From 5ff262b3da668ef5d77b6fe099e72aae0b9cd223 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ryan Boren Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 18:49:20 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Page walker fixes from hailin. fixes #5498 git-svn-id: 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82 --- wp-includes/classes.php | 34 +- wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js | 3321 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- wp-includes/script-loader.php | 2 +- 3 files changed, 3344 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/wp-includes/classes.php b/wp-includes/classes.php index b5ba180cac..564f949588 100644 --- a/wp-includes/classes.php +++ b/wp-includes/classes.php @@ -465,33 +465,51 @@ class Walker { if ($max_depth < -1) //invalid parameter return $output; - + + if (empty($elements)) //nothing to walk + return $output; + $id_field = $this->db_fields['id']; $parent_field = $this->db_fields['parent']; - - $flat = ($max_depth == -1) ? true : false; - if ( $flat ) { + + // flat display + if ( -1 == $max_depth ) { $empty_array = array(); foreach ( $elements as $e ) $output = $this->display_element( $e, $empty_array, 1, 0, $args, $output ); return $output; } - + /* * need to display in hierarchical order * splice elements into two buckets: those without parent and those with parent */ - $top_level_elements = array(); $children_elements = array(); - foreach ( $elements as $e) { if ( 0 == $e->$parent_field ) $top_level_elements[] = $e; else $children_elements[] = $e; } - + + /* + * none of the elements is top level + * the first one must be root of the sub elements + */ + if ( !$top_level_elements ) { + + $root = $children_elements[0]; + for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $children_elements ); $i++ ) { + + $child = $children_elements[$i]; + if ($root->$parent_field == $child->$parent_field ) + $top_level_elements[] = $child; + array_splice( $children_elements, $i, 1 ); + $i--; + } + } + foreach ( $top_level_elements as $e ) $output = $this->display_element( $e, $children_elements, $max_depth, 0, $args, $output ); diff --git a/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js b/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js index 163a7ef11d..bf6d9316b6 100644 --- a/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js +++ b/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js @@ -1,12 +1,3325 @@ +(function(){ /* - * jQuery 1.1.4 - New Wave Javascript + * jQuery 1.2.2b - New Wave Javascript * * Copyright (c) 2007 John Resig ( * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses. * - * $Date: 2007-08-23 21:49:27 -0400 (Thu, 23 Aug 2007) $ - * $Rev: 2862 $ + * $Date: 2007-12-18 12:19:33 -0500 (Tue, 18 Dec 2007) $ + * $Rev: 4220 $ */ -eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(9(){6(1f C!="Q")E v=C;E C=19.16=9(a,c){6(19==7||!7.4a)F 1s C(a,c);F 7.4a(a,c)};6(1f $!="Q")E B=$;19.$=C;E q=/^[^<]*(<(.|\\s)+>)[^>]*$|^#(\\w+)$/;C.15=C.3v={4a:9(a,c){a=a||R;6(1f a=="1E"){E m=q.2d(a);6(m&&(m[1]||!c)){6(m[1])a=C.3c([m[1]]);G{E b=R.37(m[3]);6(b)6(b.2j!=m[3])F C().1F(a);G{7[0]=b;7.H=1;F 7}G a=[]}}G F 1s C(c).1F(a)}G 6(C.1g(a))F 1s C(R)[C.15.1L?"1L":"2f"](a);F 7.5J(a.1b==1K&&a||(a.3w||a.H&&a!=19&&!a.1t&&a[0]!=Q&&a[0].1t)&&C.2V(a)||[a])},3w:"1.1.4",7K:9(){F 7.H},H:0,21:9(a){F a==Q?C.2V(7):7[a]},1O:9(a){E b=C(a);b.5c=7;F b},5J:9(a){7.H=0;1K.3v.Y.T(7,a);F 7},J:9(a,b){F C.J(7,a,b)},45:9(a){E b=-1;7.J(9(i){6(7==a)b=i});F b},1j:9(f,d,e){E c=f;6(f.1b==3n)6(d==Q)F 7.H&&C[e||"1j"](7[0],f)||Q;G{c={};c[f]=d}F 7.J(9(a){I(E b 17 c)C.1j(e?7.S:7,b,C.4Q(7,c[b],e,a,b))})},1h:9(b,a){F 7.1j(b,a,"34")},2Q:9(e){6(1f e!="4P"&&e!=K)F 7.3K().3H(R.60(e));E t="";C.J(e||7,9(){C.J(7.2Z,9(){6(7.1t!=8)t+=7.1t!=1?7.5S:C.15.2Q([7])})});F t},82:9(){E a,2e=1a;F 7.J(9(){6(!a)a=C.3c(2e,7.2I);E b=a[0].3B(O);7.P.2p(b,7);20(b.1k)b=b.1k;b.4p(7)})},3H:9(){F 7.2J(1a,O,1,9(a){7.4p(a)})},5v:9(){F 7.2J(1a,O,-1,9(a){7.2p(a,7.1k)})},5u:9(){F 7.2J(1a,M,1,9(a){7.P.2p(a,7)})},5t:9(){F 7.2J(1a,M,-1,9(a){7.P.2p(a,7.2a)})},3L:9(){F 7.5c||C([])},1F:9(t){E b=C.3M(7,9(a){F C.1F(t,a)});F 7.1O(/[^+>] [^+>]/.1d(t)||t.U("..")>-1?C.4d(b):b)},7o:9(e){e=e!=Q?e:O;E d=7.1r(7.1F("*"));6(C.N.12){d.J(9(){7.2l$1i={};I(E a 17 7.$1i)7.2l$1i[a]=C.14({},7.$1i[a])}).49()}E r=7.1O(C.3M(7,9(a){F a.3B(e)}));6(C.N.12){d.J(9(){E c=7.2l$1i;I(E a 17 c)I(E b 17 c[a])C.1c.1r(7,a,c[a][b],c[a][b].V);7.2l$1i=K})}6(e){E f=r.1r(r.1F(\'*\')).1l(\'2b,39[@L=3i]\');d.1l(\'2b,39[@L=3i]\').J(9(i){6(7.3j)f[i].3j=7.3j;6(7.27)f[i].27=O})}F r},1l:9(t){F 7.1O(C.1g(t)&&C.2B(7,9(b,a){F t.T(b,[a])})||C.2R(t,7))},5l:9(t){F 7.1O(t.1b==3n&&C.2R(t,7,O)||C.2B(7,9(a){F(t.1b==1K||t.3w)?C.4K(a,t)<0:a!=t}))},1r:9(t){F 7.1O(C.29(7.21(),t.1b==3n?C(t).21():t.H!=Q&&(!t.W||t.W=="6s")?t:[t]))},3y:9(a){F a?C.2R(a,7).H>0:M},2G:9(a){F a==Q?(7.H?7[0].2A:K):7.1j("2A",a)},5W:9(a){F a==Q?(7.H?7[0].2W:K):7.3K().3H(a)},3S:9(){F 7.1O(1K.3v.3S.T(7,1a))},2J:9(f,d,g,e){E c=7.H>1,a;F 7.J(9(){6(!a){a=C.3c(f,7.2I);6(g<0)a.8E()}E b=7;6(d&&C.W(7,"1A")&&C.W(a[0],"3O"))b=7.4L("1w")[0]||7.4p(R.6a("1w"));C.J(a,9(){6(C.W(7,"33")){6(7.32)C.31({1G:7.32,2w:M,3G:"33"});G C.4E(7.2Q||7.5Z||7.2W||"")}G e.T(b,[c?7.3B(O):7])})})}};C.14=C.15.14=9(){E c=1a[0]||{},a=1,1M=1a.H,4D=M;6(c.1b==8d){4D=c;c=1a[1]||{}}6(1M==1){c=7;a=0}E b;I(;a<1M;a++)6((b=1a[a])!=K)I(E i 17 b){6(c==b[i])5X;6(4D&&1f b[i]==\'4P\'&&c[i])C.14(c[i],b[i]);G 6(b[i]!=Q)c[i]=b[i]}F c};C.14({8a:9(a){19.$=B;6(a)19.16=v;F C},1g:9(a){F!!a&&1f a!="1E"&&!a.W&&a.1b!=1K&&/9/i.1d(a+"")},3E:9(a){F a.3D&&!a.4z||a.4y&&a.2I&&!a.2I.4z},4E:9(a){a=C.2s(a);6(a){6(19.5N)19.5N(a);G 6(C.N.1H)19.4x(a,0);G 2T.2S(19,a)}},W:9(b,a){F b.W&&b.W.1I()==a.1I()},J:9(a,b,c){6(c){6(a.H==Q)I(E i 17 a)b.T(a[i],c);G I(E i=0,3A=a.H;i<3A;i++)6(b.T(a[i],c)===M)1J}G{6(a.H==Q)I(E i 17 a)b.2S(a[i],i,a[i]);G I(E i=0,3A=a.H,2G=a[0];i<3A&&b.2S(2G,i,2G)!==M;2G=a[++i]){}}F a},4Q:9(c,b,d,e,a){6(C.1g(b))b=b.2S(c,[e]);E f=/z-?45|7S-?7Q|1e|5y|7O-?1u/i;F b&&b.1b==3x&&d=="34"&&!f.1d(a)?b+"4t":b},18:{1r:9(b,c){C.J((c||"").2M(/\\s+/),9(i,a){6(!C.18.2N(b.18,a))b.18+=(b.18?" ":"")+a})},23:9(b,c){b.18=c!