-- -- Ambiance mod -- By Kaadmy, for Pixture -- ambiance = {} ambiance.sounds = {} ambiance.sounds["birds"] = { length = 5.0, chance = 4, file = "ambiance_birds", dist = 8, nodename = "group:leaves", can_play = function(pos) local tod = (minetest.get_timeofday() or 1) * 2 if tod > 0.47 and tod < 1.53 then -- bit of overlap into crickets return true end return false end, } ambiance.sounds["crickets"] = { length = 6.0, chance = 3, file = "ambiance_crickets", dist = 8, nodename = "group:grass", can_play = function(pos) local tod = (minetest.get_timeofday() or 1) * 2 if tod < 0.5 or tod > 1.5 then return true end return false end, } ambiance.sounds["flowing_water"] = { length = 3.3, chance = 1, file = "ambiance_water", dist = 16, nodename = "group:flowing_water", } local ambiance_volume = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("ambiance_volume")) or 1.0 if minetest.settings:get_bool("ambiance_enable") == true then local soundspec = {} local lastsound = {} local function ambient_node_near(sound, pos) local nodepos = minetest.find_node_near(pos, sound.dist, sound.nodename) if nodepos ~= nil and math.random(1, sound.chance) == 1 then return nodepos end return nil end local function step(dtime) local player_positions = {} for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local pos = player:getpos() local name = player:get_player_name() for soundname, sound in pairs(ambiance.sounds) do if not minetest.settings:get_bool("ambiance_disable_" .. soundname) then if lastsound[name][soundname] then lastsound[name][soundname] = lastsound[name][soundname] + dtime else lastsound[name][soundname] = 0 end if lastsound[name][soundname] > sound.length then local sourcepos = ambient_node_near(sound, pos) if sound.can_play and sourcepos ~= nil and (not sound.can_play(sourcepos)) then sourcepos = nil end if sourcepos == nil then if soundspec[name][soundname] then minetest.sound_stop(soundspec[name][soundname]) soundspec[name][soundname] = nil lastsound[name][soundname] = 0 end else local ok = true for _, p in pairs(player_positions) do if (p.x * pos.x) + (p.y * pos.y) + (p.z * pos.z) < sound.dist * sound.dist then ok = false end end if ok then soundspec[name][soundname] = minetest.sound_play( sound.file, { pos = sourcepos, max_hear_distance = sound.dist, gain = ambiance_volume, }) lastsound[name][soundname] = 0 end end end end end table.insert(player_positions, pos) end end local function on_joinplayer(player) local name = player:get_player_name() soundspec[name] = {} lastsound[name] = {} end local function on_leaveplayer(player) local name = player:get_player_name() soundspec[name] = nil lastsound[name] = nil end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(on_joinplayer) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(on_leaveplayer) minetest.register_globalstep(step) end default.log("mod:ambiance", "loaded")