
572 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/not-gettexted.php';
require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/pot-ext-meta.php';
require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/extract.php';
if ( !defined( 'STDERR' ) ) {
define( 'STDERR', fopen( 'php://stderr', 'w' ) );
class MakePOT {
var $max_header_lines = 30;
var $projects = array(
var $rules = array(
'_' => array('string'),
'__' => array('string'),
'_e' => array('string'),
'_c' => array('string'),
'_n' => array('singular', 'plural'),
'_n_noop' => array('singular', 'plural'),
'_nc' => array('singular', 'plural'),
'__ngettext' => array('singular', 'plural'),
'__ngettext_noop' => array('singular', 'plural'),
'_x' => array('string', 'context'),
'_ex' => array('string', 'context'),
'_nx' => array('singular', 'plural', null, 'context'),
'_nx_noop' => array('singular', 'plural', 'context'),
'_n_js' => array('singular', 'plural'),
'_nx_js' => array('singular', 'plural', 'context'),
'esc_attr__' => array('string'),
'esc_html__' => array('string'),
'esc_attr_e' => array('string'),
'esc_html_e' => array('string'),
'esc_attr_x' => array('string', 'context'),
'esc_html_x' => array('string', 'context'),
'comments_number_link' => array('string', 'singular', 'plural'),
var $ms_files = array( 'ms-.*', '.*/ms-.*', '.*/my-.*', 'wp-activate\.php', 'wp-signup\.php', 'wp-admin/network\.php', 'wp-admin/includes/ms\.php', 'wp-admin/network/.*\.php', 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms.*' );
var $temp_files = array();
var $meta = array(
'default' => array(
'from-code' => 'utf-8',
'msgid-bugs-address' => 'http://make.wordpress.org/polyglots',
'language' => 'php',
'add-comments' => 'translators',
'comments' => "Copyright (C) {year} {package-name}\nThis file is distributed under the same license as the {package-name} package.",
'generic' => array(),
'wp-frontend' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of frontend strings in WordPress {version}',
'copyright-holder' => 'WordPress',
'package-name' => 'WordPress',
'package-version' => '{version}',
'wp-admin' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of site admin strings in WordPress {version}',
'copyright-holder' => 'WordPress',
'package-name' => 'WordPress',
'package-version' => '{version}',
'wp-network-admin' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of network admin strings in WordPress {version}',
'copyright-holder' => 'WordPress',
'package-name' => 'WordPress',
'package-version' => '{version}',
'wp-core' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of WordPress {version}',
'copyright-holder' => 'WordPress',
'package-name' => 'WordPress',
'package-version' => '{version}',
'wp-ms' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of multisite strings in WordPress {version}',
'copyright-holder' => 'WordPress',
'package-name' => 'WordPress',
'package-version' => '{version}',
'wp-tz' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of timezone strings in WordPress {version}',
'copyright-holder' => 'WordPress',
'package-name' => 'WordPress',
'package-version' => '{version}',
'bb' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of bbPress',
'copyright-holder' => 'bbPress',
'package-name' => 'bbPress',
'wp-plugin' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of the WordPress plugin {name} {version} by {author}',
'msgid-bugs-address' => 'http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/{slug}',
'copyright-holder' => '{author}',
'package-name' => '{name}',
'package-version' => '{version}',
'wp-theme' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of the WordPress theme {name} {version} by {author}',
'msgid-bugs-address' => 'http://wordpress.org/support/theme/{slug}',
'copyright-holder' => '{author}',
'package-name' => '{name}',
'package-version' => '{version}',
'comments' => 'Copyright (C) {year} {author}\nThis file is distributed under the same license as the {package-name} package.',
'bp' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of BuddyPress',
