add( $key, $value, $group, $expiration ); } /** * Adds a value to cache on a specific server. * * Using a server_key value, the object can be stored on a specified server as opposed * to a random server in the stack. Note that this method will add the key/value to the * _cache object as part of the runtime cache. It will add it to an array for the * specified server_key. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_add_by_key( $server_key, $key, $value, $group = '', $expiration = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->addByKey( $server_key, $key, $value, $group, $expiration ); } /** * Add a single server to the list of Memcached servers. * * @link * * @param string $host The hostname of the memcache server. * @param int $port The port on which memcache is running. * @param int $weight The weight of the server relative to the total weight of all the servers in the pool. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_add_server( $host, $port, $weight = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->addServer( $host, $port, $weight ); } /** * Adds an array of servers to the pool. * * Each individual server in the array must include a domain and port, with an optional * weight value: $servers = array( array( '', 11211, 0 ) ); * * @link * * @param array $servers Array of server to register. * @return bool True on success; false on failure. */ function wp_cache_add_servers( $servers ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->addServers( $servers ); } /** * Append data to an existing item. * * This method should throw an error if it is used with compressed data. This * is an expected behavior. Memcached casts the value to be appended to the initial value to the * type of the initial value. Be careful as this leads to unexpected behavior at times. Due to * how memcached treats types, the behavior has been mimicked in the internal cache to produce * similar results and improve consistency. It is recommend that appends only occur with data of * the same type. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value Must be string as appending mixed values is not well-defined * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_append( $key, $value, $group = '' ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->append( $key, $value, $group ); } /** * Append data to an existing item by server key. * * This method should throw an error if it is used with compressed data. This * is an expected behavior. Memcached casts the value to be appended to the initial value to the * type of the initial value. Be careful as this leads to unexpected behavior at times. Due to * how memcached treats types, the behavior has been mimicked in the internal cache to produce * similar results and improve consistency. It is recommend that appends only occur with data of * the same type. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value Must be string as appending mixed values is not well-defined * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_append_by_key( $server_key, $key, $value, $group = '' ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->appendByKey( $server_key, $key, $value, $group ); } /** * Performs a "check and set" to store data. * * The set will be successful only if the no other request has updated the value since it was fetched by * this request. * * @link * * @param float $cas_token Unique value associated with the existing item. Generated by memcached. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_cas( $cas_token, $key, $value, $group = '', $expiration = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->cas( $cas_token, $key, $value, $group, $expiration ); } /** * Performs a "check and set" to store data with a server key. * * The set will be successful only if the no other request has updated the value since it was fetched by * this request. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param float $cas_token Unique value associated with the existing item. Generated by memcached. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_cas_by_key( $cas_token, $server_key, $key, $value, $group = '', $expiration = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->casByKey( $cas_token, $server_key, $key, $value, $group, $expiration ); } /** * Closes the cache. * * This function has ceased to do anything since WordPress 2.5. The * functionality was removed along with the rest of the persistent cache. This * does not mean that plugins can't implement this function when they need to * make sure that the cache is cleaned up after WordPress no longer needs it. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return bool Always returns True */ function wp_cache_close() { return true; } /** * Decrement a numeric item's value. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param int $offset The amount by which to decrement the item's value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return int|bool Returns item's new value on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_decrement( $key, $offset = 1, $group = '' ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->decrement( $key, $offset, $group ); } /** * Decrement a numeric item's value. * * Same as wp_cache_decrement. Original WordPress caching backends use wp_cache_decr. I * want both spellings to work. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param int $offset The amount by which to decrement the item's value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return int|bool Returns item's new value on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_decr( $key, $offset = 1, $group = '' ) { return wp_cache_decrement( $key, $offset, $group ); } /** * Remove the item from the cache. * * Remove an item from memcached with identified by $key after $time seconds. The * $time parameter allows an object to be queued for deletion without immediately * deleting. Between the time that it is queued and the time it's deleted, add, * replace, and get will fail, but set will succeed. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $time The amount of time the server will wait to delete the item in seconds. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_delete( $key, $group = '', $time = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->delete( $key, $group, $time ); } /** * Remove the item from the cache by server key. * * Remove an item from memcached with identified by $key after $time seconds. The * $time parameter allows an object to be queued for deletion without immediately * deleting. Between the time that it is queued and the time it's deleted, add, * replace, and get will fail, but set will succeed. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $time The amount of time the server will wait to delete the item in seconds. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_delete_by_key( $server_key, $key, $group = '', $time = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->deleteByKey( $server_key, $key, $group, $time ); } /** * Fetch the next result. * * @link * * @return array|bool Returns the next result or FALSE otherwise. */ function wp_cache_fetch() { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->fetch(); } /** * Fetch all remaining results from the last request. * * @link * * @return array|bool Returns the results or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_fetch_all() { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->fetchAll(); } /** * Invalidate all items in the cache. * * @link * * @param int $delay Number of seconds to wait before invalidating the items. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_flush( $delay = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->flush( $delay ); } /** * Retrieve object from cache. * * Gets an object from cache based on $key and $group. In order to fully support the $cache_cb and $cas_token * parameters, the runtime cache is ignored by this function if either of those values are set. If either of * those values are set, the request is made directly to the memcached server for proper handling of the * callback and/or token. * * Note that the $deprecated and $found args are only here for compatibility with the native wp_cache_get function. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param bool $force Whether or not to force a cache invalidation. * @param null|bool $found Variable passed by reference to determine if the value was found or not. * @param null|string $cache_cb Read-through caching callback. * @param null|float $cas_token The variable to store the CAS token in. * @return bool|mixed Cached object value. */ function wp_cache_get( $key, $group = '', $force = false, &$found = null, $cache_cb = null, &$cas_token = null ) { global $wp_object_cache; if ( func_num_args() > 4 ) { return $wp_object_cache->get( $key, $group, $force, $found, '', false, $cache_cb, $cas_token ); } else { return $wp_object_cache->get( $key, $group, $force, $found ); } } /** * Retrieve object from cache from specified server. * * Gets an object from cache based on $key, $group and $server_key. In order to fully support the $cache_cb and $cas_token * parameters, the runtime cache is ignored by this function if either of those values are set. If either of * those values are set, the request is made directly to the memcached server for proper handling of the * callback and/or token. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param bool $force Whether or not to force a cache invalidation. * @param null|bool $found Variable passed by reference to determine if the value was found or not. * @param null|string $cache_cb Read-through caching callback. * @param null|float $cas_token The variable to store the CAS token in. * @return bool|mixed Cached object value. */ function wp_cache_get_by_key( $server_key, $key, $group = '', $force = false, &$found = null, $cache_cb = null, &$cas_token = null ) { global $wp_object_cache; if ( func_num_args() > 5 ) { return $wp_object_cache->getByKey( $server_key, $key, $group, $force, $found, $cache_cb, $cas_token ); } else { return $wp_object_cache->getByKey( $server_key, $key, $group, $force, $found ); } } /** * Request multiple keys without blocking. * * @link * * @param string|array $keys Array or string of key(s) to request. * @param string|array $groups Array or string of group(s) for the key(s). See buildKeys for more on how these are handled. * @param bool $with_cas Whether to request CAS token values also. * @param null $value_cb The result callback or NULL. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_get_delayed( $keys, $groups = '', $with_cas = false, $value_cb = null ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->getDelayed( $keys, $groups, $with_cas, $value_cb ); } /** * Request multiple keys without blocking from a specified server. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string|array $keys Array or string of key(s) to request. * @param string|array $groups Array or string of group(s) for the key(s). See buildKeys for more on how these are handled. * @param bool $with_cas Whether to request CAS token values also. * @param null $value_cb The result callback or NULL. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_get_delayed_by_key( $server_key, $keys, $groups = '', $with_cas = false, $value_cb = null ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->getDelayedByKey( $server_key, $keys, $groups, $with_cas, $value_cb ); } /** * Gets multiple values from memcached in one request. * * See the buildKeys method definition to understand the $keys/$groups parameters. * * @link * * @param array $keys Array of keys to retrieve. * @param string|array $groups If string, used for all keys. If arrays, corresponds with the $keys array. * @param null|array $cas_tokens The variable to store the CAS tokens for the found items. * @param int $flags The flags for the get operation. * @return bool|array Returns the array of found items or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_get_multi( $keys, $groups = '', &$cas_tokens = null, $flags = null ) { global $wp_object_cache; if ( func_num_args() > 2 ) { return $wp_object_cache->getMulti( $keys, $groups, '', $cas_tokens, $flags ); } else { return $wp_object_cache->getMulti( $keys, $groups ); } } /** * Gets multiple values from memcached in one request by specified server key. * * See the buildKeys method definition to understand the $keys/$groups parameters. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param array $keys Array of keys to retrieve. * @param string|array $groups If string, used for all keys. If arrays, corresponds with the $keys array. * @param null|array $cas_tokens The variable to store the CAS tokens for the found items. * @param int $flags The flags for the get operation. * @return bool|array Returns the array of found items or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_get_multi_by_key( $server_key, $keys, $groups = '', &$cas_tokens = null, $flags = null ) { global $wp_object_cache; if ( func_num_args() > 3 ) { return $wp_object_cache->getMultiByKey( $server_key, $keys, $groups, $cas_tokens, $flags ); } else { return $wp_object_cache->getMultiByKey( $server_key, $keys, $groups ); } } /** * Retrieve a Memcached option value. * * @link * * @param int $option One of the Memcached::OPT_* constants. * @return mixed Returns the value of the requested option, or FALSE on error. */ function wp_cache_get_option( $option ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->getOption( $option ); } /** * Return the result code of the last option. * * @link * * @return int Result code of the last Memcached operation. */ function wp_cache_get_result_code() { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->getResultCode(); } /** * Return the message describing the result of the last operation. * * @link * * @return string Message describing the result of the last Memcached operation. */ function wp_cache_get_result_message() { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->getResultMessage(); } /** * Get server information by key. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @return array Array with host, post, and weight on success, FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_get_server_by_key( $server_key ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->getServerByKey( $server_key ); } /** * Get the list of servers in the pool. * * @link * * @return array The list of all servers in the server pool. */ function wp_cache_get_server_list() { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->getServerList(); } /** * Get server pool statistics. * * @link * * @return array Array of server statistics, one entry per server. */ function wp_cache_get_stats() { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->getStats(); } /** * Get server pool memcached version information. * * @link * * @return array Array of server versions, one entry per server. */ function wp_cache_get_version() { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->getVersion(); } /** * Increment a numeric item's value. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param int $offset The amount by which to increment the item's value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return int|bool Returns item's new value on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_increment( $key, $offset = 1, $group = '' ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->increment( $key, $offset, $group ); } /** * Increment a numeric item's value. * * This is the same as wp_cache_increment, but kept for back compatibility. The original * WordPress caching backends use wp_cache_incr. I want both to work. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param int $offset The amount by which to increment the item's value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return int|bool Returns item's new value on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_incr( $key, $offset = 1, $group = '' ) { return wp_cache_increment( $key, $offset, $group ); } /** * Prepend data to an existing item. * * This method should throw an error if it is used with compressed data. This is an expected behavior. * Memcached casts the value to be prepended to the initial value to the type of the initial value. Be * careful as this leads to unexpected behavior at times. For instance, prepending (float) 45.23 to * (int) 23 will result in 45, because the value is first combined (45.2323) then cast to "integer" * (the original value), which will be (int) 45. Due to how memcached treats types, the behavior has been * mimicked in the internal cache to produce similar results and improve consistency. It is recommend * that prepends only occur with data of the same type. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $value Must be string as prepending mixed values is not well-defined. * @param string $group The group value prepended to the $key. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_prepend( $key, $value, $group = '' ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->prepend( $key, $value, $group ); } /** * Append data to an existing item by server key. * * This method should throw an error if it is used with compressed data. This is an expected behavior. * Memcached casts the value to be prepended to the initial value to the type of the initial value. Be * careful as this leads to unexpected behavior at times. For instance, prepending (float) 45.23 to * (int) 23 will result in 45, because the value is first combined (45.2323) then cast to "integer" * (the original value), which will be (int) 45. Due to how memcached treats types, the behavior has been * mimicked in the internal cache to produce similar results and improve consistency. It is recommend * that prepends only occur with data of the same type. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $value Must be string as prepending mixed values is not well-defined. * @param string $group The group value prepended to the $key. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_prepend_by_key( $server_key, $key, $value, $group = '' ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->prependByKey( $server_key, $key, $value, $group ); } /** * Replaces a value in cache. * * This method is similar to "add"; however, is does not successfully set a value if * the object's key is not already set in cache. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_replace( $key, $value, $group = '', $expiration = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->replace( $key, $value, $group, $expiration ); } /** * Replaces a value in cache on a specific server. * * This method is similar to "addByKey"; however, is does not successfully set a value if * the object's key is not already set in cache. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_replace_by_key( $server_key, $key, $value, $group = '', $expiration = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->replaceByKey( $server_key, $key, $value, $group, $expiration ); } /** * Sets a value in cache. * * The value is set whether or not this key already exists in memcached. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_set( $key, $value, $group = '', $expiration = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->set( $key, $value, $group, $expiration ); } /** * Sets a value in cache. * * The value is set whether or not this key already exists in memcached. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_set_by_key( $server_key, $key, $value, $group = '', $expiration = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->setByKey( $server_key, $key, $value, $group, $expiration ); } /** * Set multiple values to cache at once. * * By sending an array of $items to this function, all values are saved at once to * memcached, reducing the need for multiple requests to memcached. The $items array * keys and values are what are stored to memcached. The keys in the $items array * are merged with the $groups array/string value via buildKeys to determine the * final key for the object. * * @param array $items An array of key/value pairs to store on the server. * @param string|array $groups Group(s) to merge with key(s) in $items. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_set_multi( $items, $groups = '', $expiration = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->setMulti( $items, $groups, $expiration ); } /** * Set multiple values to cache at once on specified server. * * By sending an array of $items to this function, all values are saved at once to * memcached, reducing the need for multiple requests to memcached. The $items array * keys and values are what are stored to memcached. The keys in the $items array * are merged with the $groups array/string value via buildKeys to determine the * final key for the object. * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param array $items An array of key/value pairs to store on the server. * @param string|array $groups Group(s) to merge with key(s) in $items. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_set_multi_by_key( $server_key, $items, $groups = 'default', $expiration = 0 ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->setMultiByKey( $server_key, $items, $groups, $expiration ); } /** * Set a Memcached option. * * @link * * @param int $option Option name. * @param mixed $value Option value. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ function wp_cache_set_option( $option, $value ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->setOption( $option, $value ); } /** * Switch blog prefix, which changes the cache that is accessed. * * @param int $blog_id Blog to switch to. * @return void */ function wp_cache_switch_to_blog( $blog_id ) { global $wp_object_cache; return $wp_object_cache->switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); } /** * Sets up Object Cache Global and assigns it. * * @global WP_Object_Cache $wp_object_cache WordPress Object Cache * @return void */ function wp_cache_init() { global $wp_object_cache; $wp_object_cache = new WP_Object_Cache(); } /** * Adds a group or set of groups to the list of non-persistent groups. * * @param string|array $groups A group or an array of groups to add. * @return void */ function wp_cache_add_global_groups( $groups ) { global $wp_object_cache; $wp_object_cache->add_global_groups( $groups ); } /** * Adds a group or set of groups to the list of non-Memcached groups. * * @param string|array $groups A group or an array of groups to add. * @return void */ function wp_cache_add_non_persistent_groups( $groups ) { global $wp_object_cache; $wp_object_cache->add_non_persistent_groups( $groups ); } class WP_Object_Cache { /** * Holds the Memcached object. * * @var Memcached */ public $m; /** * Hold the Memcached server details. * * @var array */ public $servers; /** * Holds the non-Memcached objects. * * @var array */ public $cache = array(); /** * List of global groups. * * @var array */ public $global_groups = array( 'users', 'userlogins', 'usermeta', 'site-options', 'site-lookup', 'blog-lookup', 'blog-details', 'rss' ); /** * List of groups not saved to Memcached. * * @var array */ public $no_mc_groups = array( 'comment', 'counts' ); /** * Prefix used for global groups. * * @var string */ public $global_prefix = ''; /** * Prefix used for non-global groups. * * @var string */ public $blog_prefix = ''; /** * Instantiate the Memcached class. * * Instantiates the Memcached class and returns adds the servers specified * in the $memcached_servers global array. * * @link * * @param null $persistent_id To create an instance that persists between requests, use persistent_id to specify a unique ID for the instance. */ public function __construct( $persistent_id = null ) { global $memcached_servers, $blog_id, $table_prefix; if ( is_null( $persistent_id ) || ! is_string( $persistent_id ) ) { $this->m = new Memcached(); } else { $this->m = new Memcached( $persistent_id ); } if ( isset( $memcached_servers ) ) { $this->servers = $memcached_servers; } else { $this->servers = array( array( '', 11211 ) ); } $this->addServers( $this->servers ); /** * This approach is borrowed from Sivel and Boren. Use the salt for easy cache invalidation and for * multi single WP installations on the same server. */ if ( ! defined( 'WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT' ) ) { define( 'WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT', '' ); } // Assign global and blog prefixes for use with keys if ( function_exists( 'is_multisite' ) ) { $this->global_prefix = ( is_multisite() || defined( 'CUSTOM_USER_TABLE' ) && defined( 'CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE' ) ) ? '' : $table_prefix; $this->blog_prefix = ( is_multisite() ? $blog_id : $table_prefix ) . ':'; } // Setup cacheable values for handling expiration times $this->thirty_days = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; $this->now = time(); } /** * Adds a value to cache. * * If the specified key already exists, the value is not stored and the function * returns false. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param bool $byKey True to store in internal cache by key; false to not store by key * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function add( $key, $value, $group = 'default', $expiration = 0, $server_key = '', $byKey = false ) { /* * Ensuring that wp_suspend_cache_addition is defined before calling, because sometimes an advanced-cache.php * file will load object-cache.php before wp-includes/functions.php is loaded. In those cases, if wp_cache_add * is called in advanced-cache.php before any more of WordPress is loaded, we get a fatal error because * wp_suspend_cache_addition will not be defined until wp-includes/functions.php is loaded. */ if ( function_exists( 'wp_suspend_cache_addition' ) && wp_suspend_cache_addition() ) { return false; } $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); $expiration = $this->sanitize_expiration( $expiration ); // If group is a non-Memcached group, save to runtime cache, not Memcached if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { // Add does not set the value if the key exists; mimic that here if ( isset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) ) { return false; } $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $value ); return true; } // Save to Memcached if ( $byKey ) { $result = $this->m->addByKey( $server_key, $derived_key, $value, $expiration ); } else { $result = $this->m->add( $derived_key, $value, $expiration ); } // Store in runtime cache if add was successful if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $value ); } return $result; } /** * Adds a value to cache on a specific server. * * Using a server_key value, the object can be stored on a specified server as opposed * to a random server in the stack. Note that this method will add the key/value to the * _cache object as part of the runtime cache. It will add it to an array for the * specified server_key. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function addByKey( $server_key, $key, $value, $group = 'default', $expiration = 0 ) { return $this->add( $key, $value, $group, $expiration, $server_key, true ); } /** * Add a single server to the list of Memcached servers. * * @link * * @param string $host The hostname of the memcache server. * @param int $port The port on which memcache is running. * @param int $weight The weight of the server relative to the total weight of all the servers in the pool. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function addServer( $host, $port, $weight = 0 ) { $host = is_string( $host ) ? $host : ''; $port = is_numeric( $port ) && $port > 0 ? $port : 11211; $weight = is_numeric( $weight ) && $weight > 0 ? $weight : 1; return $this->m->addServer( $host, $port, $weight ); } /** * Adds an array of servers to the pool. * * Each individual server in the array must include a domain and port, with an optional * weight value: $servers = array( array( '', 11211, 0 ) ); * * @link * * @param array $servers Array of server to register. * @return bool True on success; false on failure. */ public function addServers( $servers ) { if ( ! is_object( $this->m ) ) { return false; } return $this->m->addServers( $servers ); } /** * Append data to an existing item. * * This method should throw an error if it is used with compressed data. This * is an expected behavior. Memcached casts the value to be appended to the initial value to the * type of the initial value. Be careful as this leads to unexpected behavior at times. Due to * how memcached treats types, the behavior has been mimicked in the internal cache to produce * similar results and improve consistency. It is recommend that appends only occur with data of * the same type. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value Must be string as appending mixed values is not well-defined. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param bool $byKey True to store in internal cache by key; false to not store by key * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function append( $key, $value, $group = 'default', $server_key = '', $byKey = false ) { if ( ! is_string( $value ) && ! is_int( $value ) && ! is_float( $value ) ) { return false; } $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); // If group is a non-Memcached group, append to runtime cache value, not Memcached if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { if ( ! isset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) ) { return false; } $combined = $this->combine_values( $this->cache[ $derived_key ], $value, 'app' ); $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $combined ); return true; } // Append to Memcached value if ( $byKey ) { $result = $this->m->appendByKey( $server_key, $derived_key, $value ); } else { $result = $this->m->append( $derived_key, $value ); } // Store in runtime cache if add was successful if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $combined = $this->combine_values( $this->cache[ $derived_key ], $value, 'app' ); $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $combined ); } return $result; } /** * Append data to an existing item by server key. * * This method should throw an error if it is used with compressed data. This * is an expected behavior. Memcached casts the value to be appended to the initial value to the * type of the initial value. Be careful as this leads to unexpected behavior at times. Due to * how memcached treats types, the behavior has been mimicked in the internal cache to produce * similar results and improve consistency. It is recommend that appends only occur with data of * the same type. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value Must be string as appending mixed values is not well-defined * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function appendByKey( $server_key, $key, $value, $group = 'default' ) { return $this->append( $key, $value, $group, $server_key, true ); } /** * Performs a "check and set" to store data. * * The set will be successful only if the no other request has updated the value since it was fetched since * this request. * * @link * * @param float $cas_token Unique value associated with the existing item. Generated by memcached. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param bool $byKey True to store in internal cache by key; false to not store by key * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function cas( $cas_token, $key, $value, $group = 'default', $expiration = 0, $server_key = '', $byKey = false ) { $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); $expiration = $this->sanitize_expiration( $expiration ); /** * If group is a non-Memcached group, save to runtime cache, not Memcached. Note * that since check and set cannot be emulated in the run time cache, this value * operation is treated as a normal "add" for no_mc_groups. */ if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $value ); return true; } // Save to Memcached if ( $byKey ) { $result = $this->m->casByKey( $cas_token, $server_key, $derived_key, $value, $expiration ); } else { $result = $this->m->cas( $cas_token, $derived_key, $value, $expiration ); } // Store in runtime cache if cas was successful if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $value ); } return $result; } /** * Performs a "check and set" to store data with a server key. * * The set will be successful only if the no other request has updated the value since it was fetched by * this request. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param float $cas_token Unique value associated with the existing item. Generated by memcached. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function casByKey( $cas_token, $server_key, $key, $value, $group = 'default', $expiration = 0 ) { return $this->cas( $cas_token, $key, $value, $group, $expiration, $server_key, true ); } /** * Decrement a numeric item's value. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param int $offset The amount by which to decrement the item's value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return int|bool Returns item's new value on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function decrement( $key, $offset = 1, $group = 'default' ) { $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); // Decrement values in no_mc_groups if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { // Only decrement if the key already exists and value is 0 or greater (mimics memcached behavior) if ( isset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) && $this->cache[ $derived_key ] >= 0 ) { // If numeric, subtract; otherwise, consider it 0 and do nothing if ( is_numeric( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) ) { $this->cache[ $derived_key ] -= (int) $offset; } else { $this->cache[ $derived_key ] = 0; } // Returned value cannot be less than 0 if ( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] < 0 ) { $this->cache[ $derived_key ] = 0; } return $this->cache[ $derived_key ]; } else { return false; } } $result = $this->m->decrement( $derived_key, $offset ); if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $result ); } return $result; } /** * Decrement a numeric item's value. * * Alias for $this->decrement. Other caching backends use this abbreviated form of the function. It *may* cause * breakage somewhere, so it is nice to have. This function will also allow the core unit tests to pass. * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param int $offset The amount by which to decrement the item's value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return int|bool Returns item's new value on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function decr( $key, $offset = 1, $group = 'default' ) { return $this->decrement( $key, $offset, $group ); } /** * Remove the item from the cache. * * Remove an item from memcached with identified by $key after $time seconds. The * $time parameter allows an object to be queued for deletion without immediately * deleting. Between the time that it is queued and the time it's deleted, add, * replace, and get will fail, but set will succeed. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $time The amount of time the server will wait to delete the item in seconds. * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param bool $byKey True to store in internal cache by key; false to not store by key * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function delete( $key, $group = 'default', $time = 0, $server_key = '', $byKey = false ) { $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); // Remove from no_mc_groups array if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { if ( isset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) ) { unset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ); } return true; } if ( $byKey ) { $result = $this->m->deleteByKey( $server_key, $derived_key, $time ); } else { $result = $this->m->delete( $derived_key, $time ); } if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { unset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ); } return $result; } /** * Remove the item from the cache by server key. * * Remove an item from memcached with identified by $key after $time seconds. The * $time parameter allows an object to be queued for deletion without immediately * deleting. Between the time that it is queued and the time it's deleted, add, * replace, and get will fail, but set will succeed. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $time The amount of time the server will wait to delete the item in seconds. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function deleteByKey( $server_key, $key, $group = 'default', $time = 0 ) { return $this->delete( $key, $group, $time, $server_key, true ); } /** * Fetch the next result. * * @link * * @return array|bool Returns the next result or FALSE on failure. */ public function fetch() { return $this->m->fetch(); } /** * Fetch all remaining results from the last request. * * @link * * @return array|bool Returns the results or FALSE on failure. */ public function fetchAll() { return $this->m->fetchAll(); } /** * Invalidate all items in the cache. * * @link * * @param int $delay Number of seconds to wait before invalidating the items. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function flush( $delay = 0 ) { $result = $this->m->flush( $delay ); // Only reset the runtime cache if memcached was properly flushed if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $this->cache = array(); } return $result; } /** * Retrieve object from cache. * * Gets an object from cache based on $key and $group. In order to fully support the $cache_cb and $cas_token * parameters, the runtime cache is ignored by this function if either of those values are set. If either of * those values are set, the request is made directly to the memcached server for proper handling of the * callback and/or token. Note that the $cas_token variable cannot be directly passed to the function. The * variable need to be first defined with a non null value. * * If using the $cache_cb argument, the new value will always have an expiration of time of 0 (forever). This * is a limitation of the Memcached PECL extension. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param bool $force Whether or not to force a cache invalidation. * @param null|bool $found Variable passed by reference to determine if the value was found or not. * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param bool $byKey True to store in internal cache by key; false to not store by key * @param null|callable $cache_cb Read-through caching callback. * @param null|float $cas_token The variable to store the CAS token in. * @return bool|mixed Cached object value. */ public function get( $key, $group = 'default', $force = false, &$found = null, $server_key = '', $byKey = false, $cache_cb = null, &$cas_token = null ) { $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); // Assume object is not found $found = false; // If either $cache_db, or $cas_token is set, must hit Memcached and bypass runtime cache if ( func_num_args() > 6 && ! in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { if ( $byKey ) { $value = $this->m->getByKey( $server_key, $derived_key, $cache_cb, $cas_token ); } else { $value = $this->m->get( $derived_key, $cache_cb, $cas_token ); } } else { if ( isset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) ) { $found = true; return is_object( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) ? clone $this->cache[ $derived_key ] : $this->cache[ $derived_key ]; } elseif ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { return false; } else { if ( $byKey ) { $value = $this->m->getByKey( $server_key, $derived_key ); } else { $value = $this->m->get( $derived_key ); } } } if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $value ); $found = true; } return is_object( $value ) ? clone $value : $value; } /** * Retrieve object from cache from specified server. * * Gets an object from cache based on $key, $group and $server_key. In order to fully support the $cache_cb and $cas_token * parameters, the runtime cache is ignored by this function if either of those values are set. If either of * those values are set, the request is made directly to the memcached server for proper handling of the * callback and/or token. Note that the $cas_token variable cannot be directly passed to the function. The * variable need to be first defined with a non null value. * * If using the $cache_cb argument, the new value will always have an expiration of time of 0 (forever). This * is a limitation of the Memcached PECL extension. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param bool $force Whether or not to force a cache invalidation. * @param null|bool $found Variable passed by reference to determine if the value was found or not. * @param null|string $cache_cb Read-through caching callback. * @param null|float $cas_token The variable to store the CAS token in. * @return bool|mixed Cached object value. */ public function getByKey( $server_key, $key, $group = 'default', $force = false, &$found = null, $cache_cb = null, &$cas_token = null ) { /** * Need to be careful how "get" is called. If you send $cache_cb, and $cas_token, it will hit memcached. * Only send those args if they were sent to this function. */ if ( func_num_args() > 5 ) { return $this->get( $key, $group, $force, $found, $server_key, true, $cache_cb, $cas_token ); } else { return $this->get( $key, $group, $force, $found, $server_key, true ); } } /** * Request multiple keys without blocking. * * @link * * @param string|array $keys Array or string of key(s) to request. * @param string|array $groups Array or string of group(s) for the key(s). See buildKeys for more on how these are handled. * @param bool $with_cas Whether to request CAS token values also. * @param null $value_cb The result callback or NULL. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function getDelayed( $keys, $groups = 'default', $with_cas = false, $value_cb = null ) { $derived_keys = $this->buildKeys( $keys, $groups ); return $this->m->getDelayed( $derived_keys, $with_cas, $value_cb ); } /** * Request multiple keys without blocking from a specified server. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string|array $keys Array or string of key(s) to request. * @param string|array $groups Array or string of group(s) for the key(s). See buildKeys for more on how these are handled. * @param bool $with_cas Whether to request CAS token values also. * @param null $value_cb The result callback or NULL. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function getDelayedByKey( $server_key, $keys, $groups = 'default', $with_cas = false, $value_cb = null ) { $derived_keys = $this->buildKeys( $keys, $groups ); return $this->m->getDelayedByKey( $server_key, $derived_keys, $with_cas, $value_cb ); } /** * Gets multiple values from memcached in one request. * * See the buildKeys method definition to understand the $keys/$groups parameters. * * @link * * @param array $keys Array of keys to retrieve. * @param string|array $groups If string, used for all keys. If arrays, corresponds with the $keys array. * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param null|array $cas_tokens The variable to store the CAS tokens for the found items. * @param int $flags The flags for the get operation. * @return bool|array Returns the array of found items or FALSE on failure. */ public function getMulti( $keys, $groups = 'default', $server_key = '', &$cas_tokens = null, $flags = null ) { $derived_keys = $this->buildKeys( $keys, $groups ); /** * If either $cas_tokens, or $flags is set, must hit Memcached and bypass runtime cache. Note that * this will purposely ignore no_mc_groups values as they cannot handle CAS tokens or the special * flags; however, if the groups of groups contains a no_mc_group, this is bypassed. */ if ( func_num_args() > 3 && ! $this->contains_no_mc_group( $groups ) ) { if ( ! empty( $server_key ) ) { $values = $this->m->getMultiByKey( $server_key, $derived_keys, $cas_tokens, $flags ); } else { $values = $this->m->getMulti( $derived_keys, $cas_tokens, $flags ); } } else { $values = array(); $need_to_get = array(); // Pull out values from runtime cache, or mark for retrieval foreach ( $derived_keys as $key ) { if ( isset( $this->cache[ $key ] ) ) { $values[ $key ] = $this->cache[ $key ]; } else { $need_to_get[ $key ] = $key; } } // Get those keys not found in the runtime cache if ( ! empty( $need_to_get ) ) { if ( ! empty( $server_key ) ) { $result = $this->m->getMultiByKey( $server_key, array_keys( $need_to_get ) ); } else { $result = $this->m->getMulti( array_keys( $need_to_get ) ); } } // Merge with values found in runtime cache if ( isset( $result ) && Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $values = array_merge( $values, $result ); } // If order should be preserved, reorder now if ( ! empty( $need_to_get ) && $flags === Memcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER ) { $ordered_values = array(); foreach ( $derived_keys as $key ) { if ( isset( $values[ $key ] ) ) { $ordered_values[ $key ] = $values[ $key ]; } } $values = $ordered_values; unset( $ordered_values ); } } // Add the values to the runtime cache $this->cache = array_merge( $this->cache, $values ); return $values; } /** * Gets multiple values from memcached in one request by specified server key. * * See the buildKeys method definition to understand the $keys/$groups parameters. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param array $keys Array of keys to retrieve. * @param string|array $groups If string, used for all keys. If arrays, corresponds with the $keys array. * @param null|array $cas_tokens The variable to store the CAS tokens for the found items. * @param int $flags The flags for the get operation. * @return bool|array Returns the array of found items or FALSE on failure. */ public function getMultiByKey( $server_key, $keys, $groups = 'default', &$cas_tokens = null, $flags = null ) { /** * Need to be careful how "getMulti" is called. If you send $cache_cb, and $cas_token, it will hit memcached. * Only send those args if they were sent to this function. */ if ( func_num_args() > 3 ) { return $this->getMulti( $keys, $groups, $server_key, $cas_tokens, $flags ); } else { return $this->getMulti( $keys, $groups, $server_key ); } } /** * Retrieve a Memcached option value. * * @link * * @param int $option One of the Memcached::OPT_* constants. * @return mixed Returns the value of the requested option, or FALSE on error. */ public function getOption( $option ) { return $this->m->getOption( $option ); } /** * Return the result code of the last option. * * @link * * @return int Result code of the last Memcached operation. */ public function getResultCode() { return $this->m->getResultCode(); } /** * Return the message describing the result of the last operation. * * @link * * @return string Message describing the result of the last Memcached operation. */ public function getResultMessage() { return $this->m->getResultMessage(); } /** * Get server information by key. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @return array Array with host, post, and weight on success, FALSE on failure. */ public function getServerByKey( $server_key ) { return $this->m->getServerByKey( $server_key ); } /** * Get the list of servers in the pool. * * @link * * @return array The list of all servers in the server pool. */ public function getServerList() { return $this->m->getServerList(); } /** * Get server pool statistics. * * @link * * @return array Array of server statistics, one entry per server. */ public function getStats() { return $this->m->getStats(); } /** * Get server pool memcached version information. * * @link * * @return array Array of server versions, one entry per server. */ public function getVersion() { return $this->m->getVersion(); } /** * Increment a numeric item's value. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param int $offset The amount by which to increment the item's value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return int|bool Returns item's new value on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function increment( $key, $offset = 1, $group = 'default' ) { $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); // Increment values in no_mc_groups if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { // Only increment if the key already exists and the number is currently 0 or greater (mimics memcached behavior) if ( isset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) && $this->cache[ $derived_key ] >= 0 ) { // If numeric, add; otherwise, consider it 0 and do nothing if ( is_numeric( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) ) { $this->cache[ $derived_key ] += (int) $offset; } else { $this->cache[ $derived_key ] = 0; } // Returned value cannot be less than 0 if ( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] < 0 ) { $this->cache[ $derived_key ] = 0; } return $this->cache[ $derived_key ]; } else { return false; } } $result = $this->m->increment( $derived_key, $offset ); if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $result ); } return $result; } /** * Synonymous with $this->incr. * * Certain plugins expect an "incr" method on the $wp_object_cache object (e.g., Batcache). Since the original * version of this library matched names to the memcached methods, the "incr" method was missing. Adding this * method restores compatibility with plugins expecting an "incr" method. * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param int $offset The amount by which to increment the item's value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return int|bool Returns item's new value on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function incr( $key, $offset = 1, $group = 'default' ) { return $this->increment( $key, $offset, $group ); } /** * Prepend data to an existing item. * * This method should throw an error if it is used with compressed data. This is an expected behavior. * Memcached casts the value to be prepended to the initial value to the type of the initial value. Be * careful as this leads to unexpected behavior at times. For instance, prepending (float) 45.23 to * (int) 23 will result in 45, because the value is first combined (45.2323) then cast to "integer" * (the original value), which will be (int) 45. Due to how memcached treats types, the behavior has been * mimicked in the internal cache to produce similar results and improve consistency. It is recommend * that prepends only occur with data of the same type. