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2025-02-06 09:18:34 +01:00
# The Unix Mania Virus
## Preface
If you read the Unix Haters Handbook you may know what I am talking about
but any way I am going to leave an extract of the book here so
you know from now on what I am talking about:
At first, Thompson used Bell Labs GE645 to cross-compile the Space
Travel program for the PDP-7. But soon—rationalizing that it would be
faster to write an operating system for the PDP-7 than developing Space
War on the comfortable environment of the GE645—Thompson had writ-
ten an assembler, file system, and minimal kernel for the PDP-7. All to
play Space Travel. Thus Unix was brewed.
Like scientists working on germ warfare weapons (another ARPA-funded
project from the same time period), the early Unix researchers didnt real-
ize the full implications of their actions. But unlike the germ warfare exper-
imenters, Thompson and Ritchie had no protection. Indeed, rather than
practice containment, they saw their role as an evangelizers. Thompson
and company innocently wrote a few pages they called documentation, and
then they actually started sending it out.
At first, the Unix infection was restricted to a few select groups inside Bell
Labs. As it happened, the Labs patent office needed a system for text pro-
cessing. They bought a PDP-11/20 (by then Unix had mutated and spread
to a second host) and became the first willing victims of the strain. By
1973, Unix had spread to 25 different systems within the research lab, and
AT&T was forced to create the Unix Systems Group for internal support.
Researchers at Columbia University learned of Unix and contacted Ritchie
for a copy. Before anybody realized what was happening, Unix had
6 Unix
Literature avers that Unix succeeded because of its technical superiority.
This is not true. Unix was evolutionarily superior to its competitors, but
not technically superior. Unix became a commercial success because it
was a virus. Its sole evolutionary advantage was its small size, simple
design, and resulting portability. Later it became popular and commercially
successful because it piggy-backed on three very successful hosts: the
PDP-11, the VAX, and Sun workstations. (The Sun was in fact designed to
be a virus vector.)
## The Unix virus killing itself
The Unix virus is not damaging for computers, it is a infectious human's
mind illness that uses the effort of humans themselves to continue reproducing
to other humans and computers.
Knowing that is pretty easy to know that Unix Virus was not really happy being
trapped in companies, copyrights and engineers, it had to break it's jail to
continue evolving, and then some infected humans created GNU and other infected
humans created Linux.
The virus killed it's own name, no longer you could call it Unix, but now it
was formally GNU/Linux, anyway this now nameless virus is by nature against
any kind of central control, naming or standards so it would destroy too the
capability to call it GNU with alternative libc s such as the current musl
and alternative basic toolchains such as busybox.
## The rules of the Nameless Virus.
- Reproduce and mutate.
- Destroy alternatives.
- Cooperate (in a hostile way of the word) between strains of the virus.
- Convert leechers of the virus into seeders.
- Embrace, extend, extinguish.
- Every single advancement of technology must become into a tool for the virus
to lurk humans into thinking the Nameless Virus is the only proper way to use new technologies.
You may have heard of the four freedoms of free software, the debian principes
or other FSF and OSI propaganda.
Most people infected by the Nameless Virus actually believe in those principes
that's what the virus want we humans infected to believe what we are doing
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is the correct thing to do.
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But then the rule "Convert leechers of the virus into seeders" kicks in.
The Nameless Virus do not allow their tools to become user friendly and flawless
so humans can simply do not invest time into introducing mutations (Improvementes) into the virus, minor and major problems must be always seeded into the tools
so humans have to fix them (Filing bug reports, making pull requests, forking the tools, finding workarounds or keeping patches for themselves)
The Nameless Virus employs it's defects or lack of features into a weapon to get
the humans attention and effort into evolve itself.
## The collective brain of the virus. (The Nameless Virus communities)
Every single Nameless Virus "used" is a cell into a global superhuman entity
dedicated to the survival and improvement of the Virus itself and the concrete
strain of the Virus they are using.
Nameless Virus communities do not have why to be a great place to be because
every neuron is competing into their "ideas" getting implanted into the virus.
When discomfort reaches the boiling point, the comunity will split via a
fork into two competing new strains of the virus.
This does not only apply to the virus itself, but to every tool absorbed by the virus.
