# Do you want to contribute? You came to the correct place, this document will guide in the process of deploying a development version of this project. ## Installing This guide is centered on Debian 12, if you are using a different OS and do not know how to continue ask us. ### Postgresql notes. We are going to use the peer authentication that comes preconfigured in Debian, if you are using other OS you should care of `pg_hba.conf` to be configured as peer for empty address. This is how it looks on the Debian I used. You can also configure it with password if the database server is not the same host that the webserver, it is supported by the software. ``` local all postgres peer # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all peer # IPv4 local connections: host all all scram-sha-256 # IPv6 local connections: host all all ::1/128 scram-sha-256 # Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the # replication privilege. local replication all peer host replication all scram-sha-256 host replication all ::1/128 scram-sha-256 ``` ### Installing development deps ```shell sudo apt update && \ sudo apt install git postgresql redis pwgen liblocal-lib-perl libpq-dev nodejs npm sassc ``` ### Cloning the project and preparing it. ```shell if ! grep PERL5LIB ~/.profile; then perl -Mlocal::lib 2>/dev/null >> ~/.profile ; fi && \ source ~/.profile && \ rm -fr ~/.cpan && \ ( echo y && echo reload cpan && echo o conf commit ) | perl -MCPAN -Mlocal::lib -e shell && \ cd ~ && \ sudo rm -rf LasTres && \ git clone https://git.owlcode.tech/sergiotarxz/LasTres && \ cd LasTres && \ npm install && \ perl Build.PL && \ ./Build installdeps && \ cat << EOF > las_tres.yml secrets: - $(pwgen -s 512 1) database: dbname: las_tres hypnotoad: listen: - http://*:3000 EOF ``` ### Setup the database ```shell ( cat << EOF create user $(whoami); create database "las_tres"; grant all privileges on database "las_tres" to $(whoami); alter database "las_tres" owner to $(whoami); EOF ) | sudo -u postgres psql ``` ### Deploying the database ```shell cd ~/LasTres && \ perl script/install.pl ``` ## Common development steps. ### Rebuilding the js. ```shell cd ~/LasTres && \ npx webpack ``` ### Rebuilding the css ```shell cd ~/LasTres && \ bash build_styles.sh ``` ### Starting the development server ```shell cd ~/LasTres && \ perl -Ilib script/las_tres daemon ``` ### Create a database update After updating the Result Classes in this file `lib/LasTres/Schema.pm` increment `our $VERSION =` plus one, after that execute the following command: ```shell cd ~/LasTres/ perl -Ilib script/prepare.pl ``` ### Apply database updates. ```shell cd ~/LasTres/ && \ perl -Ilib script/upgrade.pl ```