/** * Heartbeat API */ // Ensure the global `wp` object exists. window.wp = window.wp || {}; (function($){ var Heartbeat = function() { var self = this, running, beat, nonce, screenid = typeof pagenow != 'undefined' ? pagenow : '', settings, tick = 0, queue = {}, interval, lastconnect = 0, connecting, countdown, tempInterval, hasFocus = true, isUserActive, userActiveEvents, winBlurTimeout, frameBlurTimeout = -1; this.url = typeof ajaxurl != 'undefined' ? ajaxurl : 'wp-admin/admin-ajax.php'; this.autostart = true; if ( typeof( window.heartbeatSettings != 'undefined' ) ) { settings = $.extend( {}, window.heartbeatSettings ); delete window.heartbeatSettings; // Add private vars nonce = settings.nonce || ''; delete settings.nonce; interval = settings.interval || 15; // default interval delete settings.interval; // The interval can be from 5 to 60 sec. if ( interval < 5 ) interval = 5; else if ( interval > 60 ) interval = 60; interval = interval * 1000; // todo: needed? // 'screenid' can be added from settings on the front-end where the JS global 'pagenow' is not set screenid = screenid || settings.screenid || 'site'; delete settings.screenid; // Add or overwrite public vars $.extend( this, settings ); } function time(s) { if ( s ) return parseInt( (new Date()).getTime() / 1000 ); return (new Date()).getTime(); } // Set error state and fire an event if errors persist for over 2 min when the window has focus // or 6 min when the window is in the background function errorstate() { var since; if ( lastconnect ) { since = time() - lastconnect, duration = hasFocus ? 120000 : 360000; if ( since > duration ) { self.connectionLost = true; $(document).trigger( 'heartbeat-connection-lost', parseInt(since / 1000) ); } else if ( self.connectionLost ) { self.connectionLost = false; $(document).trigger( 'heartbeat-connection-restored' ); } } } function connect() { var data = {}; tick = time(); data.data = $.extend( {}, queue ); data.interval = interval / 1000; data._nonce = nonce; data.action = 'heartbeat'; data.screenid = screenid; data.has_focus = hasFocus; connecting = true; self.xhr = $.post( self.url, data, 'json' ) .done( function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) { var interval; // Clear the data queue queue = {}; // Clear error state lastconnect = time(); if ( self.connectionLost ) errorstate(); // Change the interval from PHP interval = data.heartbeat_interval; delete data.heartbeat_interval; self.tick( data, textStatus, jqXHR ); // do this last, can trigger the next XHR if ( interval ) self.interval.apply( self, data.heartbeat_interval ); }).always( function(){ connecting = false; next(); }).fail( function( jqXHR, textStatus, error ){ errorstate(); self.error( jqXHR, textStatus, error ); }); }; function next() { var delta = time() - tick, t = interval; if ( !running ) return; if ( !hasFocus ) { t = 120000; // 2 min } else if ( countdown && tempInterval ) { t = tempInterval; countdown--; } window.clearTimeout(beat); if ( delta < t ) { beat = window.setTimeout( function(){ if ( running ) connect(); }, t - delta ); } else { connect(); } } function blurred() { window.clearTimeout(winBlurTimeout); window.clearTimeout(frameBlurTimeout); winBlurTimeout = frameBlurTimeout = 0; hasFocus = false; // temp debug if ( self.debug ) console.log('### blurred(), slow down...') } function focused() { window.clearTimeout(winBlurTimeout); window.clearTimeout(frameBlurTimeout); winBlurTimeout = frameBlurTimeout = 0; isUserActive = time(); if ( hasFocus ) return; hasFocus = true; window.clearTimeout(beat); if ( !connecting ) next(); // temp debug if ( self.debug ) console.log('### focused(), speed up... ') } function setFrameEvents() { $('iframe').each( function(i, frame){ if ( $.data(frame, 'wp-heartbeat-focus') ) return; $.data(frame, 'wp-heartbeat-focus', 1); $(frame.contentWindow).on('focus.wp-heartbeat-focus', function(e){ focused(); }).on('blur.wp-heartbeat-focus', function(e){ setFrameEvents(); frameBlurTimeout = window.setTimeout( function(){ blurred(); }, 500 ); }); }); } $(window).on('blur.wp-heartbeat-focus', function(e){ setFrameEvents(); winBlurTimeout = window.setTimeout( function(){ blurred(); }, 500 ); }).on('focus.wp-heartbeat-focus', function(){ $('iframe').each( function(i, frame){ $.removeData(frame, 'wp-heartbeat-focus'); $(frame.contentWindow).off('.wp-heartbeat-focus'); }); focused(); }); function userIsActive() { userActiveEvents = false; $(document).off('.wp-heartbeat-active'); $('iframe').each( function(i, frame){ $(frame.contentWindow).off('.wp-heartbeat-active'); }); focused(); // temp debug if ( self.debug ) console.log( 'userIsActive()' ); } // Set 'hasFocus = true' if user is active and the window is in the background. // Set 'hasFocus = false' if the user has been inactive (no mouse or keyboard activity) for 5 min. even when the window has focus. function checkUserActive() { var lastActive = isUserActive ? time() - isUserActive : 0; // temp debug if ( self.debug ) console.log( 'checkUserActive(), lastActive = %s seconds ago', parseInt(lastActive / 1000) || 'null' ); // Throttle down when no mouse or keyboard activity for 5 min if ( lastActive > 300000 && hasFocus ) blurred(); if ( !userActiveEvents ) { $(document).on('mouseover.wp-heartbeat-active keyup.wp-heartbeat-active', function(){ userIsActive(); }); $('iframe').each( function(i, frame){ $(frame.contentWindow).on('mouseover.wp-heartbeat-active keyup.wp-heartbeat-active', function(){ userIsActive(); }); }); userActiveEvents = true; } } // Check for user activity every 30 seconds. window.setInterval( function(){ checkUserActive(); }, 30000 ); if ( this.autostart ) { $(document).ready( function(){ // Start one tick (15 sec) after DOM ready running = true; tick = time(); next(); }); } this.winHasFocus = function() { return hasFocus; } /** * Get/Set the interval * * When setting the interval to 'fast', the number of ticks is specified wiht the second argument, default 30. * If the window doesn't have focus, the interval is overridden to 2 min. In this case setting the 'ticks' * will start counting after the window gets focus. * * @param string speed Interval speed: 'fast' (5sec), 'standard' (15sec) default, 'slow' (60sec) * @param int ticks Number of ticks for the changed interval, optional when setting 'standard' or 'slow' * @return int Current interval in seconds */ this.interval = function(speed, ticks) { var reset, seconds; if ( speed ) { switch ( speed ) { case 'fast': seconds = 5; countdown = parseInt(ticks) || 30; break; case 'slow': seconds = 60; countdown = parseInt(ticks) || 0; break; case 'long-polling': // Allow long polling, (experimental) interval = 0; return 0; break; default: seconds = 15; countdown = 0; } // Reset when the new interval value is lower than the current one reset = seconds * 1000 < interval; if ( countdown ) { tempInterval = seconds * 1000; } else { interval = seconds * 1000; tempInterval = 0; } if ( reset ) next(); } if ( !hasFocus ) return 120; return tempInterval ? tempInterval / 1000 : interval / 1000; }; // Start. Has no effect if heartbeat is already running this.start = function() { if ( running ) return false; running = true; connect(); return true; }; // Stop. If a XHR is in progress, abort it this.stop = function() { if ( self.xhr && self.xhr.readyState != 4 ) self.xhr.abort(); running = false; return true; } /** * Send data with the next XHR * * As the data is sent later, this function doesn't return the XHR response. * To see the response, use the custom jQuery event 'heartbeat-tick' on the document, example: * $(document).on('heartbeat-tick.myname', function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { * // code * }); * If the same 'handle' is used more than once, the data is overwritten when the third argument is 'true'. * Use wp.heartbeat.isQueued('handle') to see if any data is already queued for that handle. * * $param string handle Unique handle for the data. The handle is used in PHP to receive the data * $param mixed data The data to be sent * $param bool overwrite Whether to overwrite existing data in the queue * $return bool Whether the data was queued or not */ this.send = function(handle, data, overwrite) { if ( handle ) { if ( queue.hasOwnProperty(handle) && !overwrite ) return false; queue[handle] = data; return true; } return false; } /** * Check if data with a particular handle is queued * * $param string handle The handle for the data * $return mixed The data queued with that handle or null */ this.isQueued = function(handle) { return queue[handle]; } } $.extend( Heartbeat.prototype, { tick: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $(document).trigger( 'heartbeat-tick', [data, textStatus, jqXHR] ); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, error) { $(document).trigger( 'heartbeat-error', [jqXHR, textStatus, error] ); } }); wp.heartbeat = new Heartbeat(); }(jQuery));