y = -20, z = 0}, minexptime = 0.9, maxexptime = 1.1, minsize = 2, maxsize = 3, collisiondetection = true, vertical = true, texture = "weather_rain.png", playername = player:get_player_name() } ) end elseif weather.weather == "snowstorm" then if math.random(0, 6000*dtime) <= 1 then local hp = player:get_hp() if minetest.get_node_light(p) == 15 then player:set_hp(hp-1) end end if minetest.get_node_light({x=p.x, y=p.y+15, z=p.z}, 0.5) == 15 then local minpos = addvec(player:getpos(), {x = -30, y = 20, z = -30}) local maxpos = addvec(player:getpos(), {x = 30, y = 15, z = 30}) local vel = {x = 16.0, y = -8, z = 13.0} local acc = {x = -16.0, y = -8, z = -13.0} minetest.add_particlespawner( { amount = 8, time = 0.4, minpos = minpos, maxpos = maxpos, minvel = {x=-vel.x, y=vel.y, z=-vel.z}, maxvel = vel, minacc = acc, maxacc = acc, minexptime = 1.0, maxexptime = 1.4, minsize = 3, maxsize = 4, collisiondetection = true, vertical = false, texture = "weather_snowflake.png", playername = player:get_player_name() } ) end end end end ) minetest.register_abm( { nodenames = {"weather:ice"}, interval = 4, chance = 80, action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider) if weather.weather ~= "snowstorm" then minetest.remove_node(pos) end end }) --[[minetest.register_abm( { nodenames = {"air"}, interval = 2, chance = 80, action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider) if minetest.get_node_light(pos) ~= 15 then return end local under_nodepos={x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z} local under_node=minetest.get_node(under_nodepos) if under_node.name == "air" then return end local under_nodedef=minetest.registered_nodes[under_node.name] if under_node.name == "default:water_source" and weather.weather == "snowstorm" then minetest.set_node(under_nodepos, {name = "weather:ice"}) else if under_node.name ~= "weather:snow" then if weather.weather == "snowstorm" then if under_node.name ~= "default:heated_dirt_path" then if under_nodedef.walkable then minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "weather:snow"}) elseif under_nodedef.drawtype ~= "airlike" and under_nodedef.buildable_to and math.random(0, 20) <= 1 then minetest.set_node(under_nodepos, {name = "weather:snow"}) end end end else if weather.weather ~= "snowstorm" then minetest.remove_node(under_nodepos) end end end end, })--]] minetest.register_node( "weather:snow", { description = "Snow", tiles ={"weather_snow.png"}, drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5+(1/8), 0.5}, }, groups = {crumbly=3, falling_node=1, snow=1, fall_damage_add_percent=-10}, sounds = default.node_sound_snow_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node( "weather:ice", { description = "Ice", drawtype = "glasslike", tiles ={"weather_ice.png"}, use_texture_alpha = true, paramtype = "light", groups = {snappy=3, ice=1, fall_damage_add_percent=10}, sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(), on_destruct = function(pos) local function add_water() minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "default:water_source"}) end if minetest.find_node_near(pos, 1, {"weather:ice", "default:water_source"}) then minetest.after(0, add_water) end end }) minetest.register_privilege("weather", "Can use /weather.weather command") minetest.register_chatcommand( "weather", { params = "[storm|snowstorm|clear]", description = "Set the weather to either clear, storm, or snowstorm", privs = {weather= true}, func = function(name, param) setweather_type(param) end }) setweather_type("clear") default.log("mod:weather", "loaded")