2014-03-24 06:59:45 +01:00
( function ( ) {
module ( "tinymce.html.SaxParser" ) ;
var writer = new tinymce . html . Writer ( ) , schema = new tinymce . html . Schema ( ) ;
function createCounter ( writer ) {
var counts = { } ;
return {
counts : counts ,
comment : function ( text ) {
if ( "comment" in counts ) {
counts . comment ++ ;
} else {
counts . comment = 1 ;
writer . comment ( text ) ;
} ,
cdata : function ( text ) {
if ( "cdata" in counts ) {
counts . cdata ++ ;
} else {
counts . cdata = 1 ;
writer . cdata ( text ) ;
} ,
text : function ( text , raw ) {
if ( "text" in counts ) {
counts . text ++ ;
} else {
counts . text = 1 ;
writer . text ( text , raw ) ;
} ,
start : function ( name , attrs , empty ) {
if ( "start" in counts ) {
counts . start ++ ;
} else {
counts . start = 1 ;
writer . start ( name , attrs , empty ) ;
} ,
end : function ( name ) {
if ( "end" in counts ) {
counts . end ++ ;
} else {
counts . end = 1 ;
writer . end ( name ) ;
} ,
pi : function ( name , text ) {
if ( "pi" in counts ) {
counts . pi ++ ;
} else {
counts . pi = 1 ;
writer . pi ( name , text ) ;
} ,
doctype : function ( text ) {
if ( "doctype:" in counts ) {
counts . doctype ++ ;
} else {
counts . doctype = 1 ;
writer . doctype ( text ) ;
} ;
test ( 'Parse elements' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
expect ( 46 ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<span id=id1 title="title value" class=\'class1 class2\' data-value="value1" MYATTR="val1" myns:myattr="val2" disabled empty=""></span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<span id="id1" title="title value" class="class1 class2" data-value="value1" myattr="val1" myns:myattr="val2" disabled="disabled" empty=""></span>' , 'Parse attribute formats.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse attribute formats counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<b href=\'"&<>\'></b>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<b href=""&<>"></b>' , 'Parse attributes with <> in them.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse attributes with <> in them (count).' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<span title=" "class=" "></span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<span title=" " class=" "></span>' , 'Parse compressed attributes.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse compressed attributes (count).' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<span title></span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<span title=""></span>' , 'Single empty attribute.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Single empty attributes (count).' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<span class="class" title></span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<span class="class" title=""></span>' , 'Empty attribute at end.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Empty attribute at end (count).' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<span title class="class"></span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<span title="" class="class"></span>' , 'Empty attribute at start.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Empty attribute at start (count).' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<img src="test">' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<img src="test" />' , 'Parse empty element.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 } , 'Parse empty element counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<img\nsrc="test"\ntitle="row1\nrow2">' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<img src="test" title="row1\nrow2" />' , 'Parse attributes with linebreak.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 } , 'Parse attributes with linebreak counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<img \t \t src="test" \t \t title="\t row1\t row2">' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<img src="test" title="\t row1\t row2" />' , 'Parse attributes with whitespace.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 } , 'Parse attributes with whitespace counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<myns:mytag>text</myns:mytag>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<myns:mytag>text</myns:mytag>' , 'Parse element with namespace.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , text : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse element with namespace counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<myns-mytag>text</myns-mytag>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<myns-mytag>text</myns-mytag>' , 'Parse element with dash name.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , text : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse element with dash name counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<p>text2<b>text3</p>text4</b>text5' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<p>text2<b>text3</b></p>text4text5' , 'Parse tag soup 1.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 5 , start : 2 , end : 2 } , 'Parse tag soup 1 counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<P>text2<B>text3</p>text4</b>text5' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<p>text2<b>text3</b></p>text4text5' , 'Parse tag soup 2.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 5 , start : 2 , end : 2 } , 'Parse tag soup 2 counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<P>text2<B>tex<t3</p>te>xt4</b>text5' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<p>text2<b>tex<t3</b></p>te>xt4text5' , 'Parse tag soup 3.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 5 , start : 2 , end : 2 } , 'Parse tag soup 3 counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<p>text2<b>text3' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<p>text2<b>text3</b></p>' , 'Parse tag soup 4.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 3 , start : 2 , end : 2 } , 'Parse tag soup 4 counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<script>text2' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<script>text2</s' + 'cript>' , 'Parse tag soup 5.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 2 , start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse tag soup 5 counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<style>text2' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<style>text2</st' + 'yle>' , 'Parse tag soup 6.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 2 , start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse tag soup 6 counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<span title="<test" data-test="test>"></span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<span title="<test" data-test="test>"></span>' , 'Parse element with </> in attributes.