Convert default arguments documentation for _walk_bookmarks()
and wp_list_bookmarks()
into hash notations.
Props coffee2code for the initial patch. See #28841. git-svn-id: 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,32 +19,33 @@
* This function is used internally by wp_list_bookmarks() and should not be
* used by themes.
* The defaults for overwriting are:
* 'show_updated' - Default is 0 (integer). Will show the time of when the
* bookmark was last updated.
* 'show_description' - Default is 0 (integer). Whether to show the description
* of the bookmark.
* 'show_images' - Default is 1 (integer). Whether to show link image if
* available.
* 'show_name' - Default is 0 (integer). Whether to show link name if
* available.
* 'before' - Default is '<li>' (string). The html or text to prepend to each
* bookmarks.
* 'after' - Default is '</li>' (string). The html or text to append to each
* bookmarks.
* 'link_before' - Default is '' (string). The html or text to prepend to each
* bookmarks inside the <a> tag.
* 'link_after' - Default is '' (string). The html or text to append to each
* bookmarks inside the <a> tag.
* 'between' - Default is '\n' (string). The string for use in between the link,
* description, and image.
* 'show_rating' - Default is 0 (integer). Whether to show the link rating.
* @since 2.1.0
* @access private
* @param array $bookmarks List of bookmarks to traverse
* @param string|array $args Optional. Overwrite the defaults.
* @param array $bookmarks List of bookmarks to traverse.
* @param string|array $args {
* Optional. Bookmarks arguments.
* @type int|bool $show_updated Whether to show the time the bookmark was last updated.
* Accepts 1|true or 0|false. Default 0|false.
* @type int|bool $show_description Whether to show the bookmakr description. Accepts 1|true,
* Accepts 1|true or 0|false. Default 0|false.
* @type int|bool $show_images Whether to show the link image if available. Accepts 1|true
* or 0|false. Default 1|true.
* @type int|bool $show_name Whether to show link name if available. Accepts 1|true or
* 0|false. Default 0|false.
* @type string $before The HTML or text to prepend to each bookmark. Default '<li>'.
* @type string $after The HTML or text to append to each bookmark. Default '</li>'.
* @type string $link_before The HTML or text to prepend to each bookmark inside the anchor
* tags. Default empty.
* @type string $link_after The HTML or text to append to each bookmark inside the anchor
* tags. Default empty.
* @type string $between The string for use in between the link, description, and image.
* Default "\n".
* @type int|bool $show_rating Whether to show the link rating. Accepts 1|true or 0|false.
* Default 0|false.
* }
* @return string Formatted output in HTML
function _walk_bookmarks( $bookmarks, $args = '' ) {
@ -148,67 +149,53 @@ function _walk_bookmarks( $bookmarks, $args = '' ) {
* Retrieve or echo all of the bookmarks.
* List of default arguments are as follows:
* 'orderby' - Default is 'name' (string). How to order the links by. String is
* based off of the bookmark scheme.
* 'order' - Default is 'ASC' (string). Either 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Orders in either
* ascending or descending order.
* 'limit' - Default is -1 (integer) or show all. The amount of bookmarks to
* display.
* 'category' - Default is empty string (string). Include the links in what
* category ID(s).
* 'category_name' - Default is empty string (string). Get links by category
* name.
* 'hide_invisible' - Default is 1 (integer). Whether to show (default) or hide
* links marked as 'invisible'.
* 'show_updated' - Default is 0 (integer). Will show the time of when the
* bookmark was last updated.
* 'echo' - Default is 1 (integer). Whether to echo (default) or return the
* formatted bookmarks.
* 'categorize' - Default is 1 (integer). Whether to show links listed by
* category (default) or show links in one column.
* 'show_description' - Default is 0 (integer). Whether to show the description
* of the bookmark.
* These options define how the Category name will appear before the category
* links are displayed, if 'categorize' is 1. If 'categorize' is 0, then it will
* display for only the 'title_li' string and only if 'title_li' is not empty.
