Use wpdb::insert() and update(). Props DD32. see #6836

git-svn-id: 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
This commit is contained in:
Ryan Boren 2009-03-06 04:27:51 +00:00
parent 52a4f412ba
commit 1fb1534e8f
11 changed files with 151 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ function _relocate_children( $old_ID, $new_ID ) {
global $wpdb;
$old_ID = (int) $old_ID;
$new_ID = (int) $new_ID;
return $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_parent = %d WHERE post_parent = %d", $new_ID, $old_ID) );
return $wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array('post_parent' => $new_ID), array('post_parent' => $old_ID) );

View File

@ -310,9 +310,8 @@ function populate_options() {
// Set up a few options not to load by default
$fatoptions = array( 'moderation_keys', 'recently_edited', 'blacklist_keys' );
foreach ($fatoptions as $fatoption) :
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->options SET `autoload` = 'no' WHERE option_name = '$fatoption'");
foreach ($fatoptions as $fatoption)
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->options, array('autoload' => 'no'), array('option_name' => $fatoption) );

View File

@ -93,52 +93,121 @@ function wp_install_defaults($user_id) {
global $wpdb;
// Default category
$cat_name = $wpdb->escape(__('Uncategorized'));
$cat_name = __('Uncategorized');
$cat_slug = sanitize_title(_c('Uncategorized|Default category slug'));
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->terms (name, slug, term_group) VALUES ('$cat_name', '$cat_slug', '0')");
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy, description, parent, count) VALUES ('1', 'category', '', '0', '1')");
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->terms, array('name' => $cat_name, 'slug' => $cat_slug, 'term_group' => 0) );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, array('term_id' => '1', 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'description' => '', 'parent' => 0, 'count' => 1));
// Default link category
$cat_name = $wpdb->escape(__('Blogroll'));
$cat_name = __('Blogroll');
$cat_slug = sanitize_title(_c('Blogroll|Default link category slug'));
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->terms (name, slug, term_group) VALUES ('$cat_name', '$cat_slug', '0')");
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy, description, parent, count) VALUES ('2', 'link_category', '', '0', '7')");
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->terms, array('name' => $cat_name, 'slug' => $cat_slug, 'term_group' => 0) );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, array('term_id' => '2', 'taxonomy' => 'link_category', 'description' => '', 'parent' => 0, 'count' => 7));
// Now drop in some default links
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss, link_notes) VALUES ('', 'Documentation', 0, '', '');");
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`) VALUES (1, 2)" );
$default_links = array();
$default_links[] = array( 'link_url' => '',
'link_name' => 'Documentation',
'link_category' => 0,
'link_rss' => '',
'link_notes' => '');
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss, link_notes) VALUES ('', 'Development Blog', 0, '', '');");
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`) VALUES (2, 2)" );
$default_links[] = array( 'link_url' => '',
'link_name' => 'Development Blog',
'link_category' => 0,
'link_rss' => '',
'link_notes' => '');
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss, link_notes) VALUES ('', 'Suggest Ideas', 0, '', '');");
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`) VALUES (3, 2)" );
$default_links[] = array( 'link_url' => '',
'link_name' => 'Suggest Ideas',
'link_category' => 0,
'link_rss' => '',
'link_notes' =>'');
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss, link_notes) VALUES ('', 'Support Forum', 0, '', '');");
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`) VALUES (4, 2)" );
$default_links[] = array( 'link_url' => '',
'link_name' => 'Support Forum',
'link_category' => 0,
'link_rss' => '',
'link_notes' =>'');
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss, link_notes) VALUES ('', 'Plugins', 0, '', '');");
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`) VALUES (5, 2)" );
$default_links[] = array( 'link_url' => '',
'link_name' => 'Plugins',
'link_category' => 0,
'link_rss' => '',
'link_notes' =>'');
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss, link_notes) VALUES ('', 'Themes', 0, '', '');");
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`) VALUES (6, 2)" );
$default_links[] = array( 'link_url' => '',
'link_name' => 'Themes',
'link_category' => 0,
'link_rss' => '',
'link_notes' =>'');
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss, link_notes) VALUES ('', 'WordPress Planet', 0, '', '');");
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`) VALUES (7, 2)" );
$default_links[] = array( 'link_url' => '',
'link_name' => 'WordPress Planet',
'link_category' => 0,
'link_rss' => '',
'link_notes' =>'');
foreach ( default_links as $link ) {
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->links, $link);
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_relationships, array('term_taxonomy_id' => 2, 'object_id' => $wpdb->insert_id) );
// First post
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$now_gmt = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$first_post_guid = get_option('home') . '/?p=1';
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->posts (post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_excerpt, post_title, post_category, post_name, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, guid, comment_count, to_ping, pinged, post_content_filtered) VALUES ($user_id, '$now', '$now_gmt', '".$wpdb->escape(__('Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!'))."', '', '".$wpdb->escape(__('Hello world!'))."', '0', '".$wpdb->escape(_c('hello-world|Default post slug'))."', '$now', '$now_gmt', '$first_post_guid', '1', '', '', '')");
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`) VALUES (1, 1)" );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->posts, array(
'post_author' => $user_id,
'post_date' => $now,
'post_date_gmt' => $now_gmt,