'copyright-holder' => 'BuddyPress',
'package-name' => 'BuddyPress',
'glotpress' => array(
'description' => 'Translation of GlotPress',
'copyright-holder' => 'GlotPress',
'package-name' => 'GlotPress',
'wporg-bb-forums' => array(
'description' => 'WordPress.org International Forums',
'copyright-holder' => 'WordPress',
'package-name' => 'WordPress.org International Forums',
'rosetta' => array(
'description' => 'Rosetta (.wordpress.org locale sites)',
'copyright-holder' => 'WordPress',
'package-name' => 'Rosetta',
function __construct($deprecated = true) {
$this->extractor = new StringExtractor( $this->rules );
function __destruct() {
foreach ( $this->temp_files as $temp_file )
unlink( $temp_file );
function tempnam( $file ) {
$tempnam = tempnam( sys_get_temp_dir(), $file );
$this->temp_files[] = $tempnam;
return $tempnam;
function realpath_missing($path) {
return realpath(dirname($path)).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($path);
function xgettext($project, $dir, $output_file, $placeholders = array(), $excludes = array(), $includes = array()) {
$meta = array_merge( $this->meta['default'], $this->meta[$project] );
$placeholders = array_merge( $meta, $placeholders );
$meta['output'] = $this->realpath_missing( $output_file );
$placeholders['year'] = date( 'Y' );
$placeholder_keys = array_map( create_function( '$x', 'return "{".$x."}";' ), array_keys( $placeholders ) );
$placeholder_values = array_values( $placeholders );
foreach($meta as $key => $value) {
$meta[$key] = str_replace($placeholder_keys, $placeholder_values, $value);
$originals = $this->extractor->extract_from_directory( $dir, $excludes, $includes );
$pot = new PO;
$pot->entries = $originals->entries;
$pot->set_header( 'Project-Id-Version', $meta['package-name'].' '.$meta['package-version'] );
$pot->set_header( 'Report-Msgid-Bugs-To', $meta['msgid-bugs-address'] );
$pot->set_header( 'POT-Creation-Date', gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s+00:00' ) );
$pot->set_header( 'MIME-Version', '1.0' );
$pot->set_header( 'Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' );
$pot->set_header( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding', '8bit' );
$pot->set_header( 'PO-Revision-Date', date( 'Y') . '-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE' );
$pot->set_header( 'Last-Translator', 'FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>' );
$pot->set_header( 'Language-Team', 'LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>' );
$pot->set_comment_before_headers( $meta['comments'] );
$pot->export_to_file( $output_file );
return true;
function wp_generic($dir, $args) {
$defaults = array(
'project' => 'wp-core',
'output' => null,
'default_output' => 'wordpress.pot',
'includes' => array(),
'excludes' => array_merge(
array('wp-admin/includes/continents-cities\.php', 'wp-content/themes/twenty.*', ),
'extract_not_gettexted' => false,
'not_gettexted_files_filter' => false,
$args = array_merge( $defaults, $args );
extract( $args );
$placeholders = array();
if ( $wp_version = $this->wp_version( $dir ) )
$placeholders['version'] = $wp_version;
return false;
$output = is_null( $output )? $default_output : $output;
$res = $this->xgettext( $project, $dir, $output, $placeholders, $excludes, $includes );
if ( !$res ) return false;
if ( $extract_not_gettexted ) {
$old_dir = getcwd();
$output = realpath( $output );
chdir( $dir );
$php_files = NotGettexted::list_php_files('.');
$php_files = array_filter( $php_files, $not_gettexted_files_filter );
$not_gettexted = new NotGettexted;
$res = $not_gettexted->command_extract( $output, $php_files );
chdir( $old_dir );
/* Adding non-gettexted strings can repeat some phrases */
$output_shell = escapeshellarg( $output );
system( "msguniq --use-first $output_shell -o $output_shell" );
return $res;
function wp_core($dir, $output) {
if ( file_exists( "$dir/wp-admin/user/about.php" ) ) return false;
return $this->wp_generic( $dir, array(
'project' => 'wp-core', 'output' => $output,