* 'title_li' - Default is 'Bookmarks' (translatable string). What to show
* before the links appear.
* 'title_before' - Default is '<h2>' (string). The HTML or text to show before
* the 'title_li' string.
* 'title_after' - Default is '</h2>' (string). The HTML or text to show after
* the 'title_li' string.
* 'class' - Default is 'linkcat' (string). The CSS class to use for the
* 'title_li'.
* 'category_before' - Default is '<li id="%id" class="%class">'. String must
* contain '%id' and '%class' to get
* the id of the category and the 'class' argument. These are used for
* formatting in themes.
* Argument will be displayed before the 'title_before' argument.
* 'category_after' - Default is '</li>' (string). The HTML or text that will
* appear after the list of links.
* These are only used if 'categorize' is set to 1 or true.
* 'category_orderby' - Default is 'name'. How to order the bookmark category
* based on term scheme.
* 'category_order' - Default is 'ASC'. Set the order by either ASC (ascending)
* or DESC (descending).
* @see _walk_bookmarks() For other arguments that can be set in this function
* and passed to _walk_bookmarks().
* @see get_bookmarks() For other arguments that can be set in this function and
* passed to get_bookmarks().
* @link
* @since 2.1.0
* @uses _walk_bookmarks() Used to iterate over all of the bookmarks and return
* the html
* @uses get_terms() Gets all of the categories that are for links.
* @param string|array $args Optional. Overwrite the defaults of the function
* @return string|null Will only return if echo option is set to not echo.
* Default is not return anything.
* @see _walk_bookmarks()
* @param string|array $args {
* Optional. String or array of arguments to list bookmarks.
* @type string $orderby How to order the links by. Accepts post fields. Default 'name'.
* @type string $order Whether to order bookmarks in ascending or descending order.
* Accepts 'ASC' (ascending) or 'DESC' (descending). Default 'ASC'.
* @type int $limit Amount of bookmarks to display. Accepts 1+ or -1 for all.
* Default -1.
* @type string $category Comma-separated list of category ids to include links from.
* Default empty.
* @type string $category_name Category to retrieve links for by name. Default empty.
* @type int|bool $hide_invisible Whether to show or hide links marked as 'invisible'. Accepts
* 1|true or 0|false. Default 1|true.
* @type int|bool $show_updated Whether to display the time the bookmark was last updated.
* Accepts 1|true or 0|false. Default 0|false.
* @type int|bool $echo Whether to echo or return the formatted bookmarks. Accepts
* 1|true (echo) or 0|false (return). Default 1|true.
* @type int|bool $categorize Whether to show links listed by category or in a single column.
* Accepts 1|true (by category) or 0|false (one column). Default 1|true.
* @type int|bool $show_description Whether to show the bookmark descriptions. Accepts 1|true or 0|false.
* Default 0|false.
* @type string $title_li What to show before the links appear. Default 'Bookmarks'.
* @type string $title_before The HTML or text to prepend to the $title_li string. Default '<h2>'.
* @type string $title_after The HTML or text to append to the $title_li string. Default '</h2>'.
* @type string $class The CSS class to use for the $title_li. Default 'linkcat'.
* @type string $category_before The HTML or text to prepend to $title_before if $categorize is true.
* String must contain '%id' and '%class' to inherit the category ID and
* the $class argument used for formatting in themes.
* Default '<li id="%id" class="%class">'.
* @type string $category_after The HTML or text to append to $title_after if $categorize is true.
* Default '</li>'.
* @type string $category_orderby How to order the bookmark category based on term scheme if $categorize
* is true. Default 'name'.
* @type string $category_order Whether to order categories in ascending or descending order if
* $categorize is true. Accepts 'ASC' (ascending) or 'DESC' (descending).
* Default 'ASC'.
* }
* @return string|null Will only return if echo option is set to not echo. Default is not return anything.
function wp_list_bookmarks( $args = '' ) {
$defaults = array(
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