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 1 , start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse element with </> in attributes counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( "text\n<SC" + "RIPT type=mce-text/javascript>// <![CDATA[\nalert('HELLO WORLD!');\n// ]]></SC" + "RIPT>" ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , "text\n<sc" + "ript type=\"mce-text/javascript\">// <![CDATA[\nalert('HELLO WORLD!');\n// ]]></sc" + "ript>" , 'Parse cdata script.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 2 , start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse cdata script counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<noscript>te<br>xt2</noscript>text3' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<noscript>te<br>xt2</noscript>text3' , 'Parse noscript elements.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 3 , start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse noscript elements counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<p>a</p><p /><p>b</p>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<p>a</p><p></p><p>b</p>' , 'Parse invalid closed element.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 2 , start : 3 , end : 3 } , 'Parse invalid closed element counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<br><br /><br/>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<br /><br /><br />' , 'Parse short ended elements.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 3 } , 'Parse short ended elements counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<p ></p>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<p></p>' , 'Parse start elements with whitespace only attribs part.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse start elements with whitespace only attribs part (counts).' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse style elements' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
expect ( 8 ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<em><style>// <b>tag</b></st' + 'yle>text2</em>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<em><style>// <b>tag</b></st' + 'yle>text2</em>' , 'Parse style element.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 2 , end : 2 , text : 3 } , 'Parse style element counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<em><style id="id">// <b>tag</b></st' + 'yle>text2</em>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<em><style id="id">// <b>tag</b></st' + 'yle>text2</em>' , 'Parse style element with attributes.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 3 , start : 2 , end : 2 } , 'Parse style element with attributes counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<em><style></st' + 'yle>text2</span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<em><style></st' + 'yle>text2</em>' , 'Parse empty style element.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 2 , start : 2 , end : 2 } , 'Parse empty style element counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( tinymce . extend ( { validate : true } , counter ) , new tinymce . html . Schema ( { invalid _elements : 'style' } ) ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<em><style>text2</st' + 'yle>text3</em>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<em>text3</em>' , 'Parse invalid style element.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 2 , start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse invalid style element (count).' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse script elements' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
expect ( 8 ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<em><script>// <b>tag</b></s' + 'cript>text2</em>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<em><script>// <b>tag</b></s' + 'cript>text2</em>' , 'Parse script element.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 2 , end : 2 , text : 3 } , 'Parse script element counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<em><script id="id">// <b>tag</b></s' + 'cript>text2</em>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<em><script id="id">// <b>tag</b></s' + 'cript>text2</em>' , 'Parse script element with attributes.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 2 , end : 2 , text : 3 } , 'Parse script element with attributes counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<em><script></s' + 'cript>text2</em>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<em><script></s' + 'cript>text2</em>' , 'Parse empty script element.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 2 , start : 2 , end : 2 } , 'Parse empty script element counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( tinymce . extend ( { validate : true } , counter ) , new tinymce . html . Schema ( { invalid _elements : 'script' } ) ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<em><s' + 'cript>text2</s' + 'cript>text3</em>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<em>text3</em>' , 'Parse invalid script element.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 2 , start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse invalid script element (count).' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse text' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
expect ( 10 ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '' , 'Parse empty.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { } , 'Parse empty counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text' , 'Parse single text node.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { text : 1 } , 'Parse single text node counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<b>text</b>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<b>text</b>' , 'Parse wrapped text.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , text : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse wrapped text counts' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( 'text1<b>text2</b>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , 'text1<b>text2</b>' , 'Parse text at start.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , text : 2 , end : 1 } , 'Parse text at start counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<b>text1</b>text2' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<b>text1</b>text2' , 'Parse text at end.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , end : 1 , text : 2 } , 'Parse text at end counts.' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parsing comments' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
