2006-03-13 02:44:32 +01:00
< ? php
* The Big Query .
function get_query_var ( $var ) {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> get ( $var );
function & query_posts ( $query ) {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> query ( $query );
* Query type checks .
function is_admin () {
global $wp_query ;
return ( $wp_query -> is_admin || strstr ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 'wp-admin/' ) );
function is_archive () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_archive ;
function is_attachment () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_attachment ;
function is_author ( $author = '' ) {
global $wp_query ;
if ( ! $wp_query -> is_author )
return false ;
if ( empty ( $author ) )
return true ;
$author_obj = $wp_query -> get_queried_object ();
if ( $author == $author_obj -> ID )
return true ;
elseif ( $author == $author_obj -> nickname )
return true ;
elseif ( $author == $author_obj -> user_nicename )
return true ;
return false ;
function is_category ( $category = '' ) {
global $wp_query ;
if ( ! $wp_query -> is_category )
return false ;
if ( empty ( $category ) )
return true ;
$cat_obj = $wp_query -> get_queried_object ();
if ( $category == $cat_obj -> cat_ID )
return true ;
else if ( $category == $cat_obj -> cat_name )
return true ;
elseif ( $category == $cat_obj -> category_nicename )
return true ;
return false ;
function is_comments_popup () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_comments_popup ;
function is_date () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_date ;
function is_day () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_day ;
function is_feed () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_feed ;
function is_home () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_home ;
function is_month () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_month ;
function is_page ( $page = '' ) {
global $wp_query ;
if ( ! $wp_query -> is_page )
return false ;
if ( empty ( $page ) )
return true ;
$page_obj = $wp_query -> get_queried_object ();
if ( $page == $page_obj -> ID )
return true ;
elseif ( $page == $page_obj -> post_title )
return true ;
else if ( $page == $page_obj -> post_name )
return true ;
return false ;
function is_paged () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_paged ;
function is_plugin_page () {
global $plugin_page ;
if ( isset ( $plugin_page ) )
return true ;
return false ;
function is_preview () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_preview ;
function is_search () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_search ;
function is_single ( $post = '' ) {
global $wp_query ;
if ( ! $wp_query -> is_single )
return false ;
if ( empty ( $post ) )
return true ;
$post_obj = $wp_query -> get_queried_object ();
if ( $post == $post_obj -> ID )
return true ;
elseif ( $post == $post_obj -> post_title )
return true ;
elseif ( $post == $post_obj -> post_name )
return true ;
return false ;
function is_time () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_time ;
function is_trackback () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_trackback ;
function is_year () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_year ;
function is_404 () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> is_404 ;
* The Loop . Post loop control .
function have_posts () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> have_posts ();
function in_the_loop () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> in_the_loop ;
function rewind_posts () {
global $wp_query ;
return $wp_query -> rewind_posts ();
function the_post () {
global $wp_query ;
$wp_query -> the_post ();
* WP_Query
class WP_Query {
var $query ;
var $query_vars ;
var $queried_object ;
var $queried_object_id ;
var $request ;
var $posts ;
var $post_count = 0 ;
var $current_post = - 1 ;
var $in_the_loop = false ;
var $post ;
var $is_single = false ;
var $is_preview = false ;
var $is_page = false ;
var $is_archive = false ;
var $is_date = false ;
var $is_year = false ;
var $is_month = false ;
var $is_day = false ;
var $is_time = false ;
var $is_author = false ;
var $is_category = false ;
var $is_search = false ;
var $is_feed = false ;
var $is_trackback = false ;
var $is_home = false ;
var $is_404 = false ;
var $is_comments_popup = false ;
var $is_admin = false ;
var $is_attachment = false ;
function init_query_flags () {
$this -> is_single = false ;
$this -> is_page = false ;
$this -> is_archive = false ;
$this -> is_date = false ;
$this -> is_year = false ;
$this -> is_month = false ;
$this -> is_day = false ;
$this -> is_time = false ;
$this -> is_author = false ;
$this -> is_category = false ;
$this -> is_search = false ;
$this -> is_feed = false ;
$this -> is_trackback = false ;
$this -> is_home = false ;
$this -> is_404 = false ;
$this -> is_paged = false ;
$this -> is_admin = false ;
$this -> is_attachment = false ;
function init () {
unset ( $this -> posts );
unset ( $this -> query );
unset ( $this -> query_vars );
unset ( $this -> queried_object );
unset ( $this -> queried_object_id );
$this -> post_count = 0 ;
$this -> current_post = - 1 ;
$this -> in_the_loop = false ;
$this -> init_query_flags ();
// Reparse the query vars.
