<?php /* <Edit> */ function add_magic_quotes($array) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $array[$k] = add_magic_quotes($v); } else { $array[$k] = addslashes($v); } } return $array; } if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $HTTP_GET_VARS = add_magic_quotes($HTTP_GET_VARS); $HTTP_POST_VARS = add_magic_quotes($HTTP_POST_VARS); $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS = add_magic_quotes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS); } $b2varstoreset = array('action', 'safe_mode', 'withcomments', 'c', 'posts', 'poststart', 'postend', 'content', 'edited_post_title', 'comment_error', 'profile', 'trackback_url', 'excerpt', 'showcomments', 'commentstart', 'commentend', 'commentorder'); for ($i=0; $i<count($b2varstoreset); $i += 1) { $b2var = $b2varstoreset[$i]; if (!isset($$b2var)) { if (empty($HTTP_POST_VARS["$b2var"])) { if (empty($HTTP_GET_VARS["$b2var"])) { $$b2var = ''; } else { $$b2var = $HTTP_GET_VARS["$b2var"]; } } else { $$b2var = $HTTP_POST_VARS["$b2var"]; } } } switch($action) { case 'post': $standalone = 1; require_once('b2header.php'); $post_pingback = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['post_pingback']); $content = balanceTags($HTTP_POST_VARS['content']); $content = format_to_post($content); $excerpt = balanceTags($HTTP_POST_VARS['excerpt']); $excerpt = format_to_post($excerpt); $post_title = addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['post_title']); $post_category = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['post_category']); if(get_settings('use_geo_positions')) { $latstr = $HTTP_POST_VARS['post_latf']; $lonstr = $HTTP_POST_VARS['post_lonf']; if((strlen($latstr) > 2) && (strlen($lonstr) > 2 ) ) { $post_latf = floatval($HTTP_POST_VARS['post_latf']); $post_lonf = floatval($HTTP_POST_VARS['post_lonf']); } } $post_status = $HTTP_POST_VARS['post_status']; $comment_status = $HTTP_POST_VARS['comment_status']; $ping_status = $HTTP_POST_VARS['ping_status']; $post_password = addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['post_password']); $post_name = sanitize_title($post_title); if ($user_level == 0) die ('Cheatin’ uh?'); if (($user_level > 4) && (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['edit_date']))) { $aa = $HTTP_POST_VARS['aa']; $mm = $HTTP_POST_VARS['mm']; $jj = $HTTP_POST_VARS['jj']; $hh = $HTTP_POST_VARS['hh']; $mn = $HTTP_POST_VARS['mn']; $ss = $HTTP_POST_VARS['ss']; $jj = ($jj > 31) ? 31 : $jj; $hh = ($hh > 23) ? $hh - 24 : $hh; $mn = ($mn > 59) ? $mn - 60 : $mn; $ss = ($ss > 59) ? $ss - 60 : $ss; $now = "$aa-$mm-$jj $hh:$mn:$ss"; } else { $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() + ($time_difference * 3600))); } if((get_settings('use_geo_positions')) && (strlen($latstr) > 2) && (strlen($lonstr) > 2) ) { $postquery ="INSERT INTO $tableposts (ID, post_author, post_date, post_content, post_title, post_category, post_lat, post_lon, post_excerpt, post_status, comment_status, ping_status, post_password, post_name) VALUES ('0','$user_ID','$now','$content','$post_title','$post_category',$post_latf,$post_lonf,'$excerpt', '$post_status', '$comment_status', '$ping_status', '$post_password', '$post_name') "; } else { $postquery ="INSERT INTO $tableposts (ID, post_author, post_date, post_content, post_title, post_category, post_excerpt, post_status, comment_status, ping_status, post_password, post_name) VALUES ('0','$user_ID','$now','$content','$post_title','$post_category','$excerpt', '$post_status', '$comment_status', '$ping_status', '$post_password', '$post_name') "; } $postquery = $result = $wpdb->query($postquery); $post_ID = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $tableposts ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1"); if (isset($sleep_after_edit) && $sleep_after_edit > 0) { sleep($sleep_after_edit); } if ($post_status == 'publish') { if((get_settings('use_geo_positions')) && ($post_latf != null) && ($post_lonf != null)) { pingGeoUrl($post_ID); } pingWeblogs($blog_ID); pingBlogs($blog_ID); if ($post_pingback) { pingback($content, $post_ID); } if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['trackback_url'])) { if (strlen($excerpt) > 0) { $the_excerpt = (strlen(strip_tags($excerpt)) > 255) ? substr(strip_tags($excerpt), 0, 252) . '...' : strip_tags($excerpt) ; } else { $the_excerpt = (strlen(strip_tags($content)) > 255) ? substr(strip_tags($content), 0, 252) . '...' : strip_tags($content); } $excerpt = stripslashes($the_excerpt); $trackback_urls = explode(',', $HTTP_POST_VARS['trackback_url']); foreach($trackback_urls as $tb_url) { $tb_url = trim($tb_url); trackback($tb_url, stripslashes($post_title), $excerpt, $post_ID); } } } // end if publish if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['mode'])) { switch($HTTP_POST_VARS['mode']) { case 'bookmarklet': $location = 'b2bookmarklet.php?a=b'; break; case 'sidebar': $location = 'b2sidebar.php?a=b'; break; default: $location = 'wp-post.php'; break; } } else { $location = 'wp-post.php'; } header("Location: $location"); exit(); break; case 'edit': $title = 'Edit'; $standalone = 0; require_once('b2header.php'); $post = $HTTP_GET_VARS['post']; if ($user_level > 0) { $postdata = get_postdata($post); $authordata = get_userdata($postdata['Author_ID']); if ($user_level < $authordata->user_level) die ('You don’t have the right to edit <strong>'.$authordata[1].'</strong>’s posts.'); $content = $postdata['Content']; $content = format_to_edit($content); $edited_lat = $postdata["Lat"]; $edited_lon = $postdata["Lon"]; $excerpt = $postdata['Excerpt']; $excerpt = format_to_edit($excerpt); $edited_post_title = format_to_edit($postdata['Title']); $post_status = $postdata['post_status']; $comment_status = $postdata['comment_status']; $ping_status = $postdata['ping_status']; $post_password = $postdata['post_password']; include('wp-edit.form.php'); } else { ?> <p>Since you’re a newcomer, you’ll have to wait for an admin to raise your level to 1, in order to be authorized to post.<br /> You can also <a href="mailto:<?php echo $admin_email ?>?subject=Promotion?">e-mail the admin</a> to ask for a promotion.<br /> When you’re promoted, just reload this page and you’ll be able to blog. :) </p> <?php } break; case 'editpost': $standalone = 1; require_once('./b2header.php'); if ($user_level == 0) die ('Cheatin’ uh?'); if (!isset($blog_ID)) { $blog_ID = 1; } $post_ID = $HTTP_POST_VARS['post_ID']; $post_category = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['post_category']); $post_autobr = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['post_autobr']); $content = balanceTags($HTTP_POST_VARS['content']); $content = format_to_post($content); $excerpt = balanceTags($HTTP_POST_VARS['excerpt']); $excerpt = format_to_post($excerpt); $post_title = addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['post_title']); if(get_settings('use_geo_positions')) { $latf = floatval($HTTP_POST_VARS["post_latf"]); $lonf = floatval($HTTP_POST_VARS["post_lonf"]); $latlonaddition = ""; if( ($latf != null) && ($latf <= 90 ) && ($latf >= -90) && ($lonf != null) && ($lonf <= 360) && ($lonf >= -360) ) { pingGeoUrl($post_ID); $latlonaddition = " post_lat=".$latf.", post_lon =".