
225 lines
6.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

$title = "Moderate comments";
/* <Moderation> */
function add_magic_quotes($array) {
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$array[$k] = add_magic_quotes($v);
} else {
$array[$k] = addslashes($v);
return $array;
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$HTTP_GET_VARS = add_magic_quotes($HTTP_GET_VARS);
$HTTP_POST_VARS = add_magic_quotes($HTTP_POST_VARS);
$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS = add_magic_quotes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS);
$b2varstoreset = array('action','item_ignored','item_deleted','item_approved');
for ($i=0; $i<count($b2varstoreset); $i += 1) {
$b2var = $b2varstoreset[$i];
if (!isset($$b2var)) {
if (empty($HTTP_POST_VARS["$b2var"])) {
if (empty($HTTP_GET_VARS["$b2var"])) {
$$b2var = '';
} else {
$$b2var = $HTTP_GET_VARS["$b2var"];
} else {
$$b2var = $HTTP_POST_VARS["$b2var"];
switch($action) {
case 'update':
$standalone = 1;
if ($user_level < 3) {
die('<p>Your level is not high enough to moderate comments. Ask for a promotion from your <a href="mailto:$admin_email">blog admin</a>. :)</p>');
// check if comment moderation is turned on in the settings
// if not, just give a short note and stop
if ('none' == get_settings("comment_moderation")) {
echo '<div class="wrap">
<p>Comment moderation has been turned off.</p>
$item_ignored = 0;
$item_deleted = 0;
$item_approved = 0;
foreach($comment as $key => $value) {
switch($value) {
case 'later':
// do nothing with that comment
// wp_set_comment_status($key, "hold");
case 'delete':
wp_set_comment_status($key, 'delete');
case 'approve':
wp_set_comment_status($key, 'approve');
if (get_settings('comments_notify') == true) {
$file = basename(__FILE__);
header("Location: $file?ignored=$item_ignored&deleted=$item_deleted&approved=$item_approved");
if ($user_level <= 3) {
die('<p>Your level is not high enough to moderate comments. Ask for a promotion from your <a href="mailto:$admin_email">blog admin</a>. :)</p>');
// check if comment moderation is turned on in the settings
// if not, just give a short note and stop
if ('none' == get_settings('comment_moderation')) {
echo '<div class="wrap">
<p>Comment moderation has been turned off.</p>
// if we come here after deleting/approving comments we give
// a short overview what has been done
if (($deleted) || ($approved) || ($ignored)) {
echo "<div class=\"wrap\">\n";
if ($approved) {
if ($approved == "1") {
echo "1 comment approved <br />\n";
} else {
echo "$approved comments approved <br />\n";
if ($deleted) {
if ($deleted == "1") {
echo "1 comment deleted <br />\n";
} else {
echo "$approved comments deleted <br />\n";
if ($ignored) {
if ($deleted == "1") {
echo "1 comment left unchanged <br />\n";
} else {
echo "$approved comments left unchanged <br />\n";
echo "</div>\n";
<div class="wrap">
$comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $tablecomments WHERE comment_approved = 0");
if ($comments) {
// list all comments that are waiting for approval
$file = basename(__FILE__);
echo "The following comments wait for approval:<br /><br />";
echo "<form name=\"approval\" action=\"$file\" method=\"post\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"update\" />\n";
echo "<ol id=\"comments\">\n";
foreach($comments as $comment) {
$comment_date = mysql2date(get_settings("date_format") . " @ " . get_settings("time_format"), $comment->comment_date);
$post_title = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT post_title FROM $tableposts WHERE ID='$comment->comment_post_ID'");
$comment_text = stripslashes($comment->comment_content);
$comment_text = str_replace('<trackback />', '', $comment_text);
$comment_text = str_replace('<pingback />', '', $comment_text);
$comment_text = convert_chars($comment_text);
$comment_text = convert_bbcode($comment_text);
$comment_text = convert_gmcode($comment_text);
$comment_text = convert_smilies($comment_text);
$comment_text = make_clickable($comment_text);
$comment_text = balanceTags($comment_text,1);
$comment_text = apply_filters('comment_text', $comment_text);
echo "<li id=\"comment-$comment->comment_ID\">";
echo "$comment_date -&gt; $post_title<br />";
echo "<strong>$comment->comment_author ";
echo "(<a href=\"mailto:$comment->comment_author_email\">$comment->comment_author_email</a> /";
echo "<a href=\"$comment->comment_author_url\">$comment->comment_author_url</a>)</strong> ";
echo "(IP: <a href=\"http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=$comment->comment_author_IP\">$comment->comment_author_IP</a>)<br />";
echo $comment_text;
echo "<strong>Your action:</strong>";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"radio\" name=\"comment[$comment->comment_ID]\" value=\"approve\" />&nbsp;approve";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"radio\" name=\"comment[$comment->comment_ID]\" value=\"delete\" />&nbsp;delete";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"radio\" name=\"comment[$comment->comment_ID]\" value=\"later\" checked=\"checked\" />&nbsp;later";
echo "<br /><br />";
echo "</li>\n";
echo "</ol>\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Continue!\" class=\"search\" style=\"font-weight: bold;\" />\n";
echo "</form>\n";
} else {
// nothing to approve
echo "Currently there are no comments to be approved.<br />\n";
<br />
if ($comments) {
// show this help text only if there are comments waiting
<div class="wrap">
<p>For each comment you have to choose either <em>approve</em>, <em>delete</em> or <em>later</em>:</p>
<p><em>approve</em>: approves comment, so that it will be publically visible
if ("1" == get_settings("comments_notify")) {
echo "; the author of the post will be notified about the new comment on his post.</p>\n";
} else {
echo ".</p>\n";
<p><em>delete</em>: remove the content from your blog (note: you won't be asked again, so you should double-check
that you really want to delete the comment - once deleted you can&#8242;t bring them back!)</p>
<p><em>later</em>: don&#8242;t change the comment&#8242;s status at all now.</p>
} // if comments
/* </Template> */
include("b2footer.php") ?>