function parse_query_vars () {
$this -> parse_query ( '' );
// Parse a query string and set query type booleans.
function parse_query ( $query ) {
if ( ! empty ( $query ) || ! isset ( $this -> query ) ) {
$this -> init ();
parse_str ( $query , $qv );
$this -> query = $query ;
$this -> query_vars = $qv ;
if ( '404' == $qv [ 'error' ]) {
$this -> is_404 = true ;
if ( ! empty ( $query ) ) {
do_action ( 'parse_query' , array ( & $this ));
return ;
$qv [ 'm' ] = ( int ) $qv [ 'm' ];
$qv [ 'p' ] = ( int ) $qv [ 'p' ];
// Compat. Map subpost to attachment.
if ( '' != $qv [ 'subpost' ] )
$qv [ 'attachment' ] = $qv [ 'subpost' ];
if ( '' != $qv [ 'subpost_id' ] )
$qv [ 'attachment_id' ] = $qv [ 'subpost_id' ];
if ( ( '' != $qv [ 'attachment' ]) || ( int ) $qv [ 'attachment_id' ] ) {
$this -> is_single = true ;
$this -> is_attachment = true ;
} elseif ( '' != $qv [ 'name' ]) {
$this -> is_single = true ;
} elseif ( $qv [ 'p' ] ) {
$this -> is_single = true ;
} elseif (( '' != $qv [ 'hour' ]) && ( '' != $qv [ 'minute' ]) && ( '' != $qv [ 'second' ]) && ( '' != $qv [ 'year' ]) && ( '' != $qv [ 'monthnum' ]) && ( '' != $qv [ 'day' ])) {
// If year, month, day, hour, minute, and second are set, a single
// post is being queried.
$this -> is_single = true ;
} elseif ( '' != $qv [ 'static' ] || '' != $qv [ 'pagename' ] || '' != $qv [ 'page_id' ]) {
$this -> is_page = true ;
$this -> is_single = false ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $qv [ 's' ])) {
$this -> is_search = true ;
} else {
// Look for archive queries. Dates, categories, authors.
if ( ( int ) $qv [ 'second' ]) {
$this -> is_time = true ;
$this -> is_date = true ;
if ( ( int ) $qv [ 'minute' ]) {
$this -> is_time = true ;
$this -> is_date = true ;
if ( ( int ) $qv [ 'hour' ]) {
$this -> is_time = true ;
$this -> is_date = true ;
if ( ( int ) $qv [ 'day' ]) {
if ( ! $this -> is_date ) {
$this -> is_day = true ;
$this -> is_date = true ;
if ( ( int ) $qv [ 'monthnum' ]) {
if ( ! $this -> is_date ) {
$this -> is_month = true ;
$this -> is_date = true ;
if ( ( int ) $qv [ 'year' ]) {
if ( ! $this -> is_date ) {
$this -> is_year = true ;
$this -> is_date = true ;
if ( ( int ) $qv [ 'm' ]) {
$this -> is_date = true ;
if ( strlen ( $qv [ 'm' ]) > 9 ) {
$this -> is_time = true ;
} else if ( strlen ( $qv [ 'm' ]) > 7 ) {
$this -> is_day = true ;
} else if ( strlen ( $qv [ 'm' ]) > 5 ) {
$this -> is_month = true ;
} else {
$this -> is_year = true ;
if ( '' != $qv [ 'w' ]) {
$this -> is_date = true ;
if ( empty ( $qv [ 'cat' ]) || ( $qv [ 'cat' ] == '0' )) {
$this -> is_category = false ;
} else {
if ( stristr ( $qv [ 'cat' ], '-' )) {
$this -> is_category = false ;
} else {
$this -> is_category = true ;
if ( '' != $qv [ 'category_name' ]) {
$this -> is_category = true ;
if (( empty ( $qv [ 'author' ])) || ( $qv [ 'author' ] == '0' )) {
$this -> is_author = false ;
} else {
$this -> is_author = true ;
if ( '' != $qv [ 'author_name' ]) {
$this -> is_author = true ;
if ( ( $this -> is_date || $this -> is_author || $this -> is_category )) {
$this -> is_archive = true ;
if ( '' != $qv [ 'feed' ]) {
