$action, 'request' => serialize($args))) );//Note: http_build_query() can be removed once WP_HTTP accepts unencoded data. $res = unserialize($request['body']); if ( ! $res ) wp_die($request['body']); } return apply_filters('plugins_api_result', $res); } function install_popular_tags( $args = array() ) { if ( ! $cache = get_option('wporg_popular_tags') ) add_option('wporg_popular_tags', array(), '', 'no');///No autoload. if ( $cache && $cache->timeout + 3 * 60 * 60 > time() ) return $cache->cached; $tags = plugins_api('hot_tags'); update_option('wporg_popular_tags', (object) array('timeout' => time(), 'cached' => $tags)); return $tags; } add_action('install_plugins_search', 'install_search', 10, 1); function install_search($page) { $type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? $_REQUEST['type'] : ''; $term = isset($_REQUEST['s']) ? $_REQUEST['s'] : ''; if( ! empty($term) ){ $args = array(); switch( $type ){ case 'tag': $args['tag'] = sanitize_title_with_dashes($term); break; case 'term': $args['search'] = $term; break; case 'author': $args['author'] = $term; break; } $args['page'] = $page; $api = plugins_api('query_plugins', $args); add_action('install_plugins_table_header', 'install_search_form'); display_plugins_table($api->plugins, $api->info['page'], $api->info['pages']); return; } ?>

WordPress Plugin Directory via this page.') ?>

Term: Searches plugins names and descriptions for the specified term') ?>
Tag: Searches for plugins tagged as such') ?>
Author: Searches for plugins created by the Author, or which the Author contributed to.') ?>

clean_url( admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=tag&s=' . urlencode($tag['name'])) ), 'name' => $tag['name'], 'count' => $tag['count'] ); echo wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, array( 'single_text' => __('%d plugin'), 'multiple_text' => __('%d plugins') ) ); } function install_search_form(){ $type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? $_REQUEST['type'] : ''; $term = isset($_REQUEST['s']) ? $_REQUEST['s'] : ''; ?>
'featured', 'page' => $page); $api = plugins_api('query_plugins', $args); display_plugins_table($api->plugins, $api->info['page'], $api->info['pages']); } add_action('install_plugins_popular', 'install_popular', 10, 1); function install_popular($page){ $args = array('browse' => 'popular', 'page' => $page); $api = plugins_api('query_plugins', $args); display_plugins_table($api->plugins, $api->info['page'], $api->info['pages']); } add_action('install_plugins_new', 'install_new', 10, 1); function install_new($page){ $args = array('browse' => 'new', 'page' => $page); $api = plugins_api('query_plugins', $args); display_plugins_table($api->plugins, $api->info['page'], $api->info['pages']); } add_action('install_plugins_updated', 'install_updated', 10, 1); function install_updated($page){ $args = array('browse' => 'updated', 'page' => $page); $api = plugins_api('query_plugins', $args); display_plugins_table($api->plugins, $api->info['page'], $api->info['pages']); } add_action('install_plugins_upload', 'install_upload_custom', 10, 1); function install_upload_custom($page){ //$args = array('browse' => 'updated', 'page' => $page); //$api = plugins_api('query_plugins', $args); //display_plugins_table($api->plugins, $api->info['page'], $api->info['pages']); echo '

Not Implemented

Will utilise SwfUpload(if available) & unzip .zip plugin packages

'; } function display_plugins_table($plugins, $page = 1, $totalpages = 1){ global $tab; $type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? $_REQUEST['type'] : ''; $term = isset($_REQUEST['s']) ? $_REQUEST['s'] : ''; $plugins_allowedtags = array('a' => array('href' => array(),'title' => array(), 'target' => array()),'abbr' => array('title' => array()),'acronym' => array('title' => array()),'code' => array(),'em' => array(),'strong' => array()); ?>
add_query_arg('paged', '%#%', $url), 'format' => '', 'total' => $totalpages, 'current' => $page )); if ( $page_links ) echo "\t\t
"; ?>

'; foreach( (array) $plugins as $plugin ){ if ( is_object($plugin) ) $plugin = (array) $plugin; $title = wp_kses($plugin['name'], $plugins_allowedtags); $description = wp_kses($plugin['description'], $plugins_allowedtags); $version = wp_kses($plugin['version'], $plugins_allowedtags); $name = strip_tags($title . ' ' . $version); $author = $plugin['author']; if( ! empty($plugin['author']) ) $author = ' ' . sprintf( __('By %s'), $author ) . '.'; $author = wp_kses($author, $plugins_allowedtags); if( isset($plugin['homepage']) ) $title = '' . $title . ''; $action_links = array(); $action_links[] = '' . __('Install') . ''; $action_links = apply_filters('plugin_install_action_links', $action_links, $plugin); ?>
', __('No plugins match your request.'), '
<?php _e('5 stars') ?>
<?php _e('4 stars') ?>
<?php _e('3 stars') ?>
<?php _e('2 stars') ?>
<?php _e('1 star') ?>

