2013-08-07 06:38:38 +00:00
< ? php
* @ group compat
2015-05-06 02:59:50 +00:00
* @ group security - 153
2013-08-07 06:38:38 +00:00
class Tests_Compat extends WP_UnitTestCase {
2015-05-06 02:59:50 +00:00
function utf8_string_lengths () {
return array (
// string, character_length, byte_length
array ( 'б а б а ' , 4 , 8 ),
array ( 'б а б ' , 3 , 6 ),
array ( 'I am your б ' , 11 , 12 ),
array ( '1111111111' , 10 , 10 ),
array ( '²²²²²²²²²²' , 10 , 20 ),
array ( '3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ' , 10 , 30 ),
array ( '𝟜 𝟜 𝟜 𝟜 𝟜 𝟜 𝟜 𝟜 𝟜 𝟜 ' , 10 , 40 ),
array ( '1²3 𝟜 1²3 𝟜 1²3 𝟜 ' , 12 , 30 ),
function utf8_substrings () {
return array (
// string, start, length, character_substring, byte_substring
array ( 'б а б а ' , 0 , 3 , 'б а б ' , " б \xD0 " ),
array ( 'б а б а ' , 0 , - 1 , 'б а б ' , " б а б \xD0 " ),
array ( 'б а б а ' , 1 , null , 'а б а ' , " \xB1 а б а " ),
array ( 'б а б а ' , - 3 , null , 'а б а ' , " \xB1 а " ),
array ( 'б а б а ' , - 3 , 2 , 'а б ' , " \xB1 \xD0 " ),
array ( 'б а б а ' , - 1 , 2 , 'а ' , " \xB0 " ),
array ( 'I am your б а б а ' , 0 , 11 , 'I am your б ' , " I am your \xD0 " ),
* @ dataProvider utf8_string_lengths
function test_mb_strlen ( $string , $expected_character_length ) {
$this -> assertEquals ( $expected_character_length , _mb_strlen ( $string , 'UTF-8' ) );
* @ dataProvider utf8_string_lengths
function test_mb_strlen_via_regex ( $string , $expected_character_length ) {
_wp_can_use_pcre_u ( false );
$this -> assertEquals ( $expected_character_length , _mb_strlen ( $string , 'UTF-8' ) );
_wp_can_use_pcre_u ( 'reset' );
* @ dataProvider utf8_string_lengths
function test_8bit_mb_strlen ( $string , $expected_character_length , $expected_byte_length ) {
$this -> assertEquals ( $expected_byte_length , _mb_strlen ( $string , '8bit' ) );
* @ dataProvider utf8_substrings
function test_mb_substr ( $string , $start , $length , $expected_character_substring ) {
$this -> assertEquals ( $expected_character_substring , _mb_substr ( $string , $start , $length , 'UTF-8' ) );
* @ dataProvider utf8_substrings
function test_mb_substr_via_regex ( $string , $start , $length , $expected_character_substring ) {
_wp_can_use_pcre_u ( false );
$this -> assertEquals ( $expected_character_substring , _mb_substr ( $string , $start , $length , 'UTF-8' ) );
_wp_can_use_pcre_u ( 'reset' );
* @ dataProvider utf8_substrings
function test_8bit_mb_substr ( $string , $start , $length , $expected_character_substring , $expected_byte_substring ) {
$this -> assertEquals ( $expected_byte_substring , _mb_substr ( $string , $start , $length , '8bit' ) );
function test_mb_substr_phpcore (){
/* https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/php-5.6.8/ext/mbstring/tests/mb_substr_basic.phpt */
$string_ascii = 'ABCDEF' ;
$string_mb = base64_decode ( '5pel5pys6Kqe44OG44Kt44K544OI44Gn44GZ44CCMDEyMzTvvJXvvJbvvJfvvJjvvJnjgII=' );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'DEF' , _mb_substr ( $string_ascii , 3 ) );
$this -> assertEquals ( 'DEF' , _mb_substr ( $string_ascii , 3 , 5 , 'ISO-8859-1' ) );
// specific latin-1 as that is the default the core php test opporates under
$this -> assertEquals ( 'peacrOiqng==' , base64_encode ( _mb_substr ( $string_mb , 2 , 7 , 'latin-1' ) ) );
$this -> assertEquals ( '6Kqe44OG44Kt44K544OI44Gn44GZ' , base64_encode ( _mb_substr ( $string_mb , 2 , 7 , 'utf-8' ) ) );
/* https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/php-5.6.8/ext/mbstring/tests/mb_substr_variation1.phpt */
$start = 0 ;
$length = 5 ;
$unset_var = 10 ;
unset ( $unset_var );
$heredoc = <<< EOT
hello world
$inputs = array (
/*1*/ 0 ,
1 ,
12345 ,
- 2345 ,
// float data
/*5*/ 10.5 ,
- 10.5 ,
12.3456789000e10 ,
12.3456789000E-10 ,
. 5 ,
// null data
/*10*/ NULL ,
null ,
// boolean data
/*12*/ true ,
false ,
// empty data
/*16*/ " " ,
'' ,
// string data
/*18*/ " string " ,
'string' ,
$heredoc ,
// object data
/*21*/ new classA (),
// undefined data
/*22*/ @ $undefined_var ,
// unset data
/*23*/ @ $unset_var ,
$outputs = array (
" 0 " ,
" 1 " ,
" 12345 " ,
" -2345 " ,
" 10.5 " ,
" -10.5 " ,
" 12345 " ,
" 1.234 " ,
" 0.5 " ,
" " ,
" " ,
" 1 " ,
" " ,
" 1 " ,
" " ,
" " ,
" " ,
" strin " ,
" strin " ,
" hello " ,
" Class " ,
" " ,
" " ,
$iterator = 0 ;
foreach ( $inputs as $input ) {
$this -> assertEquals ( $outputs [ $iterator ] , _mb_substr ( $input , $start , $length ) );
$iterator ++ ;
2013-08-07 06:38:38 +00:00
function test_hash_hmac_simple () {
$this -> assertEquals ( '140d1cb79fa12e2a31f32d35ad0a2723' , _hash_hmac ( 'md5' , 'simple' , 'key' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( '993003b95758e0ac2eba451a4c5877eb1bb7b92a' , _hash_hmac ( 'sha1' , 'simple' , 'key' ));
function test_hash_hmac_padding () {
$this -> assertEquals ( '3c1399103807cf12ec38228614416a8c' , _hash_hmac ( 'md5' , 'simple' , '65 character key 65 character key 65 character key 65 character k' ));
$this -> assertEquals ( '4428826d20003e309d6c2a6515891370daf184ea' , _hash_hmac ( 'sha1' , 'simple' , '65 character key 65 character key 65 character key 65 character k' ));
function test_hash_hmac_output () {
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 1 => '140d1cb79fa12e2a31f32d35ad0a2723' ), unpack ( 'H32' , _hash_hmac ( 'md5' , 'simple' , 'key' , true )));
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 1 => '993003b95758e0ac2eba451a4c5877eb1bb7b92a' ), unpack ( 'H40' , _hash_hmac ( 'sha1' , 'simple' , 'key' , true )));
function test_json_encode_decode () {
require_once ( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-json.php' );
$json = new Services_JSON ();
// Super basic test to verify Services_JSON is intact and working.
$this -> assertEquals ( '["foo"]' , $json -> encodeUnsafe ( array ( 'foo' ) ) );
$this -> assertEquals ( array ( 'foo' ), $json -> decode ( '["foo"]' ) );
2015-05-06 02:59:50 +00:00
/* used in test_mb_substr_phpcore */
class classA {
public function __toString () {
return " Class A object " ;