'post_content' => __('Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!'),
'post_excerpt' => '',
'post_title' => __('Hello world!'),
'post_category' => 0,
'post_name' => _c('hello-world|Default post slug'),
'post_modified' => $now,
'post_modified_gmt' => $now_gmt,
'guid' => $first_post_guid,
'comment_count' => 1,
'to_ping' => '',
'pinged' => '',
'post_content_filtered' => ''
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_relationships, array('term_taxonomy_id' => 1, 'object_id' => 1) );
// Default comment
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->comments (comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_date, comment_date_gmt, comment_content) VALUES ('1', '".$wpdb->escape(__('Mr WordPress'))."', '', '', '$now', '$now_gmt', '".$wpdb->escape(__('Hi, this is a comment.<br />To delete a comment, just log in and view the post&#039;s comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them.'))."')");
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->comments, array(
'comment_post_ID' => 1,
'comment_author' => __('Mr WordPress'),
'comment_author_email' => '',
'comment_author_url' => '',
'comment_date' => $now,
'comment_date_gmt' => $now_gmt,
'comment_content' => __('Hi, this is a comment.<br />To delete a comment, just log in and view the post&#039;s comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them.')
// First Page
$first_post_guid = get_option('home') . '/?page_id=2';
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->posts (post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_excerpt, post_title, post_category, post_name, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, guid, post_status, post_type, to_ping, pinged, post_content_filtered) VALUES ($user_id, '$now', '$now_gmt', '".$wpdb->escape(__('This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.'))."', '', '".$wpdb->escape(__('About'))."', '0', '".$wpdb->escape(_c('about|Default page slug'))."', '$now', '$now_gmt','$first_post_guid', 'publish', 'page', '', '', '')");
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->posts, array(
'post_author' => $user_id,
'post_date' => $now,
'post_date_gmt' => $now_gmt,
'post_content' => __('This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.'),
'post_excerpt' => '',
'post_title' => __('About'),
'post_category' => '',
'post_name' => _c('about|Default page slug'),
'post_modified' => $now,
'post_modified_gmt' => $now_gmt,
'guid' => $first_post_guid,
'post_type' => 'page',
'to_ping' => '',
'pinged' => '',
'post_content_filtered' => ''
@ -306,7 +375,7 @@ function upgrade_100() {
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ('' == $category->category_nicename) {
$newtitle = sanitize_title($category->cat_name);
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->categories SET category_nicename = %s WHERE cat_ID = %d", $newtitle, $category->cat_ID) );
$wpdb>update( $wpdb->categories, array('category_nicename' => $newtitle), array('cat_ID' => $category->cat_ID) );
@ -330,10 +399,7 @@ function upgrade_100() {
// Check to see if it's already been imported
$cat = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->post2cat WHERE post_id = %d AND category_id = %d", $post->ID, $post->post_category) );
if (!$cat && 0 != $post->post_category) { // If there's no result
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $wpdb->post2cat
(post_id, category_id)
VALUES (%s, %s)
", $post->ID, $post->post_category) );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->post2cat, array('post_id' => $post->ID, 'category_id' => $post->post_category) );
@ -370,14 +436,14 @@ function upgrade_110() {
foreach ($users as $user) {
if ('' == $user->user_nicename) {
$newname = sanitize_title($user->user_nickname);
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_nicename = %s WHERE ID = %d", $newname, $user->ID) );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->users, array('user_nicename' => $newname), array('ID' => $user->ID) );
$users = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, user_pass from $wpdb->users");
foreach ($users as $row) {
if (!preg_match('/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$/', $row->user_pass)) {
$wpdb->query('UPDATE '.$wpdb->users.' SET user_pass = MD5(\''.$row->user_pass.'\') WHERE ID = \''.$row->ID.'\'');
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->users, array('user_pass' => md5($row->user_pass)), array('ID' => $row->ID) );
@ -437,7 +503,8 @@ function upgrade_130() {
$guid = $post->guid;
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_title = '$post_title', post_content = '$post_content', post_excerpt = '$post_excerpt', guid = '$guid' WHERE ID = '$post->ID'");
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, compact('post_title', 'post_content', 'post_excerpt', 'guid'), array('ID' => $post->ID) );
@ -445,9 +512,10 @@ function upgrade_130() {
$comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT comment_ID, comment_author, comment_content FROM $wpdb->comments");
if ($comments) {
foreach($comments as $comment) {
$comment_content = addslashes(deslash($comment->comment_content));
$comment_author = addslashes(deslash($comment->comment_author));
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_content = '$comment_content', comment_author = '$comment_author' WHERE comment_ID = '$comment->comment_ID'");
$comment_content = deslash($comment->comment_content);
$comment_author = deslash($comment->comment_author);
$wpdb->update($wpdb->comments, compact('comment_content', 'comment_author'), array('comment_ID' => $comment->comment_ID) );
@ -455,16 +523,16 @@ function upgrade_130() {
$links = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT link_id, link_name, link_description FROM $wpdb->links");
if ($links) {
foreach($links as $link) {
$link_name = addslashes(deslash($link->link_name));
$link_description = addslashes(deslash($link->link_description));
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->links SET link_name = '$link_name', link_description = '$link_description' WHERE link_id = '$link->link_id'");
$link_name = deslash($link->link_name);
$link_description = deslash($link->link_description);
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->links, compact('link_name', 'link_description'), array('link_id' => $link->link_id) );