We see that shit happens frequently:
- Debian/Devuan (systemd against openrc)
- Libressl vs Openssl vs Wolfssl.
- Linux vs Linux libre.
- GNU distros vs Musl distros.
- GNOME vs Mate
Inside the Nameless Virus competing tools are beneficial because they unite
the communities to fight a common enemy.
Free software needs the Nameless Virus, but the Nameless Virus do not really share the principes of Free software.
Free software tries to give legal basis to the Nameless Virus to exist, but the
Nameless Virus feels entitled to do absolutely anything that can improve itself
and get away without punishement, even it feels capable of distorting the laws into its favor and get popular support because the governing political and
economical system was never really popular for the commons.
The Nameless virus feels capable to create software to steal, reverse and absorb intellectual property into itself, liability falls into the neuron that did it but it really doesn't matter that much, other neurons will fight for the offending neuron and cause massive economic losses into the company that was brave enough to fight the collective. The company sacrifices tons of resources into fighting a single neuron and another neuron takes the work again without problem after the initial neuron was defenestrated.
Many neurons say "Do not let politics to interfere into the Nameless virus", but the elites that can see where this is going are scared of the contrary, the Nameless virus questioning their authority.
But many of the elites are already deeply infected and do not know where this
is going. Microsoft claims to love the Nameless virus which is false mostly, but they invested tons of resources to bury the virus into the Artic into cold storage so the virus can survive in the event of a disaster for the future people can get infected again.
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While Elites are trying to build bunkers and flee to Mars, the Nameless virus is also coward and wants to survive us, the infected network of neurons.
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## Embrace, extend, extinguish and the Nameless virus.
Do you remember the halloween documents by Microsoft about how the aimless
planned to fight the GNU/Linux strain of the Nameless Virus?
That's noobies playing, the real master of the game is the Nameless Virus.
Take some examples:
- Steam's Proton and the Wine project: Currently the Nameless virus has reached
a point where most Windows games work enough well so every gamer can play them
and enough bad so they can stop being leechers some day.
- Defenestrated Yuzu and Ryujinx: They were capable of running games better than the Switch most of the time, remember the most, your software must never be perfect because that would mean dying out of a steady flow of seeders trying to fix what bothers them. When the king dies, a new king comes there are already forks of both projects undermining the legal work of Nintendo.
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- Incoming Playstation emulators: The nameless virus had problems expanding there
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but it's the own motivation of the cells which drives it's own progress.
## All the tech for the Nameless Virus!!
The Nameless virus is a really jealous entity, it's power cannot be restricted
to computers, it wants to invade other professions as well.
- MIT's Askcos: The nameless virus wants to expand into having chemistry useds too.
## No more money for research ever.
The nameless virus wants that every time someone discovers something they share it inmediatly in internet and it becomes as soon as possible to a tool in the Nameless Virus arsenal.
## Cheaper and worse computers. (And every technology)
The nameless virus do not care about quality as much, it wants every technology
to be available for it's useds with the only chance of being used by the Nameless virus itself.
- Apache's Nuttx: Attempts to drive the Nameless Virus into devices that couldn't traditionally run it's complete strains because of being extremely limited. (ESP32 and friends)
- The are people in internet all the time advancing into a cheaper way to make modern computers.
- RISC-V: ARM is a great way of the Nameless Virus to reproduce, it is cheap and very energy efficient, but the nameless virus cannot really accept any kind of intelectual ownership over itself and is also wondering if computers could be even cheaper.
- Advanced biology at home: The Nameless virus do not want expensive lab equiment to use it's tools to sequence DNA and create syntetic forms of life it wants it to be extremely cheap and widely available. All for my useds by my useds.
## The success of the Nameless virus is being popular
The Nameless virus is a danger for the most widely extended economic system in
the world, capitalism, but for most persons this is not actually a problem
even if they say so.
So the Nameless virus will take over the earth with new economic rules, the Nameless virus rejects expensive things and wants every one to be able to produce everything they need at the comfort of home.
The capitalism system payed for your work with money, the Nameless virus pays for your work with everything you can possibly have.
I think the pact is the most fair you can have so let's seal it with blood and let a memetic virus to rule our world.
Long live for the Nameless virus!!!