/* global wp */ jQuery( window ).load( function() { var api = wp.customize, primaryMenuId = 3, socialMenuId = 2; QUnit.module( 'Customize Nav Menus' ); /** * Generate 20 IDs and verify they are all unique. */ QUnit.test( 'generatePlaceholderAutoIncrementId generates unique IDs', function( assert ) { var testIterations = 20, ids = [ api.Menus.generatePlaceholderAutoIncrementId() ]; while ( testIterations ) { var placeholderID = api.Menus.generatePlaceholderAutoIncrementId(); assert.ok( -1 === ids.indexOf( placeholderID ) ); ids.push( placeholderID ); testIterations -= 1; } } ); QUnit.test( 'it should parse _wpCustomizeMenusSettings.defaults into itself', function( assert ) { assert.deepEqual( window._wpCustomizeNavMenusSettings, api.Menus.data ); } ); QUnit.test( 'empty menus should have no Menu Item Controls', function( assert ) { assert.ok( 0 === wp.customize.Menus.getMenuControl( socialMenuId ).getMenuItemControls().length, 'empty menus' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'populated menus should have no Menu Item Controls', function( assert ) { assert.ok( 0 !== wp.customize.Menus.getMenuControl( primaryMenuId ).getMenuItemControls().length, 'non-empty menus' ); } ); // @todo Add tests for api.Menus.AvailableMenuItemsPanelView // (and api.Menus.AvailableItemCollection, api.Menus.AvailableItemModel). QUnit.test( 'there is a properly configured MenusPanel', function( assert ) { var panel, sections; panel = api.panel( 'nav_menus' ); assert.ok( panel ); assert.ok( panel.extended( api.Menus.MenusPanel ) ); sections = panel.sections(); assert.ok( 'menu_locations' === sections[0].id, 'first section is menu_locations' ); assert.ok( sections[1].extended( api.Menus.MenuSection ), 'second section is MenuSection' ); assert.ok( sections[ sections.length - 1 ].extended( api.Menus.NewMenuSection ), 'last section is NewMenuSection' ); } ); // @todo Add more tests for api.Menus.MenusPanel behaviors. QUnit.test( 'there an expected MenuSection for the primary menu', function( assert ) { var section, controls, lastControl; section = api.section( 'nav_menu[' + primaryMenuId + ']' ); assert.ok( section, 'section exists' ); assert.ok( section.extended( api.Menus.MenuSection ), 'section is a api.Menus.MenuSection' ); assert.ok( section.deferred.initSortables, 'has section.deferred.initSortables' ); assert.ok( section.active(), 'section active() is true' ); assert.ok( section.active.set( false ).get(), 'section active() cannot be set false' ); controls = section.controls(); assert.ok( controls[0].extended( api.Menus.MenuNameControl ), 'first control in menu section is MenuNameControl' ); assert.ok( controls[1].extended( api.Menus.MenuItemControl ), 'second control in menu section is MenuItemControl' ); lastControl = controls[ controls.length - 1 ]; assert.ok( lastControl.extended( api.Control ), 'last control in menu section is a base Control' ); assert.ok( lastControl.params.templateId === 'nav-menu-delete-button', 'last control in menu section has a delete-button template' ); } ); // @todo Add more tests for api.Menus.MenuSection behaviors. QUnit.test( 'changing a MenuNameControl change the corresponding menu value', function( assert ) { var section, control; section = api.section( 'nav_menu[' + primaryMenuId + ']' ); control = section.controls()[0]; assert.ok( control.extended( api.Menus.MenuNameControl ), 'control is a MenuNameControl' ); assert.equal( control.setting().name, 'Primary menu' ); assert.ok( ! control.setting._dirty ); control.container.find( 'input[type=text]:first' ).val( 'Main menu' ).trigger( 'change' ); assert.equal( control.setting().name, 'Main menu' ); assert.ok( control.setting._dirty ); } ); // @todo Add more tests for api.Menus.MenuNameControl QUnit.test( 'manipulating a MenuItemControl works', function( assert ) { var section, control, value; section = api.section( 'nav_menu[' + primaryMenuId + ']' ); assert.ok( section ); control = section.controls()[1]; assert.ok( control.extended( api.Menus.MenuItemControl ), 'control is a MenuItemControl' ); control.actuallyEmbed(); control.container.find( '.edit-menu-item-title' ).val( 'Hello World' ).trigger( 'change' ); assert.equal( control.setting().title, 'Hello World' ); value = _.clone( control.setting() ); value.title = 'Hola Mundo'; assert.equal( control.container.find( '.edit-menu-item-title' ).val(), 'Hello World' ); assert.equal( value.position, 1 ); assert.equal( control.priority(), 1 ); // @todo Test control.moveDown(). } ); // @todo Add more tests for api.Menus.MenuItemControl. // @todo Add tests for api.Menus.NewMenuSection. // @todo Add tests for api.Menus.MenuLocationControl. // @todo Add tests for api.Menus.MenuLocationsControl. // @todo Add tests for api.Menus.MenuAutoAddControl. // @todo Add tests for api.Menus.MenuControl. // @todo Add tests for api.Menus.applySavedData. // @todo Add tests for api.Menus.focusMenuItemControl. // @todo Add tests for api.Menus.createNavMenu. QUnit.test( 'api.Menus.getMenuControl() should return the expected control', function( assert ) { var control = api.Menus.getMenuControl( primaryMenuId ); assert.ok( !! control, 'control is returned' ); assert.ok( control.extended( api.Menus.MenuControl ), 'control is a MenuControl' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'api.Menus.getMenuItemControl() should return the expected control', function( assert ) { var control = api.Menus.getMenuItemControl( 2000 ); assert.ok( !! control, 'control is returned' ); assert.ok( control.extended( api.Menus.MenuItemControl ), 'control is a MenuItemControl' ); } ); } );