// The "paged" option for what_to_show is no more.
if ($wpdb->get_var("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = 'what_to_show'") == 'paged') {
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->options SET option_value = 'posts' WHERE option_name = 'what_to_show'");
if ($wpdb->get_var("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = 'what_to_show'") == 'paged')
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->options, array('option_value' => 'posts'), array('option_name' => 'what_to_show') );
$active_plugins = __get_option('active_plugins');
@ -539,7 +607,7 @@ function upgrade_160() {
if ($idmode == 'namefl') $id = $user->user_firstname.' '.$user->user_lastname;
if ($idmode == 'namelf') $id = $user->user_lastname.' '.$user->user_firstname;
if (!$idmode) $id = $user->user_nickname;
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->users SET display_name = %s WHERE ID = %d", $id, $user->ID) );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->users, array('display_name' => $id), array('ID' => $user->ID) );
// FIXME: RESET_CAPS is temporary code to reset roles and caps if flag is set.
@ -559,21 +627,19 @@ function upgrade_160() {
// populate comment_count field of posts table
$comments = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT comment_post_ID, COUNT(*) as c FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '1' GROUP BY comment_post_ID" );
if( is_array( $comments ) ) {
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET comment_count = %d WHERE ID = %d", $comment->c, $comment->comment_post_ID) );
if( is_array( $comments ) )
foreach ($comments as $comment)
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array('comment_count' => $comment->c), array('ID' => $comment->comment_post_ID) );
// Some alpha versions used a post status of object instead of attachment and put
// the mime type in post_type instead of post_mime_type.
if ( $wp_current_db_version > 2541 && $wp_current_db_version <= 3091 ) {
$objects = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_type FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'object'");
foreach ($objects as $object) {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_status = 'attachment',
post_mime_type = %s,
post_type = ''
WHERE ID = %d", $object->post_type, $object->ID) );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_status' => 'attachment',
'post_mime_type' => $object->post_type,
'post_type' => ''),
array( 'ID' => $object->ID ) );
$meta = get_post_meta($object->ID, 'imagedata', true);
if ( ! empty($meta['file']) )
@ -691,14 +757,14 @@ function upgrade_230() {
$have_tags = true;
$count = (int) $category->tag_count;
$taxonomy = 'post_tag';
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy, description, parent, count) VALUES ( %d, %s, %s, %d, %d)", $term_id, $taxonomy, $description, $parent, $count) );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact('term_id', 'taxonomy', 'description', 'parent', 'count') );
$tt_ids[$term_id][$taxonomy] = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
if ( empty($count) ) {
$count = 0;
$taxonomy = 'category';
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy, description, parent, count) VALUES ( %d, %s, %s, %d, %d)", $term_id, $taxonomy, $description, $parent, $count) );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact('term_id', 'taxonomy', 'description', 'parent', 'count') );
$tt_ids[$term_id][$taxonomy] = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
@ -718,7 +784,7 @@ function upgrade_230() {
if ( empty($tt_id) )
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id) VALUES ( %d, %d)", $post_id, $tt_id) );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_relationships, array('object_id' => $post_id, 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id) );
// < 3570 we used linkcategories. >= 3570 we used categories and link2cat.
@ -743,14 +809,14 @@ function upgrade_230() {
if ( empty($term_id) ) {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $wpdb->terms (name, slug, term_group) VALUES (%s, %s, %d)", $name, $slug, $term_group) );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->terms, compact('name', 'slug', 'term_group') );
$term_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
$link_cat_id_map[$cat_id] = $term_id;
$default_link_cat = $term_id;
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy, description, parent, count) VALUES (%d, 'link_category', '', '0', '0')", $term_id) );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, array('term_id' => $term_id, 'taxonomy' => 'link_category', 'description' => '', 'parent' => 0, 'count' => 0) );
$tt_ids[$term_id] = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
@ -766,7 +832,7 @@ function upgrade_230() {
if ( empty($tt_id) )
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id) VALUES ( %d, %d)", $link->link_id, $tt_id) );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_relationships, array('object_id' => $link->link_id, 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id) );
// Set default to the last category we grabbed during the upgrade loop.
@ -780,8 +846,7 @@ function upgrade_230() {
$tt_id = $tt_ids[$term_id][$taxonomy];
if ( empty($tt_id) )
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id) VALUES ( %d, %d)", $link_id, $tt_id) );
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_relationships, array('object_id' => $link_id, 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id) );
@ -797,7 +862,7 @@ function upgrade_230() {
$count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_relationships, $wpdb->posts WHERE $wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->term_relationships.object_id AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' AND term_taxonomy_id = %d", $term->term_taxonomy_id) );
$count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d", $term->term_taxonomy_id) );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->term_taxonomy SET count = %d WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d", $count, $term->term_taxonomy_id) );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, array('count' => $count), array('term_taxonomy_id' => $term->term_taxonomy_id) );

