diff --git a/me.sergiotarxz.JapaChar.metainfo.xml b/me.sergiotarxz.JapaChar.metainfo.xml
index 0af3e25..4053786 100644
--- a/me.sergiotarxz.JapaChar.metainfo.xml
+++ b/me.sergiotarxz.JapaChar.metainfo.xml
@@ -58,16 +58,20 @@
- https://git.owlcode.tech/sergiotarxz/JapaChar/raw/branch/main/Screenshot%20from%202024-06-24%2023-13-52.png
- There is a featured character 'a' and 5 toggle buttons which read え お う い and あ being the last one marked, there is a green text saying You are doing great because the exercise have succeded, there is a button which reads 'Continue'
+ https://git.owlcode.tech/sergiotarxz/JapaChar/raw/branch/main/Screenshot%20from%202024-07-01%2021-01-12.png
+ Success screen after resolving an exercise
- https://git.owlcode.tech/sergiotarxz/JapaChar/raw/branch/main/Screenshot%20from%202024-06-24%2023-13-28.png
- There is a button called 'Basic Characters' on top and on the bottom there is two buttons 'Hiragana' and 'Katakana'
+ https://git.owlcode.tech/sergiotarxz/JapaChar/raw/branch/main/Screenshot%20from%202024-07-01%2021-01-00.png
+ Selection of challenge between basic characters, hiragana and katakan.
- https://git.owlcode.tech/sergiotarxz/JapaChar/raw/branch/main/Screenshot%20from%202024-06-24%2023-13-42.png
- There is a featured character 'i' and 5 toggle buttons which read あ い う(marked) え and お, there is a red text saying 'Meck!! The correct answer is い', because the exercise has failed, there is a button which reads 'Continue'
+ https://git.owlcode.tech/sergiotarxz/JapaChar/raw/branch/main/Screenshot%20from%202024-07-01%2021-01-21.png
+ Failure screen.
+ https://git.owlcode.tech/sergiotarxz/JapaChar/raw/branch/main/Screenshot%20from%202024-07-01%2021-01-31.png
+ Premature exit of lesson menu.