$this -> is_feed = true ;
if ( '' != $qv [ 'tb' ]) {
$this -> is_trackback = true ;
if ( '' != $qv [ 'paged' ]) {
$this -> is_paged = true ;
if ( '' != $qv [ 'comments_popup' ]) {
$this -> is_comments_popup = true ;
//if we're previewing inside the write screen
if ( '' != $qv [ 'preview' ]) {
$this -> is_preview = true ;
if ( strstr ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ], 'wp-admin/' )) {
$this -> is_admin = true ;
if ( ! ( $this -> is_attachment || $this -> is_archive || $this -> is_single || $this -> is_page || $this -> is_search || $this -> is_feed || $this -> is_trackback || $this -> is_404 || $this -> is_admin || $this -> is_comments_popup )) {
$this -> is_home = true ;
if ( ! empty ( $query ) ) {
do_action ( 'parse_query' , array ( & $this ));
function set_404 () {
$this -> init_query_flags ();
$this -> is_404 = true ;
function get ( $query_var ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> query_vars [ $query_var ])) {
return $this -> query_vars [ $query_var ];
return '' ;
function set ( $query_var , $value ) {
$this -> query_vars [ $query_var ] = $value ;
function & get_posts () {
global $wpdb , $pagenow , $user_ID ;
do_action ( 'pre_get_posts' , array ( & $this ));
// Shorthand.
$q = & $this -> query_vars ;
// First let's clear some variables
2006-05-08 04:16:24 +02:00
$distinct = '' ;
2006-03-13 02:44:32 +01:00
$whichcat = '' ;
$whichauthor = '' ;
$whichpage = '' ;
$result = '' ;
$where = '' ;
$limits = '' ;
$join = '' ;
if ( ! isset ( $q [ 'post_type' ]) )
$q [ 'post_type' ] = 'post' ;
$post_type = $q [ 'post_type' ];
if ( ! isset ( $q [ 'posts_per_page' ]) || $q [ 'posts_per_page' ] == 0 )
$q [ 'posts_per_page' ] = get_settings ( 'posts_per_page' );
if ( ! isset ( $q [ 'what_to_show' ]) )
$q [ 'what_to_show' ] = get_settings ( 'what_to_show' );
if ( isset ( $q [ 'showposts' ]) && $q [ 'showposts' ] ) {
$q [ 'showposts' ] = ( int ) $q [ 'showposts' ];
$q [ 'posts_per_page' ] = $q [ 'showposts' ];
if ( ( isset ( $q [ 'posts_per_archive_page' ]) && $q [ 'posts_per_archive_page' ] != 0 ) && ( $this -> is_archive || $this -> is_search ) )
$q [ 'posts_per_page' ] = $q [ 'posts_per_archive_page' ];
if ( ! isset ( $q [ 'nopaging' ]) ) {
if ( $q [ 'posts_per_page' ] == - 1 ) {
$q [ 'nopaging' ] = true ;
} else {
$q [ 'nopaging' ] = false ;
if ( $this -> is_feed ) {
$q [ 'posts_per_page' ] = get_settings ( 'posts_per_rss' );
$q [ 'what_to_show' ] = 'posts' ;
if ( $this -> is_home && ( 'page' == get_option ( 'show_on_front' ) ) && get_option ( 'page_on_front' ) ) {
$this -> is_page = true ;
$this -> is_home = false ;
$q [ 'page_id' ] = get_option ( 'page_on_front' );
if ( isset ( $q [ 'page' ])) {
$q [ 'page' ] = trim ( $q [ 'page' ], '/' );
$q [ 'page' ] = ( int ) $q [ 'page' ];
$add_hours = intval ( get_settings ( 'gmt_offset' ));
$add_minutes = intval ( 60 * ( get_settings ( 'gmt_offset' ) - $add_hours ));
$wp_posts_post_date_field = " post_date " ; // "DATE_ADD(post_date, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)";
// If a month is specified in the querystring, load that month
if ( ( int ) $q [ 'm' ] ) {