=Q?C.2B(b.18.2M(/\\s+/),9(a){F!C.18.2N(c,a)}).5w(" "):""},2N:9(t,c){F C.4K(c,(t.18||t).3s().2M(/\\s+/))>-1}},1V:9(e,o,f){I(E i 17 o){e.S["2U"+i]=e.S[i];e.S[i]=o[i]}f.T(e,[]);I(E i 17 o)e.S[i]=e.S["2U"+i]},1h:9(e,p){6(p=="1u"||p=="24"){E b={},3p,3o,d=["7J","7G","7F","7B"];C.J(d,9(){b["7A"+7]=0;b["7x"+7+"7u"]=0});C.1V(e,b,9(){6(C(e).3y(\':4N\')){3p=e.7t;3o=e.7q}G{e=C(e.3B(O)).1F(":4e").5d("27").3L().1h({3V:"1C",3k:"7n",11:"2m",7h:"0",7e:"0"}).57(e.P)[0];E a=C.1h(e.P,"3k")||"3g";6(a=="3g")e.P.S.3k="76";3p=e.74;3o=e.71;6(a=="3g")e.P.S.3k="3g";e.P.3e(e)}});F p=="1u"?3p:3o}F C.34(e,p)},34:9(h,d,g){E i,1R=[],1V=[];9 2E(a){6(!C.N.1H)F M;E b=R.2L.3b(a,K);F!b||b.44("2E")==""}6(d=="1e"&&C.N.12){i=C.1j(h.S,"1e");F i==""?"1":i}6(d.2k(/3a/i))d=x;6(!g&&h.S[d])i=h.S[d];G 6(R.2L&&R.2L.3b){6(d.2k(/3a/i))d="3a";d=d.1v(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").2D();E e=R.2L.3b(h,K);6(e&&!2E(h))i=e.44(d);G{I(E a=h;a&&2E(a);a=a.P)1R.42(a);I(a=0;a<1R.H;a++)6(2E(1R[a])){1V[a]=1R[a].S.11;1R[a].S.11="2m"}i=d=="11"&&1V[1R.H-1]!=K?"1T":R.2L.3b(h,K).44(d)||"";I(a=0;a<1V.H;a++)6(1V[a]!=K)1R[a].S.11=1V[a]}6(d=="1e"&&i=="")i="1"}G 6(h.41){E f=d.1v(/\\-(\\w)/g,9(m,c){F c.1I()});i=h.41[d]||h.41[f]}F i},3c:9(a,c){E r=[];c=c||R;C.J(a,9(i,b){6(!b)F;6(b.1b==3x)b=b.3s();6(1f b=="1E"){E s=C.2s(b).2D(),1m=c.6a("1m"),1P=[];E a=!s.U("<1Z")&&[1,"<2b>",""]||!s.U("<6L")&&[1,"<4V>",""]||s.2k(/^<(6I|1w|6H|6F|6D)/)&&[1,"<1A>",""]||!s.U("<3O")&&[2,"<1A><1w>",""]||(!s.U("<6A")||!s.U("<6y"))&&[3,"<1A><1w><3O>",""]||!s.U("<6x")&&[2,"<1A><1w><4T>",""]||C.N.12&&[1,"1m<1m>",""]||[0,"",""];1m.2W=a[1]+b+a[2];20(a[0]--)1m=1m.3Y;6(C.N.12){6(!s.U("<1A")&&s.U("<1w")<0)1P=1m.1k&&1m.1k.2Z;G 6(a[1]=="<1A>"&&s.U("<1w")<0)1P=1m.2Z;I(E n=1P.H-1;n>=0;--n)6(C.W(1P[n],"1w")&&!1P[n].2Z.H)1P[n].P.3e(1P[n]);6(/^\\s/.1d(b))1m.2p(c.60(b.2k(/^\\s*/)[0]),1m.1k)}b=C.2V(1m.2Z)}6(0===b.H&&(!C.W(b,"38")&&!C.W(b,"2b")))F;6(b[0]==Q||C.W(b,"38")||b.6u)r.Y(b);G r=C.29(r,b)});F r},1j:9(c,d,a){E e=C.3E(c)?{}:C.4q;6(d=="28"&&C.N.1H)c.P.3j;6(e[d]){6(a!=Q)c[e[d]]=a;F c[e[d]]}G 6(C.N.12&&d=="S")F C.1j(c.S,"6p",a);G 6(a==Q&&C.N.12&&C.W(c,"38")&&(d=="6n"||d=="6m"))F c.6k(d).5S;G 6(c.4y){6(a!=Q)c.6j(d,a);6(C.N.12&&/5R|32/.1d(d)&&!C.3E(c))F c.3F(d,2);F c.3F(d)}G{6(d=="1e"&&C.N.12){6(a!=Q){c.5y=1;c.1l=(c.1l||"").1v(/5T\\([^)]*\\)/,"")+(3m(a).3s()=="6d"?"":"5T(1e="+a*6c+")")}F c.1l?(3m(c.1l.2k(/1e=([^)]*)/)[1])/6c).3s():""}d=d.1v(/-([a-z])/8I,9(z,b){F b.1I()});6(a!=Q)c[d]=a;F c[d]}},2s:9(t){F(t||"").1v(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g,"")},2V:9(a){E r=[];6(1f a!="8H")I(E i=0,1M=a.H;i<1M;i++)r.Y(a[i]);G r=a.3S(0);F r},4K:9(b,a){I(E i=0,1M=a.H;i<1M;i++)6(a[i]==b)F i;F-1},29:9(a,b){6(C.N.12){I(E i=0;b[i];i++)6(b[i].1t!=8)a.Y(b[i])}G I(E i=0;b[i];i++)a.Y(b[i]);F a},4d:9(a){E r=[],4O=C.1q++;2g{I(E i=0,69=a.H;i<69;i++)6(4O!=a[i].1q){a[i].1q=4O;r.Y(a[i])}}2h(e){r=a}F r},1q:0,2B:9(b,a,c){6(1f a=="1E")a=2T("M||9(a,i){F "+a+"}");E d=[];I(E i=0,3P=b.H;i<3P;i++)6(!c&&a(b[i],i)||c&&!a(b[i],i))d.Y(b[i]);F d},3M:9(c,b){6(1f b=="1E")b=2T("M||9(a){F "+b+"}");E d=[];I(E i=0,3P=c.H;i<3P;i++){E a=b(c[i],i);6(a!==K&&a!=Q){6(a.1b!=1K)a=[a];d=d.8x(a)}}F d}});E u=8w.8u.2D();C.N={6b:(u.2k(/.+(?:8s|8q|8p|8o)[\\/: ]([\\d.]+)/)||[])[1],1H:/61/.1d(u),2t:/2t/.1d(u),12:/12/.1d(u)&&!/2t/.1d(u),3J:/3J/.1d(u)&&!/(8n|61)/.1d(u)};E x=C.N.12?"3I":"4G";C.14({8m:!C.N.12||R.8l=="8k",3I:C.N.12?"3I":"4G",4q:{"I":"8j","8i":"18","3a":x,4G:x,3I:x,2W:"2W",18:"18",2A:"2A",30:"30",27:"27",8h:"8g",28:"28",8f:"8e"}});C.J({5Y:"a.P",4C:"16.4C(a)",8c:"16.25(a,2,\'2a\')",8b:"16.25(a,2,\'4B\')",88:"16.4A(a.P.1k,a)",87:"16.4A(a.1k)"},9(i,n){C.15[i]=9(a){E b=C.3M(7,n);6(a&&1f a=="1E")b=C.2R(a,b);F 7.1O(C.4d(b))}});C.J({57:"3H",86:"5v",2p:"5u",85:"5t"},9(i,n){C.15[i]=9(){E a=1a;F 7.J(9(){I(E j=0,1M=a.H;j<1M;j++)C(a[j])[n](7)})}});C.J({5d:9(a){C.1j(7,a,"");7.84(a)},83:9(c){C.18.1r(7,c)},81:9(c){C.18.23(7,c)},80:9(c){C.18[C.18.2N(7,c)?"23":"1r"](7,c)},23:9(a){6(!a||C.1l(a,[7]).r.H)7.P.3e(7)},3K:9(){20(7.1k)7.3e(7.1k)}},9(i,n){C.15[i]=9(){F 7.J(n,1a)}});C.J(["5Q","5P","5M","5L"],9(i,n){C.15[n]=9(a,b){F 7.1l(":"+n+"("+a+")",b)}});C.J(["1u","24"],9(i,n){C.15[n]=9(h){F h==Q?(7.H?C.1h(7[0],n):K):7.1h(n,h.1b==3n?h:h+"4t")}});E A=C.N.1H&&5K(C.N.6b)<7Z?"(?:[\\\\w*2l-]|\\\\\\\\.)":"(?:[\\\\w\\7Y-\\7V*2l-]|\\\\\\\\.)",5I=1s 3C("^[/>]\\\\s*("+A+"+)"),5H=1s 3C("^("+A+"+)(#)("+A+"+)"),5G=1s 3C("^([#.]?)("+A+"*)");C.14({4w:{"":"m[2]==\'*\'||16.W(a,m[2])","#":"a.3F(\'2j\')==m[2]",":":{5P:"im[3]-0",25:"m[3]-0==i",5Q:"m[3]-0==i",2H:"i==0",2P:"i==r.H-1",5E:"i%2==0",5D:"i%2","2H-3z":"a.P.4L(\'*\')[0]==a","2P-3z":"16.25(a.P.3Y,1,\'4B\')==a","7U-3z":"!16.25(a.P.3Y,2,\'4B\')",5Y:"a.1k",3K:"!a.1k",5L:"(a.5Z||a.7T||\'\').U(m[3])>=0",4N:\'"1C"!=a.L&&16.1h(a,"11")!="1T"&&16.1h(a,"3V")!="1C"\',1C:\'"1C"==a.L||16.1h(a,"11")=="1T"||16.1h(a,"3V")=="1C"\',7R:"!a.30",30:"a.30",27:"a.27",28:"a.28||16.1j(a,\'28\')",2Q:"\'2Q\'==a.L",4e:"\'4e\'==a.L",3i:"\'3i\'==a.L",4v:"\'4v\'==a.L",5C:"\'5C\'==a.L",4u:"\'4u\'==a.L",5B:"\'5B\'==a.L",5A:"\'5A\'==a.L",1X:\'"1X"==a.L||16.W(a,"1X")\',39:"/39|2b|7P|1X/i.1d(a.W)",2N:"16.1F(m[3],a).H"},"[":"16.1F(m[2],a).H"},5x:[/^\\[ *(@)([\\w-]+) *([!*$^~=]*) *(\'?"?)(.*?)\\4 *\\]/,/^(\\[)\\s*(.*?(\\[.*?\\])?[^[]*?)\\s*\\]/,/^(:)([\\w-]+)\\("?\'?(.*?(\\(.*?\\))?[^(]*?)"?\'?\\)/,1s 3C("^([:.#]*)("+A+"+)")],2R:9(a,c,b){E d,1Y=[];20(a&&a!=d){d=a;E 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e.T(7,1a)};c.V=b;c.22=e.22}6(!f.$1i)f.$1i={};6(!f.$1y)f.$1y=9(){E a;6(1f C=="Q"||C.1c.4n)F a;a=C.1c.1y.T(f,1a);F a};E g=f.$1i[d];6(!g){g=f.$1i[d]={};6(f.4m)f.4m(d,f.$1y,M);G f.7M("3r"+d,f.$1y)}g[c.22]=c;7.1D[d]=O},22:1,1D:{},23:9(c,b,a){E d=c.$1i,2c,45;6(d){6(b&&b.L){a=b.4l;b=b.L}6(!b){I(b 17 d)7.23(c,b)}G 6(d[b]){6(a)4k d[b][a.22];G I(a 17 c.$1i[b])4k d[b][a];I(2c 17 d[b])1J;6(!2c){6(c.4j)c.4j(b,c.$1y,M);G c.7L("3r"+b,c.$1y);2c=K;4k d[b]}}I(2c 17 d)1J;6(!2c)c.$1y=c.