use v5.30.0; use strict; use warnings; use Test::Most tests => 5; use DBI; use DateTime; use Peace::Model::Developer; use Peace::Model::Application; use DateTime::Format::Pg; use DateTime; BEGIN { use_ok 'Peace::DAO::Application'; } { ## GIVEN my $sql = <<'EOF'; INSERT INTO applications (name, description, url, developer, price, git_repo, flatpak_builder_file, verified) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING uuid; EOF ### Developer my $uuid = 'hola'; my $secret_bcrypt = 'hola'; my $name = 'Larry'; my $surname = 'Wall'; my $email = ''; my $country = 'US'; my $verified = 0; my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:Mock:', '', '' ); ### Application data my $app_name = 'Desfronificator'; my $app_description = 'Desfronifies the files.'; my $app_url = ''; my $app_price = '4.20'; my $app_git_repo = ''; my $app_flatpak_builder_file = './resources/com.example.desfronificator.yml'; my $app_verified = 0; my $developer = Peace::Model::Developer->new( uuid => $uuid, secret_bcrypt => $secret_bcrypt, name => $name, surname => $surname, email => $email, country => $country, verified => $verified, ); my $application = Peace::Model::Application->new( developer => $developer, name => $app_name, description => $app_description, url => $app_url, price => $app_price, flatpak_builder_file => $app_flatpak_builder_file, verified => $app_verified, git_repo => $app_git_repo, ); my $application_dao = Peace::DAO::Application->new( dbh => $dbh ); $dbh->{mock_add_resultset} = { sql => $sql, results => [ ['uuid'], [$uuid], ] }; $sql = <<'EOF'; SELECT uuid, date_creation, name, description, url, developer, price, git_repo, flatpak_builder_file, verified FROM applications WHERE uuid = ? EOF my $datetime = DateTime->now; my $formatter = DateTime::Format::Pg->new; $dbh->{mock_add_resultset} = { sql => $sql, results => [ [ 'uuid', 'date_creation', 'name', 'description', 'url', 'developer', 'price', 'git_repo', 'flatpak_builder_file', 'verified', ], [ $uuid, $formatter->format_datetime($datetime), $app_name, $app_description, $app_url, $developer->uuid, $app_price, $app_git_repo, $app_flatpak_builder_file, $app_verified ] ], }; ## WHEN $application_dao->create( application => $application ); ## THEN is $application->uuid, $uuid, 'Application uuid correctly set after user creation.'; } { ### Developer my $uuid = 'hola'; my $secret_bcrypt = 'hola'; my $name = 'Larry'; my $surname = 'Wall'; my $email = ''; my $country = 'US'; my $verified = 0; my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:Mock:', '', '' ); ### Application data my $app_name = 'Desfronificator'; my $app_description = 'Desfronifies the files.'; my $app_url = ''; my $app_price = '4.20'; my $app_git_repo = ''; my $app_flatpak_builder_file = './resources/com.example.desfronificator.yml'; my $app_verified = 0; my $developer = Peace::Model::Developer->new( uuid => $uuid, secret_bcrypt => $secret_bcrypt, name => $name, surname => $surname, email => $email, country => $country, verified => $verified, ); my $application_dao = Peace::DAO::Application->new( dbh => $dbh ); my $sql = <<'EOF'; SELECT uuid, date_creation, name, description, url, developer, price, git_repo, flatpak_builder_file, verified FROM applications WHERE uuid = ? EOF my $datetime = DateTime->now; my $formatter = DateTime::Format::Pg->new; $dbh->{mock_add_resultset} = { sql => $sql, results => [ [ 'uuid', 'date_creation', 'name', 'description', 'url', 'developer', 'price', 'git_repo', 'flatpak_builder_file', 'verified', ], [ $uuid, $formatter->format_datetime($datetime), $app_name, $app_description, $app_url, $developer->uuid, $app_price, $app_git_repo, $app_flatpak_builder_file, $app_verified ] ], }; ## WHEN my $application = $application_dao->recover_by_uuid( uuid => $uuid ); ## THEN is $application->uuid, $uuid, 'Application uuid correctly recovered.'; } { ## GIVEN my $sql = <<'EOF'; SELECT uuid, date_creation, name, description, url, developer, price, git_repo, flatpak_builder_file, verified FROM applications WHERE developer = ?; EOF ### Developer data my $uuid = 'hola'; my $secret_bcrypt = 'hola'; my $name = 'Larry'; my $surname = 'Wall'; my $email = ''; my $country = 'US'; my $verified = 0; my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:Mock:', '', '' ); my $developer = Peace::Model::Developer->new( uuid => $uuid, secret_bcrypt => $secret_bcrypt, name => $name, surname => $surname, email => $email, country => $country, verified => $verified, ); ### Application data my $app_uuid = 'denuheesuehs'; my $app_date_creation = DateTime->now; my $app_name = 'Desfronificator'; my $app_description = 'Desfronifies the files.'; my $app_url = ''; my $app_price = '4.20'; my $app_git_repo = ''; my $app_flatpak_builder_file = './resources/com.example.desfronificator.yml'; my $app_verified = 0; my $iso8601 = DateTime::Format::Pg->new; $dbh->{mock_add_resultset} = { sql => $sql, results => [ [ 'uuid', 'date_creation', 'name', 'description', 'url', 'price', 'git_repo', 'flatpak_builder_file', 'verified', 'developer' ], [ $app_uuid, $iso8601->format_datetime($app_date_creation), $app_name, $app_description, $app_url, $app_price, $app_git_repo, $app_flatpak_builder_file, $app_verified, $developer->uuid, ], ] }; my $application_dao = Peace::DAO::Application->new( dbh => $dbh ); ## WHEN my $applications = $application_dao->recover_by_developer( developer => $developer ); ## THEN ok @$applications, 'Applications can be recovered from developer.'; ok $applications->[0]->isa('Peace::Model::Application'), 'Application is made of developer.'; }