package Peace::Test::Mock::Model::Application; use v5.30.0; use strict; use warnings; use Peace::Model::Application; use Peace::Test::Mock::Model::Developer; sub new { my $class = shift; return Peace::Model::Application->new( name => 'Desfronificator', description => 'Desfronifies the files.', url => '', developer => Peace::Test::Mock::Model::Developer->new, price => 0, flatpak_builder_file => './resources/com.example.desfronificator.yml', flatpak_repo => '', git_repo => '', verified => 0, ); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Peace::Test::Mock::Model::Application - Mock object for L. =head1 DESCRIPTION Peace::Test::Mock::Model::Application aims to reduce repeated code which doesn't bring new things to tests by avoiding to add long lines in order to create a L object on a unrelated test by providing a stub one already created object. =head1 INSTANCE METHODS Peace::Test::Mock::Model::Application implements the following instance methods: =head2 new my $application = Peace::Test::Mock::Model::Application->new; Returns a mock L object. =head1 SEE ALSO L