diff --git a/src/wp-includes/author-template.php b/src/wp-includes/author-template.php index 5ad7059672..1ec236abee 100644 --- a/src/wp-includes/author-template.php +++ b/src/wp-includes/author-template.php @@ -304,30 +304,35 @@ function get_author_posts_url($author_id, $author_nicename = '') { /** * List all the authors of the blog, with several options available. * - * - * * @link http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/wp_list_authors + * * @since 1.2.0 - * @param array $args The argument array. - * @return null|string The output, if echo is set to false. + * + * @param string|array $args { + * Optional. Array or string of default arguments. + * + * @type string $orderby How to sort the authors. Accepts 'nicename', 'email', 'url', 'registered', + * 'user_nicename', 'user_email', 'user_url', 'user_registered', 'name', + * 'display_name', 'post_count', 'ID', 'meta_value', 'user_login'. Default 'name'. + * @type string $order Sorting direction for $orderby. Accepts 'ASC', 'DESC'. Default 'ASC'. + * @type int $number Maximum authors to return or display. Default empty (all authors). + * @type bool $optioncount Show the count in parenthesis next to the author's name. Default false. + * @type bool $exclude_admin Whether to exclude the 'admin' account, if it exists. Default false. + * @type bool $show_fullname Whether to show the author's full name. Default false. + * @type bool $hide_empty Whether to hide any authors with no posts. Default true. + * @type string $feed If not empty, show a link to the author's feed and use this text as the alt + * parameter of the link. Default empty. + * @type string $feed_image If not empty, show a link to the author's feed and use this image URL as + * clickable anchor. Default empty. + * @type string $feed_type The feed type to link to, such as 'rss2'. Defaults to default feed type. + * @type bool $echo Whether to output the result or instead return it. Default true. + * @type string $style If 'list', each author is wrapped in an `
  • ` element, otherwise the authors + * will be separated by commas. + * @type bool $html Whether to list the items in HTML form or plaintext. Default true. + * @type string $exclude An array, comma-, or space-separated list of author IDs to exclude. Default empty. + * @type string $exclude An array, comma-, or space-separated list of author IDs to include. Default empty. + * } + * @return null|string The output, if echo is set to false. Otherwise null. */ function wp_list_authors( $args = '' ) { global $wpdb;