#!/usr/bin/env perl use v5.30.0; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Term::ReadLine; use FileHandle; use Mojo::UserAgent; use JSON; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; my $tdt_channels = decode_json( $ua->get('https://www.tdtchannels.com/lists/tv.json')->result->body ); my $epg = $tdt_channels->{epg}{json}; my $countries = $tdt_channels->{countries}; my $selected_country; my $selected_ambit; my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('tdtcli'); while ( defined( my $line = $term->readline('~> ') ) ) { proccess_line($line); $term->addhistory($line); if ( defined $selected_country ) { say 'Selected country: ' . $countries->[$selected_country]{name}; } if ( defined $selected_ambit ) { say 'Selected ambit: ' . $countries->[$selected_country]{ambits}[$selected_ambit]{name}; } } sub proccess_line { my $line = shift; return unless defined $line; my @line = split /\s+/, $line; return unless defined $line[0]; my $command = shift @line; show_countries() if $command eq 'countries'; select_country( [@line] ) if $command eq 'select_country'; show_ambits() if $command eq 'ambits'; select_ambit( [@line] ) if $command eq 'select_ambit'; show_channels() if $command eq 'channels'; select_channel( [@line] ) if $command eq 'select_channel'; } sub select_channel { my $arguments = shift; say('You must pass a channel number.'), return unless exists $arguments->[0]; my $channel = $arguments->[0]; return unless $channel =~ /^\d+$/; say('You must first select a ambit with /select_ambit'), return undef $selected_ambit unless defined $selected_ambit; my $ambits = $countries->[$selected_country]{ambits}; my $channels = $ambits->[$selected_ambit]{channels}; my $current_channel_options = $channels->[$channel]{options}; say('This channel doesn\'t provides an option to see online.'), return unless scalar @$current_channel_options; if (fork) { return; } close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); close(STDIN); system 'mpv', $current_channel_options->[0]{url}; } sub show_channels { say('You must first select a ambit with /select_ambit'), return unless defined $selected_ambit; my $names = [ map { $_->{name} } $countries->[$selected_country]{ambits}[$selected_ambit]{channels} ->@* ]; my $i = 0; for my $name (@$names) { say "$i : $name"; $i++; } } sub select_ambit { my $arguments = shift; say('You must first select a country with /select_country'), return unless defined $selected_country; say('No ambit passed see /ambits'), return unless defined $arguments->[0]; my $ambit = $arguments->[0]; return unless $ambit =~ /^\d+$/; say('Such ambit doesn\'t exists see /ambits'), return unless exists $countries->[$selected_country]{ambits}[$ambit]; $selected_ambit = $ambit; } sub select_country { my $arguments = shift; say('No country passed see /countries'), return unless defined $arguments->[0]; my $country = $arguments->[0]; return unless $country =~ /^\d+$/; say('Such country doesn\'t exists see /countries'), return if !exists $countries->[$country]; $selected_country = $country; undef $selected_ambit; } sub show_countries { my $names = [ map { $_->{name} } @$countries ]; my $i = 0; for my $name (@$names) { say "$i : $name"; $i++; } } sub show_ambits { say('You must set first a country'), return if !defined $selected_country; my $names = [ map { $_->{name} } $countries->[$selected_country]{ambits}->@* ]; my $i = 0; for my $name (@$names) { say "$i : $name"; $i++; } }