$q [ 'm' ] = '' . preg_replace ( '|[^0-9]|' , '' , $q [ 'm' ]);
$where .= ' AND YEAR(post_date)=' . substr ( $q [ 'm' ], 0 , 4 );
if ( strlen ( $q [ 'm' ]) > 5 )
$where .= ' AND MONTH(post_date)=' . substr ( $q [ 'm' ], 4 , 2 );
if ( strlen ( $q [ 'm' ]) > 7 )
$where .= ' AND DAYOFMONTH(post_date)=' . substr ( $q [ 'm' ], 6 , 2 );
if ( strlen ( $q [ 'm' ]) > 9 )
$where .= ' AND HOUR(post_date)=' . substr ( $q [ 'm' ], 8 , 2 );
if ( strlen ( $q [ 'm' ]) > 11 )
$where .= ' AND MINUTE(post_date)=' . substr ( $q [ 'm' ], 10 , 2 );
if ( strlen ( $q [ 'm' ]) > 13 )
$where .= ' AND SECOND(post_date)=' . substr ( $q [ 'm' ], 12 , 2 );
if ( ( int ) $q [ 'hour' ] ) {
$q [ 'hour' ] = '' . intval ( $q [ 'hour' ]);
$where .= " AND HOUR(post_date)=' " . $q [ 'hour' ] . " ' " ;
if ( ( int ) $q [ 'minute' ] ) {
$q [ 'minute' ] = '' . intval ( $q [ 'minute' ]);
$where .= " AND MINUTE(post_date)=' " . $q [ 'minute' ] . " ' " ;
if ( ( int ) $q [ 'second' ] ) {
$q [ 'second' ] = '' . intval ( $q [ 'second' ]);
$where .= " AND SECOND(post_date)=' " . $q [ 'second' ] . " ' " ;
if ( ( int ) $q [ 'year' ] ) {
$q [ 'year' ] = '' . intval ( $q [ 'year' ]);
$where .= " AND YEAR(post_date)=' " . $q [ 'year' ] . " ' " ;
if ( ( int ) $q [ 'monthnum' ] ) {
$q [ 'monthnum' ] = '' . intval ( $q [ 'monthnum' ]);
$where .= " AND MONTH(post_date)=' " . $q [ 'monthnum' ] . " ' " ;
if ( ( int ) $q [ 'day' ] ) {
$q [ 'day' ] = '' . intval ( $q [ 'day' ]);
$where .= " AND DAYOFMONTH(post_date)=' " . $q [ 'day' ] . " ' " ;
// Compat. Map subpost to attachment.
if ( '' != $q [ 'subpost' ] )
$q [ 'attachment' ] = $q [ 'subpost' ];
if ( '' != $q [ 'subpost_id' ] )
$q [ 'attachment_id' ] = $q [ 'subpost_id' ];
if ( '' != $q [ 'name' ]) {
$q [ 'name' ] = sanitize_title ( $q [ 'name' ]);
$where .= " AND post_name = ' " . $q [ 'name' ] . " ' " ;
} else if ( '' != $q [ 'pagename' ]) {
$reqpage = get_page_by_path ( $q [ 'pagename' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $reqpage ) )
$reqpage = $reqpage -> ID ;
$reqpage = 0 ;
if ( ( 'page' == get_option ( 'show_on_front' ) ) && ( $reqpage == get_option ( 'page_for_posts' ) ) ) {
$this -> is_page = false ;
$this -> is_home = true ;
} else {
$q [ 'pagename' ] = str_replace ( '%2F' , '/' , urlencode ( urldecode ( $q [ 'pagename' ])));
$page_paths = '/' . trim ( $q [ 'pagename' ], '/' );
$q [ 'pagename' ] = sanitize_title ( basename ( $page_paths ));
$q [ 'name' ] = $q [ 'pagename' ];
$where .= " AND (ID = ' $reqpage ') " ;
} elseif ( '' != $q [ 'attachment' ]) {
$q [ 'attachment' ] = str_replace ( '%2F' , '/' , urlencode ( urldecode ( $q [ 'attachment' ])));
$attach_paths = '/' . trim ( $q [ 'attachment' ], '/' );
$q [ 'attachment' ] = sanitize_title ( basename ( $attach_paths ));
$q [ 'name' ] = $q [ 'attachment' ];
$where .= " AND post_name = ' " . $q [ 'attachment' ] . " ' " ;
if ( ( int ) $q [ 'w' ] ) {
$q [ 'w' ] = '' . intval ( $q [ 'w' ]);
$where .= " AND WEEK(post_date, 1)=' " . $q [ 'w' ] . " ' " ;
if ( intval ( $q [ 'comments_popup' ]) )
$q [ 'p' ] = intval ( $q [ 'comments_popup' ]);
// If a attachment is requested by number, let it supercede any post number.
