
$title = 'Upload Image or File';


if (!get_settings('use_fileupload')) //Checks if file upload is enabled in the config
	die (__("The admin disabled this function"));

if ( ! current_user_can('upload_files') )
	die (__("You are not allowed to upload files"));

$allowed_types = explode(' ', trim(strtolower(get_settings('fileupload_allowedtypes'))));

if ($_POST['submit']) {
	$action = 'upload';
} else {
	$action = '';

if (!is_writable(get_settings('fileupload_realpath')))
	$action = 'not-writable';

<div class="wrap">

switch ($action) {
case 'not-writable':
<p><?php printf(__("It doesn't look like you can use the file upload feature at this time because the directory you have specified (<code>%s</code>) doesn't appear to be writable by WordPress. Check the permissions on the directory and for typos."), get_settings('fileupload_realpath')) ?></p>

case '':
	foreach ($allowed_types as $type) {
		$type_tags[] = "<code>$type</code>";
	$i = implode(', ', $type_tags);
<p><?php printf(__('You can upload files with the extension %1$s as long as they are no larger than %2$s <abbr title="Kilobytes">KB</abbr>. If you&#8217;re an admin you can configure these values under <a href="%3$s">options</a>.'), $i, get_settings('fileupload_maxk'), 'options-misc.php') ?></p>
    <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <label for="img1"><?php _e('File:') ?></label>
      <br />
	<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo get_settings('fileupload_maxk') * 1024 ?>" />
    <input type="file" name="img1" id="img1" size="35" class="uploadform" /></p>
    <label for="imgdesc"><?php _e('Description:') ?></label><br />
    <input type="text" name="imgdesc" id="imgdesc" size="30" class="uploadform" />
    <p><?php _e('Create a thumbnail?') ?></p>
    <label for="thumbsize_no">
    <input type="radio" name="thumbsize" value="none" checked="checked" id="thumbsize_no" />
    <?php _e('No thanks') ?></label>
    <br />
        <label for="thumbsize_small">
<input type="radio" name="thumbsize" value="small" id="thumbsize_small" />
<?php _e('Small (200px largest side)') ?></label>
        <br />
        <label for="thumbsize_large">
<input type="radio" name="thumbsize" value="large" id="thumbsize_large" />
<?php _e('Large (400px largest side)') ?></label>
        <br />
        <label for="thumbsize_custom">
        <input type="radio" name="thumbsize" value="custom" id="thumbsize_custom" />
<?php _e('Custom size') ?></label>
      <input type="text" name="imgthumbsizecustom" size="4" />
    <?php _e('px (largest side)') ?>    </p>
	<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Upload File') ?>" /></p>
case 'upload':

	$imgalt = basename( (isset($_POST['imgalt'])) ? $_POST['imgalt'] : '' );

	$img1_name = (strlen($imgalt)) ? $imgalt : basename( $_FILES['img1']['name'] );
	$img1_name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_.]/i', '', $img1_name); 
	$img1_size = $_POST['img1_size'] ? intval($_POST['img1_size']) : intval($_FILES['img1']['size']);

	$img1_type = (strlen($imgalt)) ? $_POST['img1_type'] : $_FILES['img1']['type'];
	$imgdesc = htmlentities2($_POST['imgdesc']);

	$pi = pathinfo($img1_name);
	$imgtype = strtolower($pi['extension']);

	if (in_array($imgtype, $allowed_types) == false)
		die(sprintf(__('File %1$s of type %2$s is not allowed.') , $img1_name, $imgtype));

    if (strlen($imgalt)) {
        $pathtofile = get_settings('fileupload_realpath')."/".$imgalt;
        $img1 = $_POST['img1'];
    } else {
        $pathtofile = get_settings('fileupload_realpath')."/".$img1_name;
        $img1 = $_FILES['img1']['tmp_name'];

