package Peace::Controller::AccountVerification; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use v5.30.0; use strict; use warnings; use Peace; use Peace::DB; use Peace::DAO::Developer; sub verify { my $self = shift; my $config = Peace->new->peace_config; my $got_verification_secret = $self->stash->{verification_secret}; my $dbh = Peace::DB->dbh( config => $config ); my $developer_dao = Peace::DAO::Developer->new( dbh => $dbh ); eval { $developer_dao->verify( verification_secret => $got_verification_secret ); }; if ($@) { $self->render( text => $@, status => '400' ); return; } $self->render( text => 'Successfully verified.' ); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Peace::Controller::AccountVerification - Account verification controller. =head1 SYNOPSIS # This class is not to be used in Perl code. =head1 DESCRIPTION This class handles account verification from the web. =head1 METHODS Peace::Controller::AccountVerification implements the following methods. =head2 verify For internal usage. =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut