Emoji: Bring Twemoji compatibility to PHP.

This was previously attempted in [41043], which unfortunately had severe performance issues, the regex it used was fatally slow on long posts.

This version now uses an array of all emoji that Twemoji supports, which maintains the accuracy of [41043], while being the same speed or only a few ms slower than the code prior to [41043].

As with [41043], the `grunt precommit:emoji` task detects when `twemoji.js` has changed, and regenerates the array.

Props jmdodd for feedback, suggestions, and insults where appropriate.
Fixes #35293. 🤞🏻

git-svn-id: https://develop.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@41701 602fd350-edb4-49c9-b593-d223f7449a82
This commit is contained in:
Gary Pendergast 2017-10-03 07:11:28 +00:00
parent d4814228dc
commit d3e0b4bc16
3 changed files with 118 additions and 155 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
/* jshint node:true */
/* globals Set */
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var path = require('path'),
fs = require( 'fs' ),
spawn = require( 'child_process' ).spawnSync,
SOURCE_DIR = 'src/',
BUILD_DIR = 'build/',
BANNER_TEXT = '/*! This file is auto-generated */',
@ -633,74 +635,57 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
options: {
patterns: [
match: /\/\/ START: emoji regex[\S\s]*\/\/ END: emoji regex/g,
match: /\/\/ START: emoji arrays[\S\s]*\/\/ END: emoji arrays/g,
replacement: function () {
var twemoji = grunt.file.read( SOURCE_DIR + 'wp-includes/js/twemoji.js' ),
found = twemoji.match( /re = \/(.*)\/g,/ ),
emojiRegex = found[1],
regex = '',
entities = '';
var regex, files,
partials, partialsSet,
entities, emojiArray;
* Twemoji does some nifty regex optimisations, splitting up surrogate pairs unit, searching by
* ranges of individual units, and compressing sets of individual units. This is super useful for
* reducing the size of the regex.
* Unfortunately, PCRE doesn't allow regexes to search for individual units, so we can't just
* blindly copy the Twemoji regex.
* The good news is, we don't have to worry about size restrictions, so we can just unravel the
* entire regex, and convert it to a PCRE-friendly format.
grunt.log.writeln( 'Fetching list of Twemoji files...' );
// Convert ranges: "\udc68-\udc6a" becomes "\udc68\udc69\udc6a".
emojiRegex = emojiRegex.replace( /(\\u\w{4})\-(\\u\w{4})/g, function ( match, first, last ) {
var start = parseInt( first.substr( 2 ), 16 );
var end = parseInt( last.substr( 2 ), 16 );
// Fetch a list of the files that Twemoji supplies
files = spawn( 'svn', [ 'ls', 'https://github.com/twitter/twemoji.git/branches/gh-pages/2/assets' ] );
if ( 0 !== files.status ) {
grunt.fatal( 'Unable to fetch Twemoji file list' );
var replace = '';
entities = files.stdout.toString();
for( var counter = start; counter <= end; counter++ ) {
replace += '\\u' + counter.toString( 16 );
// Tidy up the file list
entities = entities.replace( /\.ai/g, '' );
entities = entities.replace( /^$/g, '' );
return replace;
// Convert the emoji entities to HTML entities
partials = entities = entities.replace( /([a-z0-9]+)/g, '&#x$1;' );
// Remove the hyphens between the HTML entities
entities = entities.replace( /-/g, '' );
// Sort the entities list by length, so the longest emoji will be found first
emojiArray = entities.split( '\n' ).sort( function ( a, b ) {
return b.length - a.length;
} );
// Convert sets: "\u200d[\u2640\u2642]\ufe0f" becomes "\u200d\u2640\ufe0f|\u200d\u2642\ufe0f".
emojiRegex = emojiRegex.replace( /((?:\\u\w{4})*)\[((?:\\u\w{4})+)\]((?:\\u\w{4})*)/g, function ( match, before, middle, after ) {
//return params[1].split( '\\u' ).join( '|' + params[0] + '\\u' ).substr( 1 );
if ( ! before && ! after ) {
return match;
var set = middle.match( /.{1,6}/g );
// Convert the entities list to PHP array syntax
entities = '\'' + emojiArray.filter( function( val ) {
return val.length >= 8 ? val : false ;
} ).join( '\',\'' ) + '\'';
return before + set.join( after + '|' + before ) + after;
} );
// Create a list of all characters used by the emoji list
partials = partials.replace( /-/g, '\n' );
// Convert surrogate pairs to their equivalent unicode scalar: "\ud83d\udc68" becomes "\u1f468".
emojiRegex = emojiRegex.replace( /(\\ud[89a-f][0-9a-f]{2})(\\ud[89a-f][0-9a-f]{2})/g, function ( match, first, second ) {
var high = parseInt( first.substr( 2 ), 16 );
var low = parseInt( second.substr( 2 ), 16 );
// Set automatically removes duplicates
partialsSet = new Set( partials.split( '\n' ) );
var scalar = ( ( high - 0xD800 ) * 0x400 ) + ( low - 0xDC00 ) + 0x10000;
// Convert the partials list to PHP array syntax
partials = '\'' + Array.from( partialsSet ).filter( function( val ) {
return val.length >= 8 ? val : false ;
} ).join( '\',\'' ) + '\'';
return '\\u' + scalar.toString( 16 );
} );
// Convert JavaScript-style code points to PHP-style: "\u1f468" becomes "\x{1f468}".
emojiRegex = emojiRegex.replace( /\\u(\w+)/g, '\\x{$1}' );
// Convert PHP-style code points to HTML entities: "\x{1f468}" becomes "&#x1f468;".
entities = emojiRegex.replace( /\\x{(\w+)}/g, '&#x$1;' );
entities = entities.replace( /\[([^\]]+)\]/g, function( match, codepoint ) {
return '(?:' + codepoint.replace( /;&/g, ';|&' ) + ')';
} );
regex += '// START: emoji regex\n';
regex += '\t$codepoints = \'/(' + emojiRegex + ')/u\';\n';
regex += '\t$entities = \'/(' + entities + ')/u\';\n';
regex += '\t// END: emoji regex';
regex = '// START: emoji arrays\n';
regex += '\t$entities = array(' + entities + ');\n';
regex += '\t$partials = array(' + partials + ');\n';
regex += '\t// END: emoji arrays';
return regex;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -62,21 +62,21 @@ class Tests_Formatting_Emoji extends WP_UnitTestCase {
* @ticket 35293
* @ticket 41501
public function test_wp_emoji_regex_returns_regexen() {
$default = wp_emoji_regex();
public function test_wp_emoji_list_returns_data() {
$default = _wp_emoji_list();
$this->assertNotEmpty( $default );
$codepoints = wp_emoji_regex( 'codepoints' );
$this->assertNotEmpty( $codepoints );
$this->assertSame( $default, $codepoints );
$entities = wp_emoji_regex( 'entities' );
$entities = _wp_emoji_list( 'entities' );
$this->assertNotEmpty( $entities );
$this->assertNotSame( $default, $entities );
$this->assertSame( $default, $entities );
$partials = _wp_emoji_list( 'partials' );
$this->assertNotEmpty( $partials );
$this->assertNotSame( $default, $partials );
public function data_wp_encode_emoji() {