    // makes sure not to upload duplicates, rename duplicates
    $i = 1;
    $pathtofile2 = $pathtofile;
    $tmppathtofile = $pathtofile2;
    $img2_name = $img1_name;

    while ( file_exists($pathtofile2) ) {
        $pos = strpos( strtolower($tmppathtofile), '.' . trim($imgtype) );
        $pathtofile_start = substr($tmppathtofile, 0, $pos);
        $pathtofile2 = $pathtofile_start.'_'.zeroise($i++, 2).'.'.trim($imgtype);
        $img2_name = explode('/', $pathtofile2);
        $img2_name = $img2_name[count($img2_name)-1];

    if (file_exists($pathtofile) && !strlen($imgalt)) {
        $i = explode(' ', get_settings('fileupload_allowedtypes'));
        $i = implode(', ',array_slice($i, 1, count($i)-2));
        $moved = move_uploaded_file($img1, $pathtofile2);
        // if move_uploaded_file() fails, try copy()
        if (!$moved) {
            $moved = copy($img1, $pathtofile2);
        if (!$moved) {
            die(sprintf(__("Couldn't upload your file to %s."), $pathtofile2));
        } else {
			chmod($pathtofile2, 0666);

    // duplicate-renaming function contributed by Gary Lawrence Murphy
    <p><strong><?php __('Duplicate File?') ?></strong></p>
    <p><b><em><?php printf(__("The filename '%s' already exists!"), $img1_name); ?></em></b></p>
    <p> <?php printf(__("Filename '%1\$s' moved to '%2\$s'"), $img1, "$pathtofile2 - $img2_name") ?></p>
    <p><?php _e('Confirm or rename:') ?></p>
    <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo  get_settings('fileupload_maxk') *1024 ?>" />
    <input type="hidden" name="img1_type" value="<?php echo $img1_type;?>" />
    <input type="hidden" name="img1_name" value="<?php echo $img2_name;?>" />
    <input type="hidden" name="img1_size" value="<?php echo $img1_size;?>" />
    <input type="hidden" name="img1" value="<?php echo $pathtofile2;?>" />
    <input type="hidden" name="thumbsize" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['thumbsize'];?>" />
    <input type="hidden" name="imgthumbsizecustom" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['imgthumbsizecustom'];?>" />
    <?php _e('Alternate name:') ?><br /><input type="text" name="imgalt" size="30" class="uploadform" value="<?php echo $img2_name;?>" /><br />
    <br />
    <?php _e('Description:') ?><br /><input type="text" name="imgdesc" size="30" class="uploadform" value="<?php echo $imgdesc;?>" />
    <br />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Rename') ?>" class="search" />



    if (!strlen($imgalt)) {
        @$moved = move_uploaded_file($img1, $pathtofile); //Path to your images directory, chmod the dir to 777
        // move_uploaded_file() can fail if open_basedir in PHP.INI doesn't
        // include your tmp directory. Try copy instead?
        if(!$moved) {
            $moved = copy($img1, $pathtofile);
        // Still couldn't get it. Give up.
        if (!$moved) {
            die(sprintf(__("Couldn't upload your file to %s."), $pathtofile));
        } else {
			chmod($pathtofile, 0666);
    } else {
        rename($img1, $pathtofile)
        or die(sprintf(__("Couldn't upload your file to %s."), $pathtofile));
    if($_POST['thumbsize'] != 'none' ) {
        if($_POST['thumbsize'] == 'small') {
            $max_side = 200;
        elseif($_POST['thumbsize'] == 'large') {
            $max_side = 400;
        elseif($_POST['thumbsize'] == 'custom') {
            $max_side = intval($_POST['imgthumbsizecustom']);
        $result = wp_create_thumbnail($pathtofile, $max_side, NULL);
        if($result != 1) {
            print $result;

if ( ereg('image/',$img1_type) )
	$piece_of_code = "<img src='" . get_settings('fileupload_url') ."/$img1_name' alt='$imgdesc' />";
	$piece_of_code = "<a href='". get_settings('fileupload_url') . "/$img1_name' title='$imgdesc'>$imgdesc</a>";

$piece_of_code = htmlspecialchars( $piece_of_code );

<h3><?php _e('File uploaded!') ?></h3>
<p><?php printf(__("Your file <code>%s</code> was uploaded successfully!"), $img1_name); ?></p>
<p><?php _e('Here&#8217;s the code to display it:') ?></p>
<p><code><?php echo $piece_of_code; ?></code>
<p><strong><?php _e('Image Details') ?></strong>: <br />
<?php echo $img1_name; ?>
<br />
<?php _e('Size:') ?>
<?php echo round($img1_size / 1024, 2); ?> <?php _e('<abbr title="Kilobyte">KB</abbr>') ?><br />
<?php _e('Type:') ?>
<?php echo $img1_type; ?>
<p><a href="upload.php"><?php _e('Upload another') ?></a></p>