if ( ( $q [ 'attachment_id' ] != '' ) && ( intval ( $q [ 'attachment_id' ]) != 0 ) )
$q [ 'p' ] = ( int ) $q [ 'attachment_id' ];
// If a post number is specified, load that post
if (( $q [ 'p' ] != '' ) && intval ( $q [ 'p' ]) != 0 ) {
$q [ 'p' ] = ( int ) $q [ 'p' ];
$where = ' AND ID = ' . $q [ 'p' ];
if (( $q [ 'page_id' ] != '' ) && ( intval ( $q [ 'page_id' ]) != 0 )) {
$q [ 'page_id' ] = intval ( $q [ 'page_id' ]);
if ( ( 'page' == get_option ( 'show_on_front' ) ) && ( $q [ 'page_id' ] == get_option ( 'page_for_posts' ) ) ) {
$this -> is_page = false ;
$this -> is_home = true ;
} else {
$q [ 'p' ] = $q [ 'page_id' ];
$where = ' AND ID = ' . $q [ 'page_id' ];
// If a search pattern is specified, load the posts that match
if ( ! empty ( $q [ 's' ])) {
$q [ 's' ] = addslashes_gpc ( $q [ 's' ]);
$search = ' AND (' ;
$q [ 's' ] = preg_replace ( '/, +/' , ' ' , $q [ 's' ]);
$q [ 's' ] = str_replace ( ',' , ' ' , $q [ 's' ]);
$q [ 's' ] = str_replace ( '"' , ' ' , $q [ 's' ]);
$q [ 's' ] = trim ( $q [ 's' ]);
if ( $q [ 'exact' ]) {
$n = '' ;
} else {
$n = '%' ;
if ( ! $q [ 'sentence' ]) {
$s_array = explode ( ' ' , $q [ 's' ]);
$q [ 'search_terms' ] = $s_array ;
$search .= '((post_title LIKE \'' . $n . $s_array [ 0 ] . $n . '\') OR (post_content LIKE \'' . $n . $s_array [ 0 ] . $n . '\'))' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < count ( $s_array ); $i = $i + 1 ) {
$search .= ' AND ((post_title LIKE \'' . $n . $s_array [ $i ] . $n . '\') OR (post_content LIKE \'' . $n . $s_array [ $i ] . $n . '\'))' ;
$search .= ' OR (post_title LIKE \'' . $n . $q [ 's' ] . $n . '\') OR (post_content LIKE \'' . $n . $q [ 's' ] . $n . '\')' ;
$search .= ')' ;
} else {
$search = ' AND ((post_title LIKE \'' . $n . $q [ 's' ] . $n . '\') OR (post_content LIKE \'' . $n . $q [ 's' ] . $n . '\'))' ;
// Category stuff
if (( empty ( $q [ 'cat' ])) || ( $q [ 'cat' ] == '0' ) ||
// Bypass cat checks if fetching specific posts
( $this -> is_single || $this -> is_page )) {
$whichcat = '' ;
} else {
$q [ 'cat' ] = '' . urldecode ( $q [ 'cat' ]) . '' ;
$q [ 'cat' ] = addslashes_gpc ( $q [ 'cat' ]);
$join = " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON ( $wpdb->posts .ID = $wpdb->post2cat .post_id) " ;
$cat_array = preg_split ( '/[,\s]+/' , $q [ 'cat' ]);
2006-05-08 04:16:24 +02:00
$in_cats = $out_cats = '' ;
foreach ( $cat_array as $cat ) {
$in = strstr ( $cat , '-' ) ? false : true ;
$cat = trim ( $cat , '-' );
if ( $in )
$in_cats .= " $cat , " . get_category_children ( $cat , '' , ', ' );
$out_cats .= " $cat , " . get_category_children ( $cat , '' , ', ' );
2006-03-13 02:44:32 +01:00
2006-05-08 04:16:24 +02:00
$in_cats = substr ( $in_cats , 0 , - 2 );
$out_cats = substr ( $out_cats , 0 , - 2 );
if ( strlen ( $in_cats ) > 0 )
$in_cats = " AND category_id IN ( $in_cats ) " ;
if ( strlen ( $out_cats ) > 0 )
$out_cats = " AND category_id NOT IN ( $out_cats ) " ;
$whichcat = $in_cats . $out_cats ;
$distinct = 'DISTINCT' ;
2006-03-13 02:44:32 +01:00
// Category stuff for nice URIs
global $cache_categories ;
if ( '' != $q [ 'category_name' ]) {
