const dotenv = require( 'dotenv' ); const { execSync } = require( 'child_process' ); dotenv.config(); // Start the local-env containers. execSync( 'docker-compose up -d wordpress-develop', { stdio: 'inherit' } ); // If Docker Toolbox is being used, we need to manually forward LOCAL_PORT to the Docker VM. if ( process.env.DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH ) { // VBoxManage is added to the PATH on every platform except Windows. const vboxmanage = process.env.VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH ? `${ process.env.VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH }/VBoxManage` : 'VBoxManage' // Check if the port forwarding is already configured for this port. const vminfoBuffer = execSync( `"${ vboxmanage }" showvminfo "${ process.env.DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME }" --machinereadable` ); const vminfo = vminfoBuffer.toString().split( /[\r\n]+/ ); vminfo.forEach( ( info ) => { if ( ! info.startsWith( 'Forwarding' ) ) { return; } // `info` is in the format: Forwarding(1)="tcp-port8889,tcp,,8889,,8889" // Parse it down so `rule` only contains the data inside quotes, split by ','. const rule = info.replace( /(^.*?"|"$)/, '' ).split( ',' ); // Delete rules that are using the port we need. if ( rule[ 3 ] === process.env.LOCAL_PORT || rule[ 5 ] === process.env.LOCAL_PORT ) { execSync( `"${ vboxmanage }" controlvm "${ process.env.DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME }" natpf1 delete ${ rule[ 0 ] }`, { stdio: 'inherit' } ); } } ); // Add our port forwarding rule. execSync( `"${ vboxmanage }" controlvm "${ process.env.DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME }" natpf1 "tcp-port${ process.env.LOCAL_PORT },tcp,,${ process.env.LOCAL_PORT },,${ process.env.LOCAL_PORT }"`, { stdio: 'inherit' } ); }