View File

@ -1020,19 +1020,20 @@ function wp_new_comment( $commentdata ) {
function wp_set_comment_status($comment_id, $comment_status, $wp_error = false) {
global $wpdb;
$status = '0';
switch ( $comment_status ) {
case 'hold':
$query = $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_approved='0' WHERE comment_ID = %d LIMIT 1", $comment_id);
$status = '0';
case 'approve':
$query = $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_approved='1' WHERE comment_ID = %d LIMIT 1", $comment_id);
$status = '1';
if ( get_option('comments_notify') ) {
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);
wp_notify_postauthor($comment_id, $comment->comment_type);
case 'spam':
$query = $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_approved='spam' WHERE comment_ID = %d LIMIT 1", $comment_id);
$status = 'spam';
case 'delete':
return wp_delete_comment($comment_id);
@ -1041,7 +1042,7 @@ function wp_set_comment_status($comment_id, $comment_status, $wp_error = false)
return false;
if ( !$wpdb->query($query) ) {
if ( !$wpdb->update( $wpdb->comments, array('comment_approved' => $status), array('comment_ID' => $comment_id) ) ) {
if ( $wp_error )
return new WP_Error('db_update_error', __('Could not update comment status'), $wpdb->last_error);
@ -1350,7 +1351,7 @@ function do_trackbacks($post_id) {
$to_ping = get_to_ping($post_id);
$pinged = get_pung($post_id);
if ( empty($to_ping) ) {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET to_ping = '' WHERE ID = %d", $post_id) );
$wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array('to_ping' => ''), array('ID' => $post_id) );