$1i=K}},1z:9(c,b,d){b=C.2V(b||[]);6(!d){6(7.1D[c])C("*").1r([19,R]).1z(c,b)}G{E a,2c,15=C.1g(d[c]||K);b.42(7.4i({L:c,1S:d}));6(C.1g(d.$1y))a=d.$1y.T(d,b);6(!15&&d["3r"+c]&&d["3r"+c].T(d,b)===M)a=M;6(15&&a!==M&&!(C.W(d,\'a\')&&c=="4h")){7.4n=O;d[c]()}7.4n=M}},1y:9(b){E a;b=C.1c.4i(b||19.1c||{});E c=7.$1i&&7.$1i[b.L],2e=1K.3v.3S.2S(1a,1);2e.42(b);I(E j 17 c){2e[0].4l=c[j];2e[0].V=c[j].V;6(c[j].T(7,2e)===M){b.2u();b.2X();a=M}}6(C.N.12)b.1S=b.2u=b.2X=b.4l=b.V=K;F a},4i:9(c){E a=c;c=C.14({},a);c.2u=9(){6(a.2u)a.2u();a.7I=M};c.2X=9(){6(a.2X)a.2X();a.7H=O};6(!c.1S&&c.5r)c.1S=c.5r;6(C.N.1H&&c.1S.1t==3)c.1S=a.1S.P;6(!c.4g&&c.4F)c.4g=c.4F==c.1S?c.7C:c.4F;6(c.5p==K&&c.66!=K){E e=R.3D,b=R.4z;c.5p=c.66+(e&&e.5o||b.5o||0);c.7z=c.7v+(e&&e.5m||b.5m||0)}6(!c.3Q&&(c.5k||c.5j))c.3Q=c.5k||c.5j;6(!c.5i&&c.5g)c.5i=c.5g;6(!c.3Q&&c.1X)c.3Q=(c.1X&1?1:(c.1X&2?3:(c.1X&4?2:0)));F c}};C.15.14({3l:9(c,a,b){F c=="5f"?7.5e(c,a,b):7.J(9(){C.1c.1r(7,c,b||a,b&&a)})},5e:9(d,b,c){F 7.J(9(){C.1c.1r(7,d,9(a){C(7).49(a);F(c||b).T(7,1a)},c&&b)})},49:9(a,b){F 7.J(9(){C.1c.23(7,a,b)})},1z:9(a,b){F 7.J(9(){C.1c.1z(a,b,7)})},1W:9(){E a=1a;F 7.4h(9(e){7.3T=0==7.3T?1:0;e.2u();F a[7.3T].T(7,[e])||M})},7p:9(f,g){9 3U(e){E p=e.4g;20(p&&p!=7)2g{p=p.P}2h(e){p=7};6(p==7)F M;F(e.L=="3W"?f:g).T(7,[e])}F 7.3W(3U).5b(3U)},1L:9(f){5a();6(C.36)f.T(R,[C]);G C.2C.Y(9(){F f.T(7,[C])});F 7}});C.14({36:M,2C:[],1L:9(){6(!C.36){C.36=O;6(C.2C){C.J(C.2C,9(){7.T(R)});C.2C=K}6(C.N.3J||C.N.2t)R.4j("59",C.1L,M);6(!19.7m.H)C(19).2f(9(){C("#4b").23()})}}});C.J(("7l,7k,2f,7j,7i,5f,4h,7g,"+"7f,7d,7c,3W,5b,7b,2b,"+"4u,7a,79,78,3f").2M(","),9(i,o){C.15[o]=9(f){F f?7.3l(o,f):7.1z(o)}});E w=M;9 5a(){6(w)F;w=O;6(C.N.3J||C.N.2t)R.4m("59",C.1L,M);G 6(C.N.12){R.75("<73"+"72 2j=4b 70=O "+"32=//:><\\/33>");E a=R.37("4b");6(a)a.6Z=9(){6(R.3d!="1x")F;C.1L()};a=K}G 6(C.N.1H)C.48=3t(9(){6(R.3d=="6Y"||R.3d=="1x"){47(C.48);C.48=K;C.1L()}},10);C.1c.1r(19,"2f",C.1L)}C.15.14({6X:9(c,b,a){7.2f(c,b,a,1)},2f:9(g,e,c,d){6(C.1g(g))F 7.3l("2f",g);c=c||9(){};E f="46";6(e)6(C.1g(e)){c=e;e=K}G{e=C.2O(e);f="55"}E h=7;C.31({1G:g,L:f,V:e,2F:d,1x:9(a,b){6(b=="1U"||!d&&b=="54")h.5W(a.43);4x(9(){h.J(c,[a.43,b,a])},13)}});F 7},6W:9(){F C.2O(7)},6V:9(){}});C.J("53,52,51,50,4Z,5h".2M(","),9(i,o){C.15[o]=9(f){F 7.3l(o,f)}});C.14({21:9(e,c,a,d,b){6(C.1g(c)){a=c;c=K}F C.31({L:"46",1G:e,V:c,1U:a,3G:d,2F:b})},6U:9(d,b,a,c){F C.21(d,b,a,c,1)},6T:9(b,a){F C.21(b,K,a,"33")},77:9(c,b,a){F C.21(c,b,a,"56")},6S:9(d,b,a,c){6(C.1g(b)){a=b;b={}}F C.31({L:"55",1G:d,V:b,1U:a,3G:c})},6R:9(a){C.3u.1Q=a},6Q:9(a){C.14(C.3u,a)},3u:{1D:O,L:"46",1Q:0,4Y:"6P/x-6O-38-6N",4X:O,2w:O,V:K},3h:{},31:9(s){s=C.14(O,s,C.14(O,{},C.3u,s));6(s.V){6(s.4X&&1f s.V!="1E")s.V=C.2O(s.V);6(s.L.2D()=="21"){s.1G+=(s.1G.U("?")>-1?"&":"?")+s.V;s.V=K}}6(s.1D&&!C.40++)C.1c.1z("53");E f=M;E h=19.4W?1s 4W("6M.6K"):1s 58();h.6J(s.L,s.1G,s.2w);6(s.V)h.4c("7r-7s",s.4Y);6(s.2F)h.4c("6G-3Z-6E",C.3h[s.1G]||"7w, 6C 7y 6B 4J:4J:4J 6z");h.4c("X-7D-7E","58");6(s.4U)s.4U(h);6(s.1D)C.1c.1z("5h",[h,s]);E g=9(d){6(!f&&h&&(h.3d==4||d=="1Q")){f=O;6(i){47(i);i=K}E c=d=="1Q"&&"1Q"||!C.5n(h)&&"3f"||s.2F&&C.5s(h,s.1G)&&"54"||"1U";6(c=="1U"){2g{E a=C.5q(h,s.3G)}2h(e){c="4I"}}6(c=="1U"){E b;2g{b=h.4f("4S-3Z")}2h(e){}6(s.2F&&b)C.3h[s.1G]=b;6(s.1U)s.1U(a,c);6(s.1D)C.1c.1z("4Z",[h,s])}G C.3X(s,h,c);6(s.1D)C.1c.1z("51",[h,s]);6(s.1D&&!--C.40)C.1c.1z("52");6(s.1x)s.1x(h,c);6(s.2w)h=K}};6(s.2w){E i=3t(g,13);6(s.1Q>0)4x(9(){6(h){h.6w();6(!f)g("1Q")}},s.1Q)}2g{h.6v(s.V)}2h(e){C.3X(s,h,K,e)}6(!s.2w)g();F h},3X:9(s,a,b,e){6(s.3f)s.3f(a,b,e);6(s.1D)C.1c.1z("50",[a,s,e])},40:0,5n:9(r){2g{F!r.26&&6t.6r=="4v:"||(r.26>=4R&&r.26<6q)||r.26==5z||C.N.1H&&r.26==Q}2h(e){}F M},5s:9(a,c){2g{E b=a.4f("4S-3Z");F a.26==5z||b==C.3h[c]||C.N.1H&&a.26==Q}2h(e){}F M},5q:9(r,a){E b=r.4f("6o-L");E c=a=="5F"||!a&&b&&b.U("5F")>=0;V=c?r.7W:r.43;6(c&&V.3D.4y=="4I")7X"4I";6(a=="33")C.4E(V);6(a=="56")V=2T("("+V+")");F V},2O:9(a){E s=[];6(a.1b==1K||a.3w)C.J(a,9(){s.Y(2y(7.6l)+"="+2y(7.2A))});G I(E j 17 a)6(a[j]&&a[j].1b==1K)C.J(a[j],9(){s.Y(2y(j)+"="+2y(7))});G s.Y(2y(j)+"="+2y(a[j]));F s.5w("&")}});C.15.14({1o:9(b,a){F b?7.1B({1u:"1o",24:"1o",1e:"1o"},b,a):7.1l(":1C").J(9(){7.S.11=7.2r?7.2r:"";6(C.1h(7,"11")=="1T")7.S.11="2m"}).3L()},1p:9(b,a){F b?7.1B({1u:"1p",24:"1p",1e:"1p"},b,a):7.1l(":4N").J(9(){7.2r=7.2r||C.1h(7,"11");6(7.2r=="1T")7.2r="2m";7.S.11="1T"}).3L()},5O:C.15.1W,1W:9(a,b){F C.1g(a)&&C.1g(b)?7.5O(a,b):a?7.1B({1u:"1W",24:"1W",1e:"1W"},a,b):7.J(9(){C(7)[C(7).3y(":1C")?"1o":"1p"]()})},6i:9(b,a){F 7.1B({1u:"1o"},b,a)},6h:9(b,a){F 7.1B({1u:"1p"},b,a)},6g:9(b,a){F 7.1B({1u:"1W"},b,a)},6f:9(b,a){F 7.1B({1e:"1o"},b,a)},89:9(b,a){F 7.1B({1e:"1p"},b,a)},6e:9(c,a,b){F 7.1B({1e:a},c,b)},1B:9(d,h,f,g){F 7.1n(9(){E c=C(7).3y(":1C"),1Z=C.5V(h,f,g),5U=7;I(E p 17 d){6(d[p]=="1p"&&c||d[p]=="1o"&&!c)F C.1g(1Z.1x)&&1Z.1x.T(7);6(p=="1u"||p=="24"){1Z.11=C.1h(7,"11");1Z.2z=7.S.2z}}6(1Z.2z!=K)7.S.2z="1C";7.2v=C.14({},d);C.J(d,9(a,b){E e=1s C.2Y(5U,1Z,a);6(b.1b==3x)e.3R(e.1Y()||0,b);G e[b=="1W"?c?"1o":"1p":b](d)});F O})},1n:9(a,b){6(!b){b=a;a="2Y"}F 7.J(9(){6(!7.1n)7.1n={};6(!7.1n[a])7.1n[a]=[];7.1n[a].Y(b);6(7.1n[a].H==1)b.T(7)})}});C.14({5V:9(b,a,c){E d=b&&b.1b==8G?b:{1x:c||!c&&a||C.1g(b)&&b,1N:b,35:c&&a||a&&a.1b!=8F&&a};d.1N=(d.1N&&d.1N.1b==3x?d.1N:{8D:8C,8B:4R}[d.1N])||8A;d.2U=d.1x;d.1x=9(){C.68(7,"2Y");6(C.1g(d.2U))d.2U.T(7)};F d},35:{62:9(p,n,b,a){F b+a*p},4H:9(p,n,b,a){F((-67.8z(p*67.8y)/2)+0.5)*a+b}},1n:{},68:9(b,a){a=a||"2Y";6(b.1n&&b.1n[a]){b.1n[a].4s();E f=b.1n[a][0];6(f)f.T(b)}},3N:[],2Y:9(f,e,g){E z=7;E y=f.S;z.a=9(){6(e.3q)e.3q.T(f,[z.2x]);6(g=="1e")C.1j(y,"1e",z.2x);G{y[g]=5K(z.2x)+"4t";6(g=="1u"||g=="24")y.11="2m"}};z.65=9(){F 3m(C.1h(f,g))};z.1Y=9(){E r=3m(C.34(f,g));F r&&r>-8v?r:z.65()};z.3R=9(c,b){z.4M=(1s 64()).63();z.2x=c;z.a();C.3N.Y(9(){F z.3q(c,b)});6(C.3N.H==1){E d=3t(9(){E a=C.3N;I(E i=0;ie.1N+z.4M){z.2x=c;z.a();6(f.2v)f.2v[g]=O;E b=O;I(E i 17 f.2v)6(f.2v[i]!==O)b=M;6(b){6(e.11!