
406 lines
12 KiB

package GEmeTool::View::MainWindow;
use v5.16.3;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Glib;
use Glib::IO;
use Glib::Object::Introspection;
use Data::Dumper;
use Path::Tiny;
use GEmeTool::Options;
use GEmeTool::Save;
use GEmeTool::View::LogWindow;
use Cairo::GObject;
use Moo;
basename => 'Gtk',
version => '4.0',
package => 'Gtk4',
basename => 'Gdk',
version => '4.0',
package => 'Gdk',
use namespace::clean;
has _win => ( is => 'rw', );
has _options => ( is => 'rw', );
has _app => ( is => 'rw', );
has _save => ( is => 'rw', );
has _save_as_action => ( is => 'rw', );
has _pc_action => ( is => 'rw', );
has _file => ( is => 'rw', );
sub start {
my $self = shift;
my $options = GEmeTool::Options->new;
my $app =
Gtk4::Application->new( 'tech.owlcode.GEmeTool', 'default-flags' );
activate => sub {
sub activate {
my $self = shift;
my $display = Gdk::Display::get_default();
my $icon_theme = Gtk4::IconTheme::get_for_display($display);
path(__FILE__)->parent->parent->child('resources/icons')->absolute );
my $menu = Glib::IO::Menu->new;
my $about = Glib::IO::SimpleAction->new( 'about', undef );
my $open = Glib::IO::SimpleAction->new( 'open', undef );
my $logs = Glib::IO::SimpleAction->new( 'view_logs', undef );
my $pc_action = Glib::IO::SimpleAction->new( 'view_pc', undef );
my $save_as_action = Glib::IO::SimpleAction->new( 'save_as', undef );
my $app = $self->_app;
my $save;
my $extra;
my $save_menu_item = Glib::IO::MenuItem->new( 'Save as', 'app.save_as' );
activate => sub {
activate => sub {
activate => sub {
activate => sub {
my $win = $self->_win;
app => $self->_app,
main_window => $self
$about->signal_connect( activate => \&activate_about, );
my $about_menu_item = Glib::IO::MenuItem->new( 'About', 'app.about' );
my $open_menu_item = Glib::IO::MenuItem->new( 'Open', '' );
my $logs_menu_item =
Glib::IO::MenuItem->new( 'View logs', 'app.view_logs' );
my $pc_menu_item = Glib::IO::MenuItem->new( 'View pc', 'app.view_pc' );
my $submenu_file = Glib::IO::Menu->new;
my $submenu_view = Glib::IO::Menu->new;
my $submenu_help = Glib::IO::Menu->new;
$menu->append_submenu( 'File', $submenu_file );
$menu->append_submenu( 'View', $submenu_view );
$menu->append_submenu( 'Help', $submenu_help );
my $box = Gtk4::Box->new( 'vertical', 0 );
Gtk4::Label->new('You have to load a Pokemon Emerald Save.') );
my $win = Gtk4::ApplicationWindow->new($app);
$win->set_default_size( 600, 600 );
sub activate_open {
my $self = shift;
my $cancellable = Glib::IO::Cancellable->new;
my $dialog = Gtk4::FileDialog->new;
my $options = $self->_options;
my $win = $self->_win;
my $last_dir = $options->get_last_dir_open;
if ( defined $last_dir && -d $last_dir ) {
my $curdir = Glib::IO::File::new_for_path($last_dir);
sub {
my ( $self_dialog, $res ) = @_;
if ( $res->had_error ) {
my $file = $dialog->open_finish($res);
return if !defined $file;
$file = path( $file->get_path );
$options->set_last_dir_open( $file->parent . '' );
sub activate_save {
my $self = shift;
my $win = $self->_win;
my $dialog = Gtk4::FileDialog->new;
my $options = $self->_options;
my $last_dir = $options->get_last_dir_open;
if ( defined $last_dir && -d $last_dir ) {
my $curdir = Glib::IO::File::new_for_path($last_dir);
$dialog->set_initial_name( path( $self->_file )->basename );
$win, undef,
sub {
my ( $self_dialog, $res ) = @_;
if ( $res->had_error ) {
my $file = $dialog->save_finish($res);
return if !defined $file;
$file = path( $file->get_path );
$options->set_last_dir_save( $file->parent . '' );
sub save {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
