$overview='<p>'.__('Welcome to your Network Admin. This area of the Administration Screens is used for managing all aspects of your Multisite Network.').'</p>';
$overview.='<p>'.__('From here you can:').'</p>';
$overview.='<ul><li>'.__('Add and manage sites or users').'</li>';
$overview.='<li>'.__('Install and activate themes or plugins').'</li>';
$overview.='<li>'.__('Update your network').'</li>';
$overview.='<li>'.__('Modify global network settings').'</li></ul>';
$quick_tasks='<p>'.__('The Right Now widget on this screen provides current user and site counts on your network.').'</p>';
$quick_tasks.='<ul><li>'.__('To add a new user <strong>click Create a New User</strong>').'</li>';
$quick_tasks.='<li>'.__('To add a new site <strong>click Create a New Site</strong>').'</li></ul>';
$quick_tasks.='<p>'.__('To search for a user or site, use the search boxes.').'</p>';
$quick_tasks.='<ul><li>'.__('<strong>To search for a user</strong> enter all or part of a username or email address').'</li>';
$quick_tasks.='<li>'.__('<strong>To search for a site</strong> enter the path or domain').'</li></ul>';