"use strict"; class PopingNotice { constructor() { this.query_selector = '#poping-notice'; this.closePopingNotice.addEventListener('click', (event) => { this.setVisible(false); }); } setVisible(option) { if (option) { this.element.classList.add('active'); } else { this.element.classList.remove('active'); } } setMessage(message) { if (!message instanceof Array) throw 'Message is not instance of Array.'; let p = document.createElement('p'); for (let node of message) { if (typeof node === "string" || node instanceof String) { node = document.createTextNode(node); p.appendChild(node); } else if ( node instanceof Node) { p.appendChild(node); } else { throw ('Node is not a instance of Node nor a String'); } } this.popingNoticeContent.innerHTML = ''; this.popingNoticeContent.appendChild(p); } get querySelector() { return this.query_selector; } get element() { return document.querySelector(this.querySelector); } get popingNoticeContent() { return this.element.querySelector('#poping-notice-content'); } get closePopingNotice() { return this.element.querySelector('#close-poping-notice'); } } export { PopingNotice };