expect ( 8 ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<!-- comment value -->' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<!-- comment value -->' , 'Parse comment with value.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { comment : 1 } , 'Parse comment with value count.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<!---->' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '' , 'Parse comment without value.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { } , 'Parse comment without value count.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<!--<b></b>-->' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<!--<b></b>-->' , 'Parse comment with tag inside.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { comment : 1 } , 'Parse comment with tag inside counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<b>a<!-- value -->b</b>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<b>a<!-- value -->b</b>' , 'Parse comment with tags around it.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { comment : 1 , text : 2 , start : 1 , end : 1 } , 'Parse comment with tags around it counts.' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parsing cdata' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
expect ( 8 ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<![CDATA[test text]]>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<![CDATA[test text]]>' , 'Parse cdata with value.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { cdata : 1 } , 'Parse cdata with value counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<![CDATA[]]>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '' , 'Parse cdata without value.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { } , 'Parse cdata without value counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<![CDATA[<b>a</b>]]>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<![CDATA[<b>a</b>]]>' , 'Parse cdata with tag inside.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { cdata : 1 } , 'Parse cdata with tag inside counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<b>a<![CDATA[value]]>b</b>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<b>a<![CDATA[value]]>b</b>' , 'Parse cdata with tags around it.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { cdata : 1 , start : 1 , end : 1 , text : 2 } , 'Parse cdata with tags around it counts.' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse PI' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
expect ( 6 ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>text1' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>text1' , 'Parse PI with attributes.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { pi : 1 , text : 1 } , 'Parse PI with attributes counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<?xml?>text1' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<?xml?>text1' , 'Parse PI with no data.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { pi : 1 , text : 1 } , 'Parse PI with data counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<?xml somevalue/>text1' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<?xml somevalue?>text1' , 'Parse PI with IE style ending.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { pi : 1 , text : 1 } , 'Parse PI with IE style ending counts.' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse doctype' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
expect ( 4 ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">text1' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">text1' , 'Parse DOCTYPE.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { doctype : 1 , text : 1 } , 'Parse HTML5 DOCTYPE counts.' ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<!DOCTYPE html>text1' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<!DOCTYPE html>text1' , 'Parse HTML5 DOCTYPE.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { doctype : 1 , text : 1 } , 'Parse HTML5 DOCTYPE counts.' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse (validate)' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
expect ( 2 ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<invalid1>123<invalid2 />456<span title="title" invalid3="value">789</span>012</invalid1>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '123456<span title="title">789</span>012' , 'Parse invalid elements and attributes.' ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , { start : 1 , end : 1 , text : 4 } , 'Parse invalid elements and attributes counts.' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Self closing' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
expect ( 1 ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<ul><li>1<li><b>2</b><li><em><b>3</b></em></ul>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<ul><li>1</li><li><b>2</b></li><li><em><b>3</b></em></li></ul>' , 'Parse list with self closing items.' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Preserve internal elements' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser , schema ;
expect ( 2 ) ;
schema = new tinymce . html . Schema ( { valid _elements : 'b' } ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<span id="id"><b>text</b></span><span id="id" data-mce-type="something"></span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<b>text</b><span id="id" data-mce-type="something"></span>' , 'Preserve internal span element without any span schema rule.' ) ;
schema = new tinymce . html . Schema ( { valid _elements : 'b,span[class]' } ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<span id="id" class="class"><b>text</b></span><span id="id" data-mce-type="something"></span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<span class="class"><b>text</b></span><span id="id" data-mce-type="something"></span>' , 'Preserve internal span element with a span schema rule.' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Remove internal elements' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser , schema ;
expect ( 2 ) ;
schema = new tinymce . html . Schema ( { valid _elements : 'b' } ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = true ;
counter . remove _internals = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<span id="id"><b>text</b></span><span id="id" data-mce-type="something"></span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<b>text</b>' , 'Remove internal span element without any span schema rule.' ) ;