'extract_not_gettexted' => true,
'not_gettexted_files_filter' => array( &$this, 'is_not_ms_file' ),
) );
function wp_frontend($dir, $output) {
if ( ! file_exists( "$dir/wp-admin/user/about.php" ) ) return false;
return $this->wp_generic( $dir, array(
'project' => 'wp-frontend', 'output' => $output,
'includes' => array(), 'excludes' => array( 'wp-admin/.*', 'wp-content/themes/.*' ),
'default_output' => 'wordpress.pot',
) );
function wp_admin($dir, $output) {
if ( ! file_exists( "$dir/wp-admin/user/about.php" ) ) return false;
$frontend_pot = $this->tempnam( 'frontend.pot' );
if ( false === $frontend_pot ) return false;
$frontend_result = $this->wp_frontend( $dir, $frontend_pot );
if ( ! $frontend_result )
return false;
$result = $this->wp_generic( $dir, array(
'project' => 'wp-admin', 'output' => $output,
'includes' => array( 'wp-admin/.*' ), 'excludes' => array( 'wp-admin/includes/continents-cities\.php', 'wp-admin/network/.*', 'wp-admin/network.php' ),
'default_output' => 'wordpress-admin.pot',
) );
if ( ! $result )
return false;
$potextmeta = new PotExtMeta;
$result = $potextmeta->append( "$dir/wp-content/plugins/akismet/akismet.php", $output );
if ( ! $result )
return false;
$result = $potextmeta->append( "$dir/wp-content/plugins/hello.php", $output );
if ( ! $result )
return false;
/* Adding non-gettexted strings can repeat some phrases */
$output_shell = escapeshellarg($output);
system("msguniq $output_shell -o $output_shell");
$common_pot = $this->tempnam( 'common.pot' );
if ( ! $common_pot )
return false;
$admin_pot = realpath( is_null( $output ) ? 'wordpress-admin.pot' : $output );
system( "msgcat --more-than=1 --use-first $frontend_pot $admin_pot > $common_pot" );
system( "msgcat -u --use-first $admin_pot $common_pot -o $admin_pot" );
return true;
function wp_network_admin($dir, $output) {
if ( ! file_exists( "$dir/wp-admin/user/about.php" ) ) return false;
$frontend_pot = $this->tempnam( 'frontend.pot' );
if ( false === $frontend_pot ) return false;
$frontend_result = $this->wp_frontend( $dir, $frontend_pot );
if ( ! $frontend_result )
return false;
$admin_pot = $this->tempnam( 'admin.pot' );
if ( false === $admin_pot ) return false;
$admin_result = $this->wp_admin( $dir, $admin_pot );
if ( ! $admin_result )
return false;
$result = $this->wp_generic( $dir, array(
'project' => 'wp-network-admin', 'output' => $output,
'includes' => array( 'wp-admin/network/.*', 'wp-admin/network.php' ), 'excludes' => array(),
'default_output' => 'wordpress-admin-network.pot',
) );
if ( ! $result ) {
return false;
$common_pot = $this->tempnam( 'common.pot' );
if ( ! $common_pot )
return false;
$net_admin_pot = realpath( is_null( $output ) ? 'wordpress-network-admin.pot' : $output );
system( "msgcat --more-than=1 --use-first $frontend_pot $admin_pot $net_admin_pot > $common_pot" );
system( "msgcat -u --use-first $net_admin_pot $common_pot -o $net_admin_pot" );
return true;
function wp_ms($dir, $output) {
if ( file_exists( "$dir/wp-admin/user/about.php" ) ) return false;
if ( !is_file("$dir/wp-admin/ms-users.php") ) return false;
$core_pot = $this->tempnam( 'wordpress.pot' );
if ( false === $core_pot ) return false;
$core_result = $this->wp_core( $dir, $core_pot );
if ( ! $core_result )
return false;
$ms_result = $this->wp_generic( $dir, array(
'project' => 'wp-ms', 'output' => $output,
'includes' => $this->ms_files, 'excludes' => array(),
'default_output' => 'wordpress-ms.pot',
'extract_not_gettexted' => true,
'not_gettexted_files_filter' => array( &$this, 'is_ms_file' ),
) );
if ( !$ms_result ) {
return false;
$common_pot = $this->tempnam( 'common.pot' );
if ( ! $common_pot )
return false;
$ms_pot = realpath( is_null( $output )? 'wordpress-ms.pot' : $output );
system( "msgcat --more-than=1 --use-first $core_pot $ms_pot > $common_pot" );
system( "msgcat -u --use-first $ms_pot $common_pot -o $ms_pot" );
return true;
function wp_tz($dir, $output) {
$continents_path = 'wp-admin/includes/continents-cities.php';