$lonf.", "; } else { $latlonaddition = " post_lat=null, post_lon=null, "; } } $post_status = $HTTP_POST_VARS['post_status']; $prev_status = $HTTP_POST_VARS['prev_status']; $comment_status = $HTTP_POST_VARS['comment_status']; $ping_status = $HTTP_POST_VARS['ping_status']; $post_password = addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['post_password']); $post_name = sanitize_title($post_title); if (($user_level > 4) && (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['edit_date']))) { $aa = $HTTP_POST_VARS['aa']; $mm = $HTTP_POST_VARS['mm']; $jj = $HTTP_POST_VARS['jj']; $hh = $HTTP_POST_VARS['hh']; $mn = $HTTP_POST_VARS['mn']; $ss = $HTTP_POST_VARS['ss']; $jj = ($jj > 31) ? 31 : $jj; $hh = ($hh > 23) ? $hh - 24 : $hh; $mn = ($mn > 59) ? $mn - 60 : $mn; $ss = ($ss > 59) ? $ss - 60 : $ss; $datemodif = ", post_date=\"$aa-$mm-$jj $hh:$mn:$ss\""; } else { $datemodif = ''; } $result = $wpdb->query(" UPDATE $tableposts SET post_content = '$content', post_excerpt = '$excerpt', post_title = '$post_title', post_category = '$post_category'".$datemodif.", ".$latlonaddition." post_status = '$post_status', comment_status = '$comment_status', ping_status = '$ping_status', post_password = '$post_password', post_name = '$post_name' WHERE ID = $post_ID "); if (isset($sleep_after_edit) && $sleep_after_edit > 0) { sleep($sleep_after_edit); } // are we going from draft/private to published? if ((($prev_status == 'draft') || ($prev_status == 'private')) && ($post_status == 'publish')) { pingWeblogs($blog_ID); pingBlogs($blog_ID); if ($post_pingback) { pingback($content, $post_ID); } if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['trackback_url'])) { $excerpt = (strlen(strip_tags($content)) > 255) ? substr(strip_tags($content), 0, 252) . '...' : strip_tags($content); $excerpt = stripslashes($excerpt); $trackback_urls = explode(',', $HTTP_POST_VARS['trackback_url']); foreach($trackback_urls as $tb_url) { $tb_url = trim($tb_url); trackback($tb_url, stripslashes($post_title), $excerpt, $post_ID); } } } // end if publish $location = "Location: wp-post.php"; header ($location); break; case 'delete': $standalone = 1; require_once('./b2header.php'); if ($user_level == 0) die ('Cheatin’ uh?'); $post = $HTTP_GET_VARS['post']; $postdata = get_postdata($post) or die('Oops, no post with this ID. <a href="b2edit.php">Go back</a>!'); $authordata = get_userdata($postdata['Author_ID']); if ($user_level < $authordata->user_level) die ('You don’t have the right to delete <strong>'.$authordata[1].'</strong>’s posts.'); // send geoURL ping to "erase" from their DB $query = "SELECT post_lat from $tableposts WHERE ID=$post"; $rows = $wpdb->query($query); $myrow = $rows[0]; $latf = $myrow->post_lat; if($latf != null ) { pingGeoUrl($post); } $result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $tableposts WHERE ID=$post"); if (!$result) die('Error in deleting... contact the <a href="mailto:$admin_email">webmaster</a>.'); $result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $tablecomments WHERE comment_post_ID=$post"); if (isset($sleep_after_edit) && $sleep_after_edit > 0) { sleep($sleep_after_edit); } // pingWeblogs($blog_ID); header ('Location: ' . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_REFERER']); break; case 'editcomment': $title = 'Edit Comment'; $standalone = 0; require_once ('b2header.php'); get_currentuserinfo(); if ($user_level == 0) { die ('Cheatin’ uh?'); } $comment = $HTTP_GET_VARS['comment']; $commentdata = get_commentdata($comment, 1) or die('Oops, no comment with this ID. <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Go back</a>!'); $content = $commentdata['comment_content']; $content = format_to_edit($content); include('wp-edit.form.php'); break; case 'deletecomment': $standalone = 1; require_once('./b2header.php'); if ($user_level == 0) die ('Cheatin’ uh?'); $comment = $HTTP_GET_VARS['comment']; $p = $HTTP_GET_VARS['p']; $commentdata = get_commentdata($comment) or die('Oops, no comment with this ID. <a href="b2edit.php">Go back</a>!'); $result = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $tablecomments WHERE comment_ID=$comment"); header ('Location: ' . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_REFERER']); break; case 'editedcomment': $standalone = 1; require_once('./b2header.php'); if ($user_level == 0) die ('Cheatin’ uh?'); $comment_ID = $HTTP_POST_VARS['comment_ID']; $comment_post_ID = $HTTP_POST_VARS['comment_post_ID']; $newcomment_author = $HTTP_POST_VARS['newcomment_author']; $newcomment_author_email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['newcomment_author_email']; $newcomment_author_url = $HTTP_POST_VARS['newcomment_author_url']; $newcomment_author = addslashes($newcomment_author); $newcomment_author_email = addslashes($newcomment_author_email); $newcomment_author_url = addslashes($newcomment_author_url); if (($user_level > 4) && (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['edit_date']))) { $aa = $HTTP_POST_VARS['aa']; $mm = $HTTP_POST_VARS['mm']; $jj = $HTTP_POST_VARS['jj']; $hh = $HTTP_POST_VARS['hh']; $mn = $HTTP_POST_VARS['mn']; $ss = $HTTP_POST_VARS['ss']; $jj = ($jj > 31) ? 31 : $jj; $hh = ($hh > 23) ? $hh - 24 : $hh; $mn = ($mn > 59) ? $mn - 60 : $mn; $ss = ($ss > 59) ? $ss - 60 : $ss; $datemodif = ", comment_date = 'aa-$mm-$jj $hh:$mn:$ss'"; } else { $datemodif = ''; } $content = balanceTags($content); $content = format_to_post($content); $result = $wpdb->query(" UPDATE $tablecomments SET comment_content = '$content', comment_author = '$newcomment_author', comment_author_email = '$newcomment_author_email', comment_author_url = '$newcomment_author_url'".$datemodif." WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID" ); $referredby = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_REFERER']; if (!empty($referredby)) header('Location: ' . $referredby); else header ("Location: edit.php?p=$comment_post_ID&c=1#comments"); break; default: $title = 'Create New Post'; $standalone = 0; require_once ('./b2header.php'); if ($user_level > 0) { if ((!$withcomments) && (!$c)) { $action = 'post'; get_currentuserinfo(); $drafts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_title FROM $tableposts WHERE post_status = 'draft' AND post_author = $user_ID"); if ($drafts) { ?> <div class="wrap"> <p><strong>Your Drafts:</strong> <?php $i = 0; foreach ($drafts as $draft) { if (0 != $i) echo ', '; $draft->post_title = stripslashes($draft->post_title); if ($draft->post_title == '') $draft->post_title = 'post-'.$draft->ID; echo "<a href='b2edit.php?action=edit&post=$draft->ID' title='Edit this draft'>$draft->post_title</a>"; ++$i; } ?>.</p> </div> <?php } //set defaults $post_status = get_settings('default_post_status'); $comment_status = get_settings('default_comment_status'); $ping_status = get_settings('default_ping_status'); $post_pingback = get_settings('default_pingback_flag'); $default_post_cat = get_settings('default_post_category'); include('wp-edit.form.php'); echo '<br /><br />'; } } else { ?> <div class="wrap"> <p>Since you’re a newcomer, you’ll have to wait for an admin to raise your level to 1, in order to be authorized to post.<br /> You can also <a href="mailto:<?php echo $admin_email ?>?subject=b2-promotion">e-mail the admin</a> to ask for a promotion.<br /> When you’re promoted, just reload this page and you’ll be able to blog. :)</p> </div> <?php } break; } // end switch /* </Edit> */ include('b2footer.php'); ?>