$reqcat = get_category_by_path ( $q [ 'category_name' ]);
$q [ 'category_name' ] = str_replace ( '%2F' , '/' , urlencode ( urldecode ( $q [ 'category_name' ])));
$cat_paths = '/' . trim ( $q [ 'category_name' ], '/' );
$q [ 'category_name' ] = sanitize_title ( basename ( $cat_paths ));
$cat_paths = '/' . trim ( urldecode ( $q [ 'category_name' ]), '/' );
$q [ 'category_name' ] = sanitize_title ( basename ( $cat_paths ));
$cat_paths = explode ( '/' , $cat_paths );
foreach ( $cat_paths as $pathdir )
$cat_path .= ( $pathdir != '' ? '/' : '' ) . sanitize_title ( $pathdir );
//if we don't match the entire hierarchy fallback on just matching the nicename
if ( empty ( $reqcat ) )
$reqcat = get_category_by_path ( $q [ 'category_name' ], false );
if ( ! empty ( $reqcat ) )
$reqcat = $reqcat -> cat_ID ;
$reqcat = 0 ;
$q [ 'cat' ] = $reqcat ;
$tables = " , $wpdb->post2cat , $wpdb->categories " ;
$join = " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON ( $wpdb->posts .ID = $wpdb->post2cat .post_id) LEFT JOIN $wpdb->categories ON ( $wpdb->post2cat .category_id = $wpdb->categories .cat_ID) " ;
2006-05-08 04:16:24 +02:00
$whichcat = " AND category_id IN ( { $q [ 'cat' ] } , " ;
$whichcat .= get_category_children ( $q [ 'cat' ], '' , ', ' );
$whichcat = substr ( $whichcat , 0 , - 2 );
2006-03-13 02:44:32 +01:00
$whichcat .= " ) " ;
2006-05-08 04:16:24 +02:00
$distinct = 'DISTINCT' ;
2006-03-13 02:44:32 +01:00
// Author/user stuff
if (( empty ( $q [ 'author' ])) || ( $q [ 'author' ] == '0' )) {
$whichauthor = '' ;
} else {
$q [ 'author' ] = '' . urldecode ( $q [ 'author' ]) . '' ;
$q [ 'author' ] = addslashes_gpc ( $q [ 'author' ]);
if ( stristr ( $q [ 'author' ], '-' )) {
$eq = '!=' ;
$andor = 'AND' ;
$q [ 'author' ] = explode ( '-' , $q [ 'author' ]);
$q [ 'author' ] = '' . intval ( $q [ 'author' ][ 1 ]);
} else {
$eq = '=' ;
$andor = 'OR' ;
$author_array = preg_split ( '/[,\s]+/' , $q [ 'author' ]);
$whichauthor .= ' AND (post_author ' . $eq . ' ' . intval ( $author_array [ 0 ]);
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < ( count ( $author_array )); $i = $i + 1 ) {
$whichauthor .= ' ' . $andor . ' post_author ' . $eq . ' ' . intval ( $author_array [ $i ]);
$whichauthor .= ')' ;
// Author stuff for nice URIs
if ( '' != $q [ 'author_name' ]) {
if ( stristr ( $q [ 'author_name' ], '/' )) {
$q [ 'author_name' ] = explode ( '/' , $q [ 'author_name' ]);
if ( $q [ 'author_name' ][ count ( $q [ 'author_name' ]) - 1 ]) {
$q [ 'author_name' ] = $q [ 'author_name' ][ count ( $q [ 'author_name' ]) - 1 ]; #no trailing slash
} else {
$q [ 'author_name' ] = $q [ 'author_name' ][ count ( $q [ 'author_name' ]) - 2 ]; #there was a trailling slash
$q [ 'author_name' ] = sanitize_title ( $q [ 'author_name' ]);
$q [ 'author' ] = $wpdb -> get_var ( " SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_nicename=' " . $q [ 'author_name' ] . " ' " );
$whichauthor .= ' AND (post_author = ' . intval ( $q [ 'author' ]) . ')' ;
$where .= $search . $whichcat . $whichauthor ;