if ( !file_exists( "$dir/$continents_path" ) ) return false;
return $this->wp_generic( $dir, array(
'project' => 'wp-tz', 'output' => $output,
'includes' => array($continents_path), 'excludes' => array(),
'default_output' => 'wordpress-continents-cities.pot',
) );
function wp_version($dir) {
$version_php = $dir.'/wp-includes/version.php';
if ( !is_readable( $version_php ) ) return false;
return preg_match( '/\$wp_version\s*=\s*\'(.*?)\';/', file_get_contents( $version_php ), $matches )? $matches[1] : false;
function mu($dir, $output) {
$placeholders = array();
if (preg_match('/\$wpmu_version\s*=\s*\'(.*?)\';/', file_get_contents($dir.'/wp-includes/version.php'), $matches)) {
$placeholders['version'] = $matches[1];
$output = is_null($output)? 'wordpress.pot' : $output;
return $this->xgettext('wp', $dir, $output, $placeholders);
function bb($dir, $output) {
$placeholders = array();
$output = is_null($output)? 'bbpress.pot' : $output;
return $this->xgettext('bb', $dir, $output, $placeholders);
function get_first_lines($filename, $lines = 30) {
$extf = fopen($filename, 'r');
if (!$extf) return false;
$first_lines = '';
foreach(range(1, $lines) as $x) {
$line = fgets($extf);
if (feof($extf)) break;
if (false === $line) {
return false;
$first_lines .= $line;
return $first_lines;
function get_addon_header($header, &$source) {
if (preg_match('|'.$header.':(.*)$|mi', $source, $matches))
return trim($matches[1]);
return false;
function generic($dir, $output) {
$output = is_null($output)? "generic.pot" : $output;
return $this->xgettext('generic', $dir, $output, array());
function guess_plugin_slug($dir) {
if ('trunk' == basename($dir)) {
$slug = basename(dirname($dir));
} elseif (in_array(basename(dirname($dir)), array('branches', 'tags'))) {
$slug = basename(dirname(dirname($dir)));
} else {
$slug = basename($dir);
return $slug;
function wp_plugin($dir, $output, $slug = null) {
$placeholders = array();
// guess plugin slug
if (is_null($slug)) {
$slug = $this->guess_plugin_slug($dir);
$main_file = $dir.'/'.$slug.'.php';
$source = $this->get_first_lines($main_file, $this->max_header_lines);
$placeholders['version'] = $this->get_addon_header('Version', $source);
$placeholders['author'] = $this->get_addon_header('Author', $source);
$placeholders['name'] = $this->get_addon_header('Plugin Name', $source);
$placeholders['slug'] = $slug;
$output = is_null($output)? "$slug.pot" : $output;
$res = $this->xgettext('wp-plugin', $dir, $output, $placeholders);
if (!$res) return false;
$potextmeta = new PotExtMeta;
$res = $potextmeta->append($main_file, $output);
/* Adding non-gettexted strings can repeat some phrases */
$output_shell = escapeshellarg($output);
system("msguniq $output_shell -o $output_shell");
return $res;
function wp_theme($dir, $output, $slug = null) {
$placeholders = array();
// guess plugin slug
if (is_null($slug)) {
$slug = $this->guess_plugin_slug($dir);
$main_file = $dir.'/style.css';
$source = $this->get_first_lines($main_file, $this->max_header_lines);
$placeholders['version'] = $this->get_addon_header('Version', $source);
$placeholders['author'] = $this->get_addon_header('Author', $source);
$placeholders['name'] = $this->get_addon_header('Theme Name', $source);
$placeholders['slug'] = $slug;
$license = $this->get_addon_header( 'License', $source );
if ( $license )
$this->meta['wp-theme']['comments'] = "Copyright (C) {year} {author}\nThis file is distributed under the {$license}.";
$this->meta['wp-theme']['comments'] = "Copyright (C) {year} {author}\nThis file is distributed under the same license as the {package-name} package.";
$output = is_null($output)? "$slug.pot" : $output;
$res = $this->xgettext('wp-theme', $dir, $output, $placeholders);
if (! $res )
return false;
$potextmeta = new PotExtMeta;
$res = $potextmeta->append( $main_file, $output, array( 'Theme Name', 'Theme URI', 'Description', 'Author', 'Author URI' ) );
if ( ! $res )
return false;
// If we're dealing with a pre-3.4 default theme, don't extract page templates before 3.4.