> <?php bloginfo('name') ?> › <?php echo $title ?> > '; } add_action('install_plugins_pre_plugin-information', 'install_plugin_information'); function install_plugin_information() { global $tab; $api = plugins_api('plugin_information', array('slug' => $_REQUEST['plugin'])); $section = isset($_REQUEST['section']) ? $_REQUEST['section'] : 'description'; //Default to the Description tab, Do not translate, API returns English. if( empty($section) || ! isset($api->sections[ $section ]) ) $section = array_shift( $section_titles = array_keys((array)$api->sections) ); install_iframe_header(); echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; ?>
download_link) ) : ?>

slug ) ) { //TODO: Make more.. searchable? $type = 'latest_installed'; $update_plugins = get_option('update_plugins'); foreach ( (array)$update_plugins->response as $file => $plugin ) { if ( $plugin->slug === $api->slug ) { $type = 'update_available'; $update_file = $file; break; } } } switch ( $type ) : default: case 'install': if ( current_user_can('install_plugins') ) : ?>

<?php _e('5 stars') ?>
<?php _e('4 stars') ?>
<?php _e('3 stars') ?>
<?php _e('2 stars') ?>
<?php _e('1 star') ?>
num_ratings) ?>
\n"; foreach ( (array)$api->sections as $section_name => $content ) { $title = $section_name; $title[0] = strtoupper($title[0]); $title = str_replace('_', ' ', $title); $content = links_add_base_url($content, 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/' . $api->slug . '/'); $content = links_add_target($content, '_blank'); $san_title = attribute_escape(sanitize_title_with_dashes($title)); $display = ( $section_name == $section ) ? 'block' : 'none'; echo "\t
\n"; echo "\t\t


"; echo $content; echo "\t
\n"; } echo "\n"; //var_dump($api); exit; } add_action('install_plugins_pre_install', 'install_plugin'); function install_plugin() { check_admin_referer('install-plugin_' . $_REQUEST['plugin']); install_iframe_header(); $api = plugins_api('plugin_information', array('slug' => $_REQUEST['plugin'], 'fields' => array('sections' => false) ) ); //Save on a bit of bandwidth. echo '
'; echo '

', sprintf( __('Installing Plugin: %s'), $api->name . ' ' . $api->version ), '

'; do_plugin_install($api->download_link); echo '
'; exit; } function do_plugin_install($download_url = '') { global $wp_filesystem; if ( empty($download_url) ) { show_message( __('No plugin Specified') ); return; } $plugin = isset($_REQUEST['plugin']) ? $_REQUEST['plugin'] : ''; $url = 'plugin-install.php?tab=install'; $url = add_query_arg(array('plugin' => $plugin, 'plugin_name' => $_REQUEST['plugin_name'], 'download_url' => $_REQUEST['download_url']), $url); $url = wp_nonce_url($url, "install-plugin_$plugin"); if ( false === ($credentials = request_filesystem_credentials($url)) ) return; if ( ! WP_Filesystem($credentials) ) { request_filesystem_credentials($url, '', true); //Failed to connect, Error and request again return; } if ( $wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code() ) { foreach ( $wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_messages() as $message ) show_message($message); return; } $result = wp_install_plugin( $download_url, 'show_message' ); if ( is_wp_error($result) ) { show_message($result); show_message( __('Installation Failed') ); } else { show_message( sprintf(__('Successfully installed the plugin %s %s.'), $plugin_information->name, $plugin_information->version) ); } } function wp_install_plugin($package, $feedback = '') { global $wp_filesystem; if ( !empty($feedback) ) add_filter('install_feedback', $feedback); // Is a filesystem accessor setup? if ( ! $wp_filesystem || ! is_object($wp_filesystem) ) WP_Filesystem(); if ( ! is_object($wp_filesystem) ) return new WP_Error('fs_unavailable', __('Could not access filesystem.')); if ( $wp_filesystem->errors->get_error_code() ) return new WP_Error('fs_error', __('Filesystem error'), $wp_filesystem->errors); //Get the base plugin folder $plugins_dir = $wp_filesystem->wp_plugins_dir(); if ( empty($plugins_dir) ) return new WP_Error('fs_no_plugins_dir', __('Unable to locate WordPress Plugin directory.')); //And the same for the Content directory. $content_dir = $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir(); if( empty($content_dir) ) return new WP_Error('fs_no_content_dir', __('Unable to locate WordPress Content directory (wp-content).')); $plugins_dir = trailingslashit( $plugins_dir ); $content_dir = trailingslashit( $content_dir ); if ( empty($package) ) return new WP_Error('no_package', __('Install package not available.')); // Download the package apply_filters('install_feedback', sprintf(__('Downloading plugin package from %s'), $package)); $download_file = download_url($package); if ( is_wp_error($download_file) ) return new WP_Error('download_failed', __('Download failed.'), $download_file->get_error_message()); $working_dir = $content_dir . 'upgrade/' . basename($package, '.zip'); // Clean up working directory if ( $wp_filesystem->is_dir($working_dir) ) $wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir, true); apply_filters('install_feedback', __('Unpacking the plugin package')); // Unzip package to working directory $result = unzip_file($download_file, $working_dir); // Once extracted, delete the package unlink($download_file); if ( is_wp_error($result) ) { $wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir, true); return $result; } //Get a list of the directories in the working directory before we delete it, We need to know the new folder for the plugin $filelist = array_keys( $wp_filesystem->dirlist($working_dir) ); if( $wp_filesystem->exists( $plugins_dir . $filelist[0] ) ) { $wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir, true); return new WP_Error('install_folder_exists', __('Folder allready exists.'), $filelist[0] ); } apply_filters('install_feedback', __('Installing the plugin')); // Copy new version of plugin into place. $result = copy_dir($working_dir, $plugins_dir); if ( is_wp_error($result) ) { $wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir, true); return $result; } // Remove working directory $wp_filesystem->delete($working_dir, true); } ?>