var autosave, autosaveLast = '', autosavePeriodical, autosaveDelayPreview = false, notSaved = true, blockSave = false, fullscreen, autosaveLockRelease = true; jQuery(document).ready( function($) { if ( $('#wp-content-wrap').hasClass('tmce-active') && typeof tinymce != 'undefined' ) { tinymce.onAddEditor.add( function( tinymce, editor ) { if ( 'content' == ) { editor.onLoad.add( function() {; autosaveLast = ( $('#title').val() || '' ) + ( $('#content').val() || '' ); }); } }); } else { autosaveLast = ( $('#title').val() || '' ) + ( $('#content').val() || '' ); } autosavePeriodical = $.schedule({time: autosaveL10n.autosaveInterval * 1000, func: function() { autosave(); }, repeat: true, protect: true}); //Disable autosave after the form has been submitted $("#post").submit(function() { $.cancel(autosavePeriodical); autosaveLockRelease = false; }); $('input[type="submit"], a.submitdelete', '#submitpost').click(function(){ blockSave = true; window.onbeforeunload = null; $(':button, :submit', '#submitpost').each(function(){ var t = $(this); if ( t.hasClass('button-primary') ) t.addClass('button-primary-disabled'); else t.addClass('button-disabled'); }); if ( $(this).attr('id') == 'publish' ) $('#major-publishing-actions .spinner').show(); else $('#minor-publishing .spinner').show(); }); window.onbeforeunload = function(){ var mce = typeof(tinymce) != 'undefined' ? tinymce.activeEditor : false, title, content; if ( mce && !mce.isHidden() ) { if ( mce.isDirty() ) return autosaveL10n.saveAlert; } else { if ( fullscreen && fullscreen.settings.visible ) { title = $('#wp-fullscreen-title').val() || ''; content = $("#wp_mce_fullscreen").val() || ''; } else { title = $('#post #title').val() || ''; content = $('#post #content').val() || ''; } if ( ( title || content ) && title + content != autosaveLast ) return autosaveL10n.saveAlert; } }; $(window).unload( function(e) { if ( ! autosaveLockRelease ) return; // unload fires (twice) on removing the Thickbox iframe. Make sure we process only the main document unload. if ( && != '#document' ) return; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, async: false, data: { action: 'wp-remove-post-lock', _wpnonce: $('#_wpnonce').val(), post_ID: $('#post_ID').val(), active_post_lock: $('#active_post_lock').val() } }); } ); // preview $('#post-preview').click(function(){ if ( $('#auto_draft').val() == '1' && notSaved ) { autosaveDelayPreview = true; autosave(); return false; } doPreview(); return false; }); doPreview = function() { $('input#wp-preview').val('dopreview'); $('form#post').attr('target', 'wp-preview').submit().attr('target', ''); /* * Workaround for WebKit bug preventing a form submitting twice to the same action. * */ var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if ( ua.indexOf('safari') != -1 && ua.indexOf('chrome') == -1 ) { $('form#post').attr('action', function(index, value) { return value + '?t=' + new Date().getTime(); }); } $('input#wp-preview').val(''); } // This code is meant to allow tabbing from Title to Post content. $('#title').on('keydown.editor-focus', function(e) { var ed; if ( e.which != 9 ) return; if ( !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey ) { if ( typeof(tinymce) != 'undefined' ) ed = tinymce.get('content'); if ( ed && !ed.isHidden() ) { $(this).one('keyup', function(e){ $('#content_tbl td.mceToolbar > a').focus(); }); } else { $('#content').focus(); } e.preventDefault(); } }); // autosave new posts after a title is typed but not if Publish or Save Draft is clicked if ( '1' == $('#auto_draft').val() ) { $('#title').blur( function() { if ( !this.value || $('#auto_draft').val() != '1' ) return; delayed_autosave(); }); } // When connection is lost, keep user from submitting changes. $(document).on('heartbeat-connection-lost.autosave', function( e, error ) { if ( 'timeout' === error ) { $('#lost-connection-notice').show(); autosave_disable_buttons(); } }).on('heartbeat-connection-restored.autosave', function() { $('#lost-connection-notice').hide(); autosave_enable_buttons(); }); }); function autosave_parse_response( response ) { var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(response, 'autosave'), post_id, sup; if ( res && res.responses && res.responses.length ) { if ( res.responses[0].supplemental ) { sup = res.responses[0].supplemental; jQuery.each( sup, function( selector, value ) { if ( selector.match(/^replace-/) ) jQuery( '#' + selector.replace('replace-', '') ).val( value ); }); } // if no errors: add slug UI and update autosave-message if ( !res.errors ) { if ( post_id = parseInt( res.responses[0].id, 10 ) ) autosave_update_slug( post_id ); if ( res.responses[0].data ) // update autosave message jQuery('.autosave-message').text( res.responses[0].data ); } } return res; } // called when autosaving pre-existing post function autosave_saved(response) { blockSave = false; autosave_parse_response(response); // parse the ajax response autosave_enable_buttons(); // re-enable disabled form buttons } // called when autosaving new post function autosave_saved_new(response) { blockSave = false; var res = autosave_parse_response(response), post_id; if ( res && res.responses.length && !res.errors ) { // An ID is sent only for real auto-saves, not for autosave=0 "keepalive" saves post_id = parseInt( res.responses[0].id, 10 ); if ( post_id ) { notSaved = false; jQuery('#auto_draft').val('0'); // No longer an auto-draft } autosave_enable_buttons(); if ( autosaveDelayPreview ) { autosaveDelayPreview = false; doPreview(); } } else { autosave_enable_buttons(); // re-enable disabled form buttons } } function autosave_update_slug(post_id) { // create slug area only if not already there if ( 'undefined' != makeSlugeditClickable && jQuery.isFunction(makeSlugeditClickable) && !jQuery('#edit-slug-box > *').size() ) { ajaxurl, { action: 'sample-permalink', post_id: post_id, new_title: fullscreen && fullscreen.settings.visible ? jQuery('#wp-fullscreen-title').val() : jQuery('#title').val(), samplepermalinknonce: jQuery('#samplepermalinknonce').val() }, function(data) { if ( data !== '-1' ) { var box = jQuery('#edit-slug-box'); box.html(data); if (box.hasClass('hidden')) { box.fadeIn('fast', function () { box.removeClass('hidden'); }); } makeSlugeditClickable(); } } ); } } function autosave_loading() { jQuery('.autosave-message').html(autosaveL10n.savingText); } function autosave_enable_buttons() { jQuery(document).trigger('autosave-enable-buttons'); if ( ! wp.heartbeat.connectionLost ) { // delay that a bit to avoid some rare collisions while the DOM is being updated. setTimeout(function(){ var parent = jQuery('#submitpost'); parent.find(':button, :submit').removeAttr('disabled'); parent.find('.spinner').hide(); }, 500); } } function autosave_disable_buttons() { jQuery(document).trigger('autosave-disable-buttons'); jQuery('#submitpost').find(':button, :submit').prop('disabled', true); // Re-enable 5 sec later. Just gives autosave a head start to avoid collisions. setTimeout( autosave_enable_buttons, 5000 ); } function delayed_autosave() { setTimeout(function(){ if ( blockSave ) return; autosave(); }, 200); } autosave = function() { var post_data = wp.autosave.getPostData(), doAutoSave = post_data.autosave, successCallback; blockSave = true; // No autosave while thickbox is open (media buttons) if ( jQuery("#TB_window").css('display') == 'block' ) doAutoSave = false; // Nothing to save or no change. if ( ( post_data["post_title"].length == 0 && post_data["content"].length == 0 ) || post_data["post_title"] + post_data["content"] == autosaveLast ) { doAutoSave = false; } if ( doAutoSave ) { autosaveLast = post_data["post_title"] + post_data["content"]; jQuery(document).triggerHandler('wpcountwords', [ post_data["content"] ]); } else { return false; } // Disable buttons until we know the save completed. autosave_disable_buttons(); if ( post_data["auto_draft"] == '1' ) { successCallback = autosave_saved_new; // new post } else { successCallback = autosave_saved; // pre-existing post } jQuery.ajax({ data: post_data, beforeSend: doAutoSave ? autosave_loading : null, type: "POST", url: ajaxurl, success: successCallback }); return true; } // Autosave in localStorage // set as simple object/mixin for now window.wp = window.wp || {}; wp.autosave = wp.autosave || {}; (function($){ // Returns the data for saving in both localStorage and autosaves to the server wp.autosave.getPostData = function() { var ed = typeof tinymce != 'undefined' ? tinymce.activeEditor : null, post_name, parent_id, cats = [], data = { action: 'autosave', autosave: true, post_id: $('#post_ID').val() || 0, autosavenonce: $('#autosavenonce').val() || '', post_type: $('#post_type').val() || '', post_author: $('#post_author').val() || '', excerpt: $('#excerpt').val() || '' }; if ( ed && !ed.isHidden() ) { // Don't run while the tinymce spellcheck is on. It resets all found words. if ( ed.plugins.spellchecker && ) { data.autosave = false; return data; } else { if ( 'mce_fullscreen' == ) tinymce.get('content').setContent(ed.getContent({format : 'raw'}), {format : 'raw'}); tinymce.triggerSave(); } } if ( typeof fullscreen != 'undefined' && fullscreen.settings.visible ) { data['post_title'] = $('#wp-fullscreen-title').val() || ''; data['content'] = $('#wp_mce_fullscreen').val() || ''; } else { data['post_title'] = $('#title').val() || ''; data['content'] = $('#content').val() || ''; } /* // We haven't been saving tags with autosave since 2.8... Start again? $('.the-tags').each( function() { data[] = this.value; }); */ $('input[id^="in-category-"]:checked').each( function() { cats.push(this.value); }); data['catslist'] = cats.join(','); if ( post_name = $('#post_name').val() ) data['post_name'] = post_name; if ( parent_id = $('#parent_id').val() ) data['parent_id'] = parent_id; if ( $('#comment_status').prop('checked') ) data['comment_status'] = 'open'; if ( $('#ping_status').prop('checked') ) data['ping_status'] = 'open'; if ( $('#auto_draft').val() == '1' ) data['auto_draft'] = '1'; return data; } wp.autosave.local = { lastsaveddata: '', blog_id: 0, ajaxurl: window.ajaxurl || 'wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', hasStorage: false, // Check if the browser supports sessionStorage and it's not disabled checkStorage: function() { var test = Math.random(), result = false; try { sessionStorage.setItem('wp-test', test); result = sessionStorage.getItem('wp-test') == test; sessionStorage.removeItem('wp-test'); } catch(e) {} this.hasStorage = result; return result; }, /** * Initialize the local storage * * @return mixed False if no sessionStorage in the browser or an Object containing all post_data for this blog */ getStorage: function() { var stored_obj = false; // Separate local storage containers for each blog_id if ( this.hasStorage && this.blog_id ) { stored_obj = sessionStorage.getItem( 'wp-autosave-' + this.blog_id ); if ( stored_obj ) stored_obj = JSON.parse( stored_obj ); else stored_obj = {}; } return stored_obj; }, /** * Set the storage for this blog * * Confirms that the data was saved successfully. * * @return bool */ setStorage: function( stored_obj ) { var key; if ( this.hasStorage && this.blog_id ) { key = 'wp-autosave-' + this.blog_id; sessionStorage.setItem( key, JSON.stringify( stored_obj ) ); return sessionStorage.getItem( key ) !== null; } return false; }, /** * Get the saved post data for the current post * * @return mixed False if no storage or no data or the post_data as an Object */ getData: function() { var stored = this.getStorage(), post_id = $('#post_ID').val(); if ( !stored || !post_id ) return false; return stored[ 'post_' + post_id ] || false; }, /** * Set (save or delete) post data in the storage. * * If stored_data evaluates to 'false' the storage key for the current post will be removed * * $param stored_data The post data to store or null/false/empty to delete the key * @return bool */ setData: function( stored_data ) { var stored = this.getStorage(), post_id = $('#post_ID').val(); if ( !stored || !post_id ) return false; if ( stored_data ) stored[ 'post_' + post_id ] = stored_data; else if ( stored.hasOwnProperty( 'post_' + post_id ) ) delete stored[ 'post_' + post_id ]; else return false; return this.setStorage(stored); }, /** * Save post data for the current post * * Runs on a 15 sec. schedule, saves when there are differences in the post title or content. * When the optional data is provided, updates the last saved post data. * * $param data optional Object The post data for saving, minimum 'post_title' and 'content' * @return bool */ save: function( data ) { var result = false; if ( ! data ) { post_data = wp.autosave.getPostData(); } else { post_data = this.getData() || {}; $.extend( post_data, data ); post_data.autosave = true; } // If the content and title did not change since the last save, don't save again if ( post_data.post_title + ': ' + post_data.content == this.lastsaveddata ) return false; // Cannot get the post data at the moment if ( !post_data.autosave ) return false; post_data['save_time'] = (new Date()).getTime(); post_data['status'] = $('#post_status').val() || ''; result = this.setData( post_data ); if ( result ) this.lastsaveddata = post_data.post_title + ': ' + post_data.content; return result; }, // Initialize and run checkPost() on loading the script (before TinyMCE init) init: function( settings ) { var self = this; // Run