=K){y.2z=e.2z;y.11=e.11;6(C.1h(f,"11")=="1T")y.11="2m"}6(e.1p)y.11="1T";6(e.1p||e.1o)I(E p 17 f.2v)C.1j(y,p,f.2i[p])}6(b&&C.1g(e.1x))e.1x.T(f);F M}G{E n=t-7.4M;E p=n/e.1N;z.2x=C.35[e.35||(C.35.4H?"4H":"62")](p,n,a,(c-a),e.1N);z.a()}F O}}})})();',62,541,'||||||if|this||function|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||var|return|else|length|for|each|null|type|false|browser|true|parentNode|undefined|document|style|apply|indexOf|data|nodeName||push|||display|msie||extend|fn|jQuery|in|className|window|arguments|constructor|event|test|opacity|typeof|isFunction|css|events|attr|firstChild|filter|div|queue|show|hide|mergeNum|add|new|nodeType|height|replace|tbody|complete|handle|trigger|table|animate|hidden|global|string|find|url|safari|toUpperCase|break|Array|ready|al|duration|pushStack|tb|timeout|stack|target|none|success|swap|toggle|button|cur|opt|while|get|guid|remove|width|nth|status|checked|selected|merge|nextSibling|select|ret|exec|args|load|try|catch|orig|id|match|_|block||rl|insertBefore|done|oldblock|trim|opera|preventDefault|curAnim|async|now|encodeURIComponent|overflow|value|grep|readyList|toLowerCase|color|ifModified|val|first|ownerDocument|domManip|substr|defaultView|split|has|param|last|text|multiFilter|call|eval|old|makeArray|innerHTML|stopPropagation|fx|childNodes|disabled|ajax|src|script|curCSS|easing|isReady|getElementById|form|input|float|getComputedStyle|clean|readyState|removeChild|error|static|lastModified|checkbox|selectedIndex|position|bind|parseFloat|String|oWidth|oHeight|step|on|toString|setInterval|ajaxSettings|prototype|jquery|Number|is|child|ol|cloneNode|RegExp|documentElement|isXMLDoc|getAttribute|dataType|append|styleFloat|mozilla|empty|end|map|timers|tr|el|which|custom|slice|lastToggle|handleHover|visibility|mouseover|handleError|lastChild|Modified|active|currentStyle|unshift|responseText|getPropertyValue|index|GET|clearInterval|safariTimer|unbind|init|__ie_init|setRequestHeader|unique|radio|getResponseHeader|relatedTarget|click|fix|removeEventListener|delete|handler|addEventListener|triggered|nodeIndex|appendChild|props|classFilter|shift|px|submit|file|expr|setTimeout|tagName|body|sibling|previousSibling|parents|deep|globalEval|fromElement|cssFloat|swing|parsererror|00|inArray|getElementsByTagName|startTime|visible|num|object|prop|200|Last|colgroup|beforeSend|fieldset|ActiveXObject|processData|contentType|ajaxSuccess|ajaxError|ajaxComplete|ajaxStop|ajaxStart|notmodified|POST|json|appendTo|XMLHttpRequest|DOMContentLoaded|bindReady|mouseout|prevObject|removeAttr|one|unload|ctrlKey|ajaxSend|metaKey|keyCode|charCode|not|scrollTop|httpSuccess|scrollLeft|pageX|httpData|srcElement|httpNotModified|after|before|prepend|join|parse|zoom|304|reset|image|password|odd|even|xml|quickClass|quickID|quickChild|setArray|parseInt|contains|gt|execScript|_toggle|lt|eq|href|nodeValue|alpha|self|speed|html|continue|parent|textContent|createTextNode|webkit|linear|getTime|Date|max|clientX|Math|dequeue|fl|createElement|version|100|NaN|fadeTo|fadeIn|slideToggle|slideUp|slideDown|setAttribute|getAttributeNode|name|method|action|content|cssText|300|protocol|FORM|location|options|send|abort|col|th|GMT|td|1970|01|cap|Since|colg|If|tfoot|thead|open|XMLHTTP|leg|Microsoft|urlencoded|www|application|ajaxSetup|ajaxTimeout|post|getScript|getIfModified|evalScripts|serialize|loadIfModified|loaded|onreadystatechange|defer|clientWidth|ipt|scr|clientHeight|write|relative|getJSON|keyup|keypress|keydown|change|mousemove|mouseup|left|mousedown|dblclick|right|scroll|resize|focus|blur|frames|absolute|clone|hover|offsetWidth|Content|Type|offsetHeight|Width|clientY|Thu|border|Jan|pageY|padding|Left|toElement|Requested|With|Right|Bottom|cancelBubble|returnValue|Top|size|detachEvent|attachEvent|substring|line|textarea|weight|enabled|font|innerText|only|uFFFF|responseXML|throw|u0128|417|toggleClass|removeClass|wrap|addClass|removeAttribute|insertAfter|prependTo|children|siblings|fadeOut|noConflict|prev|next|Boolean|maxLength|maxlength|readOnly|readonly|class|htmlFor|CSS1Compat|compatMode|boxModel|compatible|ie|ra|it|1px|rv|splice|userAgent|10000|navigator|concat|PI|cos|400|fast|600|slow|reverse|Function|Object|array|ig'.split('|'),0,{})); + +// Map over jQuery in case of overwrite +if ( window.jQuery ) + var _jQuery = window.jQuery; + +var jQuery = window.jQuery = function( selector, context ) { + // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced' + return new jQuery.prototype.init( selector, context ); +}; + +// Map over the $ in case of overwrite +if ( window.$ ) + var _$ = window.$; + +// Map the jQuery namespace to the '$' one +window.$ = jQuery; + +// A simple way to check for HTML strings or ID strings +// (both of which we optimize for) +var quickExpr = /^[^<]*(<(.|\s)+>)[^>]*$|^#(\w+)$/; + +// Is it a simple selector +var isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.]*$/; + +jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = { + init: function( selector, context ) { + // Make sure that a selection was provided + selector = selector || document; + + // Handle $(DOMElement) + if ( selector.nodeType ) { + this[0] = selector; + this.length = 1; + return this; + + // Handle HTML strings + } else if ( typeof selector == "string" ) { + // Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID? + var match = quickExpr.exec( selector ); + + // Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id + if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) { + + // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array) + if ( match[1] ) + selector = jQuery.clean( [ match[1] ], context ); + + // HANDLE: $("#id") + else { + var elem = document.getElementById( match[3] ); + + // Make sure an element was located + if ( elem ) + // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items + // by name instead of ID + if ( != match[3] ) + return jQuery().find( selector ); + + // Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object + else { + this[0] = elem; + this.length = 1; + return this; + } + + else + selector = []; + } + + // HANDLE: $(expr, [context]) + // (which