if (( empty ( $q [ 'order' ])) || (( strtoupper ( $q [ 'order' ]) != 'ASC' ) && ( strtoupper ( $q [ 'order' ]) != 'DESC' ))) {
$q [ 'order' ] = 'DESC' ;
// Order by
if ( empty ( $q [ 'orderby' ])) {
$q [ 'orderby' ] = 'post_date ' . $q [ 'order' ];
} else {
// Used to filter values
$allowed_keys = array ( 'author' , 'date' , 'category' , 'title' , 'modified' , 'menu_order' );
$q [ 'orderby' ] = urldecode ( $q [ 'orderby' ]);
$q [ 'orderby' ] = addslashes_gpc ( $q [ 'orderby' ]);
$orderby_array = explode ( ' ' , $q [ 'orderby' ]);
if ( empty ( $orderby_array ) )
$orderby_array [] = $q [ 'orderby' ];
$q [ 'orderby' ] = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $orderby_array ); $i ++ ) {
// Only allow certain values for safety
$orderby = $orderby_array [ $i ];
if ( 'menu_order' != $orderby )
$orderby = 'post_' . $orderby ;
if ( in_array ( $orderby_array [ $i ], $allowed_keys ) )
$q [ 'orderby' ] .= (( $i == 0 ) ? '' : ',' ) . " $orderby { $q [ 'order' ] } " ;
if ( empty ( $q [ 'orderby' ]) )
$q [ 'orderby' ] = 'post_date ' . $q [ 'order' ];
if ( $this -> is_attachment ) {
$where .= ' AND (post_type = "attachment")' ;
} elseif ( $this -> is_page ) {
$where .= ' AND (post_type = "page")' ;
} elseif ( $this -> is_single ) {
$where .= ' AND (post_type = "post")' ;
} else {
$where .= " AND (post_type = ' $post_type ' AND (post_status = 'publish' " ;
if ( is_admin () )
$where .= " OR post_status = 'future' OR post_status = 'draft' " ;
if ( is_user_logged_in () )
$where .= " OR post_author = $user_ID AND post_status = 'private')) " ;
$where .= '))' ;
// Apply filters on where and join prior to paging so that any
// manipulations to them are reflected in the paging by day queries.
$where = apply_filters ( 'posts_where' , $where );
$join = apply_filters ( 'posts_join' , $join );
// Paging
2006-03-20 22:19:33 +01:00
if ( empty ( $q [ 'nopaging' ]) && ! $this -> is_single && ! $this -> is_page ) {
2006-03-13 02:44:32 +01:00
$page = $q [ 'paged' ];
if ( empty ( $page )) {
$page = 1 ;
if (( $q [ 'what_to_show' ] == 'posts' )) {
$pgstrt = '' ;
$pgstrt = ( intval ( $page ) - 1 ) * $q [ 'posts_per_page' ] . ', ' ;
$limits = 'LIMIT ' . $pgstrt . $q [ 'posts_per_page' ];
} elseif ( $q [ 'what_to_show' ] == 'days' ) {
$startrow = $q [ 'posts_per_page' ] * ( intval ( $page ) - 1 );
$start_date = $wpdb -> get_var ( " SELECT max(post_date) FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE (1=1) $where GROUP BY year(post_date), month(post_date), dayofmonth(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $startrow ,1 " );
$endrow = $startrow + $q [ 'posts_per_page' ] - 1 ;
$end_date = $wpdb -> get_var ( " SELECT min(post_date) FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE (1=1) $where GROUP BY year(post_date), month(post_date), dayofmonth(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $endrow ,1 " );
if ( $page > 1 ) {
$where .= " AND post_date >= ' $end_date ' AND post_date <= ' $start_date ' " ;
} else {
$where .= " AND post_date >= ' $end_date ' " ;
// Apply post-paging filters on where and join. Only plugins that
// manipulate paging queries should use these hooks.