View File

@ -517,7 +517,8 @@ function update_option( $option_name, $newvalue ) {
wp_cache_set( $option_name, $newvalue, 'options' );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->options SET option_value = %s WHERE option_name = %s", $newvalue, $option_name ) );
$wpdb->update($wpdb->options, array('option_value' => $newvalue), array('option_name' => $option_name) );
if ( $wpdb->rows_affected == 1 ) {
do_action( "update_option_{$option_name}", $oldvalue, $_newvalue );
return true;
@ -584,7 +585,7 @@ function add_option( $name, $value = '', $deprecated = '', $autoload = 'yes' ) {
wp_cache_set( 'notoptions', $notoptions, 'options' );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->options (option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", $name, $value, $autoload ) );
$wpdb->insert($wpdb->options, array('option_name' => $name, 'option_value' => $value, 'autoload' => $autoload) );
do_action( "add_option_{$name}", $name, $value );
@ -1090,12 +1091,11 @@ function do_enclose( $content, $post_ID ) {
if ( $url != '' && !$wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = %d AND meta_key = 'enclosure' AND meta_value LIKE (%s)", $post_ID, $url . '%' ) ) ) {
if ( $headers = wp_get_http_headers( $url) ) {
$len = (int) $headers['content-length'];
$type = $wpdb->escape( $headers['content-type'] );
$type = $headers['content-type'];
$allowed_types = array( 'video', 'audio' );
if ( in_array( substr( $type, 0, strpos( $type, "/" ) ), $allowed_types ) ) {
$meta_value = "$url\n$len\n$type\n";
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "INSERT INTO `$wpdb->postmeta` ( `post_id` , `meta_key` , `meta_value` )
VALUES ( %d, 'enclosure' , %s)", $post_ID, $meta_value ) );
$wpdb->insert($wpdb->postmeta, array('post_id' => $post_ID, 'meta_key' => 'enclosure', 'meta_value' => $meta_value) );

View File

@ -1458,8 +1458,8 @@ function wp_set_password( $password, $user_id ) {
global $wpdb;
$hash = wp_hash_password($password);
$query = $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_pass = %s, user_activation_key = '' WHERE ID = %d", $hash, $user_id);
$wpdb->update($wpdb->users, array('user_pass' => $hash, 'user_activation_key' => ''), array('ID' => $user_id) );
wp_cache_delete($user_id, 'users');

View File

@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ function set_post_type( $post_id = 0, $post_type = 'post' ) {
global $wpdb;
$post_type = sanitize_post_field('post_type', $post_type, $post_id, 'db');
$return = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_type = %s WHERE ID = %d", $post_type, $post_id) );
$return = $wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array('post_type' => $post_type), array('ID' => $post_id) );
if ( 'page' == $post_type )

View File

@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ function wp_insert_term( $term, $taxonomy, $args = array() ) {
} else {
// The alias isn't in a group, so let's create a new one and firstly add the alias term to it.
$term_group = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(term_group) FROM $wpdb->terms") + 1;
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->terms SET term_group = %d WHERE term_id = %d", $term_group, $alias->term_id ) );
$wpdb->update($wpdb->terms, compact('term_group'), array('term_id' => $alias->term_id) );

View File

@ -399,15 +399,12 @@ function update_usermeta( $user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ) {
$cur = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE user_id = %d AND meta_key = %s", $user_id, $meta_key) );
if ( !$cur ) {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $wpdb->usermeta ( user_id, meta_key, meta_value )
( %d, %s, %s )", $user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value) );
} else if ( $cur->meta_value != $meta_value ) {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->usermeta SET meta_value = %s WHERE user_id = %d AND meta_key = %s", $meta_value, $user_id, $meta_key) );
} else {
if ( !$cur )
$wpdb->insert($wpdb->usermeta, compact('user_id', 'meta_key', 'meta_value') );
else if ( $cur->meta_value != $meta_value )
$wpdb->update($wpdb->usermeta, compact('meta_value'), compact('user_id', 'meta_key') );
return false;
wp_cache_delete($user_id, 'users');

View File

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ function retrieve_password() {
$key = wp_generate_password(20, false);
do_action('retrieve_password_key', $user_login, $key);
// Now insert the new md5 key into the db
$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_activation_key = %s WHERE user_login = %s", $key, $user_login));
$wpdb->update($wpdb->users, array('user_activation_key' => $key), array('user_login' => $user_login));
$message = __('Someone has asked to reset the password for the following site and username.') . "\r\n\r\n";
$message .= get_option('siteurl') . "\r\n\r\n";

View File

@ -2273,7 +2273,7 @@ class wp_xmlrpc_server extends IXR_Server {
if( is_array( $attachments ) ) {
foreach( $attachments as $file ) {
if( strpos( $post_content, $file->guid ) !== false ) {
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->posts} SET post_parent = %d WHERE ID = %d", $post_ID, $file->ID) );
$wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array('post_parent' => $post_ID), array('ID' => $file->ID) );