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $value Must be string as prepending mixed values is not well-defined. * @param string $group The group value prepended to the $key. * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param bool $byKey True to store in internal cache by key; false to not store by key * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function prepend( $key, $value, $group = 'default', $server_key = '', $byKey = false ) { if ( ! is_string( $value ) && ! is_int( $value ) && ! is_float( $value ) ) { return false; } $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); // If group is a non-Memcached group, prepend to runtime cache value, not Memcached if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { if ( ! isset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) ) { return false; } $combined = $this->combine_values( $this->cache[ $derived_key ], $value, 'pre' ); $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $combined ); return true; } // Append to Memcached value if ( $byKey ) { $result = $this->m->prependByKey( $server_key, $derived_key, $value ); } else { $result = $this->m->prepend( $derived_key, $value ); } // Store in runtime cache if add was successful if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $combined = $this->combine_values( $this->cache[ $derived_key ], $value, 'pre' ); $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $combined ); } return $result; } /** * Append data to an existing item by server key. * * This method should throw an error if it is used with compressed data. This is an expected behavior. * Memcached casts the value to be prepended to the initial value to the type of the initial value. Be * careful as this leads to unexpected behavior at times. For instance, prepending (float) 45.23 to * (int) 23 will result in 45, because the value is first combined (45.2323) then cast to "integer" * (the original value), which will be (int) 45. Due to how memcached treats types, the behavior has been * mimicked in the internal cache to produce similar results and improve consistency. It is recommend * that prepends only occur with data of the same type. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $value Must be string as prepending mixed values is not well-defined. * @param string $group The group value prepended to the $key. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function prependByKey( $server_key, $key, $value, $group = 'default' ) { return $this->prepend( $key, $value, $group, $server_key, true ); } /** * Replaces a value in cache. * * This method is similar to "add"; however, is does not successfully set a value if * the object's key is not already set in cache. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param bool $byKey True to store in internal cache by key; false to not store by key * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function replace( $key, $value, $group = 'default', $expiration = 0, $server_key = '', $byKey = false ) { $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); $expiration = $this->sanitize_expiration( $expiration ); // If group is a non-Memcached group, save to runtime cache, not Memcached if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { // Replace won't save unless the key already exists; mimic this behavior here if ( ! isset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) ) { return false; } $this->cache[ $derived_key ] = $value; return true; } // Save to Memcached if ( $byKey ) { $result = $this->m->replaceByKey( $server_key, $derived_key, $value, $expiration ); } else { $result = $this->m->replace( $derived_key, $value, $expiration ); } // Store in runtime cache if add was successful if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $value ); } return $result; } /** * Replaces a value in cache on a specific server. * * This method is similar to "addByKey"; however, is does not successfully set a value if * the object's key is not already set in cache. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function replaceByKey( $server_key, $key, $value, $group = 'default', $expiration = 0 ) { return $this->replace( $key, $value, $group, $expiration, $server_key, true ); } /** * Sets a value in cache. * * The value is set whether or not this key already exists in memcached. * * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param bool $byKey True to store in internal cache by key; false to not store by key * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function set( $key, $value, $group = 'default', $expiration = 0, $server_key = '', $byKey = false ) { $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); $expiration = $this->sanitize_expiration( $expiration ); // If group is a non-Memcached group, save to runtime cache, not Memcached if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $value ); return true; } // Save to Memcached if ( $byKey ) { $result = $this->m->setByKey( $server_key, $derived_key, $value, $expiration ); } else { $result = $this->m->set( $derived_key, $value, $expiration ); } // Store in runtime cache if add was successful if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $value ); } return $result; } /** * Sets a value in cache on a specific server. * * The value is set whether or not this key already exists in memcached. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param mixed $value The value to store. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function setByKey( $server_key, $key, $value, $group = 'default', $expiration = 0 ) { return $this->set( $key, $value, $group, $expiration, $server_key, true ); } /** * Set multiple values to cache at once. * * By sending an array of $items to this function, all values are saved at once to * memcached, reducing the need for multiple requests to memcached. The $items array * keys and values are what are stored to memcached. The keys in the $items array * are merged with the $groups array/string value via buildKeys to determine the * final key for the object. * * @link * * @param array $items An array of key/value pairs to store on the server. * @param string|array $groups Group(s) to merge with key(s) in $items. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param bool $byKey True to store in internal cache by key; false to not store by key * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function setMulti( $items, $groups = 'default', $expiration = 0, $server_key = '', $byKey = false ) { // Build final keys and replace $items keys with the new keys $derived_keys = $this->buildKeys( array_keys( $items ), $groups ); $expiration = $this->sanitize_expiration( $expiration ); $derived_items = array_combine( $derived_keys, $items ); // Do not add to memcached if in no_mc_groups foreach ( $derived_items as $derived_key => $value ) { // Get the individual item's group $key_pieces = explode( ':', $derived_key ); // If group is a non-Memcached group, save to runtime cache, not Memcached if ( in_array( $key_pieces[1], $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { $this->add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $value ); unset( $derived_items[ $derived_key ] ); } } // Save to memcached if ( $byKey ) { $result = $this->m->setMultiByKey( $server_key, $derived_items, $expiration ); } else { $result = $this->m->setMulti( $derived_items, $expiration ); } // Store in runtime cache if add was successful if ( Memcached::RES_SUCCESS === $this->getResultCode() ) { $this->cache = array_merge( $this->cache, $derived_items ); } return $result; } /** * Set multiple values to cache at once on specified server. * * By sending an array of $items to this function, all values are saved at once to * memcached, reducing the need for multiple requests to memcached. The $items array * keys and values are what are stored to memcached. The keys in the $items array * are merged with the $groups array/string value via buildKeys to determine the * final key for the object. * * @link * * @param string $server_key The key identifying the server to store the value on. * @param array $items An array of key/value pairs to store on the server. * @param string|array $groups Group(s) to merge with key(s) in $items. * @param int $expiration The expiration time, defaults to 0. