window._wpUpdatesSettings = { 'ajax_nonce': '719b10f05d', 'l10n': { 'searchResults': 'Search results for “%s”', 'noPlugins': 'You do not appear to have any plugins available at this time.', 'noItemsSelected': 'Please select at least one item to perform this action on.', 'updating': 'Updating...', 'updated': 'Updated!', 'update': 'Update', 'updateNow': 'Update Now', 'updateFailedShort': 'Update Failed!', 'updateFailed': 'Update Failed: %s', 'updatingLabel': 'Updating %s...', 'updatedLabel': '%s updated!', 'updateFailedLabel': '%s update failed', 'updatingMsg': 'Updating... please wait.', 'updatedMsg': 'Update completed successfully.', 'updateCancel': 'Update canceled.', 'beforeunload': 'Updates may not complete if you navigate away from this page.', 'installNow': 'Install Now', 'installing': 'Installing...', 'installed': 'Installed!', 'installFailedShort': 'Install Failed!', 'installFailed': 'Installation failed: %s', 'installingLabel': 'Installing %s...', // No ellipsis 'installedLabel': '%s installed!', 'installFailedLabel': '%s installation failed', 'installingMsg': 'Installing... please wait.', 'installedMsg': 'Installation completed successfully.', 'importerInstalledMsg': 'Importer installed successfully. Activate plugin & run importer', 'aysDelete': 'Are you sure you want to delete %s?', 'aysDeleteUninstall': 'Are you sure you want to delete %s and its data?', 'aysBulkDelete': 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected plugins and their data?', 'aysBulkDeleteThemes': 'Caution: These themes may be active on other sites in the network. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'deleting': 'Deleting...', 'deleteFailed': 'Deletion failed: %s', 'deleted': 'Deleted!', 'livePreview': 'Live Preview', 'activatePlugin': 'Activate', 'activateTheme': 'Activate', 'activateImporter': 'Activate importer', 'unknownError': 'An unknown error occured' } }; window._wpUpdatesItemCounts = { plugins: {}, totals: {} };