-- Npc by TenPlus1 -- Modded by Kaadmy local npc_types = { "farmer", "tavernkeeper", "blacksmith", "butcher", } for _, npc_type in pairs(npc_types) do mobs:register_mob( "mobs:npc_" .. npc_type, { type = "npc", passive = false, collides_with_objects = false, damage = 3, attack_type = "dogfight", attacks_monsters = true, hp_min = 10, hp_max = 20, armor = 80, collisionbox = {-0.35,-1.0,-0.35, 0.35,0.8,0.35}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "mobs_npc.b3d", drawtype = "front", textures = { {"mobs_npc1.png"}, {"mobs_npc2.png"}, }, makes_footstep_sound = true, sounds = {}, walk_velocity = 2, run_velocity = 3, jump = true, walk_chance = 50, drops = { {name = "default:planks_oak", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 3}, {name = "default:apple", chance = 2, min = 1, max = 2}, {name = "default:axe_stone", chance = 5, min = 1, max = 1}, }, water_damage = 0, lava_damage = 2, light_damage = 0, follow = "gold:gold", view_range = 15, owner = "", order = "stand", animation = { speed_normal = 30, speed_run = 30, stand_start = 0, stand_end = 79, walk_start = 168, walk_end = 187, run_start = 168, run_end = 187, punch_start = 200, punch_end = 219, }, on_spawn = function(self) self.npc_type = npc_type end, on_rightclick = function(self, clicker) local item = clicker:get_wielded_item() local name = clicker:get_player_name() -- Feed to heal npc if item:get_name() == "mobs:meat" or item:get_name() == "mobs:pork" or item:get_name() == "farming:bread" then local hp = self.object:get_hp() -- return if full health if hp >= self.hp_max then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Villager is no longer hungry.") return end hp = hp + 4 if hp > self.hp_max then hp = self.hp_max end self.object:set_hp(hp) -- take item if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then item:take_item() clicker:set_wielded_item(item) end -- Right clicking with trading book trades, else changes order if tame -- Trading is done in the gold mod else -- If owner switch between follow and stand if not self.npc_trade then self.npc_trade = util.choice_element( gold.trades[self.npc_type], gold.pr) end if not gold.trade(self.npc_trade, self.npc_type, clicker) then if self.owner and self.owner == clicker:get_player_name() then if self.order == "follow" then self.order = "stand" else self.order = "follow" end end end end mobs:feed_tame(self, clicker, 8, false) end, }) mobs:register_egg("mobs:npc_" .. npc_type, "NPC", "default_brick.png^mobs_egg.png") end