$extract_templates = ! in_array( $slug, array( 'twentyten', 'twentyeleven', 'default', 'classic' ) );
if ( ! $extract_templates ) {
$wp_dir = dirname( dirname( dirname( $dir ) ) );
$extract_templates = file_exists( "$wp_dir/wp-admin/user/about.php" ) || ! file_exists( "$wp_dir/wp-load.php" );
if ( $extract_templates ) {
$res = $potextmeta->append( $dir, $output, array( 'Template Name' ) );
if ( ! $res )
return false;
$files = scandir( $dir );
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
if ( '.' == $file[0] || 'CVS' == $file )
if ( is_dir( $dir . '/' . $file ) ) {
$res = $potextmeta->append( $dir . '/' . $file, $output, array( 'Template Name' ) );
if ( ! $res )
return false;
/* Adding non-gettexted strings can repeat some phrases */
$output_shell = escapeshellarg($output);
system("msguniq $output_shell -o $output_shell");
return $res;
function bp($dir, $output) {
$output = is_null($output)? "buddypress.pot" : $output;
return $this->xgettext('bp', $dir, $output, array(), array('bp-forums/bbpress/.*'));
function glotpress( $dir, $output ) {
$output = is_null( $output ) ? "glotpress.pot" : $output;
return $this->xgettext( 'glotpress', $dir, $output );
function wporg_bb_forums( $dir, $output ) {
$output = is_null( $output ) ? 'wporg.pot' : $output;
return $this->xgettext( 'wporg-bb-forums', $dir, $output, array(), array(
) );
function rosetta( $dir, $output ) {
$output = is_null( $output )? 'rosetta.pot' : $output;
return $this->xgettext( 'rosetta', $dir, $output, array(), array(), array(
) );
function is_ms_file( $file_name ) {
$is_ms_file = false;
$prefix = substr( $file_name, 0, 2 ) === './'? '\./' : '';
foreach( $this->ms_files as $ms_file )
if ( preg_match( '|^'.$prefix.$ms_file.'$|', $file_name ) ) {
$is_ms_file = true;
return $is_ms_file;
function is_not_ms_file( $file_name ) {
return !$this->is_ms_file( $file_name );
// run the CLI only if the file
// wasn't included
$included_files = get_included_files();
if ($included_files[0] == __FILE__) {
$makepot = new MakePOT;
if ((3 == count($argv) || 4 == count($argv)) && in_array($method = str_replace('-', '_', $argv[1]), get_class_methods($makepot))) {
$res = call_user_func(array(&$makepot, $method), realpath($argv[2]), isset($argv[3])? $argv[3] : null);
if (false === $res) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Couldn't generate POT file!\n");
} else {
$usage = "Usage: php makepot.php PROJECT DIRECTORY [OUTPUT]\n\n";
$usage .= "Generate POT file from the files in DIRECTORY [OUTPUT]\n";
$usage .= "Available projects: ".implode(', ', $makepot->projects)."\n";
fwrite(STDERR, $usage);