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package TgMagicPdf::Telegram;
use v5.38.2;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'signatures';
use Moo;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Mojo::IOLoop;
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use Mojo::Promise;
use TgMagicPdf::PdfBuilder;
has _token => ( is => 'lazy', );
has _tg_root => ( is => 'lazy', );
has _ua => ( is => 'lazy', );
has _last_offset_update => ( is => 'rw', );
sub _build__token ($self) {
require TgMagicPdf;
return TgMagicPdf->new->config->{telegram}{token};
sub run ($self) {
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my $promise_dispatch;
while (1) {
if (defined $promise_dispatch) {
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$promise_dispatch = $self->_dispatch_updates;
sub _dispatch_updates ($self) {
my $updates_p = $self->_get_updates;
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my @promises;
sub ($res) {
my $updates = $res->result->json->{result};
for my $update (@$updates) {
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push @promises, $self->_dispatch_update($update);
sub ($err) {
warn $err;
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return Mojo::Promise->all($updates_p, @promises);;
sub _dispatch_update ( $self, $update ) {
if ( !defined $self->_last_offset_update
|| $self->_last_offset_update < $update->{update_id} )
$self->_last_offset_update( $update->{update_id} );
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my $promise;
if ( defined $update->{message} ) {
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$promise = $self->_handle_message( $update->{message} );
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return $promise;
sub sendMessage ( $self, $chat_id, $text ) {
my $url = "@{[$self->_tg_root]}/sendMessage";
my $ua = $self->_ua;
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return $ua->post_p( $url, json => { chat_id => $chat_id, text => $text } );
sub _handle_message ( $self, $message ) {
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my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
my $chat_type = $message->{chat}{type};
if ( $chat_type ne 'private' ) {
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my $chat_id = $message->{chat}{id};
my $text = $message->{text};
if ( !defined $text ) {
$self->sendMessage( $chat_id,
'Got your message, attempting to generate a pdf.' )->wait;
my $pdf_builder = TgMagicPdf::PdfBuilder->new;
sub ($pdf) {
$self->sendDocument( $chat_id, 'mtgprint.pdf', $pdf )->wait;
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sub ($err) {
my $match = 0;
for my $known_error (
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$match = 1 if ( index( $err, $known_error ) != -1 );
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if ($match) {
my $error_to_user .= $err =~ s/ at.*$//r;
if ( -1 != index $err,
$TgMagicPdf::PdfBuilder::ERR_INVALID_CARD )
$error_to_user .= ' ' . $pdf_builder->last_invalid_card;
if ( -1 != index $err,
$TgMagicPdf::PdfBuilder::ERR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_IMAGE )
$error_to_user .= ' ' . $pdf_builder->last_invalid_card;
$self->sendMessage( $chat_id,
'I could not process your deck take a look to this details: '
. $error_to_user )->wait;
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warn $err;
$self->sendMessage( $chat_id,
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'I could not process your deck because of a server error' )->wait;
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return $promise;
sub sendDocument ( $self, $chat_id, $filename, $file_contents ) {
my $url = "@{[$self->_tg_root]}/sendDocument";
my $ua = $self->_ua;
my $res = $ua->post_p(
form => {
chat_id => $chat_id,
document => {
content => $file_contents,
'Content-Type' => 'application/pdf',
filename => $filename,
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return $res;
sub _pdf_builder {
return TgMagicPdf::PdfBuilder->new;
sub _build__ua ($self) {
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
return $ua;
sub _get_updates ($self) {
my $ua = $self->_ua;
my $url = "@{[$self->_tg_root]}/getUpdates";
my %params;
if ( defined $self->_last_offset_update ) {
$params{offset} = $self->_last_offset_update + 1;
return $ua->post_p( $url, json => {%params} );
sub _build__tg_root ($self) {
return "{[$self->_token]}";