Refactoring the generate_build method to return a Peace::Model::Build object.

This commit is contained in:
sergiotarxz 2022-03-30 02:17:27 +02:00
parent 3e331d7b1a
commit e67a4cf593
4 changed files with 69 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ use Peace::DAO::Release;
{ type => InstanceOf ['Peace::Model::Release'], optional => 1 },
release_uuid => { type => Str, optional => 1, },
dbh => { type => HasMethods ['selectall_arrayref'], optional => 1 },
arch => { type => Str, },
success => { type => Bool },
log => { type => Str },
arch => { type => Str, },
@ -97,6 +99,34 @@ use Peace::DAO::Release;
my $validator =
validation_for( params => [ { type => Str, optional => 1, } ] );
sub log {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my ($new_log) = $validator->(@_);
$self->{log} = $new_log;
return $self->{log};
my $validator =
validation_for( params => [ { type => Bool, optional => 1, } ] );
sub success {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my ($new_success) = $validator->(@_);
$self->{success} = $new_success;
return $self->{success};
sub _dbh {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{dbh};
@ -175,6 +205,22 @@ Allows to set and retrieve the release attribute as a L<Peace::Model::Release>.
Allows to set and retrieve the architecture attribute.
=head2 log
my $log = $build->log;
Allows to set an retrieve the build log.
=head2 success
my $success = $build->success;
Allows to set and retrieve the build success status.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Peace::Model::Release>, L<Peace::DAO::Build>

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ use Capture::Tiny qw/tee_merged/;
use File::Spec;
use List::AllUtils qw/any/;
use Peace::Model::Build;
my $validator = validation_for(
params => {
@ -103,10 +105,12 @@ use List::AllUtils qw/any/;
say "BUILD FAILED:\n$merged_output";
$success = 0;
return {
output => $merged_output,
return Peace::Model::Build->new(
arch => $arch,
log => $merged_output,
success => $success,
release => $self,
@ -332,18 +336,14 @@ Peace::Model::Release implements the following methods:
=head2 generate_build
my $result = $release->generate_build( arch => $arch );
my $build = $release->generate_build( arch => $arch );
my ($success, $output) = @result{'success', 'output'};
my $success = $build->success;
my $log = $build->log;
Generates a build for a given arch of the release and
returns the success status, any false value failed,
any true value succeded and the output which combines
stdout and stderr from the ran commands and some
application specific data about whats being done.
The output log is thought to be human consumed, not
automatically parsed.
Attempts to build a flatpak for the release and
unconditionally returns a L<Peace::Model::Build>
object with the results of the build.
=head2 uuid

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@ -16,9 +16,15 @@ BEGIN {
my $release = Peace::Test::Mock::Model::Release->new;
my $arch = 'x86';
my $success = 1;
my $log = 'Built successfully.';
my $build = Peace::Model::Build->new(
release => $release,
arch => $arch,
success => $success,
log => $log,
ok $build->isa('Peace::Model::Build'), 'Build is made of Peace::Model::Build.';
ok $build->isa('Peace::Model::Build'),
'Build is made of Peace::Model::Build.';

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@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ use Peace::Model::Release;
tag => 'main',
name => 'test',
my $result = $release->generate_build( arch => 'x86_64' );
ok $result->{success}, 'Build ends successfully.';
my $build = $release->generate_build( arch => 'aarch64' );
ok $build->success, 'Build ends successfully.';