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Do you want to contribute?
You came to the correct place, this document will guide in the process of deploying a development version of this project.
This guide is centered on Debian 12, if you are using a different OS and do not know how to continue ask us.
Postgresql notes.
We are going to use the peer authentication that
comes preconfigured in Debian, if you are using
other OS you should care of pg_hba.conf
be configured as peer for empty address.
This is how it looks on the Debian I used.
You can also configure it with password if the database server is not the same host that the webserver, it is supported by the software.
local all postgres peer
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all peer
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all scram-sha-256
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 scram-sha-256
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
local replication all peer
host replication all scram-sha-256
host replication all ::1/128 scram-sha-256
Installing development deps
sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install git postgresql redis pwgen liblocal-lib-perl libpq-dev nodejs npm sassc
Cloning the project and preparing it.
if ! grep PERL5LIB ~/.profile; then
perl -Mlocal::lib 2>/dev/null >> ~/.profile ;
fi && \
source ~/.profile && \
rm -fr ~/.cpan && \
( echo y && echo reload cpan && echo o conf commit ) | perl -MCPAN -Mlocal::lib -e shell && \
cd ~ && \
sudo rm -rf LasTres && \
git clone https://git.owlcode.tech/sergiotarxz/LasTres && \
cd LasTres && \
npm install && \
perl Build.PL && \
./Build installdeps && \
cat << EOF > las_tres.yml
- $(pwgen -s 512 1)
dbname: las_tres
- http://*:3000
Setup the database
( cat << EOF
create user $(whoami);
create database "las_tres";
grant all privileges on database "las_tres" to $(whoami);
alter database "las_tres" owner to $(whoami);
) | sudo -u postgres psql
Deploying the database
cd ~/LasTres && \
perl script/install.pl
Common development steps.
Rebuilding the js.
cd ~/LasTres && \
npx webpack
Rebuilding the css
cd ~/LasTres && \
bash build_styles.sh
Starting the development server
cd ~/LasTres && \
perl -Ilib script/las_tres daemon
Create a database update
After updating the Result Classes in this file lib/LasTres/Schema.pm
increment our $VERSION =
plus one, after that execute the following command:
cd ~/LasTres/
perl -Ilib script/prepare.pl
Apply database updates.
cd ~/LasTres/ && \
perl -Ilib script/upgrade.pl