2004-08-22 23:30:09 +02:00
< ? php
Plugin Name : Staticize Reloaded
Version : 2.5
Plugin URI : http :// www . cowpimp . com / archives / 2004 / 06 / 08 / staticize - plugin - for - wordpress /
Description : Automatic Generation of static files . Cuts down on php and mysql usage . Should automatically update when changes are made to site . Original by < a href = " http://www.cowpimp.com " > Bill Zeller </ a >.
Author : Matt Mullenweg
Author URI : http :// photomatt . net /
$http = false ; // This controls whether we send etag and last-modified headers or not
define ( CACHE_PATH , trailingslashit ( ABSPATH . 'wp-content/staticize-cache' ) );
2004-10-04 10:59:01 +02:00
update_option ( 'gzipcompression' , 0 );
2004-08-22 23:30:09 +02:00
if ( ! file_exists ( CACHE_PATH ) ) :
if ( is_writable ( dirname ( CACHE_PATH ) ) )
$dir = mkdir ( CACHE_PATH , 0777 );
die ( " Your cache directory (<code> " . CACHE_PATH . " </code>) needs to be writable for this plugin to work. Double-check it. <a href=' " . get_settings ( 'siteurl' ) . " /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=deactivate&plugin=staticize-reloaded.php'>Deactivate the Staticize Reloaded plugin</a>. " );
endif ;
// Array of files that have 'wp-' but should still be cached
$acceptableFiles = array (
'wp-atom.php' , 'wp-comments-popup.php' , 'wp-commentsrss2.php' ,
'wp-links-opml.php' , 'wp-locations.php' , 'wp-rdf.php' ,
'wp-rss.php' , 'wp-rss2.php'
$staticFileName = '' ;
function StaticizeInit () {
global $staticFileName , $acceptableFiles , $timestart , $http ;
$key = $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ] . join ( $_COOKIE , ',' );
$script = basename ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ]);
if ( strstr ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ], 'wp-' ) && ! in_array ( $script , $acceptableFiles ) )
return ;
$staticFileName = md5 ( $key ) . '.php' ;
if ( is_file ( CACHE_PATH . $staticFileName ) ) {
if ( $http ) staticize_header ();
include ( CACHE_PATH . $staticFileName );
$timetotal = staticize_timer ();
echo " \n <!-- Static Page Served in $timetotal seconds --> " ;
exit ;
ob_start ( 'StaticizeCallback' );
register_shutdown_function ( 'StaticizeEnd' );
function StaticizeCallback ( $buffer ) {
global $staticFileName , $timestart ;
$timetotal = staticize_timer ();
if ( $timetotal < 0.05 ) : // Too fast to cache
$buffer .= " \n <!-- Page served in $timetotal seconds, too fast to cache :) --> " ;
return $buffer ;
endif ;
$fr = fopen ( CACHE_PATH . $staticFileName , 'a' );
chmod ( CACHE_PATH . $staticFileName , 0666 );
if ( ! $fr )
$buffer = " Couldn't write to: " . CACHE_PATH . $staticFileName ;
$buffer .= " \n <!-- Dynamic Page Served (once) in $timetotal seconds --> " ;
$return = $buffer ;
$buffer = preg_replace ( '|<!--mclude (.*?)-->(.*?)<!--/mclude-->|is' , '<?php include_once("' . ABSPATH . '$1"); ?>' , $buffer );
$buffer = preg_replace ( '|<!--mfunc (.*?)-->(.*?)<!--/mfunc-->|is' , '<?php $1 ;?>' , $buffer );
$buffer = str_replace ( '<?xml' , '<?php echo "<?xml" ;?>' , $buffer );
fwrite ( $fr , $buffer );
fclose ( $fr );
return $return ;
function StaticizeClean () { // TODO: only touch files that have been changed using post ID
if ( $handle = opendir ( CACHE_PATH ) ) :
while ( false !== ( $file = readdir ( $handle ) ) ) :
if ( '.' != $file && '..' != $file )
unlink ( CACHE_PATH . $file );
endwhile ;
endif ;
closedir ( $handle );
function StaticizeEnd () {
ob_end_clean ();
function postChange ( $id ) {
StaticizeClean ();
return $id ;
function staticize_timer () {
global $timestart ;
$mtime = microtime ();
$mtime = explode ( ' ' , $mtime );
$timeend = $mtime [ 1 ] + $mtime [ 0 ];
return number_format ( $timeend - $timestart , 3 );
function staticize_header () {
$file_touched = filemtime ( CACHE_PATH . $staticFileName );
$wp_last_modified = gmdate ( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' , $file_touched ) . ' GMT' ;
$wp_etag = '"' . md5 ( $wp_last_modified ) . '"' ;
header ( 'Last-Modified: ' . $wp_last_modified );
header ( 'ETag: ' . $wp_etag );
header ( 'X-Pingback: ' . get_settings ( 'siteurl' ) . '/xmlrpc.php' );
header ( 'X-Staticize: ' . staticize_timer () );
// Support for Conditional GET
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' ])) $client_last_modified = $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' ];
else $client_last_modified = false ;
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' ])) $client_etag = stripslashes ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' ]);
else $client_etag = false ;
if ( ( $client_last_modified && $client_etag ) ?
(( $client_last_modified == $wp_last_modified ) && ( $client_etag == $wp_etag )) :
(( $client_last_modified == $wp_last_modified ) || ( $client_etag == $wp_etag )) ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/cgi/' , php_sapi_name ()) ) {
header ( 'HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified' );
echo " \r \n \r \n " ;
exit ;
} else {
header ( 'HTTP/1.x 304 Not Modified' );
exit ;
if ( function_exists ( 'add_action' )) {
StaticizeInit ();
add_action ( 'publish_post' , 'postChange' , 0 );
add_action ( 'edit_post' , 'postChange' , 0 );
add_action ( 'delete_post' , 'postChange' , 0 );
add_action ( 'comment_post' , 'postChange' , 0 );
add_action ( 'trackback_post' , 'postChange' , 0 );
add_action ( 'pingback_post' , 'postChange' , 0 );
add_action ( 'edit_comment' , 'postChange' , 0 );
add_action ( 'delete_comment' , 'postChange' , 0 );
add_action ( 'template_save' , 'postChange' , 0 );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'staticize-flush' ]) ) {
StaticizeClean ();