<divclass="about-text"><?phpprintf(__('Thank you for updating to the latest version! WordPress %s is more polished and enjoyable than ever before. We hope you like it.'),$display_version);?></div>
<p><?php_e('The newest default theme for WordPress is simple, flexible, and elegant.');?></p>
<p><?php_e('What makes it really shine are the design details, like the gorgeous Open Sans typeface and a fully responsive design that looks great on any device.');?></p>
<p><?php_e('Naturally, Twenty Twelve supports all the theme features you’ve come to know and love, but it is also designed to be as great for a website as it is for a blog.');?></p>
<h4><?php_e('So Sharp You Can’t See the Pixels');?></h4>
<p><?php_e('The WordPress dashboard now looks beautiful on high-resolution screens like those found on the iPad, Kindle Fire HD, Nexus 10, and MacBook Pro with Retina Display. Icons and other visual elements are crystal clear and full of detail.');?></p>
<p><?php_e('WordPress supports more usage modes than ever before. Screenreaders, touch devices, and mouseless workflows all have improved ease of use and accessibility.');?></p>
<p><?php_e('A number of screens and controls have been refined. For example, a new color picker makes it easier for you to choose that perfect shade of blue.');?></p>
<p><?php_e('The <code>WP_Comment_Query</code> and <code>WP_User_Query</code> classes now support meta queries just like <code>WP_Query.</code> Meta queries now support querying for objects without a particular meta key.');?></p>
<h4><?php_e('Post Objects');?></h4>
<p><?php_e('Post objects are now instances of a <code>WP_Post</code> class, which improves performance by loading selected properties on demand.');?></p>
<h4><?php_e('Image Editing API');?></h4>
<p><?php_e('The <code>WP_Image_Editor</code> class abstracts image editing functionality such as cropping and scaling, and uses ImageMagick when available.');?></p>
<p><?phpprintf(__('The <a href="%s">WordPress API</a> is now always enabled, and supports fetching users, editing profiles, managing post revisions, and searching posts.'),__('http://codex.wordpress.org/XML-RPC_WordPress_API'));?></p>
<p><?phpprintf(__('WordPress now includes the <a href="%1$s">Underscore</a> and <a href="%2$s">Backbone</a> JavaScript libraries. TinyMCE, jQuery, jQuery UI, and SimplePie have all been updated to the latest versions.'),'http://underscorejs.org/','http://backbonejs.org/');?></p>