/** * PubSub -- A lightweight publish/subscribe implementation. Private use only! */ var PubSub = function() { this.topics = {}; }; PubSub.prototype.subscribe = function( topic, callback ) { if ( ! this.topics[ topic ] ) this.topics[ topic ] = []; this.topics[ topic ].push( callback ); return callback; }; PubSub.prototype.unsubscribe = function( topic, callback ) { var i, l, topics = this.topics[ topic ]; if ( ! topics ) return callback || []; // Clear matching callbacks if ( callback ) { for ( i = 0, l = topics.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( callback == topics[i] ) topics.splice( i, 1 ); } return callback; // Clear all callbacks } else { this.topics[ topic ] = []; return topics; } }; PubSub.prototype.publish = function( topic, args ) { var i, l, topics = this.topics[ topic ]; if ( ! topics ) return; args = args || []; for ( i = 0, l = topics.length; i < l; i++ ) { topics[i].apply( null, args ); } }; // Distraction Free Writing (wp-fullscreen) access the API globally using the fullscreen variable. var fullscreen, wp_fullscreen_enabled = false; (function($){ var api, ps, bounder; // Initialize the fullscreen/api object fullscreen = api = {}; // Create the PubSub (publish/subscribe) interface. ps = api.pubsub = new PubSub(); api.timer = 0; api.block = false; /** * BOUNDER * * Creates a function that publishes start/stop topics. * Use to throttle events. */ bounder = function( start, stop, delay ) { delay = delay || 1250; if ( api.block ) return; api.block = true; setTimeout( function() { api.block = false; }, 500 ); if ( api.timer ) clearTimeout( api.timer ); else ps.publish( start ); function timed() { ps.publish( stop ); api.timer = 0; } api.timer = setTimeout( timed, delay ); }; /** * ON / OFF API */ api.on = function() { if ( ! api.ui.element ) api.ui.init(); if ( ! api.visible ) api.ui.fade( 'show', 'showing', 'shown' ); }; api.off = function() { if ( api.ui.element && api.visible ) api.ui.fade( 'hide', 'hiding', 'hidden' ); }; /** * GENERAL */ api.save = function() { $('#title').val( $('#wp-fullscreen-title').val() ); tinyMCE.execCommand('wpFullScreenSaveContent'); $('#hiddenaction').val('wp-fullscreen-save-post'); $.post( ajaxurl, $('form#post').serialize(), function(r){ if ( r.message ) $('#wp-fullscreen-saved').html(r.message); if ( r.last_edited ) $('#wp-fullscreen-last-edit').html(r.last_edited); }, 'json'); } set_title_hint = function(title) { if ( !title.val().length ) title.siblings('label').css( 'visibility', '' ); else title.siblings('label').css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); } ps.subscribe( 'showToolbar', function() { api.fade.fadein( api.ui.topbar, 600 ); $('#wp-fullscreen-body').addClass('wp-fullscreen-focus'); }); ps.subscribe( 'hideToolbar', function() { api.fade.fadeout( api.ui.topbar, 600 ); $('#wp-fullscreen-body').removeClass('wp-fullscreen-focus'); }); ps.subscribe( 'show', function() { var title = $('#wp-fullscreen-title').val( $('#title').val() ); this.set_title_hint(title); $( document ).bind( 'mousemove.fullscreen', function(e) { bounder( 'showToolbar', 'hideToolbar', 3000 ); } ); }); ps.subscribe( 'hide', function() { var title = $('#title').val( $('#wp-fullscreen-title').val() ); this.set_title_hint(title); tinyMCE.execCommand('wpFullScreenSave'); $( document ).unbind( '.fullscreen' ); }); ps.subscribe( 'showing', function() { $('#wp-fullscreen-body').show(); $( document.body ).addClass( 'fullscreen-active' ); bounder( 'showToolbar', 'hideToolbar', 3000 ); $('#wp-fullscreen-last-edit').html( $('#last-edit').html() ); }); ps.subscribe( 'hiding', function() { $('#wp-fullscreen-body').hide(); $( document.body ).removeClass( 'fullscreen-active' ); $('#last-edit').html( $('#wp-fullscreen-last-edit').html() ); }); ps.subscribe( 'shown', function() { api.visible = wp_fullscreen_enabled = true; }); ps.subscribe( 'hidden', function() { api.visible = wp_fullscreen_enabled = false; $('#wp_mce_fullscreen').removeAttr('style'); tinyMCE.execCommand('wpFullScreenClose'); }); /** * Buttons */ api.b = function() { tinyMCE.execCommand('Bold'); } api.i = function() { tinyMCE.execCommand('Italic'); } api.ul = function() { tinyMCE.execCommand('InsertUnorderedList'); } api.ol = function() { tinyMCE.execCommand('InsertOrderedList'); } api.link = function() { tinyMCE.execCommand('WP_Link'); } api.unlink = function() { tinyMCE.execCommand('unlink'); } /** * UI elements (used for transitioning) */ api.ui = { /** * Undefined api.ui properties: * element, topbar */ init: function() { api.ui.element = $('#fullscreen-fader'); api.ui.topbar = $('#fullscreen-topbar'); if ( 'undefined' != wptitlehint ) wptitlehint('wp-fullscreen-title'); }, fade: function( before, during, after ) { if ( before ) ps.publish( before ); api.fade.fadein( api.ui.element, 600, function() { if ( during ) ps.publish( during ); api.fade.fadeout( api.ui.element, 600, function() { if ( after ) ps.publish( after ); }) }); } }; api.fade = { transitionend: 'transitionend webkitTransitionEnd OTransitionEnd', // Sensitivity to allow browsers to render the blank element before animating. sensitivity: 100, fadein: function( element, speed, callback ) { callback = callback || $.noop; speed = speed || 400; if ( api.fade.transitions ) { if ( element.is(':visible') ) { element.addClass( 'fade-trigger' ); return element; } element.show(); setTimeout( function() { element.addClass( 'fade-trigger' ); }, this.sensitivity ); element.one( this.transitionend, function() { callback(); }); } else { element.css( 'opacity', 1 ).fadeIn( speed, callback ); } return element; }, fadeout: function( element, speed, callback ) { callback = callback || $.noop; speed = speed || 400; if ( ! element.is(':visible') ) return element; if ( api.fade.transitions ) { element.removeClass( 'fade-trigger' ); element.one( api.fade.transitionend, function() { if ( element.hasClass('fade-trigger') ) return; element.hide(); callback(); }); } else { element.fadeOut( speed, callback ); } return element; }, transitions: (function() { var s = document.documentElement.style; return ( typeof ( s.WebkitTransition ) == 'string' || typeof ( s.MozTransition ) == 'string' || typeof ( s.OTransition ) == 'string' || typeof ( s.transition ) == 'string' ); })() }; /* api.editor = function() { return $('#content, #content_ifr').filter(':visible'); }; */ })(jQuery);