Restore GalleryAdd() and GalleryEdit() in media-views.js to ensure back-compat.

See [27362].

git-svn-id: 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
This commit is contained in:
Scott Taylor 2014-04-08 15:53:42 +00:00
parent b48bc8e7d3
commit 468c9d2ac7

View File

@ -768,6 +768,150 @@
* @constructor
* @augments
* @augments
* @augments Backbone.Model
media.controller.GalleryEdit = media.controller.Library.extend({
defaults: {
id: 'gallery-edit',
multiple: false,
describe: true,
edge: 199,
editing: false,
sortable: true,
searchable: false,
toolbar: 'gallery-edit',
content: 'browse',
title: l10n.editGalleryTitle,
priority: 60,
dragInfo: true,
// Don't sync the selection, as the Edit Gallery library
// *is* the selection.
syncSelection: false
initialize: function() {
// If we haven't been provided a `library`, create a `Selection`.
if ( ! this.get('library') )
this.set( 'library', new media.model.Selection() );
// The single `Attachment` view to be used in the `Attachments` view.
if ( ! this.get('AttachmentView') )
this.set( 'AttachmentView', media.view.Attachment.EditLibrary );
media.controller.Library.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
activate: function() {
var library = this.get('library');
// Limit the library to images only.
library.props.set( 'type', 'image' );
// Watch for uploaded attachments.
this.get('library').observe( wp.Uploader.queue );
this.frame.on( 'content:render:browse', this.gallerySettings, this );
media.controller.Library.prototype.activate.apply( this, arguments );
deactivate: function() {
// Stop watching for uploaded attachments.
this.get('library').unobserve( wp.Uploader.queue ); 'content:render:browse', this.gallerySettings, this );
media.controller.Library.prototype.deactivate.apply( this, arguments );
gallerySettings: function( browser ) {
var library = this.get('library');
if ( ! library || ! browser )
return; = || new Backbone.Model();
gallery: new media.view.Settings.Gallery({
controller: this,
priority: 40
browser.toolbar.set( 'reverse', {
text: l10n.reverseOrder,
priority: 80,
click: function() {
library.reset( library.toArray().reverse() );
* @constructor
* @augments
* @augments
* @augments Backbone.Model
media.controller.GalleryAdd = media.controller.Library.extend({
defaults: _.defaults({
id: 'gallery-library',
filterable: 'uploaded',
multiple: 'add',
menu: 'gallery',
toolbar: 'gallery-add',
title: l10n.addToGalleryTitle,
priority: 100,
// Don't sync the selection, as the Edit Gallery library
// *is* the selection.
syncSelection: false
}, media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults ),
initialize: function() {
// If we haven't been provided a `library`, create a `Selection`.
if ( ! this.get('library') )
this.set( 'library', media.query({ type: 'image' }) );
media.controller.Library.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
activate: function() {
var library = this.get('library'),
edit = this.frame.state('gallery-edit').get('library');
if ( this.editLibrary && this.editLibrary !== edit )
library.unobserve( this.editLibrary );
// Accepts attachments that exist in the original library and
// that do not exist in gallery's library.
library.validator = function( attachment ) {
return !! this.mirroring.get( attachment.cid ) && ! edit.get( attachment.cid ) && media.model.Selection.prototype.validator.apply( this, arguments );
// Reset the library to ensure that all attachments are re-added
// to the collection. Do so silently, as calling `observe` will
// trigger the `reset` event.
library.reset( library.mirroring.models, { silent: true });
library.observe( edit );
this.editLibrary = edit;
media.controller.Library.prototype.activate.apply( this, arguments );
@ -1961,21 +2105,13 @@
new media.controller.EditImage( { model: options.editImage } ),
// Gallery states.
new media.controller.CollectionEdit({
type: 'image',
collectionType: 'gallery',
title: l10n.editGalleryTitle,
SettingsView: media.view.Settings.Gallery,
library: options.selection,
editing: options.editing,
menu: 'gallery'
new media.controller.GalleryEdit({
library: options.selection,
editing: options.editing,
menu: 'gallery'
new media.controller.CollectionAdd({
type: 'image',
collectionType: 'gallery',
title: l10n.addToGalleryTitle
new media.controller.GalleryAdd(),
new media.controller.Library({
id: 'playlist',