$where = apply_filters ( 'posts_where_paged' , $where );
2006-04-02 02:33:10 +02:00
$groupby = '' ;
2006-03-13 02:44:32 +01:00
$groupby = apply_filters ( 'posts_groupby' , $groupby );
2006-04-02 02:33:10 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $groupby ) )
$groupby = 'GROUP BY ' . $groupby ;
2006-03-13 02:44:32 +01:00
$join = apply_filters ( 'posts_join_paged' , $join );
2006-05-08 04:16:24 +02:00
$orderby = apply_filters ( 'posts_orderby' , $q [ 'orderby' ]);
$distinct = apply_filters ( 'posts_distinct' , $distinct );
$fields = apply_filters ( 'posts_fields' , " $wpdb->posts .* " );
$request = " SELECT $distinct $fields FROM $wpdb->posts $join WHERE 1=1 $where $groupby ORDER BY $orderby $limits " ;
2006-03-13 02:44:32 +01:00
$this -> request = apply_filters ( 'posts_request' , $request );
$this -> posts = $wpdb -> get_results ( $this -> request );
// Check post status to determine if post should be displayed.
if ( ! empty ( $this -> posts ) && ( $this -> is_single || $this -> is_page ) ) {
$status = get_post_status ( $this -> posts [ 0 ]);
//$type = get_post_type($this->posts[0]);
if ( ( 'publish' != $status ) ) {
if ( ! is_user_logged_in () ) {
// User must be logged in to view unpublished posts.
$this -> posts = array ();
} else {
if ( 'draft' == $status ) {
// User must have edit permissions on the draft to preview.
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $this -> posts [ 0 ] -> ID )) {
$this -> posts = array ();
} else {
$this -> is_preview = true ;
$this -> posts [ 0 ] -> post_date = current_time ( 'mysql' );
} else if ( 'future' == $status ) {
$this -> is_preview = true ;
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $this -> posts [ 0 ] -> ID )) {
$this -> posts = array ( );
} else {
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'read_post' , $this -> posts [ 0 ] -> ID ))
$this -> posts = array ();
update_post_caches ( $this -> posts );
$this -> posts = apply_filters ( 'the_posts' , $this -> posts );
$this -> post_count = count ( $this -> posts );
if ( $this -> post_count > 0 ) {
$this -> post = $this -> posts [ 0 ];
return $this -> posts ;
function next_post () {
$this -> current_post ++ ;
$this -> post = $this -> posts [ $this -> current_post ];
return $this -> post ;
function the_post () {
global $post ;
$this -> in_the_loop = true ;
$post = $this -> next_post ();
setup_postdata ( $post );
if ( $this -> current_post == 0 ) // loop has just started
do_action ( 'loop_start' );
function have_posts () {
if ( $this -> current_post + 1 < $this -> post_count ) {
return true ;
} elseif ( $this -> current_post + 1 == $this -> post_count ) {
do_action ( 'loop_end' );
// Do some cleaning up after the loop
$this -> rewind_posts ();
$this -> in_the_loop = false ;
return false ;
function rewind_posts () {
$this -> current_post = - 1 ;
if ( $this -> post_count > 0 ) {
$this -> post = $this -> posts [ 0 ];
function & query ( $query ) {
$this -> parse_query ( $query );
return $this -> get_posts ();
function get_queried_object () {
if ( isset ( $this -> queried_object )) {
return $this -> queried_object ;
$this -> queried_object = NULL ;
$this -> queried_object_id = 0 ;
if ( $this -> is_category ) {
$cat = $this -> get ( 'cat' );
$category = & get_category ( $cat );
$this -> queried_object = & $category ;
$this -> queried_object_id = $cat ;
} else if ( $this -> is_single ) {
$this -> queried_object = $this -> post ;
$this -> queried_object_id = $this -> post -> ID ;
} else if ( $this -> is_page ) {
$this -> queried_object = $this -> post ;
$this -> queried_object_id = $this -> post -> ID ;
} else if ( $this -> is_author ) {
$author_id = $this -> get ( 'author' );
$author = get_userdata ( $author_id );
$this -> queried_object = $author ;
$this -> queried_object_id = $author_id ;
return $this -> queried_object ;
function get_queried_object_id () {
$this -> get_queried_object ();
if ( isset ( $this -> queried_object_id )) {
return $this -> queried_object_id ;
return 0 ;
function WP_Query ( $query = '' ) {
if ( ! empty ( $query )) {
$this -> query ( $query );