schema = new tinymce . html . Schema ( { valid _elements : 'b,span[class]' } ) ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = true ;
counter . remove _internals = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<span id="id" class="class"><b>text</b></span><span id="id" data-mce-type="something"></span>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<span class="class"><b>text</b></span>' , 'Remove internal span element with a span schema rule.' ) ;
// Reset
counter . remove _internals = false ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse attr with backslash #5436' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<a title="\\" href="h">x</a>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<a title="\\" href="h">x</a>' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse no attributes span before strong' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<p><span>A</span> <strong>B</strong></p>' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<p>A <strong>B</strong></p>' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Conditional comments (allowed)' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = false ;
counter . allow _conditional _comments = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<!--[if gte IE 4]>alert(1)<![endif]-->' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<!--[if gte IE 4]>alert(1)<![endif]-->' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Conditional comments (denied)' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = false ;
counter . allow _conditional _comments = false ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<!--[if gte IE 4]>alert(1)<![endif]-->' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<!-- [if gte IE 4]>alert(1)<![endif]-->' ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( '<!--[if !IE]>alert(1)<![endif]-->' ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , '<!-- [if !IE]>alert(1)<![endif]-->' ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse script urls (allowed)' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = false ;
counter . allow _script _urls = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse (
'<a href="javascript:alert(1)">1</a>' +
2014-06-18 01:49:00 +02:00
'<a href=" 2 ">2</a>' +
'<a href="data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+">3</a>'
) ;
equal (
writer . getContent ( ) ,
'<a href="javascript:alert(1)">1</a><a href=" 2 ">2</a>' +
'<a href="data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+">3</a>'
) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse script urls (allowed html data uris)' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = false ;
counter . allow _html _data _urls = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse (
'<a href="javascript:alert(1)">1</a>' +
'<a href="data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+">2</a>'
) ;
equal (
writer . getContent ( ) ,
'<a>1</a>' +
'<a href="data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+">2</a>'
2014-03-24 06:59:45 +01:00
) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse script urls (denied)' , function ( ) {
var counter , parser ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = false ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse (
'<a href="jAvaScript:alert(1)">1</a>' +
'<a href="vbscript:alert(2)">2</a>' +
'<a href="java\u0000script:alert(3)">3</a>' +
'<a href="\njavascript:alert(4)">4</a>' +
'<a href="java\nscript:alert(5)">5</a>' +
'<a href="java\tscript:alert(6)">6</a>' +
'<a href="%6aavascript:alert(7)">7</a>' +
2014-06-18 01:49:00 +02:00
'<a href="data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+">8</a>' +
'<a href=" dAt%61: tExt/html ; bAse64 , PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+">9</a>' +
'<object data="data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+">10</object>' +
'<button formaction="javascript:alert(11)">11</button>' +
'<table background="javascript:alert(12)"><tr><tr>12</tr></tr></table>' +
'<a href="mhtml:13">13</a>' +
'<img src="">' +
'<a href="%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83">Invalid url</a>'
) ;
equal (
writer . getContent ( ) ,
'<a>1</a><a>2</a><a>3</a><a>4</a><a>5</a><a>6</a><a>7</a><a>8</a><a>9</a>' +
'<object>10</object><button>11</button><table><tr></tr><tr>12</tr></table><a>13</a>' +
'<img src="" />' +
2014-03-24 06:59:45 +01:00
'<a href="%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83">Invalid url</a>'
) ;
2014-06-18 01:49:00 +02:00
} ) ;
test ( 'Parse away bogus elements' , function ( ) {
function testBogusSaxParse ( inputHtml , outputHtml , counters ) {
var counter , parser ;
counter = createCounter ( writer ) ;
counter . validate = true ;
parser = new tinymce . html . SaxParser ( counter , schema ) ;
writer . reset ( ) ;
parser . parse ( inputHtml ) ;
equal ( writer . getContent ( ) , outputHtml ) ;
deepEqual ( counter . counts , counters ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="1">b</b>c' , 'abc' , { text : 3 } ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="true">b</b>c' , 'abc' , { text : 3 } ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="1"></b>c' , 'ac' , { text : 2 } ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="all">b</b>c' , 'ac' , { text : 2 } ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="all"><!-- x --><?xml?></b>c' , 'ac' , { text : 2 } ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="all"><b>b</b></b>c' , 'ac' , { text : 2 } ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="all"><br>b</b><b>c</b>' , 'a<b>c</b>' , { start : 1 , end : 1 , text : 2 } ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="all"><img>b</b><b>c</b>' , 'a<b>c</b>' , { start : 1 , end : 1 , text : 2 } ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="all"><b attr="x">b</b></b>c' , 'ac' , { text : 2 } ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="all"></b>c' , 'ac' , { text : 2 } ) ;
testBogusSaxParse ( 'a<b data-mce-bogus="all"></b><b>c</b>' , 'a<b>c</b>' , { start : 1 , end : 1 , text : 2 } ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'findEndTag' , function ( ) {
function testFindEndTag ( html , startIndex , expectedIndex ) {
equal ( tinymce . html . SaxParser . findEndTag ( schema , html , startIndex ) , expectedIndex ) ;
testFindEndTag ( '<b>' , 3 , 3 ) ;
testFindEndTag ( '<img>' , 3 , 3 ) ;
testFindEndTag ( '<b></b>' , 3 , 7 ) ;
testFindEndTag ( '<b><img></b>' , 3 , 12 ) ;
testFindEndTag ( '<b><!-- </b> --></b>' , 3 , 20 ) ;
testFindEndTag ( '<span><b><i>a<img>b</i><b>c</b></b></span>' , 9 , 35 ) ;
2014-03-24 06:59:45 +01:00
} ) ;
} ) ( ) ;