is just equivalent to: $(content).find(expr) + } else + return new jQuery( context ).find( selector ); + + // HANDLE: $(function) + // Shortcut for document ready + } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) + return new jQuery( document )[ jQuery.fn.ready ? "ready" : "load" ]( selector ); + + return this.setArray( + // HANDLE: $(array) + selector.constructor == Array && selector || + + // HANDLE: $(arraylike) + // Watch for when an array-like object, contains DOM nodes, is passed in as the selector + (selector.jquery || selector.length && selector != window && !selector.nodeType && selector[0] != undefined && selector[0].nodeType) && jQuery.makeArray( selector ) || + + // HANDLE: $(*) + [ selector ] ); + }, + + // The current version of jQuery being used + jquery: "1.2.2b", + + // The number of elements contained in the matched element set + size: function() { + return this.length; + }, + + // The number of elements contained in the matched element set + length: 0, + + // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR + // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array + get: function( num ) { + return num == undefined ? + + // Return a 'clean' array + jQuery.makeArray( this ) : + + // Return just the object + this[ num ]; + }, + + // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack + // (returning the new matched element set) + pushStack: function( elems ) { + // Build a new jQuery matched element set + var ret = jQuery( elems ); + + // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference) + ret.prevObject = this; + + // Return the newly-formed element set + return ret; + }, + + // Force the current matched set of elements to become + // the specified array of elements (destroying the stack in the process) + // You should use pushStack() in order to do this, but maintain the stack + setArray: function( elems ) { + // Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push + // is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties + this.length = 0; + Array.prototype.push.apply( this, elems ); + + return this; + }, + + // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set. + // (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is + // only used internally.) + each: function( callback, args ) { + return jQuery.each( this, callback, args ); + }, + + // Determine the position of an element within + // the matched set of elements + index: function( elem ) { + var ret = -1; + + // Locate the position of the desired element + this.each(function(i){ + if ( this == elem ) + ret = i; + }); + + return ret; + }, + + attr: function( name, value, type ) { + var options = name; + + // Look for the case where we're accessing a style value + if ( name.constructor == String ) + if ( value == undefined ) + return this.length && jQuery[ type || "attr" ]( this[0], name ) || undefined; + + else { + options = {}; + options[ name ] = value; + } + + // Check to see if we're setting style values + return this.each(function(i){ + // Set all the styles + for ( name in options ) + jQuery.attr( + type ? + : + this, + name, jQuery.prop( this, options[ name ], type, i, name ) + ); + }); + }, + + css: function( key, value ) { + // ignore negative width and height values + if ( (key == 'width' || key == 'height') && parseFloat(value) < 0 ) + value = undefined; + return this.attr( key, value, "curCSS" ); + }, + + text: function( text ) { + if ( typeof text != "object" && text != null ) + return this.empty().append( (this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document).createTextNode( text ) ); + + var ret = ""; + + jQuery.each( text || this, function(){ + jQuery.each( this.childNodes, function(){ + if ( this.nodeType != 8 ) + ret += this.nodeType != 1 ? + this.nodeValue : + jQuery.fn.text( [ this ] ); + }); + }); + + return ret; + }, + + wrapAll: function( html ) { + if ( this[0] ) + // The elements to wrap the target around + jQuery( html, this[0].ownerDocument ) + .clone() + .insertBefore( this[0] ) + .map(function(){ + var elem = this; + + while ( elem.firstChild ) + elem = elem.firstChild; + + return elem; + }) + .append(this); + + return this; + }, + + wrapInner: function( html ) { + return this.each(function(){ + jQuery( this ).contents().wrapAll( html ); + }); + }, + + wrap: function( html ) { + return this.each(function(){ + jQuery( this ).wrapAll( html ); + }); + }, + + append: function() { + return this.domManip(arguments, true, false, function(elem){ + if (this.nodeType == 1) + this.appendChild( elem ); + }); + }, + + prepend: function() { + return this.domManip(arguments, true, true, function(elem){ + if (this.nodeType == 1) + this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild ); + }); + }, + + before: function() { + return this.domManip(arguments, false, false, function(elem){ + this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this ); + }); + }, + + after: function() { + return this.domManip(arguments, false, true, function(elem){ + this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling ); + }); + }, + + end: function() { + return this.prevObject || jQuery( [] ); + }, + + find: function( selector ) { + var elems =, function(elem){ + return jQuery.find( selector, elem ); + }); + + return this.pushStack( /[^+>] [^+>]/.test( selector ) || selector.indexOf("..") > -1 ? + jQuery.unique( elems ) : + elems ); + }, + + clone: function( events ) { + // Do the clone + var ret ={ + if ( jQuery.browser.msie && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(this) ) { + // IE copies events bound via attachEvent when + // using cloneNode. Calling detachEvent on the + // clone will also remove the events from the orignal + // In order to get around this, we use innerHTML. + // Unfortunately, this means some modifications to + // attributes in IE that are actually only stored + // as properties will not be copied (such as the + // the name attribute on an input). + var clone = this.cloneNode(true), + container = document.createElement("div"), + container2 = document.createElement("div"); + container.appendChild(clone); + container2.innerHTML = container.innerHTML; + return container2.firstChild; + } else + return this.cloneNode(true); + }); + + // Need to set the expando to null on the cloned set if it exists + // removeData doesn't work here, IE removes it from the original as well + // this is primarily for IE but the data expando shouldn't be copied over in any browser + var clone = ret.find("*").andSelf().each(function(){ + if ( this[ expando ] != undefined ) + this[ expando ] = null; + }); + + // Copy the events from the original to the clone + if ( events === true ) + this.find("*").andSelf().each(function(i){ + var events = this, "events" ); + + for ( var type in events ) + for ( var handler in events[ type ] ) + jQuery.event.add( clone[ i ], type, events[ type ][ handler ], events[ type ][ handler ].data ); + }); + + // Return the cloned set + return ret; + }, + + filter: function( selector ) { + return this.pushStack( + jQuery.isFunction( selector ) && + jQuery.grep(this, function(elem, i){ + return elem, i ); + }) || + + jQuery.multiFilter( selector, this ) ); + }, + + not: function( selector ) { + if ( selector.constructor == String ) + // test special case where just one selector is passed in + if ( isSimple.test( selector ) ) + return this.pushStack( jQuery.multiFilter( selector, this, true ) ); + else + selector = jQuery.multiFilter( selector, this ); + + var isArrayLike = selector.length && selector[selector.length - 1] !== undefined && !selector.nodeType; + return this.filter(function() { + return isArrayLike ? jQuery.inArray( this, selector ) < 0 : this != selector; + }); + }, + + add: function( selector ) { + return !selector ? this : this.pushStack( jQuery.merge( + this.get(), + selector.constructor == String ? + jQuery( selector ).get() : + selector.length != undefined && (!selector.nodeName || jQuery.nodeName(selector, "form")) ? + selector : [selector] ) ); + }, + + is: function( selector ) { + return selector ? + jQuery.multiFilter( selector, this ).length > 0 : + false; + }, + + hasClass: function( selector ) { + return "." + selector ); + }, + + val: function( value ) { + if ( value == undefined ) { + + if ( this.length ) { + var elem = this[0]; + + // We need to handle select boxes special + if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "select" ) ) { + var index = elem.selectedIndex, + values = [], + options = elem.options, + one = elem.type == "select-one"; + + // Nothing was selected + if ( index < 0 ) + return null; + + // Loop through all the selected options + for ( var i = one ? index : 0, max = one ? index + 1 : options.length; i < max; i++ ) { + var option = options[ i ]; + + if ( option.selected ) { + // Get the specifc value for the option + value = jQuery.browser.msie && !option.attributes.value.specified ? option.text : option.value; + + // We don't need an array for one selects + if ( one ) + return value; + + // Multi-Selects return an array + values.push( value ); + } + } + + return values; + + // Everything else, we just grab the value + } else + return (this[0].value || "").replace(/\r/g, ""); + + } + + return undefined; + } + + return this.each(function(){ + if ( this.nodeType != 1 ) + return; + + if ( value.constructor == Array && /radio|checkbox/.test( this.type ) ) + this.checked = (jQuery.inArray(this.value, value) >= 0 || + jQuery.inArray(, value) >= 0); + + else if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "select" ) ) { + var values = value.constructor == Array ? + value : + [ value ]; + + jQuery( "option", this ).each(function(){ + this.selected = (jQuery.inArray( this.value, values ) >= 0 || + jQuery.inArray( this.text, values ) >= 0); + }); + + if ( !values.length ) + this.selectedIndex = -1; + + } else + this.value = value; + }); + }, + + html: function( value ) { + return value == undefined ? + (this.length ? + this[0].innerHTML : + null) : + this.empty().append( value ); + }, + + replaceWith: function( value ) { + return this.after( value ).remove(); + }, + + eq: function( i ) { + return this.slice( i, i + 1 ); + }, + + slice: function() { + return this.pushStack( Array.prototype.slice.apply( this, arguments ) ); + }, + + map: function( callback ) { + return this.pushStack(, function(elem, i){ + return elem, i, elem ); + })); + }, + + andSelf: function() { + return this.add( this.prevObject ); + }, + + domManip: function( args, table, reverse, callback ) { + var clone = this.length > 1, elems; + + return this.each(function(){ + if ( !elems ) { + elems = jQuery.clean( args, this.ownerDocument ); + + if ( reverse ) + elems.reverse(); + } + + var obj = this; + + if ( table && jQuery.nodeName( this, "table" ) && jQuery.nodeName( elems[0], "tr" ) ) + obj = this.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || this.appendChild( this.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody") ); + + var scripts = jQuery( [] ); + + jQuery.each(elems, function(){ + var elem = clone ? + this.cloneNode( true ) : + this; + + // execute all scripts after the elements have been injected + if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "script" ) ) { + scripts = scripts.add( elem ); + } else { + // Remove any inner scripts for later evaluation + if ( elem.nodeType == 1 ) + scripts = scripts.add( jQuery( "script", elem ).remove() ); + + // Inject the elements into the document + obj, elem ); + } + }); + + scripts.each( evalScript ); + }); + } +}; + +// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation +jQuery.prototype.init.prototype = jQuery.prototype; + +function evalScript( i, elem ) { + if ( elem.src ) + jQuery.ajax({ + url: elem.src, + async: false, + dataType: "script" + }); + + else + jQuery.globalEval( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" ); + + if ( elem.parentNode ) + elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem ); +} + +jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() { + // copy reference to target object + var target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false, options; + + // Handle a deep copy situation + if ( target.constructor == Boolean ) { + deep = target; + target = arguments[1] || {}; + // skip the boolean and the target + i = 2; + } + + // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) + if ( typeof target != "object" && typeof target != "function" ) + target = {}; + + // extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed + if ( length == 1 ) { + target = this; + i = 0; + } + + for ( ; i < length; i++ ) + // Only deal with non-null/undefined values + if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) + // Extend the base object + for ( var name in options ) { + // Prevent never-ending loop + if ( target === options[ name ] ) + continue; + + // Recurse if we're merging object values + if ( deep && options[ name ] && typeof options[ name ] == "object" && target[ name ] && !options[ name ].nodeType ) + target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( target[ name ], options[ name ] ); + + // Don't bring in undefined values + else if ( options[ name ] != undefined ) + target[ name ] = options[ name ]; + + } + + // Return the modified object + return target; +}; + +var expando = "jQuery" + (new Date()).getTime(), uuid = 0, windowData = {}; + +// exclude the following css properties to add px +var exclude = /z-?index|font-?weight|opacity|zoom|line-?height/i; + +jQuery.extend({ + noConflict: function( deep ) { + window.$ = _$; + + if ( deep ) + window.jQuery = _jQuery; + + return jQuery; + }, + + // This may seem like some crazy code, but trust me when I say that this + // is the only cross-browser way to do this. --John + isFunction: function( fn ) { + return !!fn && typeof fn != "string" && !fn.nodeName && + fn.constructor != Array && /function/i.test( fn + "" ); + }, + + // check if an element is in a (or is an) XML document + isXMLDoc: function( elem ) { + return elem.documentElement && !elem.body || + elem.tagName && elem.ownerDocument && !elem.ownerDocument.body; + }, + + // Evalulates a script in a global context + globalEval: function( data ) { + data = jQuery.trim( data ); + + if ( data ) { + // Inspired by code by Andrea Giammarchi + // + var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement, + script = document.createElement("script"); + + script.type = "text/javascript"; + if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) + script.text = data; + else + script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data ) ); + + head.appendChild( script ); + head.removeChild( script ); + } + }, + + nodeName: function( elem, name ) { + return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() == name.toUpperCase(); + }, + + cache: {}, + + data: function( elem, name, data ) { + elem = elem == window ? + windowData : + elem; + + var id = elem[ expando ]; + + // Compute a unique ID for the element + if ( !id ) + id = elem[ expando ] = ++uuid; + + // Only generate the data cache if we're + // trying to access or manipulate it + if ( name && !jQuery.cache[ id ] ) + jQuery.cache[ id ] = {}; + + // Prevent overriding the named cache with undefined values + if ( data != undefined ) + jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ] = data; + + // Return the named cache data, or the ID for the element + return name ? + jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ] : + id; + }, + + removeData: function( elem, name ) { + elem = elem == window ? + windowData : + elem; + + var id = elem[ expando ]; + + // If we want to remove a specific section of the element's data + if ( name ) { + if ( jQuery.cache[ id ] ) { + // Remove the section of cache data + delete jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ]; + + // If we've removed all the data, remove the element's cache + name = ""; + + for ( name in jQuery.cache[ id ] ) + break; + + if ( !name ) + jQuery.removeData( elem ); + } + + // Otherwise, we want to remove all of the element's data + } else { + // Clean up the element expando + try { + delete elem[ expando ]; + } catch(e){ + // IE has trouble directly removing the expando + // but it's ok with using removeAttribute + if ( elem.removeAttribute ) + elem.removeAttribute( expando ); + } + + // Completely remove the data cache + delete jQuery.cache[ id ]; + } + }, + + // args is for internal usage only + each: function( object, callback, args ) { + if ( args ) { + if ( object.length == undefined ) + for ( var name in object ) + callback.apply( object[ name ], args ); + else + for ( var i = 0, length = object.length; i < length; i++ ) + if ( callback.apply( object[ i ], args ) === false ) + break; + + // A special, fast, case for the most common use of each + } else { + if ( object.length == undefined ) + for ( var name in object ) + object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ); + else + for ( var i = 0, length = object.length, value = object[0]; + i < length && value, i, value ) !== false; value = object[++i] ){} + } + + return object; + }, + + prop: function( elem, value, type, i, name ) { + // Handle executable functions + if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) + value = elem, i ); + + // Handle passing in a number to a CSS property + return value && value.constructor == Number && type == "curCSS" && !exclude.test( name ) ? + value + "px" : + value; + }, + + className: { + // internal only, use addClass("class") + add: function( elem, classNames ) { + jQuery.each((classNames || "").split(/\s+/), function(i, className){ + if ( elem.nodeType == 1 && !jQuery.className.has( elem.className, className ) ) + elem.className += (elem.className ? " " : "") + className; + }); + }, + + // internal only, use removeClass("class") + remove: function( elem, classNames ) { + if (elem.nodeType == 1) + elem.className = classNames != undefined ? + jQuery.grep(elem.className.split(/\s+/), function(className){ + return !jQuery.className.has( classNames, className ); + }).join(" ") : + ""; + }, + + // internal only, use is(".class") + has: function( elem, className ) { + return jQuery.inArray( className, (elem.className || elem).toString().split(/\s+/) ) > -1; + } + }, + + // A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations + swap: function( elem, options, callback ) { + var old = {}; + // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones + for ( var name in options ) { + old[ name ] =[ name ]; +[ name ] = options[ name ]; + } + + elem ); + + // Revert the old values + for ( var name in options ) +[ name ] = old[ name ]; + }, + + css: function( elem, name, force ) { + if ( name == "width" || name == "height" ) { + var val, props = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display:"block" }, which = name == "width" ? [ "Left", "Right" ] : [ "Top", "Bottom" ]; + + function getWH() { + val = name == "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight; + var padding = 0, border = 0; + jQuery.each( which, function() { + padding += parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS( elem, "padding" + this, true)) || 0; + border += parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS( elem, "border" + this + "Width", true)) || 0; + }); + val -= Math.round(padding + border); + } + + if ( jQuery(elem).is(":visible") ) + getWH(); + else + jQuery.swap( elem, props, getWH ); + + return val; + } + + return jQuery.curCSS( elem, name, force ); + }, + + curCSS: function( elem, name, force ) { + var ret; + + // A helper method for determining if an element's values are broken + function color( elem ) { + if ( !jQuery.browser.safari ) + return false; + + var ret = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null ); + return !ret || ret.getPropertyValue("color") == ""; + } + + // We need to handle opacity special in IE + if ( name == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.msie ) { + ret = jQuery.attr(, "opacity" ); + + return ret == "" ? + "1" : + ret; + } + // Opera sometimes will give the wrong display answer, this fixes it, see #2037 + if ( jQuery.browser.opera && name == "display" ) { + var save =; + = "block"; + = save; + } + + // Make sure we're using the right name for getting the float value + if ( name.match( /float/i ) ) + name = styleFloat; + + if ( !force &&[ name ] ) + ret =[ name ]; + + else if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) { + + // Only "float" is needed here + if ( name.match( /float/i ) ) + name = "float"; + + name = name.replace( /([A-Z])/g, "-$1" ).toLowerCase(); + + var getComputedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null ); + + if ( getComputedStyle && !color( elem ) ) + ret = getComputedStyle.getPropertyValue( name ); + + // If the element isn't reporting its values properly in Safari + // then some display: none elements are involved + else { + var swap = [], stack = []; + + // Locate all of the parent display: none elements + for ( var a = elem; a && color(a); a = a.parentNode ) + stack.unshift(a); + + // Go through and make them visible, but in reverse + // (It would be better if we knew the exact display type that they had) + for ( var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++ ) + if ( color( stack[ i ] ) ) { + swap[ i ] = stack[ i ].style.display; + stack[ i ].style.display = "block"; + } + + // Since we flip the display style, we have to handle that + // one special, otherwise get the value + ret = name == "display" && swap[ stack.length - 1 ] != null ? + "none" : + ( getComputedStyle && getComputedStyle.getPropertyValue( name ) ) || ""; + + // Finally, revert the display styles back + for ( var i = 0; i < swap.length; i++ ) + if ( swap[ i ] != null ) + stack[ i ].style.display = swap[ i ]; + } + + // We should always get a number back from opacity + if ( name == "opacity" && ret == "" ) + ret = "1"; + + } else if ( elem.currentStyle ) { + var camelCase = name.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(all, letter){ + return letter.toUpperCase(); + }); + + ret = elem.currentStyle[ name ] || elem.currentStyle[ camelCase ]; + + // From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards + // + + // If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number + // but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels + if ( !/^\d+(px)?$/i.test( ret ) && /^\d/.test( ret ) ) { + // Remember the original values + var style =, runtimeStyle = elem.runtimeStyle.left; + + // Put in the new values to get a computed value out + elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left; + = ret || 0; + ret = + "px"; + + // Revert the changed values + = style; + elem.runtimeStyle.left = runtimeStyle; + } + } + + return ret; + }, + + clean: function( elems, context ) { + var ret = []; + context = context || document; + // !context.createElement fails in IE with an error but returns typeof 'object' + if (typeof context.createElement == 'undefined') + context = context.ownerDocument || context[0] && context[0].ownerDocument || document; + + jQuery.each(elems, function(i, elem){ + if ( !elem ) + return; + + if ( elem.constructor == Number ) + elem = elem.toString(); + + // Convert html string into DOM nodes + if ( typeof elem == "string" ) { + // Fix "XHTML"-style tags in all browsers + elem = elem.replace(/(<(\w+)[^>]*?)\/>/g, function(all, front, tag){ + return tag.match(/^(abbr|br|col|img|input|link|meta|param|hr|area)$/i) ? + all : + front + ">"; + }); + + // Trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected + var tags = jQuery.trim( elem ).toLowerCase(), div = context.createElement("div"); + + var wrap = + // option or optgroup + !tags.indexOf("", "" ] || + + !tags.indexOf("", "" ] || + + tags.match(/^<(thead|tbody|tfoot|colg|cap)/) && + [ 1, "", "
" ] || + + !tags.indexOf("", "" ] || + + // matched above + (!tags.indexOf("", "" ] || + + !tags.indexOf("", "" ] || + + // IE can't serialize and