only on the Add/Edit Post screens and in browsers that have sessionStorage if ( 'post' != window.pagenow || ! this.checkStorage() ) return; // editor.js has to be loaded before autosave.js if ( typeof switchEditors == 'undefined' ) return; if ( settings ) $.extend( this, settings ); if ( !this.blog_id ) this.blog_id = typeof window.autosaveL10n != 'undefined' ? window.autosaveL10n.blog_id : 0; this.checkPost(); $(document).ready( function(){; } ); }, // Run on DOM ready run: function() { var self = this, post_data; // Set the comparison string if ( !this.lastsaveddata ) { post_data = wp.autosave.getPostData(); if ( post_data.content && $('#wp-content-wrap').hasClass('tmce-active') ) this.lastsaveddata = post_data.post_title + ': ' + switchEditors.pre_wpautop( post_data.content ); else this.lastsaveddata = post_data.post_title + ': ' + post_data.content; } // Set the schedule this.schedule = $.schedule({ time: 15 * 1000, func: function() {; }, repeat: true, protect: true }); $('form#post').on('submit.autosave-local', function() { var editor = typeof tinymce != 'undefined' && tinymce.get('content'), post_id = $('#post_ID').val() || 0; if ( editor && ! editor.isHidden() ) { // Last onSubmit event in the editor, needs to run after the content has been moved to the textarea. editor.onSubmit.add( function() {{ post_title: $('#title').val() || '', content: $('#content').val() || '', excerpt: $('#excerpt').val() || '' }); }); } else {{ post_title: $('#title').val() || '', content: $('#content').val() || '', excerpt: $('#excerpt').val() || '' }); } wpCookies.set( 'wp-saving-post-' + post_id, 'check' ); }); }, // Strip whitespace and compare two strings compare: function( str1, str2 ) { function remove( string ) { return string.toString().replace(/[\x20\t\r\n\f]+/g, ''); } return ( remove( str1 || '' ) == remove( str2 || '' ) ); }, /** * Check if the saved data for the current post (if any) is different than the loaded post data on the screen * * Shows a standard message letting the user restore the post data if different. * * @return void */ checkPost: function() { var self = this, post_data = this.getData(), content, check_data, strip_tags = false, notice, post_id = $('#post_ID').val() || 0, cookie = wpCookies.get( 'wp-saving-post-' + post_id ); if ( ! post_data ) return; if ( cookie ) { wpCookies.remove( 'wp-saving-post-' + post_id ); if ( cookie == 'saved' ) { // The post was saved properly, remove old data and bail this.setData( false ); return; } } // There is a newer autosave. Don't show two "restore" notices at the same time. if ( $('#has-newer-autosave').length ) return; // cookie == 'check' means the post was not saved properly, always show #local-storage-notice if ( cookie != 'check' ) { content = $('#content').val(); check_data = $.extend( {}, post_data ); if ( $('#wp-content-wrap').hasClass('tmce-active') ) content = switchEditors.pre_wpautop( content ); if ( content, check_data.content ) && $('#title').val(), check_data.post_title ) && $('#excerpt').val(), check_data.excerpt ) ) return; } this.restore_post_data = post_data; this.undo_post_data = wp.autosave.getPostData(); notice = $('#local-storage-notice'); $('.wrap h2').after( notice.addClass('updated').show() ); notice.on( 'click', function(e) { var target = $( ); if ( target.hasClass('restore-backup') ) { self.restorePost( self.restore_post_data ); target.parent().hide(); $(this).find('p.undo-restore').show(); } else if ( target.hasClass('undo-restore-backup') ) { self.restorePost( self.undo_post_data ); target.parent().hide(); $(this).find('p.local-restore').show(); } e.preventDefault(); }); }, // Restore the current title, content and excerpt from post_data. restorePost: function( post_data ) { var editor; if ( post_data ) { // Set the last saved data this.lastsaveddata = post_data.post_title + ': ' + post_data.content; if ( $('#title').val() != post_data.post_title ) $('#title').focus().val( post_data.post_title || '' ); $('#excerpt').val( post_data.excerpt || '' ); editor = typeof tinymce != 'undefined' && tinymce.get('content'); if ( editor && ! editor.isHidden() ) { // Make sure there's an undo level in the editor editor.undoManager.add(); editor.setContent( post_data.content ? switchEditors.wpautop( post_data.content ) : '' ); } else { // Make sure the Text editor is selected $('#content-html').click(); $('#content').val( post_data.content ); } return true; } return false; } } wp.autosave.local.init(); }(jQuery));