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/* global wp */
jQuery( window ).load( function() {
var api = wp.customize, $ = jQuery;
module( 'Customize Widgets' );
test( 'fixtures should be present', function() {
var widgetControl;
ok( api.panel( 'widgets' ) );
ok( api.section( 'sidebar-widgets-sidebar-1' ) );
widgetControl = api.control( 'widget_search[2]' );
ok( widgetControl );
ok( api.control( 'sidebars_widgets[sidebar-1]' ) );
ok( api( 'widget_search[2]' ) );
ok( api( 'sidebars_widgets[sidebar-1]' ) );
ok( widgetControl.params.content );
ok( widgetControl.params.widget_control );
ok( widgetControl.params.widget_content );
ok( widgetControl.params.widget_id );
ok( widgetControl.params.widget_id_base );
test( 'widget contents should embed (with widget-added event) when section and control expand', function() {
var control, section, widgetAddedEvent = null, widgetControlRootElement = null;
control = api.control( 'widget_search[2]' );
section = api.section( 'sidebar-widgets-sidebar-1' );
$( document ).on( 'widget-added', function( event, widgetElement ) {
widgetAddedEvent = event;
widgetControlRootElement = widgetElement;
ok( ! section.expanded() );
ok( 0 === control.container.find( '> .widget' ).length );
ok( ! widgetAddedEvent );
ok( 1 === control.container.find( '> .widget' ).length );
ok( 0 === control.container.find( '.widget-content' ).children().length );
ok( 1 === control.container.find( '.widget-content' ).children().length );
ok( widgetAddedEvent );
ok( widgetControlRootElement.is( control.container.find( '> .widget' ) ) );
ok( 1 === control.container.find( '.widget-content #widget-search-2-title' ).length );
$( document ).off( 'widget-added' );