sub open_file {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
if ( !-e $file ) {
$file = path($file);
sub start_editing_file {
my $self = shift;
my $file = $self->_file;
my $save_as_action = $self->_save_as_action;
my $pc_action = $self->_pc_action;
my $box_app = Gtk4::Box->new( 'vertical', 0 );
$self->_save( GEmeTool::Save->instance($file) );
my $save_obj = $self->_save;
my $search = Gtk4::SearchBar->new;
my $entry = Gtk4::Entry->new;
$box_app->set_property( 'vexpand', 1 );
my $scroll = Gtk4::ScrolledWindow->new;
$scroll->set_property( 'vexpand', 1 );
my $populate_func = sub {
my $box_flags = Gtk4::Box->new( 'vertical', 0 );
for my $rematch ( @{ $self->_save->get_rematches_save } ) {
my $name = $rematch->{name};
my $value = $rematch->{value};
my $id = $rematch->{id};
my $buffer = $entry->get_buffer;
my $search_text = uc( $buffer->get_text );
next unless index( $name, $search_text ) >= 0;
my $toggle = Gtk4::ToggleButton->new_with_label($name);
toggled => sub {
my $active = $toggle->get_active;
$self->_save->set_rematch( $id, $active );
for my $flag ( @{ $self->_save->get_flags_save } ) {
my $name = $flag->{name};
my $value = $flag->{value};
my $id = $flag->{id};
my $buffer = $entry->get_buffer;
my $search_text = uc( $buffer->get_text );
next unless index( $name, $search_text ) >= 0;
my $toggle = Gtk4::ToggleButton->new_with_label($name);
toggled => sub {
my $active = $toggle->get_active;
$self->_save->set_flag( $id, $active );
activate => sub {
my $win = $self->_win;
sub focus {
my $self = shift;
sub activate_about {
my $about = Gtk4::AboutDialog->new;
$about->set_copyright("© Sergio Iglesias (2024)");
$about->add_credit_section( 'Ideas:', ['SpectreSpecs'] );
$about->set_authors( ['Sergio Iglesias'] );
eval {
my $texture = Gdk::Texture->new_from_filename(
if ($@) {
warn $@;
# my $header_bar = Gtk4::HeaderBar->new;
# $header_bar->set_property(
# 'title-widget' => Gtk4::Label->new('About GEmeTool') );
# $about->set_titlebar($header_bar);
my $root = path(__FILE__)->parent->parent->parent->parent;
sub activate_view_pc {
my $self = shift;
my $gtk_window = Gtk4::Window->new;
my $canvas = Gtk4::DrawingArea->new;
$gtk_window->set_default_size( 312, 340 );
sub {
my $canvas = shift;
my $cairo = shift;
my $width = shift;
my $height = shift;
sub draw_box_name {
my $self = shift;
my $cairo = shift;
my $save = $self->_save;
my $pc = $save->get_pc_system;
my $box = $pc->get_box(0);
my $name = Rsaves::translate_3rd_encoding($box->name);
$cairo->scale( 1, 1 );
$cairo->set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0);
$cairo->select_font_face('monospace', 'normal', 'normal');
$cairo->move_to(75 - (length($name) * 5), 19);
sub draw_pokemon {
my $self = shift;
my $cairo = shift;
my $save = $self->_save;
my $pc = $save->get_pc_system;
my $box = $pc->get_box(0);
$cairo->scale(0.95, 0.95);
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++ ) {
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < 6 ; $j++ ) {
my $pokemon = $box->get_pokemon($i*6 + $j);
my $pokemon_image =
my $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create_from_png($pokemon_image);
my $output_image = Cairo::ImageSurface->create( 'argb32', 32, 32 );
my $image_context = Cairo::Context->create($output_image);
$image_context->set_source_surface( $surface, 0, 0 );
my $p = 25;
$cairo->set_source_surface( $output_image, $j * ($p + 1),
20 + ( ( $p - 3 ) * $i ) );
sub draw_box {
my $self = shift;
my $cairo = shift;
my $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create_from_png(
$root->child('resources/forest.png') );
$cairo->scale( 2, 2 );
$cairo->set_source_surface( $surface, 0, 0 );