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function setMultiByKey( $server_key, $items, $groups = 'default', $expiration = 0 ) { return $this->setMulti( $items, $groups, $expiration, $server_key, true ); } /** * Set a Memcached option. * * @link * * @param int $option Option name. * @param mixed $value Option value. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function setOption( $option, $value ) { return $this->m->setOption( $option, $value ); } /** * Builds a key for the cached object using the blog_id, key, and group values. * * @author Ryan Boren This function is inspired by the original WP Memcached Object cache. * @link * * @param string $key The key under which to store the value. * @param string $group The group value appended to the $key. * @return string */ public function buildKey( $key, $group = 'default' ) { if ( empty( $group ) ) { $group = 'default'; } if ( false !== array_search( $group, $this->global_groups ) ) { $prefix = $this->global_prefix; } else { $prefix = $this->blog_prefix; } return preg_replace( '/\s+/', '', WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT . "$prefix$group:$key" ); } /** * Creates an array of keys from passed key(s) and group(s). * * This function takes a string or array of key(s) and group(s) and combines them into a single dimensional * array that merges the keys and groups. If the same number of keys and groups exist, the final keys will * append $groups[n] to $keys[n]. If there are more keys than groups and the $groups parameter is an array, * $keys[n] will be combined with $groups[n] until $groups runs out of values. 'default' will be used for remaining * values. If $keys is an array and $groups is a string, all final values will append $groups to $keys[n]. * If both values are strings, they will be combined into a single string. Note that if more $groups are received * than $keys, the method will return an empty array. This method is primarily a helper method for methods * that call memcached with an array of keys. * * @param string|array $keys Key(s) to merge with group(s). * @param string|array $groups Group(s) to merge with key(s). * @return array Array that combines keys and groups into a single set of memcached keys. */ public function buildKeys( $keys, $groups = 'default' ) { $derived_keys = array(); // If strings sent, convert to arrays for proper handling if ( ! is_array( $groups ) ) { $groups = (array) $groups; } if ( ! is_array( $keys ) ) { $keys = (array) $keys; } // If we have equal numbers of keys and groups, merge $keys[n] and $group[n] if ( count( $keys ) == count( $groups ) ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $keys ); $i++ ) { $derived_keys[] = $this->buildKey( $keys[ $i ], $groups[ $i ] ); } // If more keys are received than groups, merge $keys[n] and $group[n] until no more group are left; remaining groups are 'default' } elseif ( count( $keys ) > count( $groups ) ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $keys ); $i++ ) { if ( isset( $groups[ $i ] ) ) { $derived_keys[] = $this->buildKey( $keys[ $i ], $groups[ $i ] ); } elseif ( count( $groups ) == 1 ) { $derived_keys[] = $this->buildKey( $keys[ $i ], $groups[0] ); } else { $derived_keys[] = $this->buildKey( $keys[ $i ], 'default' ); } } } return $derived_keys; } /** * Ensure that a proper expiration time is set. * * Memcached treats any value over 30 days as a timestamp. If a developer sets the expiration for greater than 30 * days or less than the current timestamp, the timestamp is in the past and the value isn't cached. This function * detects values in that range and corrects them. * * @param string|int $expiration The dirty expiration time. * @return string|int The sanitized expiration time. */ public function sanitize_expiration( $expiration ) { if ( $expiration > $this->thirty_days && $expiration <= $this->now ) { $expiration = $expiration + $this->now; } return $expiration; } /** * Concatenates two values and casts to type of the first value. * * This is used in append and prepend operations to match how these functions are handled * by memcached. In both cases, whichever value is the original value in the combined value * will dictate the type of the combined value. * * @param mixed $original Original value that dictates the combined type. * @param mixed $pended Value to combine with original value. * @param string $direction Either 'pre' or 'app'. * @return mixed Combined value casted to the type of the first value. */ public function combine_values( $original, $pended, $direction ) { $type = gettype( $original ); // Combine the values based on direction of the "pend" if ( 'pre' == $direction ) { $combined = $pended . $original; } else { $combined = $original . $pended; } // Cast type of combined value settype( $combined, $type ); return $combined; } /** * Simple wrapper for saving object to the internal cache. * * @param string $derived_key Key to save value under. * @param mixed $value Object value. */ public function add_to_internal_cache( $derived_key, $value ) { if ( is_object( $value ) ) { $value = clone $value; } $this->cache[ $derived_key ] = $value; } /** * Determines if a no_mc_group exists in a group of groups. * * @param mixed $groups The groups to search. * @return bool True if a no_mc_group is present; false if a no_mc_group is not present. */ public function contains_no_mc_group( $groups ) { if ( is_scalar( $groups ) ) { return in_array( $groups, $this->no_mc_groups ); } if ( ! is_array( $groups ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $groups as $group ) { if ( in_array( $group, $this->no_mc_groups ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Add global groups. * * @author Ryan Boren This function comes straight from the original WP Memcached Object cache * @link * * @param array $groups Array of groups. * @return void */ public function add_global_groups( $groups ) { if ( ! is_array( $groups ) ) { $groups = (array) $groups; } $this->global_groups = array_merge( $this->global_groups, $groups ); $this->global_groups = array_unique( $this->global_groups ); } /** * Add non-persistent groups. * * @author Ryan Boren This function comes straight from the original WP Memcached Object cache * @link * * @param array $groups Array of groups. * @return void */ public function add_non_persistent_groups( $groups ) { if ( ! is_array( $groups ) ) { $groups = (array) $groups; } $this->no_mc_groups = array_merge( $this->no_mc_groups, $groups ); $this->no_mc_groups = array_unique( $this->no_mc_groups ); } /** * Get a value specifically from the internal, run-time cache, not memcached. * * @param int|string $key Key value. * @param int|string $group Group that the value belongs to. * @return bool|mixed Value on success; false on failure. */ public function get_from_runtime_cache( $key, $group ) { $derived_key = $this->buildKey( $key, $group ); if ( isset( $this->cache[ $derived_key ] ) ) { return $this->cache[ $derived_key ]; } return false; } /** * Switch blog prefix, which changes the cache that is accessed. * * @param int $blog_id Blog to switch to. * @return void */ public function switch_to_blog( $blog_id ) { global $table_prefix; $blog_id = (int) $blog_id; $this->blog_prefix = ( is_multisite() ? $blog_id : $table_prefix ) . ':'; } }