2007-08-17 12:33:52 +02:00
< ? php
// A simple set of functions to check our version 1.0 update service
function wp_version_check () {
2007-08-19 06:27:04 +02:00
if ( strpos ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ], 'install.php' ) !== false || defined ( 'WP_INSTALLING' ) )
return ;
2007-08-17 12:33:52 +02:00
global $wp_version ;
$php_version = phpversion ();
2007-09-04 01:19:20 +02:00
2007-08-17 12:33:52 +02:00
$current = get_option ( 'update_core' );
$locale = get_locale ();
if (
isset ( $current -> last_checked ) &&
43200 > ( time () - $current -> last_checked ) &&
$current -> version_checked == $wp_version
return false ;
$new_option = '' ;
$new_option -> last_checked = time (); // this gets set whether we get a response or not, so if something is down or misconfigured it won't delay the page load for more than 3 seconds, twice a day
$new_option -> version_checked = $wp_version ;
$http_request = " GET /core/version-check/1.0/?version= $wp_version &php= $php_version &locale= $locale HTTP/1.0 \r \n " ;
$http_request .= " Host: api.wordpress.org \r \n " ;
$http_request .= 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . get_option ( 'blog_charset' ) . " \r \n " ;
$http_request .= 'User-Agent: WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo ( 'url' ) . " \r \n " ;
$http_request .= " \r \n " ;
$response = '' ;
if ( false !== ( $fs = @ fsockopen ( 'api.wordpress.org' , 80 , $errno , $errstr , 3 ) ) ) {
fwrite ( $fs , $http_request );
while ( ! feof ( $fs ) )
$response .= fgets ( $fs , 1160 ); // One TCP-IP packet
fclose ( $fs );
2007-09-04 01:19:20 +02:00
2007-08-17 12:33:52 +02:00
$response = explode ( " \r \n \r \n " , $response , 2 );
$body = trim ( $response [ 1 ] );
$body = str_replace ( array ( " \r \n " , " \r " ), " \n " , $body );
2007-09-04 01:19:20 +02:00
2007-08-17 12:33:52 +02:00
$returns = explode ( " \n " , $body );
$new_option -> response = $returns [ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $returns [ 1 ] ) )
$new_option -> url = $returns [ 1 ];
update_option ( 'update_core' , $new_option );
2007-08-17 15:28:45 +02:00
add_action ( 'init' , 'wp_version_check' );
2007-08-17 12:33:52 +02:00